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1D Hillslope MCMCMonte Carlo chain of 1D non-linear diffusion hillslope model to find most likely boundary conditions
1D Particle-Based Hillslope Evolution Model1D probabilistic, particle-based model of hillslope evolution for studying hillslope equilibration and response to perturbations.
1DBreachingTurbidityCurrent1D Breaching Turbidity current model for generating continuous turbidity currents
2DFLOWVELTidal & wind-driven coastal circulation routine
ACADIAA finite element formulation of the non-conservative form of the vertically integrated advection/diffusion/reaction (ADR) equation
ADCIRCCoastal Circulation and Storm Surge Model
ADI-2DRead note in extended description. Advection Diffusion Implicit (ADI) method for solving 2D diffusion equation
ALFRESCOAlaskan Frame‐based Ecosystem Code
AR2-sinuosityGenerates planforms for single-thread channel using a second-order autoregressive model
ATS (The Advanced Terrestrial Simulator)The Advanced Terrestrial Simulator (formerly sometimes known as the Arctic Terrestrial Simulator) is a code for solving ecosystem-based, integrated, distributed hydrology.
Acronym1E-book: program for computing bedload transport in gravel rivers.
Acronym1DE-book: program for computing bedload transport in gravel rivers over time.
Acronym1RE-book: program for computing bedload transport in gravel rivers with a Manning-Strickler relation for flow resistance.
AeoLiSAeoLiS is a process-based model for simulating aeolian sediment transport in situations where supply-limiting factors are important, like in coastal environments.
AgDegBWE-book: Calculator for aggradation and degradation of a river reach using a backwater formulation.
AgDegNormGravMixPWE-book: calculator for aggradation and degradation of sediment mixtures in gravel-bed streams
AgDegNormGravMixSubPWE-book: calculator for evolution of upward-concave bed profiles in rivers carrying sediment mixtures in subsiding basins.
AgDegNormalE-book: illustration of calculation of aggradation and degradation of a river reach using the normal flow approximation.
AgDegNormalFaultE-book: Illustration of calculation of aggradation and degradation of a river reach using the normal flow approximation; with an extension for calculation of the response to a sudden fault along the reach.
AgDegNormalGravMixHydE-book: A module that calculates the evolution of a gravel bed river under an imposed cycled hydrograph.
AgDegNormalSubE-book: Program to calculate the evolution of upward-concave bed profiles in rivers carrying uniform sediment in subsiding basins.
AlluvStratRules-based model to generate a 2-dimensional cross section of alluvial stratigraphy based on fluvial processes
Alpine3D3D model of alpine surface processes
AnugaANUGA is a hydrodynamic modelling tool that allows users to model realistic flow problems in complex 2D geometries.
AnugaSedAdd-on package to ANUGA with modules for sediment transport and vegetation drag
ApsimXThe Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM)
AquaTellUsFluvial-dominated delta sedimentation model
ArcDelRCMan Arctic-delta reduced-complexity model that can reproduce the 2-m ramp feature ubiquitous to Arctic deltas
Area-Slope Equation CalculatorPixel scale Area-Slope equation calculator
Auto marshCellula automata model for salt marsh evolution with variable soil resistance under wind waves attack
AvulsionStream avulsion model
BEDLOADBedload transport model
BOMBergen Ocean Model
BRaKEComputes evolution of a bedrock river longitudinal profile in the presence of large, hillslope-derived blocks.
BackwaterCalculatorE-book: program for backwater calculations in open channel flow
BackwaterWrightParkerE-book: calculator for backwater curves in sand-bed streams, including the effects of both skin friction and form drag due to skin friction
BadlandsBasin and landscape dynamics
Barrier Inlet Environment (BRIE) ModelCoastal barrier island transgression model
Barrier3DA spatially explicit model of coastal barrier evolution
BarrierBMFTBarrier-Bay-Marsh-Forest Transect Coupled Model Framework
BatTriA graphical Matlab interface to the C language 2-D quality finite element grid generator Triangle.
Bedrock Erosion ModelRead note in extended description. Knickpoint propagation in the 2D sediment-flux-driven bedrock erosion model
Bedrock Fault ScarpThis is a two-dimensional numerical model that computes the topographic evolution of the facet slope in the footwall of an active normal fault.
BedrockAlluvialTransitionE-book: calculator for aggradation and degradation with a migrating bedrock-alluvial transition at the upstream end.
BifurcationFlow-partitioning and avulsion in a river delta bifurcation
BingSubmarine debris flows
BioBiogenic mixing of marine sediments
BlockLabBlockLab computes landscape evolution in the presence of large blocks of rock on hillslopes and in channels.
