Property:Describe output parameters model


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1-D Metrics: (channel width, bank height, floodplain width); 2-D Metrics: (floodplain 2D metrics); 2-D HAND Metrics: (channel width and floodplain width)  +
1. Floodwater depth raster 2. Smoothed (low-pass filter) floodwater depth raster  +
2-dimensional distributions of the following: * Vegetation community (high- or low-flow-resistance) * Depth-averaged flow speed and directional components * Bed shear stress * Soil elevation * Suspended sediment concentration  +
2D longitudinal profiles, multiple grainsizes, probabilistic stratigraphic sections.  +
3D fields of temperature, salinity, velocity, turbulent kinetic energy; 2D fields of surface elevation, vertically averaged velocity, stream function.  +
3D grid of the simulated basin (cartesian grid), + properties (depositional bathymetry, lithology, facies, porosity, ...)  +
3D stratigraphy (age, provenance, grainsize, peat fraction)<br>Morphodynamic maps of grainsize, discharge, sediment erosion and deposition  +
A 3D cube of model strata coded by water depth of deposition and thickness transported versus thickness deposited in-situ per time step  +
A plot, and/or the value of the NetCDF file at the designated cell  +
A sequence of grids that represent DEMs at different times in the evolution. Saved in RTS (RiverTools Sequence) format with RTI file for georeferencing.  +
A web page displaying skill scores for the models and plots (PNG) of the spatial distribution of model outputs versus benchmark data.  +
After infiltration occurs, the component returns an updated 'surface_water__depth' field, as well as an updated 'soil_water_infiltration__depth' field that tracks how much water has been infiltrated into the soil column.  +
Air Frost number  +
Although the model’s primary output product is channel discharge, all internal rate and state variables (soil moisture, for example) can also be written as output. In addition, all output can be written as grids, or time series at user-defined points or areas. The user has complete control over how output is written, thus minimising any waste of disk space or CPU time.  +
Amount of deflection of the crust as a function of horizontal position  +
Amount of deflection of the crust as a function of horizontal position.  +
Amount of the bed shear stress capable of transporting grains  +
Arc ASCII grids of topography and non-erodible basement.  +
Barrier elevation grid, cross-shore location of ocean and back-barrier shorelines, dune elevations, overwash flux, shoreface flux, shrub cover  +
Barrier island morphology and stratigraphy and migration rate. See User's Guide and Moore et al., 2010 for more details.  +
Barrier island, marsh, and bay morphology and stratigraphy over time. See User's Guide and Moore et al., 2010 for more details.  +
Benthic carbonate accumulation; sediment character and thickness; organism stocks and remains; environmental history; 2D-3D map graphics; graphs of stocks and vacant seafloor through time.  +
Bottom configuration at each time step.  +
Bottom wave orbital velocity. Also surface wave conditions if calculated from wind speed.  +
CREST outputs consist of several variables, including: *storage depths of the vegetation canopy, *the three soil layers, and two linear reservoirs, *relative change of the six reservoir levels representing actual evapotranspiration from the canopy and soil layers, *overland and interflow excess rain, * overland and interflow runoff.  +
CSV file of crustal deflection  +
CSV file of final bathymetry and deposit thickness for each grain size contained in the flow  +
CSV file of final bathymetry and deposit thickness for each grain size contained in the flow  +
Calibration algorithms, fit statistics.  +
Centerline and floodplain evolution through time, as well as hydraulic parameters as detailed in the model documentation  +
Channel centerlines and associated model parameters  +
Channel geometry; sediment export  +
Channel network as well as flow directions. Morphologic properties are computed as well, including link lengths, widths, sinuosities, branching angles, and braiding indices.  +
Channel network configuration and morphology, marsh platform elevations, erosion and accretion rates, relevant geomorphological features  +
Characteristics of tree growth (stand biomass, stem count, leaf area, diamter) and characteristics of sediment transport (sediment flux in m4/m/yr, # of tree falls)  +
Chronostrat plots, maps, cross-sections, lithofacies thickness distributions  +
Cofactor matrix (*.mtx sparse matrix file; ASCII) Flexural response map (ASCII)  +
Compacted sediment porosity  +
Compute all carbonate system variables  +
Constant terminal settling velocity at STP  +
