CSDMS organization
The Executive Committee (executive committee chair, steering committee chair and the working group chairs) is the primary decision-making body of the CSDMS, and meets twice a year to provide guidance to the Integration Facility, approve the annual project management plan, advise on major activities, review partnerships, and address other day-to-day issues that arise in the running of the CSDMS. The Executive Committee also develops the By-Laws and Operational Procedures, to be approved by the Steering Committee. The Executive Committee develops and implements the 5-year Strategic Plan.
The Executive Committee further:
- Reviews proposals from Working Groups for development that are within the priorities of the Annual Science Plan and CSDMS mission;
- Ensures that CSDMS develops and maintains the capability to support collaborative proposals;
- Reviews the ongoing CSDMS business operations through regular meetings, teleconferences, AccessGrid sessions, electronic mail, etc.
- Ensures scientific progress in multiple areas of landscape-basin evolution (LBE) by providing the computational infrastructure needed for improved modeling;
- Ensures the connection of LBE research with related scientific thrusts of scientific computing and Geoinformatics through the establishment of strategic partnerships, and
- Ensures transparency of governance and intellectual involvement of community via reasonable criteria for partner membership and a mechanism that allows community input.
Greg Tucker
Executive Committee Chair; CSDMS Executive Director
Greg Tucker is a Professor of Geological Sciences at the University of Colorado at Boulder and is a fellow of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES). His research focuses in the area of computational and theoretical geomorphology. He brings his training in geosciences, archaeology, and numerical computing to bear on understanding the dynamics of earth’s surface topography, both in the context of the “deep time” evolution of mountain ranges and other landforms, as well as contemporary processes such as river flooding, debris-flow erosion, and gully formation. In advancing our understanding of landscape dynamics, he and his students combine field measurements, digital terrain data, and numerical modeling. In recognition of this work, Prof. Tucker was awarded the Ralph Alger Bagnold Medal by the European Geosciences Union in 2012. Prof. Tucker has authored or co-authored over 100 journal publications and book chapters. He is also a co-creator of the popular CHILD landscape evolution model. He currently leads an NSF-supported project to develop Landlab, a contribution to the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System that provides a Python-language library for efficient creation and coupling of two-dimensional numerical models. Prof. Tucker is a graduate of Brown University, with a BA in Anthropology, and of Penn State University, with a PhD in Geosciences. Prior to joining CU-Boulder, he was a postdoctoral research associate in MIT’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and later a faculty member at Oxford University’s School of Geography and the Environment. He was elected CSDMS Deputy Director in November of 2015 and assumed the role of Executive Director in October, 2017. |
Irina Overeem
CSDMS Deputy Director
Irina Overeem is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, and the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Colorado. She graduated cum laude from Wageningen University, The Netherlands with a M.Sc. and engineering degree in Soil, Water and Atmosphere. She received her Ph.D. in Civil Engineering and Applied Geosciences from Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands. Her research focuses on river and coastal systems and their dynamic response to changing environmental factors. She develops numerical models to explore sediment transport processes, morphological change, depositional patterns and stratigraphy. Field observations of rivers and deltas worldwide guide her design of models and critical assessment of their predictions. Overeem has published over 50 peer-reviewed articles in journals like Nature Geoscience, GRL, Journal of Geophysical Research, as well as in domain journals like Sedimentary Geology, Basin Research and The Cryosphere. Her current projects with students and postdocs focus on modeling sedimentation and its impacts on delta sustainability, with special emphasis on the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta, and on rivers and deltas in a rapidly changing Arctic region, with field projects in Greenland and Alaska. Overeem leads a NSF-funded project to develop community cyberinfrastructure for modeling of permafrost processes. She won the National Oceanographic Partnership Program Award for work on Arctic Coastal Erosion in 2010. Overeem worked as a postdoctoral fellow with Jaia Syvitski between 2002-2005, and then became an Assistant Professor in Applied Earth Sciences at Delft University. In late 2007, she returned to the University of Colorado to join the CSDMS team as the Education and Knowledge Transfer Expert. Overeem assumed the role of deputy director in October 2017. |
Paola Passalacqua
Steering Committee Chair