CAESAR LisfloodCaesar Lisflood is a morphodynamic / Landscape evolution model that simulates erosion and deposition in river catchments and reaches over time scales from hours to 1000's of years.
CAM-CARMAA GCM for Titan that incorporates aerosols
CBOFS2The Second Generation Chesapeake Bay Operational Forecast System (CBOFS2): A ROMS‐Based Modeling System
CEMCoastline evolution model
CHILDLandscape Evolution Model
CICELos Alamos sea ice model
CLUMondoThe CLUMondo model is a spatially explicit and dynamics land system change model
CMFTCoupled salt Marsh - tidal Flat Transect model
CMIPData component provides monthly mean temperature for Permafrost Region 1902-2100
COAWSTCOAWST: A Coupled-Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport Modeling System
CRESTThe Coupled Routing and Excess STorage (CREST) model is a distributed hydrologic model developed to simulate the spatial and temporal variation of atmospheric, land surface, and subsurface water fluxes and storages by cell-to-cell simulation.
CVFEM Rift2Dmulti-physics numerical model that simulates rock deformation, fluid flow, solute transport and heat transfer in response to ice sheet loading of multiple cycles
CVPMMultidimensional heat-transfer modeling system for permafrost with advanced unfrozen water physics
CWatMCommunity Water Model (CWatM) is a hydrological model simulating the water cycle daily at global and local levels, historically and into the future
CaesarCellular landscape evolution model
CarboCATCarbonate cellular automatacyclicity
Channel-OscillationSimulates Oscillations in arid alluvial channels
ChannelProfilerThe ChannelProfiler extracts and plots channel networks from a landlab grid.
ChesROMSChesapeake Bay ROMS Community Model (ChesROMS), special case of ROMS
Chi analysis toolsTool for examining channel profiles in chi-elevation space using the integral method of channel analysis
ChiFinderCalculate Chi Indices
CliffsNumerical model to compute tsunami propagation and runup on land in the shallow-water approximation
CoAStal Community-lAnDscape Evolution (CASCADE) modelA coupled landscape and human-dynamics modeling framework for barrier evolution
CoastMorpho2DLong term 2D morphodynamics of coastal areas
Coastal Dune ModelEvolution of Coastal Foredunes
Coastal Landscape Transect Model (CoLT)Geomorphic and carbon evolution of a bay-marsh-forest coastal transect
CompactSediment compaction
CosmoLand2-D model tracking cosmogenic nuclides and mixing in landslide terrain
Coupled1DRead note in extended description. Coupled 1D bedrock-alluvial channel evolution
CrevasseFlowThe module calculates crevasse splay morphology and water discharge outflow of a crevasse splay.
Cross Shore Sediment FluxCross-Shore Sediment Flux Equations
CryoGrid3CryoGrid 3 is a simple land-surface scheme dedicated to modeling of ground temperatures in permafrost environments.
CyclopathA 2D/3D model of carbonate cyclicity
DELTASimulates circulation and sedimentation in a 2D turbulent plane jet and resulting delta growth
DFMFONSpatially-Explicit Mangrove-Mudflat Dynamic Model
DHSVMDHSVM is a distributed hydrologic model that explicitly represents the effects of topography and vegetation on water fluxes through the landscape.
DLBRMDistributed Large Basin Runoff Model
DR3MDistributed Routing Rainfall-Runoff Model--version II
DakotathonA Python API for the Dakota iterative systems analysis toolkit.
DbSEABED Data ComponentA CSDMS data component used to download the marine substrates datasets from the dbSEABED system.
Delft3D3D hydrodynamic and sediment transport model
DeltaBWE-book: Calculator for evolution of long profile of a river ending in a 1D migrating delta, using a backwater formulation.
DeltaClassificationGeometry classification of delta islands
DeltaNormE-book: Calculator for evolution of long profile of a river ending in a 1D migrating delta, using the normal flow approximation.
DeltaRCMRiver delta formation and evolution model with channel dynamics
DeltaRCM VegetationDelta-building model DeltaRCM expanded to include vegetation
DeltaSIMProcess-response model simulating the evolution and stratigraphy of fluvial dominated deltaic systems
DemeterDemeter - A Land Use and Land Cover Change Disaggregation Model
DepDistTotLoadCalcE-book: Illustration of calculation of depth-discharge relation, bed load transport, suspended load transport and total bed material load for a large, low-slope sand-bed river.
DepressionFinderAndRouterFind depressions on a topographic surface.
DepthDependentDiffuserSoil depth-dependent linear hillslope diffuser
DepthDependentTaylorDiffuserThis component implements a depth-dependent Taylor series diffusion rule, combining concepts of Ganti et al. (2012) and Johnstone and Hilley (2014).
DetachmentLtdErosionSimulate detachment limited sediment transport.