Critical shear stress for entrainment of a noncohesive grain from a mixed size-density bed  +
Critical shear stress for entrainment of a noncohesive grain from a homogenous bed  +
Cross-sectional average suspended load transport rates  +
Cross-sectional mean flow velocities, flow depths, bed shear stresses as a function of along-channel distance.  +
Current thickness, velocity, and D50 for active layer and in suspension.  +
Currents, salinity, temperature, ... all model variables.  +
DEM, Flow patterns, Inundation, Grainsize and others  +
DLBRM output includes, for every cell in the watershed grid, surface runoff to surface storage, infiltration to USZ, ET, ETP, percolation from USZ to LSZ, interflow from LSZ to surface storage, deep percolation from LSZ to groundwater storage, groundwater flow from groundwater storage to surface storage, surface moisture storage, USZ, and LSZ moisture storages, groundwater storage, and lateral flows from storages to adjacent cells for the surface (channel outflow), USZ, LSZ, and groundwater (Changsheng He and Thomas E. Croley II, 2007).  +
Dakotathon produces no output parameters; instead, it creates the standard Dakota output files '''dakota.out''' and '''dakota.dat'''.  +
Dampening effects of vegetation and snow on temperature Mean annual active layer thickness Mean annual temperature at the permafrost ground surface  +
Debris flow deposit thickness  +
Deep water significant wave height and period at each point under a hurricane.  +
Default: 3D Temperature and salinity field 3D Velocities 2D Sea Surface Height  +
Depend on different modules that are using, it can produce hydrodynamics, such as water velocity and depth; vertical density (3D); temperature plumes and salt wedge; water quality; sediment concentration and transport; underground water velocity field; wave parameters;  +
Depending on the flags indicated in the input file, typical flow quantities are stored to the file at the given time steps.<br> Velocities, Pressure, Concentration (of the particles).<br> Depending on the problems, some other quantities could be stored too.  +
Depending on the flags set in the "input.inp" file, flow properties such as velocity, pressure, particle concentration(s), particle deposit mass, bottom shear stress, kinetic and potential energy, dissipation rate, suspended particle mass, current front location, and etc are recorded at the given timesteps.  +
Depth, momentum on adaptive grid at specified output times. Time series at specified gauge locations. Maxima observed over full simulation on specified grid.  +
Discharge  +
Dynamic variables: # water energy # depositional (seafloor) slope Final output: # carbonate productivity rate # depositional facies  +
Elevation and slope arrays as well as optional information about bed cover and shear stress distributions, as well as block size distributions and incision rate records.  +
Elevation, Biomass, Accretion Rate, Erosion Rate, and other characteristics of every cell in domain. Also outputs spatially averaged statistics.  +
Elevation, drainage area, and related gridded information.  +
Estimated constituent loads  +
Estimated post-storm beach profile, cross-shore profile of: maximum wave height; maximum water elevation plus setup; volume change  +
Estimates of the erosional history and spatial patterns and model diagnostic plots.  +
Evolving 3D cellspace and 2D elevation map  +
Extent and thickness of the ice sheet, Velocity field, Temperature field, Water content field (temperate regions), Age of the ice, Isostatic displacement and temperature of the lithosphere.  +
Extent, and elevation, and cross-shore boundary locations of barrier, marsh (back-barrier and mainland), bay, and forest ecosystems; organic and mineral deposition; shoreline locations; dune elevations; overwash & shoreface fluxes  +
Filtered DEM: A new, filtered DEM in *.flt binary format. Noise: A *.flt binary format grid of the filtered noise.  +
Flow rates, depths, soil moisture, sediment fluxes, erosion/deposition, contaminant/nutrient fluxes and concentrations, groundwater levels, reservoir storages.  +
Flow velocities at N levels in the vertical, assuming a logarithmic velocity profile  +
Fluid velocity, pressure, temperature, salinity, concentrations, thermal flexes, and matrial fluxes at all nodes at any desired time. volumetric, energy, and mass balance at all types of boundaries and the entire boundary at any specified time. Br>For details refer to Yeh et al., 2005 Technical Report on WASH123D  +
For a single image: centerlines, widths, channel direction, curvatures For multiple images: (centerline) migration areas, erosion and accretion areas, cutoffs, cutoff statistics, channel belt boundaries, grid generation to map spatial changes, spacetime maps of changes in planform variables  +