Dr. Passalacqua is an Associate Professor at the University of Texas, Austin, Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering. Her research interests lie at the intersection of water resources engineering, hydrologic sciences, and geomorphology. Her goal is to advance the understanding of how topographic patterns arise, evolve, and interact with climate and ecosystems, in order to improve predictions of the response of the Earth-surface to disturbance and change and develop sustainable management solutions. Paola's research merges the analysis of remote sensing data (high resolution topographic data - lidar - and satellite imagery), numerical modeling, statistical analysis, and field work. she received her PhD in Civil Engineering in 2009 from the University of Minnesota. Paola accepted appointment to the CSDMS Steering Committee in April, 2020 and in October of 2022, she was elected (by unanimous approval of the full CSDMS community) to CSDMS Steering Committee Chair. |
Christopher Sherwood
![]() Chris Sherwood |
Interagency Working Group Chair
Chris Sherwood received a B.A. from Bowdoin College (Economics and Environmental Studies) and an M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Washington (Geological Oceanography). He is currently a research oceanographer with the U.S. Geological Survey in Woods Hole, MA. Before joining the USGS in 1999, he worked for three years in Hobart, Tasmania as a research scientist with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and for ten years as a research scientist for Battelle at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland and Sequim, Washington. Chris has been a proponent of open-source software and helped develop the community sediment-transport modeling system used in the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). Chris is interested in the development and application of sediment-transport models, and in making field measurements that provide insight and critical constraints for those models. With CSDMS, Chris is working to expand the interactions between government agencies and CSDMS scientists. In particular, Chris hopes to foster projects that allow government agencies to capitalize on the CSDMS investments on model algorithms and infrastructure. He accepted the role of Interagency Working Group Chair in September 2014. |
Leslie Hsu
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Terrestrial Working Group Chair
Leslie is the coordinator of the Community for Data Integration at the U.S. Geological Survey. She received her MS in Geosciences from University of Arizona in 2002 and her PhD in Earth & Planetary Science from UC, Berkeley in 2010. Leslie has served as chair of the GSA Geoinformatics and Data Science Division, AGU Data Management Advisory Board, and Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Partnership Committee. Her research has focused on fluvial seismology, debris flow erosion, creeping faults, alluvial fans and atmospheric chemistry. Leslie’s interests also include data and information technology and facilitation of communities of practice. She is the point of contact for the USGS Model Catalog. Leslie started her role as TWG co-chair in August 2018. |
Andrew Wickert
![]() Andrew Wickert |
Terrestrial Working Group Chair
Andy is an Associate Professor in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Minnesota. He received his PhD in Geoscience from the University of Colorado, Boulder in 2014. His research focuses on ice, water, and landscapes through the past and present: growth and decay of ice sheets and glaciers and their interactions with climate, dynamics of river systems, global sea level variability, and modern hydrologic and Earth-surface processes. He uses a combination of field observations, field instrumentation, and numerical modeling for his research. Andy was elected as Terrestrial Working Group Co-Chair during November of 2022. |
Talea Mayo
Coastal Working Group Co-Chair
Dr. Mayo is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Emory University. Talea received her Ph.D. in Computational and Applied Mathematics from the University of Texas, Austin in 2013. Dr. Mayo completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Princeton University. She is a graduate of the SOARS program at NCAR and has a keen interest in promoting STEM education to historically underrepresented groups. Her research focuses on computational models used to forecast storm surges (ADCIRC), coastal ocean modeling with special interests in tides, waves, hurricane storm surges (SLOSH), flood risk analysis, wave energy, coastal erosion and data assimilation methods for state and parameter estimation of dynamic systems. Talea was elected Coastal Working group Co-Chair in April, 2020. |
Alejandra Ortiz
Coastal Working Group Co-Chair
Aleja is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geology at Colby College. She received her Ph.D. in Marine Geology from the MIT-WHOI Joint Program in 2015 working on coastal evolution of sandy-wave dominate shorefaces and understanding motu formation on atolls. Aleja then completed an NCED2 Synthesis Postdoctoral Fellowship at Indiana University Bloomington investigating pond expansion driving marsh collapse in the Mississippi River Delta Plain in 2016. Her current research focuses on the ecogeomorphic evolution of coastal landscapes. Aleja was elected Coastal Focus Group Co-Chair in October 2022. |
Julia Moriarty
Marine Working Group Co-Chair
Dr. Moriarty is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of Colorado, Boulder. From 2017 to 2019 she was a USGS Mendenhall Post Doctoral scholar based at the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center. Julia received her Ph.D. in marine science in 2017 from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, and her M.S. in 2012 in Marine Science (physical oceanography) from College of William and Mary. Her research focuses on developing and using coupled numerical models to increase our understanding of, and ability to quantify, sediment and nutrient transport. She works in a variety of coastal environments, including estuaries and continental shelves. Her research questions focus on understanding temporal and spatial variability, as well as the extent to which different processes affect sediment and nutrient transport in the coastal ocean. Julia was elected to lead the CSDMS Marine Working Group as its Co-Chair in May, 2020. |
