CSDMS models by numbers
Models, tools and components
Models, tools and components per domain
Domain | Models | Tools | Components |
All domains | 316 | 134 | 35 |
Terrestrial | 163 | 112 | 11 |
Coastal | 85 | 18 | 10 |
Marine | 55 | 15 | 5 |
Hydrology | 116 | 80 | 25 |
Geodynamic | 19 | 5 | 1 |
Carbonate models | 1 | 2 | 0 |
Cryosphere | 26 | 9 | 4 |
Climate | 20 | 17 | 4 |
Model & tool contributions per calendar year
Year | Models | Tools | Model & Tools with DOIs |
2024 | 316 (18) | 134 (8) | 160 |
2023 | 298 (9) | 126 (1) | 151 |
2022 | 289 (6) | 125 (0) | 149 |
2021 | 283 (12) | 125 (8) | 148 |
2020 | 271 (32) | 117 (26) | 144 |
2019 | 239 (15) | 91 (3) | 140 |
2018 | 224 (19) | 88 (4) | 137 |
2017 | 205 (19) | 84 (4) | 124 |
2016 | 186 (10) | 80 (3) | 119 |
2015 | 176 (17) | 77 (3) | 119 |
2014 | 159 (12) | 74 (1) | 114 |
2013 | 147 (2) | 73 (4) | 110 |
2012 | 145 (18) | 69 (3) | 110 |
2011 | 127 (20) | 66 (4) | 110 |
2010 | 107 (28) | 62 (34) | 101 |
2009 | 79 (79) | 28 (28) | 62 |
Note: Above numbers are total submissions in the repository by the end of each year, and submissions per year between brackets).
Models per language
Program language | Count |
Python | 161 |
C | 97 |
Fortran77 | 60 |
Matlab | 68 |
Fortran90 | 60 |
C++ | 38 |
Java | 6 |
IDL | 3 |
Other | 41 |
Note: some models can be programmed in more than 1 language
Models per operating system
Operating system | Count |
Linux | 345 |
Windows | 341 |
Unix | 317 |
Mac OS | 310 |
Other | 14 |
Note: some models can run on multiple operating systems
Are Models Cited?
There are currently 33,358 references added to the model reference repository. With this we track the total number of papers that cite a specific model, and a bibliometric rating in the form of the h-index for models: a version of the popular h-index that references a specific model rather than a unique author. The h-index metric has several benefits:
- model developers and users can expose publications with model metadata and thereby highlight their research,
- model users have an overview of the literature that is available for a model, and
- a user can, based on the h-index, quickly see whether a model is well adopted within the community.