Detrital ThermochronCode for estimating long-term exhumation histories and spatial patterns of short-term erosion from the detrital thermochronometric data.
DiffusionDiffusion of marine sediments due to waves, bioturbation
DoradoA Python package for simulating passive particle transport in shallow-water flows
DrEICH algorithmAlgorithm for extracting channel networks from high resolution topographic data
Drainage DensityComponent for calculating drainage density in Landlab given a channel network
DredgeSlotBWE-book: calculator for aggradation and degradation of sediment mixtures in gravel-bed streams subject to cyclic hydrographs.
DynEarthSol3DDynEarthSol3D is a finite element solver that models the momentum balance and the heat transfer of elasto-visco-plastic material in the Lagrangian form.
ECSimpleSnowA simple snow model
EF5Ensemble Framework For Flash Flood Forecasting
ELCIRCEulerian-Lagrangian CIRCulation
ENTRAINSimulates critical shear stress of median grain sizes
ENTRAINHSimulates critical shields theta for median grain sizes
ERA5 Data ComponentA CSDMS data component used to download the ECMWF Reanalysis v5 (ERA5) datasets
ESCAPEparallel global-scale landscape evolution model
Ecopath with EcosimEcopath with Ecosim (EwE) is an ecological modeling software suite for personal computers
Elv-GSTNumerical 1D research code Elv applied to gravel-sand transitions
Eolian Dune ModelRead note in extended description. Werner's model for eolian dune formation and evolution
Equilibrium CalculatorEquilibrium solver of Self-formed, Single-thread, Sand-bed Rivers
ErodeFluvial landscape evolution model
ErosionDepositionLandlab component for fluvial erosion/deposition.
ExponentialWeathererExponential soil production function in the style of Ahnert (1976)
FACETFloodplain and Channel Evaluation Tool (FACET)
FLDTASimulates flow characteristics based on gradually varied flow equation
FTCS1D-NonLinearRead note in extended description. Forward Time Centered Space (FTCS) method for 1D nonlinear diffusion equation
FTCS2DRead note in extended description. Forward Time Centered Space (FTCS) method for 2D diffusion equation
FTCS2D-TerraceDiffusionRead note in extended description. Forward Time Centered Space (FTCS) method for 2D Terrace diffusion
FUNDYa 3-D diagnostic model for continental shelf circulation studies
FUNWAVEFully Nonlinear Boussinesq Wave Model
FVCOMThe Unstructured Grid Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model
FVshockFinite Volume two-dimensional shock-capturing model.
FallVelocityE-book: Particle fall velocity calculator
FastscapeEroderCompute fluvial erosion using stream power theory (“fastscape” algorithm)
FillinPitsFlatsDEMRead note in extended description. Filling in pits and flats in a DEM
FineSed3DA turbulence-resolving numerical model for fine sediment transport in bottom boundary layer
FireGeneratorThis component generates a random fire event or fire time series from the Weibull statistical distribution.
Flex1DRead note in extended description. Fourier filtering in 1D while solving the flexure equation
Flex2DRead note in extended description. Fourier filtering in 2D while solving the flexure equation
Flex2D-ADIRead note in extended description. Solving the flexure equation applying Advection Diffusion Implicit (ADI) method
FlexureDeform the lithosphere with 1D or 2D flexure.
FlowAccumulatorComponent to accumulate flow and calculate drainage area.
FlowDirectorD8Single-path (steepest direction) flow direction with diagonals on rasters.
FlowDirectorDinfFlow direction on a raster grid by the D infinity method.
FlowDirectorMFDMultiple-path flow direction with or without out diagonals.
FlowDirectorSteepestSingle-path (steepest direction) flow direction without diagonals.
Fourier-Bessel-integrationRead note in extended description. Numerical integration of Fourier-Bessel terms
FractionalNoises1DRead note in extended description. 1D fractional-noise generation with Fourier-filtering method
FractureGridGeneratorCreate a 2D grid with randomly generated fractures.
Frost ModelFrost model predicts the likelihood of occurrence of permafrost in the land surface based on the monthly temperature distribution
FwDETCalculate floodwater depth based on an inundation polygon (e.g. from remote sensing) and a DEM
GEOMBESTGeomorphic Model of Barrier, Estuarine, and Shoreface Translations
GEOMBEST++Geomorphic model of barrier, estaurine, and shoreface translations plus dynamic marsh plus waves
GEOMBEST++SeagrassGeomorphic Model of Barrier, Estuarine, and Shoreface Translations + Marsh + Seagrass
GEOMBEST-Plus2D cross-shore geomorphological model of barrier island and marsh response to sea level rise.
GEOtopDistributed hydrological model, water and energy budgets
GFlexMultiple solution methods for isostasy and lithospheric flexure
GIPLGIPL(Geophysical Institute Permafrost Laboratory) is an implicit finite difference one-dimensional heat flow numerical model.