Michael Steckler
Marine Working Group Co-Chair
Mike is currently a Lamont Research Professor affiliated with the Marine Geology and Geophysics section of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University. His research interests include tectonics of sedimentary basins, isostasy, stratigraphic modeling and marine geophysics. Mike received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1981 (and a B.S. from MIT in 1976). He was elected as Co-Chair of the CSDMS Marine Working Group in October, 2018. |
Kehui (Kevin) Xu
Education and Knowledge Transfer (EKT) Working Group Chair
Kevin Xu is the James P. Morgan Distinguished Professor of Coastal Studies, Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences at Louisiana State University. He is also serving as Director of the Coastal Studies Institute. Kevin received his Ph.D. in Marine Science at the College of William and Mary in 2006. His research interests includes Geological oceanography, coastal morphodynamics, observation and numerical modeling of sediment transport along bottom boundary layer; sedimentary geology; coastal processes. He accepted the role of Chair of the Education and Knowledge Transfer Working Group in February, 2020. |
Olaf David
Cyberinformatics and Numerics Working Group Co-Chair
Olaf David received his B.S. degree in civil engineering and computer science from the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (Germany), and his Ph.D. degree in computer science/engineering from the Technical University in Ilmenau, Germany. He started his career as research assistant at several computing centers, worked for 6 years as assistant professor at the Department for Geography at the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena, Germany, and 18 years as research scientist at the Department of Civil Engineering at the Colorado State University. He is conducting the development of the Object Modeling System (OMS) and the Cloud Sevices Integration Platform (CSIP), two environmental modeling and service-oriented frameworks, and their integration into various research projects with the USDA Agricultural Research Service, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Army Corps of Engineers, the International Atomic Energy Agency, FFAR, Field-toMarket, and others as PI or Co-PI. His current research interests are focused on leveraging component based modeling for large scale environmental applications within the context of emerging technologies such as scientific cloud computing and machine learning. He accepted the role of Chair of the CSDMS Cyberinformatics and Numerics Working Group in May of 2019. |
Scott Peckham
Cyberinformatics and Numerics Working Group Co-Chair
Scott is a Senior Research Scientist and Fellow at the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) at University of Colorado, Boulder. His research interests include cyberinfrastructure for modeling, hydrologic modeling, fluvial landscape evolution, seafloor and stratigraphic evolution, nonlinear PDEs, differential geometry, scaling theory, sediment plumes, coastal dynamics, efficient computer algorithms and source-to-sink sediment transport. Scott received his undergraduate and masters of science degrees from Oregon State University (Physics, 1987 and Engineering Physics, 1989, respectively) and his Ph.D. from the University of Colorado, Boulder in Geophysics and Hydrology, 1995. He accepted the role of Co-Chair of the CSDMS Cyberinformatics and Numerics Working Group in April of 2017. |
Focus Research Group Committee Members
Anthony Castronova
Hydrology Focus Research Group, Chair
Anthony is a Senior Research Hydrologist at the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI). His work emphasizes the synergy between hydrologic data and software engineering with a specific focus on hydrologic modeling, cloud computing, and reproducible science. Prior to joining CUAHSI, Anthony was a Research Assistant Professor at Utah State University in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering where his research focused on integrated modeling solutions, hydrologic data interoperability, and web service standards. He received a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of South Carolina. Dr. Castronova accepted the role of Chair of the Hydrology Focus Group in October 2022. |
Raleigh Hood
Chesapeake Focus Research Group Chair
Raleigh Hood received a B.S. in Oceanography from the University of Washington and a Ph.D. in Oceanography from Scripps Institution of Oceanography. He subsequently did postdoctoral research at Oregon State University and the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. He is currently a Professor of Oceanography at Horn Point Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. Raleigh began his research career as a biological oceanographer when he was an undergraduate at the University of Washington, studying harmful algae blooms in Puget Sound. He has since conducted research in coastal and open ocean environments all over the world, including the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans and both the east and west coasts of North America. Presently his research is focused primarily on using models to simulate and predict biogeochemical and ecological variability in marine environments. Raleigh has been a leader in promoting open-source software for many years. He founded the Chesapeake Community Modeling Program (CCMP) in 2002, which is dedicated to advancing the cause of accessible, open-source environmental models of the Chesapeake Bay in support of research & management efforts. He is currently the Program Manager for the CCMP and the Chair of the CCMP Steering Committee. Raleigh is a founding member of the CSDMS Chesapeake Focus Research Group and he has served as Chair since July 2014. |