Formation of peatland  +
Free-surface flow and wave action through time. Erosion and deposition through time. Optionally, compaction, including porosity reduction.  +
From wave heights to spectral data, see manual  +
Gaussian distribution of instantaneous turbulent fluid shear stresses at the bed  +
Geometry of river entrenchment thought time  +
Glacier thickness and elevation  +
Graphical Display and surface plot  +
Gravity flow velocity, Depth-integrated sediment load, down-slope sediment flux, flux convergence or divergence, erosion or deposition rate.  +
Grid of Sediment rate in m/day for specified grain size classes  +
Grid of deposition of different grains over time. The model generates postscript files of stratigraphic sections.  +
Gridding component provides ASCII and/or netCDF output of grid geometry.  +
Grids of topography  +
Grids of water surface elevation, discharge, bed elevation, and vegetation density values for each cell. Additionally, sand fraction of each vertical cell within a grid cell.  +
H, fluxes, discharge, catchment geom, etc, at all time steps, as welle as grid connectivity  +
HSPF produces a time history of the runoff flow rate, sediment load, and nutrient and pesticide concentrations, along with a time history of water quantity and quality at any point in a watershed. Simulation results can be processed through a frequency and duration analysis routine that produces output compatible with conventional toxicological measures (e.g., 96-hour LC50).  +
Hexagon DEM, flow direction, flow accumulation, stream grid, stream segment, stream order, stream confluence, subbasin, watershed boundary, etc.  +
Hydrologic information derived from DEM  +
Hydrologic model discretization, input files for GSFLOW, output files from GSFLOW (hydrologic model)  +
In addition to modeling the generation and transport of runoff flows, SWMM can also estimate the production of pollutant loads associated with this runoff. The following processes can be modeled for any number of user-defined water quality constituents: * dry-weather pollutant buildup over different land uses * pollutant washoff from specific land uses during storm events * direct contribution of rainfall deposition * reduction in dry-weather buildup due to street cleaning * reduction in washoff load due to BMPs * entry of dry weather sanitary flows and user-specified external inflows at any point in the drainage system * routing of water quality constituents through the drainage system * reduction in constituent concentration through treatment in storage units or by natural processes in pipes and channels  +
It can output local velocity, vorticity, concentration, stream-function, and all derivatives of velocity necessary to calculate dissipation, viscous momentum diffusion, kinetic energy flux, work by pressure forces, and change in kinetic energy. These quantities are written out in a binary file. It also has routines for calculating the local height profile and tip position of gravity currents and internal bores, which are outputted every time step and stored as ASCII txt files.  +
It outputs all the variables used in the advection-diffusion equation describing bed evolution for both shallow water wave assumptions (all labeled as *_s) and linear theory (labeled as *_lh).  +
Key indices, Mortalities, Consumption, Respiration, Niche overlap, Electivity, Search rates and Fishery forms.  +
Lake grid  +
Land cover and elevation prediction rasters under SLR conditions through 2100.  +
Long profile (x, z); output sediment discharge  +
Major quantities: mud floc concentration, flow velocity in longshelf and cross-shelf direction. Other quantities: TKE, turbulent dissipation rate, floc size (if floc dynamics turn on), bottom stress.  +
Mangrove properties and Delft3D-FM output  +
Many: pressure, saturation, temperature, energy fluxes, flow, etc.  +
Maps of geomorphology, discharge, deposition, isopachs, stratigraphic thickness, grain size, contour, subsidence, and environment  +
Marsh boundary - gives the position of the backbarrier marsh edge through time Shorelines - gives the position of the barrier shoreline through time step number - saves the surface morphology and stratigraphy for the model at each time step  +
Marsh depth, mudflat depth, mudflat width  +
Marsh elevation Pond area and location  +
Mass, atoms, landslide size, fluvial residence time, mixed mass and atoms fraction  +
Matlab variables, Matlab graphs  +
Matrices of: Water surface elevation; Water unit discharge and velocity field; Delta surface elevation and bathymetry; Stratigraphy (User can choose which time step to output)  +
Microsoft Excel tables  +