GISKnickFinderThis python code can be used to find knickpoints and extract information about streams, it utilizes built-in functions of ArcGIS.
GISS AOMGISS Atmosphere-Ocean Model
GLUDMGlobal future agricultural land use dynamics model
GOLEMLandscape evolution model
GRLPEvolves gravel-bed river long profiles
GSDCalculatorE-book: Calculator for statistical characteristics of grain size distributions.
GSFLOWGround-water and Surface-water FLOW model
GSFLOW-GRASSQuickly generates input files for and runs GSFLOW, and visualizes the output
GST-extendedmodelExtended GST model: combination of an analytical GST migration model combined with closure relations based on the assumption of quasi-equilibrium conditions
Gc2dGlacier / ice sheet evolution model
GeoClawDepth-averaged fluid dynamics for modeling geophysical flows and wave propagation
GeoFloodComputational model for overland flooding
GeoTiff Data ComponentA CSDMS data component for accessing data and metadata from a GeoTIFF file, through either a local filepath or a remote URL..
Glimmer-CISMDynamic thermo-mechanical ice sheet model
GosplGlobal Scalable Paleo Landscape Evolution
GrainHillCellular automaton model of hillslope evolution
GravelSandTransitionE-book: Calculator for evolution of long profile of river with a migrating gravel-sand transition and subject to subsidence or base level rise.
GreenAmptInfiltrationModelThe Green-Ampt method of infiltration estimation.
GridMET Data ComponentA CSDMS data component for fetching and caching gridMET meteorological data.
GroundwaterDupuitPercolatorThe GroundwaterDupuitPercolator solves the Boussinesq equation for flow in an unconfined aquifer over an impermeable aquifer base and calculates groundwater return flow to the surface.
GullyErosionProfiler1DThis model is designed to simulate longitudinal profiles with headward advancing headcuts.
HBVHBV model is a rainfall-runoff model
HIMHallberg Isopycnal Model
HYPEHydrological model for simulation of water and water quality over time
HackCalculatorCalculate Hack parameters.
HexWatershedA mesh independent flow direction model for hydrologic models
Hilltop and hillslope morphology extractionTools for extracting hilltops and analysing hillslope morphology
Hilltop flow routingAlgorithm for directly measuring hillslope length from high resolution topographic data
HogbackEvolution of a hogback
HyLandsThe HyLands model simulates the impact of bedrock landslides on topographic evolution and sediment dynamics.
HydroCNHSHydroCNHS, a Python Package of Hydrological Model for Coupled Natural–Human Systems
HydroRaVENSLinear-reservoir hydrological model with snowpack and evapotranspiration
HydroTrendClimate driven hydrological transport model
HydromadHydrological Model Assessment and Development
Hyper2D Turbidity Current model
IDAAn implementation of the Implicit Drainage Area method (regular and hybrid versions) for calculating drainage area from flow directions using parallel iterative solvers.
ILAMBThe International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) toolkit
ISSMIce Sheet System Model (ISSM)
Ice-sheet-Glacier-reconstructionRead note in extended description. Sandpile method for ice-sheet and glacier reconstruction
IceFlow2D semi-implicit shallow ice approximation glacier model
IceagesRead note in extended description. Stochastic-resonance subroutine of Pleistocene ice ages
IcepackIcepack is a Python package for simulating the flow of glaciers and ice sheets, as well as for solving glaciological data assimilation problems.
IncrementalDebrisFlowVolumeAnalyzerEstimate incremental volume changes (erosion and deposition) along the path of a debris flow.
InflowSteady-state hyperpycnal flow model
Instructed Glacier ModelThe Instructed Glacier Model (IGM) simulates the ice dynamics, surface mass balance, and its coupling through mass conservation to predict the evolution of glaciers, icefields, or ice sheets
KWAVEA model representing infiltration, interception, and runoff using the kinematic wave approximation
KnickZone-PickerMatlab-based scripts to extract topometrics for catchments and identify river knickpoints.
Kudryavtsev ModelPermafrost Active Layer Thickness Model based on Kudryavtsev's parametrization
LEMmingLEMming landscape evolution model: a 2-D, regular-grid, rules-based, hybrid finite-difference / cellular automaton model that is designed to explore the effect of multiple rock types on landscape evolution.
LEMming22D model that simulates the retreat of hard-capped cliffs
LISFLOODLISFLOOD - a distributed hydrological rainfall-runoff model
LITHFLEX1Lithospheric flexure solution
LITHFLEX2Lithospheric flexure solution for a broken plate
LOADESTSoftware for estimating constituent loads in streams and rivers
LOGDISTLogrithmic velocity distribution solution
LONGPRODynamic evolution of longitudinal profiles
LTRANSThe Larval TRANSport Lagrangian model (LTRANS) is an off-line particle-tracking model that runs with the stored predictions of a 3D hydrodynamic model, specifically the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS).