Sagar Gautam
Critical Zone Focus Research Group Chair
Sagar is currently affiliated with Sandia National Laboratory where he develops/utilizes process, machine learning and Earth system models to explore ecosystem processes and assess impacts of land use and climate change. His research specifically looks at impacts of biomass removal on soil carbon and the water cycle, soil carbon release under climate change, impacts of drought, lake and river eutrophication standards, and the application of machine learning models to predict spatial heterogeneity of surface soil organic carbon stocks and crop yields. He received a PhD in Bio-Environmental Engineering in 2018 from the University of Missouri. Sagar was appointed as chair of the Critical Zone Group in January of 2023. |
Moira Zellner
Human Dimensions Focus Research Group Co-Chair
Moira Zellner is Professor of Public Policy and Urban Affairs and Director of Participatory Modeling and Data ScienceDepartment of Urban Planning and Policy at the Northeastern University. Having completed her undergraduate degree in ecology in Argentina, she pursued graduate studies in urban and regional planning and in complex systems at the University of Michigan (Ph.D. 2005). Before coming to the US, she worked in Argentina as an environmental consultant for local and international environmental engineering firms and for the undersecretary of Environment in the City of Buenos Aires, in projects related to domestic and hazardous waste management, river remediation, industrial pollution control, and environmental impact assessments. She also participated in interdisciplinary and international research projects of urban air pollution and of the spread of tuberculosis through public transportation. In her position at University of Illinois, Dr. Zellner has served as Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator in interdisciplinary projects examining how specific policy, technological and behavioral factors influence the emergence and impacts of a range of complex environmental problems, where interaction effects make responsibilities and burdens unclear. Her research also examines the value of complexity-based modeling for participatory policy exploration and social learning with stakeholders and decision-makers. Dr. Zellner also teaches a variety of workshops on complexity-based modeling of socio-ecological systems, for training of both scientists and decision-makers. She has served the academic community as reviewer of journals and grants spanning across the social and natural sciences. Moira accepted the responsibility to lead the CSDMS Human Dimensions Focus Research Group as its co-Chair in August, 2016. |
Katherine Anarde
Human Dimensions Focus Research Group Co-Chair Dr. Anarde joined NCSU in August 2021 as an Assistant Professor in the Environmental, Water Resources, and Coastal Engineering Group. She is a coastal engineer and geomorphologist that combines observational and numerical approaches to investigate coastal hazards. Katherine received her Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Rice University and was a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Coastal Environmental Change Lab at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Katherine accepted the role of Co-Chair of the Human Dimensions Focus Research Group in June 2024. |
Wolfgang Bangerth
Geodynamics Focus Research Group Co-Chair
Dr. Bangerth is professor of mathematics and (by courtesy) geosciences at Colorado State University. He received an MSc in physics and a PhD in mathematics from Heidelberg University, Germany, before being a postdoc in the Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, as well as the Institute for Geophysics at the University of Texas at Austin. He was then on the faculty of Texas A&M before moving to Colorado. His work is in computational science applied to a wide range of interdisciplinary problems. He is the creator and one of the principal developers of the Advanced Solver for Problems in Earth Convection (ASPECT), a software used for the simulation of mantle convection and long-term tectonics. Wolfgang accepted responsibility to lead the CSDMS Geodynamics Focus Research Group as its co-Chair in November, 2022. |
Sean Gallen
Geodynamics Focus Research Group Co-Chair
Sean Gallen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geosciences at Colorado State University. Prior to that, he was a Senior Scientist and lecturer at the Geological Institute, Earth Surface Dynamics Research Group, ETH-Zurich. Sean received his PhD Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at North Carolina State University in 2013. His research interests include earth surface processes, active tectonics, natural hazards, structural geology, geodynamics and geochemistry. He is currently interested in the development of topography above subduction zones, the influence of extreme events on continental erosion and sediment transport, and the co-evolution of landscapes and aquatic species. Sean accepted the responsibility to Co-Chair the CSDMS Geodynamics Focus Research Group in January, 2024. |