Model Interface Capabilities: There are three options available in the program interface: * The Hydrograph Prediction Option: This option allows the model to be run and hydrographs displayed. If a Topographic Index Map File is available, then a map button is displayed that allows the display of predicted simulation, either as a summary over all timesteps or animated. * The Sensitivity Analysis Option: This screen allows the sensitivity of the objective functions to changes of one or more of the parameters to be explored. * The Monte Carlo Analysis Option: In this option a large number of runs of the model can be made using uniform random samples of the parameters chosen for inclusion in the analysis. Check boxes can be used to choose the variables and objective functions to be saved for each run. The results file produced will be compatible with the GLUE analysis software package.  +
Model output: * Complex amplitude, * Wave Heights and angles * Radiation stresses and forcing terms * Wave induced mass flux * Velocity moments for bottom stress calculation  +
Model returns modified 'topographic__elevation', the model grid field holding model node elevations.  +
Morphodynamic evolution of a quasi-2D single-thread channel  +
NetCDF file (.sww) of x, y, elevation, flow depth, x and y momentum, and sediment concentration (all optional)  +
Netcdf binaries of velocities and elevation screenshots in Master grid �Netcdf binary of maximum water surface elevation in Master grid �Netcdf Time histories of the water surface elevation at virtual gages; Netcdf binaries of boundary input time-series for the enclosed grids, one �file for each boundary (east, west, north, south)  +
Nodal field data: velocity, temperature Element-centered (discontinuous) field data: strain rate, stress, plastic strain, etc.  +
Numpy array of channel and overbank deposit  +
Options (can be turned on or off): Print evolving bed to screen. A file with the bed with each time step, or at intermediate steps. A file with the spectra of bed at each time step, or at intermediate steps. A file with statistics (eg, rms roughness of bed)  +
Output Files: 1. stage -- array containing information on flow at the edges of the model domain 2. depth -- flow depth at each grid cell at the end of the simulation 3. vel -- flow velocity at each grid cell at the end of the simulation 4. maxdepth -- maximum flow depth at each grid cell 4. maxvel -- maximum flow velocity at each grid cell  +
Output are grids of 3D surface evolution in HDF5  +
Output data are written as GeoTIFF files, shapefiles, CSV files.  +
Output drainage area, true drainage area, and initial guess: 64 bit float ('double') Row major order is used. The drainage area of cells with no drainage to or from them, such as ocean cells, will be the area of the cell itself (1.0, if all cells are given unit area).  +
Output files provide snapshots of the bedform domain during its evolution. They containing elevation of bedform domain, the percentage full of sediment for all cells in the top layer, and the percent of coarse material in those top cells. Furthermore, there is output for the percent coarse of every cell in the domain (not just the top layer) for analyzing stratigraphic profiles.  +
Output is '.dat' files showing vegetation cover density and DEM of the model domain at specified time intervals  +
Output parameters: * Marsh boundary - gives the position of the backbarrier marsh edge through time * Shorelines - gives the position of the barrier shoreline through time * step number - saves the surface morphology and stratigraphy for the model at each time step  +
Outputs are m and r values, plus p values indicating the probability that the calculated m and r values could occur by chance. Graphical output is produced showing the vertical section of strata, a transition probability matrix for the facies, a histogram of facies frequency, a plot of the m value calculated from observed strata versus the m values calculated from Monte Carlo modelling of shuffled equivalent strata, and a plot of the r value calculated from observed strata versus the r values calculated from Monte Carlo modelling of shuffled equivalent strata.  +
Outputs are plots of the vertical succession input along with a series of transition probability matrices and facies orders indicating the more and less ordered arrangements of facies  +
Outputs complete Matlab workspace at user-defined intervals. Outputs surface plots at user-defined intervals. Some scripts are included for additional visualization of output.  +
Outputs include grids of surface elevation, drainage area, gradient, stratigraphy, drainage direction, Voronoi cell areas, sediment texture; data on mesh configuration; total landscape volume and change in volume at each storm (time step); list of storm durations, timing, and intensities.  +