LaMEMLaMEM - Lithosphere and Mantle Evolution Model
LakeMapperBarnesTemporarily fills depressions and reroutes flow across them
LandlabPython software framework for writing, assembling, and running 2D numerical models
LandslidesLandlab component that simulates landslide probability of failure as well as mean relative wetness and probability of saturation.
LateralEroderLaterally erode neighbor node through fluvial erosion.
LateralVerticalIncisionGeometric model to explore autogenic increase of vertical incision rate in entrenching alluvial rivers.
LavaFlow2DRead note in extended description. 2D radially symmetric lava flow model
LinearDiffuserLandlab component that models soil creep as a linear diffusion process
LithologyCreate a Lithology object with different properties
LossyFlowAccumulatorComponent to calculate drainage area and accumulate flow, while permitting dynamic loss or gain of flow downstream.
LuSSA set of MATLAB functions to model how luminescence evolves in different geomorphic scenarios.
LumSoilMixerThis is a model to simulate the non-dimensionalized luminescence in a mixing soil.
MARM5DLandscape-scale soil evolution model
MARSSIMLandform evolution model
MARSSIM V4MARSSIM terrestrial and planetary Landform Evolution Model
MFDroutingRead note in extended description. Multiple Flow Direction (MFD) flow routing method
MFDrouting-SuccessiveRead note in extended description. Successive flow routing with Multiple Flow Direction (MFD) method
MICOMMiami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model
MIDASCoupled flow- heterogeneous sediment routing model
MITgcmThe MITgcm (MIT General Circulation Model) is a numerical model designed for study of the atmosphere, ocean, and climate.
MODFLOWMODFLOW is a three-dimensional finite-difference ground-water model
MODFLOW 6MODFLOW 6 is an object-oriented program and framework developed to provide a platform for supporting multiple models and multiple types of models within the same simulation
MOM6MOM6 is the latest generation of the Modular Ocean Model which is a numerical model code for simulating the ocean general circulation.
MPeat2DA fully coupled mechanical–ecohydrological model of peatland development in two dimensions
MRSAAMacro-roughness model framework for treating erosion, bed cover, and sediment transport in bedrock river channels.
Manningseq-bouldersforpaleohydrologyMatlab® code for paleo-hydrological flood flow reconstruction in a fluvial channel
MarshPondModel2D marsh evolution model focused on pond dynamics
Meander Centerline Migration ModelSimulation of the long-term migration of meandering rivers flowing above heterogeneous floodplains
MeanderpyA simple kinematic model of meandering
Mixed bedrock-alluvial morphodynamicAlluvial morphodynamics of bedrock reaches
MocsyRoutines to model the ocean carbonate system
ModelParameterDictionaryTool written in Python for reading model input parameters from a simple formatted text file.
Morphodynamic gravel bedMorphodynamic evolution of gravel bed rivers
MripMrip is a self-organization type model for the formation and dynamics of megaripples in the nearshore.
NEWTSNEWTS: Numerical model of coastal Erosion by Waves and Transgressive Scarps
NEXRAD-extractExtract data from NEXRAD Doppler Radar NetCDFs
NUBBLEA turbulent boundary layer model for the linearized shallow water equations
NWIS Data ComponentA CSDMS data component used to download the National Water Information System (Nwis) time series datasets.
NWM Data ComponentA CSDMS data component used to download the National Water Model datasets.
NearCoMNearshore Community Model
Nitrate Network ModelNitrate and organic carbon dynamics on a wetland-river network
Non Local Means FilteringPerforms non-local means filtering of a DEM following Buades et al. (2005)
NormalFaultNormalFault implements relative rock motion due to a normal fault.
OGGMOGGM is a modular open source model for glacier dynamics
OTEQOne-Dimensional Transport with Equilibrium Chemistry (OTEQ): A Reactive Transport Model for Streams and Rivers
OTISOne-Dimensional Transport with Inflow and Storage (OTIS): A Solute Transport Model for Streams and Rivers
OTTAROde To Transient (Ancho de los) Rivers: Transient evolution of river-channel width in response to river discharge and bank and sediment properties.
OTTEREvolution of a river profile with dynamic width
OceanWavesCalculate wave-generated bottom orbital velocities from surface wave parameters
Oceananigans.jlOceananigans.jl is a fast and friendly ocean-flavored Julia software for simulating incompressible fluid dynamics in Cartesian and spherical shell domains on CPUs and GPUs.