Todd Swannack
Ecosystem Dynamics Focus Research Group Co-Chair
Todd Swannack currently serves as the lead for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Integrated Ecological Modeling Team, which develops and applies coupled ecological and engineering models for the Engineering With Nature Initiative. His EWN-related research explores the roles of coupling ecological and physical process to predict environmental responses. Todd is also Adjunct Faculty at Texas State University, Department of Biology. He received his PhD from Texas A&M University in 2007. Dr. Swannack accepted the role of Co-Chair of the Ecosystem Dynamics Focus Research Group in October 2022. |
Candice Piercy
Ecosystem Dynamics Focus Research Group Co-Chair
Dr. Piercy is a research environmental engineer with 12 years of experience working with the Integrated Ecological Modeling team at USACE-ERDC. Her research focus is on the simulation of feedbacks between ecological and physical processes, primarily driven by vegetation, in a variety of ecosystems including salt marshes, dunes, estuaries, and river floodplains. She also conducts research related to the evolution and analysis of nature-based solutions for flood risk management and beneficial use of dredged sediment. Additionally, she helps develop ecologically-informed engineering guidance for coastal ecosystems and nature-based solutions. Candice received her PhD from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 2010. Dr. Piercy accepted the role of Chair of the Ecosystem Dynamics Focus Research Group in January 2023. |
CSDMS Steering Committee
The CSDMS Steering Committee (SC) is comprised of 9 members: 8 selected by the EC to represent the spectrum of relevant Earth science and computational disciplines, and 1 selected by Partner Membership. The cognizant NSF program officer or his/her designate, and the Executive Director or his/her designate, serve as ex officio members of the SC. During SC meetings, there may be occasions when these ex officio members would exclude themselves from discussions.
The Steering Committee meets once a year to assess the competing objectives and needs of the CSDMS; will comment on the progress of CSDMS in terms of science (including the development of working groups and partner memberships), management, outreach, and education; and will comment on and advise on revisions to the 5-year strategic plan. The Steering Committee will provide a report to the Executive Director at the close of its meeting, to which s/he will respond within two weeks.
Paola Passalacqua
Steering Committee Chair
Dr. Passalacqua is an Associate Professor at the University of Texas, Austin, Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering. Her research interests lie at the intersection of water resources engineering, hydrologic sciences, and geomorphology. Her goal is to advance the understanding of how topographic patterns arise, evolve, and interact with climate and ecosystems, in order to improve predictions of the response of the Earth-surface to disturbance and change and develop sustainable management solutions. Paola's research merges the analysis of remote sensing data (high resolution topographic data - lidar - and satellite imagery), numerical modeling, statistical analysis, and field work. she received her PhD in Civil Engineering in 2009 from the University of Minnesota. Paola accepted appointment to the CSDMS Steering Committee in April, 2020 and in October of 2022, she was elected (by unanimous approval of the full CSDMS community) to CSDMS Steering Committee Chair. |
Elowyn Yager
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Elowyn is a Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and a co-director of the Center for Ecohydraulics Research (CER) at the University of Idaho. She obtained her BS in Geology in 1998 from SUNY Buffalo and PhD in Geology in 2006 from UC Berkeley. Elowyn’s research primarily focuses on fluvial geomorphology including sediment transport, bedrock erosion, ecohydraulics, river morphodynamics, and nutrient transport. Her work combines numerical modeling, laboratory flume experiments, and field measurements to answer fundamental questions about process mechanics and applied questions about river management. Elowyn was appointed to the CSDMS Steering Committee during June of 2024. |
Pedro Val
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Pedro is an Assistant Professor of Tectonics and Landscape Evolution at the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at CUNY Queens College. His research focuses on landscape evolution in multiple spatial and temporal scales using cosmogenic nuclides and numerical models. Pedro investigates the topographic and river network response to tectonic, climatic, and lithologic changes. Pedro is also interested in how landscape evolution influences biodiversity and in the coevolution of landscape and life in the Amazon region.
He accepted the responsibility to serve as a member of the CSDMS Steering Committee in June, 2024. |
Michael Barton
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Professor, Arizona State University, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Director of Center for Social Dynamics and Complexity, Director COMSES Net. Michael is a geoarchaeologist and anthropologist whose research centers on the dynamics of socioecological systems, expecially in the context of hunter/gatherers and small-scale agricultural societies. His expertise includes Quaternary landscapes, geospatial technologies, computational modeling, complex systems science, evolutionary theory, and lithic technology.