PIHM v2.0 uses Net_CDF for state and flux output. Details are under development (April 2009) and will be complete July 2009  +
Parameters used for simulations by the MCMC algorithm and their likelihood compared to the field data.  +
Please see:  +
Predict the evolution of glaciers, icefields, or ice sheets  +
Primary outputs: N, P, Si, and C yields and loads by river basin and nutrient form. Secondary outputs: Source attribution by nutrient form and main natural and anthropogenic inputs to watersheds. Total Suspended Solids are also predicted.  +
Produce 5 output files (ESRI ASCII format): # HI.txt - pixel scale hypsometric integral; # max_elev.txt - the maximum elevation of the catchment flowing thorough each pixel; # Elev_Acc.txt - the sum of the elevation (m) of all the pixels flowing thorough each pixel; # flowacc.txt - Contributing area in pixels; To change the names of the output files, edit the last section of the source code. # junctions.txt - how many of a pixel's 8 neighbors flow into it;  +
RAW image files of elevation and shaded relief. ASCII file of elevations at specified times. ASCII files of other state variables as desired at specified times. Iteration-by-iteration summary file  +
ROMSBuilder creates the new component in home directory under "~/.cmt/components". It is safer not to edit the directory. Once a component is successfully created the next one goes relatively faster. To open the project user should go to "My Project > ROMSBuilder". The new project can only be seen by the owner. To share the project with the rest of the community please contact CSDMS. Notes: Please wait for ROMSBuilder to finish before creating the next component. Overall run time is almost an hour for the first component. "Performance efficient mode" is not meant for ROMSBuilder, hence please avoid setting it on the tab dialogs. Default configuration settings is always that of UPWELLING. Please edit the config values to run your new roms component.  +
Rasters containing the relative area of a specific land use in the future.  +
Real-world grid cell surface area Wind velocity Wind shear velocity Wind direction Bed level above reference Water level above reference Wave height Equilibrium sediment concentration integrated over saltation height Instantaneous sediment concentration integrated over saltation height Instantaneous sediment flux Sediment entrainment Weights of sediment fractions Weights of sediment fractions based on grain size distribution in the air Weights of sediment fractions based on grain size distribution in the bed Shear velocity threshold Bed composition layer thickness Moisure content Salt content Sediment mass in bed  +
Resultant barrier island configuration and sediment distribution along the continental shelf as results of the effects of five different processes: reworking of the beach profile, inner-shelf sediment redistribution, overwash, laggonal deposition and aeolian sediment reworking.  +
Returns/updates Landlab grid fields: 'topographic__elevation' : Topographic surface elevation 'bedrock__elevation' : Bedrock surface elevation 'soil__depth' : Depth of alluvial layer on river bed 'sediment__flux' : Sediment flux out of each grid node  +
River positions with time  +
River profiles, sediment transport rates, alluvial cover depths and channel bed elevations.  +
River width  +
SPARROW is designed to describe the spatial patterns in water quality and the factors that affect it. SPARROW models are developed using mass balance constraints to quantify the relation between stream constituent load (the mass of the constituent being transported by the stream) and the sources and losses of mass in watersheds. Thus the models are inherently designed to predict load (mass per time) for all stream reaches in the modeling region. However, the predictions of stream load can be modified to provide a variety of water-quality metrics that can support various types of assessments. The SPARROW prediction metrics include constituent yields, concentrations, and source contributions to stream loads: *Constituent yields *Constituent concentrations *Source contributions to stream loads  +