OlaFlowWave generation and active absorption interaction with porous structures framework
OpenAMUNDSENopenAMUNDSEN is a modular snow and hydroclimatological modeling framework written in Python.
OpenFOAMOpen Field Operation and Manipulation is a toolbox for the development of customized numerical solvers.
OptimalCycleIDA numerical method to analyse a vertical succession of strata and identify the most cyclical arrangement of constituent facies
OrderIDA method to test for order in a vertical succession of strata
OverlandFlowComponent simulating overland flow using a 2-D numerical approximation of the shallow-water equations following the de Almeida et al., 2012 algorithm for storage-cell inundation modeling.
OverlandFlowBatesThis component simulates overland flow using the 2-D numerical model of shallow-water flow over topography using the Bates et al. (2010) algorithm for storage-cell inundation modeling.
PHREEQCPHREEQC version 3 is a computer program written in the C and C++ programming languages that is designed to perform a wide variety of aqueous geochemical calculations
PIHMPIHM is a multiprocess, multi-scale hydrologic model.
PIHMgisTightly coupled GIS interface for the Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Model
PISMParallel Ice Sheet Model, PISM
PRMSPrecipitation-Runoff Modeling System
PSTSWMParallel Spectral Transform Shallow Water Model
ParFlowParallel, high-performance, integrated watershed model
Permafrost Benchmark SystemThe PBS is a web-based tool for conducting benchmarking studies of permafrost models.
PerronNLDiffuseNonlinear diffusion, following Perron (2011).
Pllcart3d3D numerical simulation of confined miscible flows
PlumeHypopycnal sediment plume
Point-Tidal-flatPoint Model for Tidal Flat Evolution model
PotentialEvapotranspirationCalculates potential evapotranspiration
PotentialityFlowRouterMultidirectional flow routing using a novel method.
PrecipitationDistributionGenerate random sequence of precipitation events
Princeton Ocean Model (POM)POM: Sigma coordinate coastal & basin circulation model
PsHICPixel-scale Hypsometric Integral Calculator
PyDeCePython model for Dense Current forming eruptions (PyDeCe) is a tool for modeling the dense endmember of pyroclastic density currents generated either by impulsive column collapse or sustained fountaining eruptions.
PyDeltaRCMReduced complexity river delta formation and evolution model with channel dynamics
PyRiverBedA Python framework to generate synthetic riverbed topography of constant-width meandering rivers
PySBeLTA Python software package for stochastic sediment transport under rarefied conditions
QTCMQuasi-equilibrium Tropical Circulation Model
QUAL2KA Modeling Framework for Simulating River and Stream Water Quality
QUODDYA state-of-the-art finite-element computer simulation program for coastal ocean circulation modeling
RAFEMRiver Avulsion and Floodplain Evolution Module
REF-DIFPhase-resolving parabolic refraction-diffraction model for ocean surface wave propagation.
RHESSysRegional Hydro-Ecologic Simulation System
ROMSRegional Ocean Modeling System
ROMS Data ComponentA CSDMS data component used to access the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) datasets
RabproRiver and Basin Profiler (rabpro)
RadiationCompute 1D and 2D total incident shortwave radiation.
RecircFeedE-book: calculator for approach to equilibrium in recirculating and feed flumes
Rescal-snowA model of dunes and snow-waves
ReservoirReservoir: Tools for Analysis, Design, and Operation of Water Supply Storages
RivGraphRivGraph: Automatic extraction and analysis of river and delta channel network topology
RivMAPMatlab toolbox for mapping and measuring river planform changes
River Erosion ModelAn intermediate complexity model for simulating stream channel evolution (years to decades) at the watershed scale.
River Network Bed-Material SedimentBed-material sediment transport and storage dynamics on river networks.
River Temperature ModelRiver Temperature Model based on heat balance approach
RiverMUSESimulates freshwater mussel populations' response to changes in suspended sediment
RiverWFRisingBaseLevelNormalE-book: Calculator for disequilibrium aggradation of a sand-bed river in response to rising base level.
RouseVanoniEquilibriumE-book: Program for calculating the Rouse-Vanoni profile of suspended sediment.
SBMSorted Bedform Model
SEASouthamption--East Anglia
SELFESemi-implicit Eulerian–Lagrangian Finite Element
SETTLEPartical settling velocity solution
SFINCSSFINCS, a reduced-physics solver to compute compound flooding in coastal systems due to fluvial, pluvial, tidal, wind- and wave-driven processes
SIBERIASIBERIA simulates the evolution of landscapes under the action of runoff and erosion over long times scales.