Barton's interests center around long-term human ecology and landscape dynamics with ongoing projects in the Mediterranean (late Pleistocene through mid-Holocene) and American Southwest (Holocene-Archaic). Barton is also member of the open source GRASS GIS international development team that is making cutting edge spatial technologies available to researchers and students around the world. The Mediterranean Landscape Dynamics project, which Barton directs, combines computational modeling and interdisciplinary fieldwork to study the emergence of coupled human and natural landscapes, and long-term interactions of agricultural land-use practices and landscape change. He also directs the CoMSES Network and CoMSES CoRe, an international research network and NSF Big Data Spoke facility to promote open science, knowledge sharing, reproducibility, and best practices in emerging cybertools in the socio-ecological sciences. Barton also co-directs collaborative projects with the National Center for Atmospheric Research. One of these projects is building a computational tool set for integrating global climate models and global socio-economic models. He is Lead PI on the Sloan Foundation supported Open Modeling Foundation initiative. Michael joined the Steering Committee in April, 2020. |
Bert Jagers
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Dr. Bert Jagers graduated cum laude in 1995 in Applied Mathematics (M.Sc.), and also cum laude in Applied Physics (M.Sc.) at the University of Twente, the Netherlands. In 2003 he obtained his Ph.D. title from the Civil Engineering department at the same university for a study on the behavior and modeling of braided rivers. This study involved the analysis of detailed morphological processes in braided rivers, data acquisition in the Jamuna River, Bangladesh, and the numerical modeling of the large scale morphological changes using various modeling techniques (neural networks, object-oriented modeling, cellular models). He is currently working at Deltares on various (inter)national research and advisory projects in the field of river engineering and morphology. Research addressed a.o. non-uniform sediment mixtures, bank erosion, bed forms, and floodplain roughness. Currently he is as technical coordinator software development of the 1D, 2D and 3D modeling systems SOBEK and Delft3D involved in model coupling (OpenMI, ESMF) and the improvement and extension of physical process formulations. He is also involved in the ONR community efforts concerning Delft3D and the Coastal Sediment Transport Model. Bert is interested in the CSDMS effort to collect state-of-the-art environmental knowledge as much as possible into open and consistents frameworks of numerical components suitable for further research and operational use. Bert has served as a member of the CSDMS Steering Committee since its inception in 2007. |
Jonathan Gilligan
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Jonathan Gilligan is Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences, and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Vanderbilt University. They are director of Vanderbilt’s interdisciplinary Grand Challenge Initiative on Climate and Society. Gilligan received their Ph.D. in Physics from Yale University. In 1994, Gilligan joined Vanderbilt’s Department of Physics and Astronomy, where they applied physics to material science, biology, and medicine, later becoming the Robert T. Lagemann Assistant Professor of Living State Physics. In 2003 they joined Vanderbilt’s newly-established Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, where they collaborate on interdisciplinary research into interactions between human behavior, society, and environmental change. They are principal investigator on a National Science Foundation grant to study how the adoption of clean energy, electric vehicles, and broadband telecommunications affects urban and rural communities in the Southeastern United States. Other recent research projects include studying the role of the private sector in regulating greenhouse gas emissions, studying water-conservation policies in U.S. cities, studying interactions between climate change, land use, and rural agricultural communities in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, and applying machine-learning methods to studying gentrification and its impacts on inequalities in mobility and access to public transport. Jonathan accepted the responsibility to serve as a member of the CSDMS Steering Committee in June, 2024. |
Pat Wiberg