SWAN can provide output on uniform, recti-linear spatial grids that are independent from the input grids and from the computational grid. In the computation with a curvi-linear computational grid, curvi-linear output grids are available in SWAN. This also holds for triangular meshes. An output grid has to be specified by the user with an arbitrary resolution, but it is of course wise to choose a resolution that is fine enough to show relevant spatial details. It must be pointed out that the information on an output grid is obtained from the computational grid by bi-linear interpolation (output always at computational time level). This implies that some inaccuracies are introduced by this interpolation. It also implies that bottom or current information on an output plot has been obtained by interpolating twice: once from the input grid to the computational grid and once from the computational grid to the output grid. If the input-, computational- and output grids are identical, then no interpolation errors occur. In the regions where the output grid does not cover the computational grid, SWAN assumes output values equal to the corresponding exception value. For example, the default exception value for the significant wave height is -9. The exception values of output quantities can be changed by means of the QUANTITY command. In nonstationary computations, output can be requested at regular intervals starting at a given time always at computational times.  +
Sediment properties that include (but are not limited to) bulk density, grain size, porosity, and permeability. These are averaged over are user-specified vertical resolution (typically mm to cm). Sea-floor properties that include slope, water depth, and sand fraction.  +
Sediment transport rates, cross section geometry, bed material, flow and sediment output  +
See documentation.  +
See documentation:  +
See documentation:  +
See documentation:  +
See documentation:  +
See manual, that is uploaded.  +
See paper  +
See results of related publication by J. A. Czuba.  +
See results of related publications by J. A. Czuba.  +
See the readme file.  +
See user manual  +
See: ( *Screen Output (fort.6) * General Diagnostic Output (fort.16) * Iterative Solver ITPACKV 2D Diagnostic Output (fort.33) * 3D Density, Temperature and/or Salinity at Specified Recording Stations (fort.41) * 3D Velocity at Specified Recording Stations (fort.42) * 3D Turbulence at Specified Recording Stations (fort.43) * 3D Density, Temperature and/or Salinity at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.44) * 3D Velocity at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.45) * 3D Turbulence at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.46) * Elevation Harmonic Constituents at Specified Elevation Recording Stations (fort.51) * Depth-averaged Velocity Harmonic Constituents at Specified Velocity Recording Stations (fort.52) * Elevation Harmonic Constituents at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.53) * Depth-averaged Velocity Harmonic Constituents at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.54) * Harmonic Constituent Diagnostic Output (fort.55) * Elevation Time Series at Specified Elevation Recording Stations (fort.61) * Depth-averaged Velocity Time Series at Specified Velocity Recording Stations (fort.62) * Elevation Time Series at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.63) * Depth-averaged Velocity Time Series at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.64) * Hot Start Output (fort.67, fort.68) * Atmospheric Pressure Time Series at Specified Meteorological Recording Stations (fort.71) * Wind Velocity Time Series at Specified Meteorological Recording Stations (fort.72) * Atmospheric Pressure Time Series at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.73) * Wind Stress or Velocity Time Series at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.74) * Depth-averaged Scalar Concentration Time Series at Specified Concentration Recording Stations (fort.81) * Depth-averaged Scalar Concentration Time Series at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.83) * Depth-averaged Density Fields at Specified Recording Stations (fort.91) * Depth-averaged Density Fields at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.93)  +
See:  +
Selected Wave Spectra Selected Wave Parameters Wave Parameter Fields Breaker Index Fields Radiation Stress Gradient Fields  +
Several state variables (soil moisture, groundwater table, stream head, interception, surface state and snow depth) and fluxes (3 components of evapotranspiration) 10 stream component fluxes for each reach, infiltration, recharge, lateral flux)  +
Shoreline and alluvial-bedrock transition trajectories over time. Future versions of the model will include the profile evolution.  +
Shoreline position, breaking wave information, estimated longshore sand transport rates.  +
Simple ascii files containing x and z coordinates of points at end of run. Optional output of figure in .eps format.  +
Snow melt  +
Snowpack creates various output files: * the current state of its soil and snow layers in ".sno" files; * the current state of its hazard relevant data in ".haz" files; * a time serie of snow profiles; * a time serie of the meteorological data and fluxes as used in the model.  +
