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A list of all pages that have property "Describe output parameters model" with value "Evolving 3D cellspace and 2D elevation map". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.


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List of results

  • Model:ENTRAINH  + (Critical shear stress for entrainment of a noncohesive grain from a mixed size-density bed)
  • Model:ENTRAIN  + (Critical shear stress for entrainment of a noncohesive grain from a homogenous bed)
  • Model:SUSP  + (Cross-sectional average suspended load transport rates)
  • Model:FLDTA  + (Cross-sectional mean flow velocities, flow depths, bed shear stresses as a function of along-channel distance.)
  • Model:1DBreachingTurbidityCurrent  + (Current thickness, velocity, and D50 for active layer and in suspension.)
  • Model:BOM  + (Currents, salinity, temperature, ... all model variables.)
  • Model:CAESAR Lisflood  + (DEM, Flow patterns, Inundation, Grainsize and others)
  • Model:DLBRM  + (DLBRM output includes, for every cell in tDLBRM output includes, for every cell in the watershed grid, surface runoff to surface storage, infiltration to USZ, ET, ETP, percolation from USZ to LSZ, interflow from LSZ to surface storage, deep percolation from LSZ to groundwater storage, groundwater flow from groundwater storage to surface storage, surface moisture storage, USZ, and LSZ moisture storages, groundwater storage, and lateral flows from storages to adjacent cells for the surface (channel outflow), USZ, LSZ, and groundwater (Changsheng He and Thomas E. Croley II, 2007).ngsheng He and Thomas E. Croley II, 2007).)
  • Model:Dakotathon  + (Dakotathon produces no output parameters; instead, it creates the standard Dakota output files '''dakota.out''' and '''dakota.dat'''.)
  • Model:Kudryavtsev Model  + (Dampening effects of vegetation and snow on temperature Mean annual active layer thickness Mean annual temperature at the permafrost ground surface)
  • Model:Bing  + (Debris flow deposit thickness)
  • Model:WINDSEA  + (Deep water significant wave height and period at each point under a hurricane.)
  • Model:HAMSOM  + (Default: 3D Temperature and salinity field 3D Velocities 2D Sea Surface Height)
  • Model:The TELEMAC system  + (Depend on different modules that are usingDepend on different modules that are using, it can produce hydrodynamics, such as water velocity and depth; vertical density (3D); temperature plumes and salt wedge; water quality; sediment concentration and transport; underground water velocity field; wave parameters;und water velocity field; wave parameters;)
  • Model:Gvg3Dp  + (Depending on the flags indicated in the inDepending on the flags indicated in the input file, typical flow quantities are stored to the file at the given time steps.<br></br>Velocities, Pressure, Concentration (of the particles).<br></br>Depending on the problems, some other quantities could be stored too.e problems, some other quantities could be stored too.)
  • Model:TURBINS  + (Depending on the flags set in the "input.iDepending on the flags set in the "input.inp" file, flow properties such as velocity, pressure, particle concentration(s), particle deposit mass, bottom shear stress, kinetic and potential energy, dissipation rate, suspended particle mass, current front location, and etc are recorded at the given timesteps.d etc are recorded at the given timesteps.)
  • Model:GeoClaw  + (Depth, momentum on adaptive grid at specified output times. Time series at specified gauge locations. Maxima observed over full simulation on specified grid.)
  • Model:HBV  + (Discharge)
  • Model:FuzzyReef  + (Dynamic variables: # water energy # depositional (seafloor) slope Final output: # carbonate productivity rate # depositional facies)
  • Model:BRaKE  + (Elevation and slope arrays as well as optional information about bed cover and shear stress distributions, as well as block size distributions and incision rate records.)
  • Model:Kirwan marsh model  + (Elevation, Biomass, Accretion Rate, Erosion Rate, and other characteristics of every cell in domain. Also outputs spatially averaged statistics.)
  • Model:GOLEM  + (Elevation, drainage area, and related gridded information.)
  • Model:LOADEST  + (Estimated constituent loads)
  • Model:SBEACH  + (Estimated post-storm beach profile, cross-shore profile of: maximum wave height; maximum water elevation plus setup; volume change)
  • Model:Detrital Thermochron  + (Estimates of the erosional history and spatial patterns and model diagnostic plots.)