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Professor, University of Virginia, Department of Environmental Sciences. Pat’s primary research interest is in sediment erosion, transport, and deposition in river, coastal, and wetland environments. Her current research topics include storm-driven transport and the formation of sedimentary strata on the continental shelf, erosion and deposition on tidal salt marshes, flow-sediment-vegetation interactions in shallow coastal bays, mud dynamics in meso- and macro-tidal flats, wave-formed ripples, impact of climate change on barrier-bay-marsh morphology, and sediment associated contaminant transport. Pat has been a tireless advocate of CSDMS. She's served the CSDMS community since it's inception; first as Chair of the Marine Working Group from 2007 to 2012 and then as Chair of the Steering Committee from 2012 to 2017. Pat re-joined the Steering Committee in April, 2020. |
Ex Officio Steering Committee Members
Raleigh Martin
![]() Ex Officio Member, Steering Committee |
Dr. Raleigh Martin is Director of the GeoInformatics program at the National Science Foundation. His previous research focused on aeolian sediment transport processes. In his more recent positions, Raleigh leverages scientific understanding of Earth and environmental processes to inform federal, state, and local policy responses to climate change and other environmental challenges. He is dedicated to making science and data more open, transparent, and accessible to advance scientific discovery and inform policy decisions. Raleigh received his Ph.D. in Earth Sciences from the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to joining NSF, Raleigh was a AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow and served the U.S. House of Representatives as a Congressional Geosciences Fellow on the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis. In 2020, he became the Program Manager at NSF for CSDMS. |
Brad Murray
![]() Ex Officio Member, Steering Committee |
Past Chair, Steering Committee
Brad received all his degrees from the University of Minnesota –a BA (Journalism) and a BIS (Science) in 1986, a Masters (Physics) in 1990, and a PhD (Geology) in 1995—and was a postdoc at Scripps Institution of Oceanography until 1998. He is currently Professor of Geomorphology and Coastal Processes at Duke University. Brad studies landscape evolution and pattern formation in a variety of environments, but concentrates these days on the morphodynamics of shallow sea beds, tidal marshes, and sandy and rocky coastlines. Brad uses relatively simple numerical models to explore hypotheses, usually motivated by field observations, about how landscapes in these environments come to be and how they might respond as the climate forcing shifts. Increasingly, this research involves two-way couplings between physical and biological (including human) processes. Brad is a long-term community supporter and served as Chair of the CSDMS Coastal Working Group since its inception in 2007 until August of 2017 and SC Chair from 2017 to 2022. |
Jaia Syvitski
![]() Ex Officio Member, Steering Committee |
Prof. Jaia Syvitski received a Ph.D. in both oceanography and geological sciences (1978) at the University of British Columbia, developing a quantitative understanding of particle dynamics across the land-sea boundary. Jaia then worked as an Assist. Professor in Geology and Geophysics at the Univ. Calgary (1978-1980) and then as a Senior Research Scientist with the Geological Survey of Canada at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography (1981-1995). During the BIO period, Prof. Syvitski was appointed Adjunct Professor at Dalhousie U., U. Laval, Memorial U., and INRS-oceanologie. In 1995 Jaia joined the U. Colorado - Boulder as a Professor of Geological Sciences, and until 2007 served as Director of INSTAAR - an Earth and Environmental Systems Institute. While at CU, other faculty appointments include Applied Mathematics, Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences, Hydrological Sciences, and Geophysics. Jaia has over 500 publications, including authorship or co-authorship of 57 peer-reviewed books, and has served in various editorial positions for many international journals. Professor Syvitski has taken leadership roles in large International Projects (e.g. IGBP, SAFE, ADFEX, SEDFLUX, COLDSEIS, STRATAFORM, EuroSTRATAFORM, CSDMS), and served as an advisor for NSF, ONR, ARCUS, LOICZ, IGBP, IUGS, INQUA, SCOR, GWSP, and various energy, mining, and environmental companies. Prof. Syvitski has worked in the forefront of Computational Geosciences: sediment transport, land-ocean interactions and Earth-surface dynamics, and has won numerous awards for these efforts. In 2007 Jaia became the Executive Director of CSDMS and Emeritus Director in 2017. |
Previous Steering Committee Members
Previous SC Members | Period served |
Dr. Guillermo Auad | 2013 - 2024 |
Dr. Kadidia Thiero | 2019 - 2024 |
Dr. Boyana Norris | 2007 - 2024 |
Dr. Marcelo Garcia | 2012 - 2020 |
Dr. Tom Drake | 2007 - 2020 |
Dr. Efi Foufoula Georgiou | 2017 - 2020 |
Dr. Cecilia Deluca | 2012 - 2020 |
Dr. Mike Ellis | 2007 - 2008 |
Dr. Tom Dunne | 2007 - 2009 |
Dr. Richard Yuretich | 2008 - 2010 |
Dr. Dave Furbish | 2007 - 2013 |
Dr. Gary Parker | 2007 - 2013 |
Dr. Rick Sarg | 2007 - 2013 |
Dr. Dan Tetzlaff | 2007 - 2013 |
Dr. Marty Perlmutter | 2009 - 2015 |
Dr. Rudy Slingerland | 2007 - 2012 |