Solute concentrations as a function of space and time  +
Storm, monthly, yearly, or average annual runoff, soil loss, and sediment yield from a hillslope profile. Spatial distribution of soil erosion and deposition on slope profiles. Graphical output available of 92 parameters from continuous model simulations (including precip, temperatures, runoff, soil loss, sediment yield, biomass production, residue cover, etc.). Soil output text file, water balance output text file, plant output text file, storm event output file, overland flow element summary line output file.  +
Temperature distribution with depth Active Layer Depth Freezing/Thawing day  +
Temporally evolving longitudinal profile and cross-sectional average flows of a 1D river  +
The Landlab OverlandFlow component outputs data as Landlab fields - numpy arrays containing data with the associated CSDMS standard name, listed below: 'surface_water__depth' : NumPy array of length nnodes. Water depths at a given time step. 'surface_water__discharge' : NumPy array of length nlinks. Water discharge values at a given time step. 'water_surface__gradient' : NumPy array of length nlinks. Water surface gradient at a given time step.  +
The PBS wraps ILAMB, which produces tabular and graphical statistics from a benchmark analysis. These outputs can be viewed in ILAMB, or downloaded to a user's local machine as a tarball.  +
The WBMplus model can output any variables used for the water balance and transport calculations. WBMsed unique output are: sediment-flux, over-bank water discharge, and all the BQART parameters.  +
The code outputs the following text files: “topoout.txt” – elevation for each grid point at the end of the simulation “depth.txt” – flow depth at each grid point at the end of the simulation “uh.txt” – value of conserved variable UH at each grid point “vh.txt” – value of conserved variable VH at each grid point “ch.txt” – value of conserved variable CH at each grid point “m.txt” – mass of sediment in the deposited layer at each grid point “c.txt” – sediment concentration at each grid point “vel.txt” – flow velocity at each grid point “stage.txt” – time series data (time (s), flow depth, flow velocity, and sediment concentration) at the outlet pixel “maxvel.txt” – maximum flow velocity recorded at each grid point throughout the simulation “maxdepth.txt” -- maximum flow depth recorded at each grid point throughout the simulation “saveflow.txt” – time series data (flow depth, flow velocity, sediment concentration) at user specified grid points “topomovie.txt” – elevation data at different times throughout the simulation (specified in the code by “printinterval”) “depthmovie.txt” – flow depth at different times throughout the simulation “velocitymovie.txt” – flow velocity at different times throughout the simulation “cmovie.txt” – sediment concentration at different times throughout the simulation “Mmovie.txt” – mass of sediment in the deposited layer at different times throughout the simulation  +
The component provides monthly temperature data in degrees Celcius. Within the CSDMS framework, the component generates an NetCDF file of a stacked grid of monthly temperatures over the specified region.  +
The computed outflow from any flow plane, pipe, or channel segment for each storm period may be written to the output file or to the WDM file. A summary of the measured and simulated rainfall, runoff, and peak flows is written to the output file. A flat file containing the storm rainfall, measured flow (if available), and simulated flow at user selected sites can be generated. A flat file for each storm containing the total rainfall, the measured peak flow (if available), and the simulated peak flow for user-selected sites can be generated.  +
The data component provides monthly temperature as a NetCDF file for the region of Alaska  +
The following output files are available to the user, depending on their run configuration: 1. Land surface model output 2. Land surface diagnostic output 3. Streamflow output at all channel reaches/cells 4. Streamflow output at forecast points or gage reaches/cells 5. Streamflow on the 2D high resolution routing grid (gridded channel routing only) 6. Terrain routing variables on the 2D high resolution routing grid 7. Lake output variables 8. Ground water output variables 9. A text file of streamflow output at either forecast points or gage locations For a detailed table of each variable contained within each output file, see the WRF-Hydro Output Variable Matrix V5 located on our website  +