SICOPOLISIce sheet model
SIGNUMSIGNUM (Simple Integrated Geomorphological Numerical Model) is a MAtlab TIN-based landscape evolution model
SINUOUSSINUOUS - Meander Evolution Model
SLAMM 6.7The Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM)
SLEPIAN AlphaComputation of spherical harmonics, Slepian functions, and transforms
SLEPIAN BravoLinear inverse problems using spherical harmonics and spherical Slepian functions
SLEPIAN CharlieSpectral estimation problems using spherical harmonics and spherical Slepian functions
SLEPIAN DeltaAnalysis of time-variable gravity from the GRACE satellite mission using spherical harmonics and spherical Slepian functions
SLEPIAN EchoComputation of vectorial spherical harmonics, vectorial Slepian functions, and transforms
SNACAn updated Lagrangian explicit finite difference code for modeling a finitely deforming elasto-visco-plastic solid in 3D.
SNOWPACKSNOWPACK is a multi-purpose snow and land-surface model, which focuses on a detailed description of the mass and energy exchange between the snow, the atmosphere and optionally with the vegetation cover and the soil. It also includes a detailed treatment of mass and energy fluxes within these media.
SPACELandlab component for 2-D calculation of fluvial sediment transport and bedrock erosion
SPARROWThe SPARROW Surface Water-Quality Model
SPHYSICSSmoothed Particle Hydrodynamics code
STORMWindfield simulator for a cyclone
STSWMNCAR Spectral Transform Shallow Water Model
STVENANT1D gradually varied flow routine
STWAVESteady-State Spectral Wave Model
SUSPSuspended load transport subroutine
SVELAShear velocity solution associated with grain roughness
SWANSWAN is a third-generation wave model
SWATSWAT is a river basin scale model developed to quantify the impact of land management practices in large, complex watersheds.
SWEHRA coupled model for infiltration, fluid flow, and sediment transport.
SWMMStorm Water Management Model
Sakura3 Equation hyperpycnal flow model
SedBergAn iceberg drift and melt model, developed to simulate sedimentation in high-latitude glaciated fjords.
SedCasA probabilistic sediment cascade model for sediment production, storage and transfer
SedDepEroderCompute fluvial erosion using using “tools and cover” theory
SedFoam-2.0A multi-dimensional Eulerian two-phase model for sediment transport (version 2.0)
Sedtrans05Sediment transport model for continental shelf and estuaries
SiStERAn easy-to-use MATLAB code to simulate long-term lithosphere and mantle deformation.
SinkFillerFill sinks in a landscape to the brim, following the Barnes et al. (2014) algorithms.
SoilGrids Data ComponentA CSDMS data component used to download the soil property datasets from the SoilGrids system.
SoilInfiltrationGreenAmptLandlab component that calculates soil infiltration based on the Green-Ampt solution.
SoilMoistureCompute the decay of soil moisture saturation at storm-interstorm time period
SpatialPrecipitationDistributionGenerate random sequence of spatially-resolved precipitation events
SpeciesEvolverEvolve life in a landscape.
Spirals1DRead note in extended description. 1D model of spiral troughs on Mars
SteadyStateAgE-book: calculator for approach to equilibrium in recirculating and feed flumes
SteepnessFinderCalculate steepness and concavity indices from gridded topography
StreamPowerRead note in extended description. Modeling the development of topographic steady state in the stream-power model
StreamPowerSmoothThresholdEroderCompute fluvial erosion using stream power theory with a numerically smoothed threshold
StreamProfilerAppGlobal stream profiler web-app
SubsideFlexure model
SubsidingFanE-book: calculator for evolution of profiles of fans in subsiding basins
Sun fan-delta modelFan-delta and alluvial fan landscape evolution model
SurfaceRoughnessQuantifies surface roughness with high-resolution topographic data by analyzing the local variability of surface normal vectors.
SuspSedDensityStratE-book: Module for calculating the effect of density stratification on the vertical profiles of velocity and suspended sediment.
Symphonie3D primitive equation ocean model
TAotAo is a software designed to model the interplay between lithosphere flexure and surface transport (erosion/sedimentation), particularly during the formation of orogens and foreland sedimentary basins (see details).
TISCTISC integrates quantitative models of lithospheric flexure, fault deformation, and surface mass transport (erosion/transport/sedimentation) along drainage networks.
TOPMODELPhysically based, distributed watershed model that simulates hydrologic fluxes of water through a watershed
TOPOGTOPOG is a terrain analysis-based hydrologic modelling package
TURBGausian distribution calculator of instantaneous shear stresses on the fluvial bed
TURBINSAn immersed boundary, Navier–Stokes code for the simulation of gravity and turbidity currents interacting with complex topographies.