  • Model:SICOPOLIS  + (Extent and thickness of the ice sheet, Velocity field, Temperature field, Water content field (temperate regions), Age of the ice, Isostatic displacement and temperature of the lithosphere.)
  • Model:BarrierBMFT  + (Extent, and elevation, and cross-shore boundary locations of barrier, marsh (back-barrier and mainland), bay, and forest ecosystems; organic and mineral deposition; shoreline locations; dune elevations; overwash & shoreface fluxes)
  • Model:Non Local Means Filtering  + (Filtered DEM: A new, filtered DEM in *.flt binary format. Noise: A *.flt binary format grid of the filtered noise.)
  • Model:GSSHA  + (Flow rates, depths, soil moisture, sediment fluxes, erosion/deposition, contaminant/nutrient fluxes and concentrations, groundwater levels, reservoir storages.)
  • Model:LOGDIST  + (Flow velocities at N levels in the vertical, assuming a logarithmic velocity profile)
  • Model:WASH123D  + (Fluid velocity, pressure, temperature, salFluid velocity, pressure, temperature, salinity, concentrations, thermal flexes, and matrial fluxes at all nodes at any desired time. volumetric, energy, and mass balance at all types of boundaries and the entire boundary at any specified time. Br>For details refer to Yeh et al., 2005 Technical Report on WASH123DYeh et al., 2005 Technical Report on WASH123D)
  • Model:RivMAP  + (For a single image: centerlines, widths, cFor a single image: centerlines, widths, channel direction, curvatures</br>For multiple images: (centerline) migration areas, erosion and accretion areas, cutoffs, cutoff statistics, channel belt boundaries, grid generation to map spatial changes, spacetime maps of changes in planform variablestime maps of changes in planform variables)
  • Model:MPeat2D  + (Formation of peatland)
  • Model:GPM  + (Free-surface flow and wave action through time. Erosion and deposition through time. Optionally, compaction, including porosity reduction.)
  • Model:WAVEWATCH III ^TM  + (From wave heights to spectral data, see manual)
  • Model:TURB  + (Gaussian distribution of instantaneous turbulent fluid shear stresses at the bed)
  • Model:LateralVerticalIncision  + (Geometry of river entrenchment thought time)
  • Model:Gc2d  + (Glacier thickness and elevation)
  • Model:SEDPAK  + (Graphical Display and surface plot)
  • Model:WSGFAM  + (Gravity flow velocity, Depth-integrated sediment load, down-slope sediment flux, flux convergence or divergence, erosion or deposition rate.)
  • Model:Plume  + (Grid of Sediment rate in m/day for specified grain size classes)
  • Model:AquaTellUs  + (Grid of deposition of different grains over time. The model generates postscript files of stratigraphic sections.)
  • Model:Landlab  + (Gridding component provides ASCII and/or netCDF output of grid geometry.)
  • Model:Sun fan-delta model  + (Grids of topography)
  • Model:DeltaRCM Vegetation  + (Grids of water surface elevation, discharge, bed elevation, and vegetation density values for each cell. Additionally, sand fraction of each vertical cell within a grid cell.)
  • Model:CASCADE  + (H, fluxes, discharge, catchment geom, etc, at all time steps, as welle as grid connectivity)
  • Model:HSPF  + (HSPF produces a time history of the runoffHSPF produces a time history of the runoff flow rate, sediment load, and</br>nutrient and pesticide concentrations, along with a time history of water</br>quantity and quality at any point in a watershed. Simulation results can be</br>processed through a frequency and duration analysis routine that produces</br>output compatible with conventional toxicological measures (e.g., 96-hour</br>LC50).xicological measures (e.g., 96-hour LC50).)
  • Model:HexWatershed  + (Hexagon DEM, flow direction, flow accumulation, stream grid, stream segment, stream order, stream confluence, subbasin, watershed boundary, etc.)
  • Model:TauDEM  + (Hydrologic information derived from DEM)
  • Model:GSFLOW-GRASS  + (Hydrologic model discretization, input files for GSFLOW, output files from GSFLOW (hydrologic model))