The model can be customized to produce many different kinds of output but, typically, the output consists of (i) h, a final hillslope profile; (ii) h_diffs, a vector which summarizes how the profile changed over the duration of the simulation; and (iii) a vector expressing the fluxes of particles through a site along the hillslope. However, the same code can be used to produce a video of the hillslope evolution, a vector containing the absolute difference between the hillslope profile and a reference profile, and many other observables of interest.  +
The model can output any variables used for the water balance and transport calculations. The most frequently requested ones are: potential and actual evapotranspiration, soil moisture, groundwater storage, river discharge, irrigational water uptake.  +
The model generates several georeferenced tiff files upon completion. These geotiff files can be viewed using any GIS software. Each file is a 2D map of a modeled flow property such as thickness, velocity etc. Additionally, multiband geotiff files containing similar 2D maps at multiple user-defined time intervals during the simulation. Depth – Map of the final 2D flow thickness (in meters). Depthbin – Binary map where cells with thickness > user-defined threshold thickness have a value of 1 and the rest of the cells have a value of 0. MaxDepth – Map of the maximum flow depth obtained at each cell during the entire simulation (in meters). MaxVelocity – Map of the maximum velocity obtained at each cell during the entire simulation (in m/s). MomentumX – Map of final 2D flow momentum along the X direction (in sq. m/s). MomentumY – Map of final 2D flow momentum along the Y direction (in sq. m/s). Velocity – Map of the final 2D flow velocity (in m/s). VelocityX – Map of the final 2D flow velocity along the X direction (in m/s). VelocityY – Map of the final 2D flow velocity along the Y direction (in m/s). The multiband (movie) files output by the model are DepthMovie, MomentumXMovie, MomentumYMovie, VelocityMovie, VelocityXMovie, VelocityYMovie.  +
The new coastline at the end of the simulation is plotted. Results are not currently saved to files.  +
The no-fail storage capacity and corresponding storage behaviour time series.  +
The output are elevation values that represent the gully channel profile.  +
The output can ultimately be used to plot and view the particles and compare the outcomes of different model runs. There are two types of comma-delimited output files: para and endfile. The para files are created periodically at set intervals throughout the running of the program and contain the particle locations at the current time. The endfile file is created only at the end of the program and contains information regarding each particles’ start location, end location, and ending status.  +
The output data is both plain text data files and .flt raster files containing the spatial location of the computed results.  +
The output of the model consists of snapshots of the coastline during its evolution. The model can be configured to write the resulting coastline at any point during the simulation. The output format of the coastline file is a custom binary formatted-file (the same format as the initial model input). Also, for convenience using with other software tools such as MATLAB, an ASCII-based file of the coastline shape can be written too. The model can also directly generate JPEG-formatted pictures of the coastline shape at any time during the simulation.  +
The outputs are i) For chi_m_over_n_analysis.exe, a *.movern file that contains information about the goodness of fit of channel profiles to a series of linear segments as a function of the m/n ratio: this file is used to determine the best fit m/n ratio of a channel network. ii) For chi_get_profiles.exe, a series of *.tree files which contain information about the best fit channel segments in chi-elevation space. This data can be used to infer erosion rates, tectonics, or variations in erodibility.  +
The outputs of HydroCNHS are stored in a data collector object, an attribute of HydroCNHS (e.g., model.dc). The main output is the daily streamflow at routing outlets. However, this data collector object will also contain other user-specified agent outputs as long as users use this data collector object in their ABM modules.  +
The program outputs a text file that provides information on the current minimum and maximum water table elevation, the changes in surface water and groundwater within the past iteration, and the number of iterations passed. The main output is a geoTiff file that supplies the depth to/elevation of the water table. Negative values indicate a water table below the surface, while positive values indicate a water table above the surface (i.e. a lake).  +
The state of the system is periodically output to a binary file that can be read by the post-processing and visualization routines (see the CVPM modeling system user's guide).  +