TauDEMA suite of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) tools for the extraction and analysis of hydrologic information from topography as represented by a DEM. TauDEM 5 is a new version implemented to take advantage of parallel processing
TaylorNonLinearDiffuserModel non-linear soil creep after Ganti et al. (2012)
TerrainbentoA Python package for multi-model analysis in long-term drainage basin evolution
TerrapinBuild and destroy strath and fill terraces
ThawLake1D1-D numerical model of permafrost and subsidence processes.
The TELEMAC systema powerful integrated modeling tool for use in the field of free-surface flows.
TopoFlow-Channels-Diffusive WaveDiffusive Wave process component for flow routing in a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model
TopoFlow-Channels-Dynamic WaveDynamic Wave process component for flow routing in a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model
TopoFlow-Channels-Kinematic WaveKinematic Wave process component for flow routing in a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model.
TopoFlow-Data-HISThe CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System
TopoFlow-DiversionsDiversions component for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model.
TopoFlow-Evaporation-Energy BalanceEvaporation process component (Energy Balance method) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model
TopoFlow-Evaporation-Priestley TaylorEvaporation process component (Priestley-Taylor method) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model
TopoFlow-Evaporation-Read FileEvaporation process component (read from file method) for a spatially-distributed hydrologic model.
TopoFlow-Infiltration-Green-AmptInfiltration process component (Green-Ampt method) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model
TopoFlow-Infiltration-Richards 1DInfiltration process component (Richards 1D method) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model
TopoFlow-Infiltration-Smith-ParlangeInfiltration process component (Smith-Parlange method) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model
TopoFlow-Saturated Zone-Darcy LayersSaturated Zone process component (Darcy's law, multiple soil layers) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model
TopoFlow-Snowmelt-Energy BalanceSnowmelt process component (Energy Balance method) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model
TopoPyScaleA Python Package for Hillslope Climate Downscaling
TopoToolboxA set of Matlab functions for topographic analysis
Topography Data ComponentA CSDMS data component used to fetch and cache NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and JAXA Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) land elevation data using the OpenTopography REST API.
Tracer dispersion calculatorThe model computes the streamwise and vertical dispersal of a patch of tracers in a gravel bed river
TransportLengthHillslopeDiffuserTransport length hillslope diffusion.
TwoPhaseEulerSedFoamA four-way coupled two-phase Eulerian model for sediment transport
UEBThe Utah Energy Balance (UEB) Grid snowmelt model
UIDSA Matlab-based urban flood model considering rainfall-induced and surcharge-induced inundations
UMCESromsChesapeake Bay Application, special case of Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)
Underworld2Underworld2 is an open-source, particle-in-cell finite element code tuned for large-scale geodynamics simulations.
VICVIC (Variable Infiltration Capacity) is a macroscale hydrologic model that solves full water and energy balances, originally developed by Xu Liang at the University of Washington.
VegCALandlab component that simulates inter-species plant competition using a 2D cellular automata model.
VegetationModel plant dynamics using multiple representative plant species
WACCM Dust-SulfurWhole atmosphere module of sulfate aerosols.
WACCM-CARMAatmospheric/aerosol microphysical model
WACCM-EEGCM for deep paleoclimate studies
WAVEREFWave refraction routine
WAVEWATCH III Data ComponentA CSDMS data component used to fetch and cache WAVEWATCH III datasets.
WAVEWATCH III ^TMSpectral wind wave model
WAVI.jlIce Sheet Modelling in Julia
WDUNEGUI implementation of the Werner (1995) cellular automata aeolian dune model
WILSIMLandscape evolution model
WINDSEADeep water significant wave height and period simulator during a hurricane routine
WOFOSTWOFOST (WOrld FOod STudies) is a simulation model for the quantitative analysis of the growth and production of annual field crops.
WPHydResAMBLE-book: Implementation of the Wright-Parker (2004) formulation for hydraulic resistance combined with the Ashida-Michiue (1972) bedload formulation.
WRFWeather Research and Forecasting Model
WRF-HydroThe WRF-Hydro® Modeling System, an open-source community model, is used for a range of projects, including flash flood prediction, regional hydroclimate impacts assessment, seasonal forecasting of water resources, and land-atmosphere coupling studies. It produces forecasts and analyses for all major terrestrial water-cycle components: Precipitation, Streamflow, Soil moisture, Snowpack, Flooding, Groundwater.
WSGFAMWave and current supported sediment gravity flow model
WSIMODWSIMOD: Water Systems Integrated Modelling framework
WTMCoupled groundwater and dynamic lake modelling
Wetland3PA 3-point dynamic model for the morphological evolution of a backbarrier basin composed by marshes and mudflats
XBeachMorphological changes, nearshore currents, wave propagation and sediment transport model
YANGsFluvial sediment transport model
ZoneControllerControls zones and populates them with taxa.
ZoneTaxonA zone-based taxon
ZscapeA simple parallel code to demonstrate diffusion