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ACADIA A finite element formulation of the non-conservative form of the vertically integrated advection/diffusion/reaction (ADR) equation Gentleman, Wendy redirect download
ADCIRC Coastal Circulation and Storm Surge Model Luettich, Rick redirect download
AR2-sinuosity Generates planforms for single-thread channel using a second-order autoregressive model Limaye, Ajay redirect download
ATS (The Advanced Terrestrial Simulator) The Advanced Terrestrial Simulator (formerly sometimes known as the Arctic Terrestrial Simulator) is a code for solving ecosystem-based, integrated, distributed hydrology. Coon, Ethan redirect download
AeoLiS AeoLiS is a process-based model for simulating aeolian sediment transport in situations where supply-limiting factors are important, like in coastal environments. Hoonhout, Bas redirect download
AlluvStrat Rules-based model to generate a 2-dimensional cross section of alluvial stratigraphy based on fluvial processes Wickert, Andy redirect download
Alpine3D 3D model of alpine surface processes Bavay, Mathias redirect download
Anuga ANUGA is a hydrodynamic modelling tool that allows users to model realistic flow problems in complex 2D geometries. Habili, Nariman redirect download
AnugaSed Add-on package to ANUGA with modules for sediment transport and vegetation drag Perignon, Mariela redirect download
ApsimX The Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) Holzworth, Dean redirect download
Auto marsh Cellula automata model for salt marsh evolution with variable soil resistance under wind waves attack Leonardi, Nicoletta redirect download
Avulsion Stream avulsion model Hutton, Eric redirect download
BOM Bergen Ocean Model Berntsen, Jarle redirect download
BRaKE Computes evolution of a bedrock river longitudinal profile in the presence of large, hillslope-derived blocks. Shobe, Charles redirect download
Badlands Basin and landscape dynamics Salles, Tristan redirect download
Barrier Inlet Environment (BRIE) Model Coastal barrier island transgression model Nienhuis, Jaap redirect download
Barrier3D A spatially explicit model of coastal barrier evolution Reeves, Ian redirect download
BarrierBMFT Barrier-Bay-Marsh-Forest Transect Coupled Model Framework Reeves, Ian redirect download
BatTri A graphical Matlab interface to the C language 2-D quality finite element grid generator Triangle. Shewchuk, Jonathan redirect download
Bing Submarine debris flows Hutton, Eric redirect download
Bio Biogenic mixing of marine sediments Hutton, Eric redirect download
BlockLab BlockLab computes landscape evolution in the presence of large blocks of rock on hillslopes and in channels. Shobe, Charles redirect download
CAESAR Lisflood Caesar Lisflood is a morphodynamic / Landscape evolution model that simulates erosion and deposition in river catchments and reaches over time scales from hours to 1000's of years. Coulthard, Tom redirect download
CAM-CARMA A GCM for Titan that incorporates aerosols Larson, Eric redirect download
CBOFS2 The Second Generation Chesapeake Bay Operational Forecast System (CBOFS2): A ROMS‐Based Modeling System Lanerolle, Lyon redirect download
CHILD Landscape Evolution Model Tucker, Greg redirect download
CICE Los Alamos sea ice model Hunke, Elizabeth redirect download
CLUMondo The CLUMondo model is a spatially explicit and dynamics land system change model Verburg, Peter redirect download
CREST The Coupled Routing and Excess STorage (CREST) model is a distributed hydrologic model developed to simulate the spatial and temporal variation of atmospheric, land surface, and subsurface water fluxes and storages by cell-to-cell simulation. Wang, Jiahu redirect download
Caesar Cellular landscape evolution model Coulthard, Tom redirect download
ChannelProfiler The ChannelProfiler extracts and plots channel networks from a landlab grid. Barnhart, Katy redirect download
ChesROMS Chesapeake Bay ROMS Community Model (ChesROMS), special case of ROMS Long, Wen redirect download
ChiFinder Calculate Chi Indices Hobley, Daniel redirect download
Cliffs Numerical model to compute tsunami propagation and runup on land in the shallow-water approximation Tolkova, Elena redirect download
CoAStal Community-lAnDscape Evolution (CASCADE) model A coupled landscape and human-dynamics modeling framework for barrier evolution Anarde, Katherine redirect download
CoastMorpho2D Long term 2D morphodynamics of coastal areas Mariotti, Giulio redirect download
Compact Sediment compaction Hutton, Eric redirect download
CryoGrid3 CryoGrid 3 is a simple land-surface scheme dedicated to modeling of ground temperatures in permafrost environments. Westermann, Sebastian redirect download
DFMFON Spatially-Explicit Mangrove-Mudflat Dynamic Model Beselly, Sebrian redirect download
DHSVM DHSVM is a distributed hydrologic model that explicitly represents the effects of topography and vegetation on water fluxes through the landscape. DHSVM, Administrator redirect download
DLBRM Distributed Large Basin Runoff Model Croley, Thomas redirect download
DR3M Distributed Routing Rainfall-Runoff Model--version II U.S., Geological Survey redirect download
Dakotathon A Python API for the Dakota iterative systems analysis toolkit. Piper, Mark redirect download
DbSEABED Data Component A CSDMS data component used to download the marine substrates datasets from the dbSEABED system. Gan, Tian redirect download
Delft3D 3D hydrodynamic and sediment transport model Delft3D, Support redirect download
Demeter Demeter - A Land Use and Land Cover Change Disaggregation Model Vernon, Chris redirect download
DepressionFinderAndRouter Find depressions on a topographic surface. Hobley, Dan redirect download
DepthDependentDiffuser Soil depth-dependent linear hillslope diffuser Glade, Rachel redirect download
DepthDependentTaylorDiffuser This component implements a depth-dependent Taylor series diffusion rule, combining concepts of Ganti et al. (2012) and Johnstone and Hilley (2014). Glade, Rachel redirect download
DetachmentLtdErosion Simulate detachment limited sediment transport. Adams, Jordan redirect download
Detrital Thermochron Code for estimating long-term exhumation histories and spatial patterns of short-term erosion from the detrital thermochronometric data. Avdeev, Boris redirect download
Diffusion Diffusion of marine sediments due to waves, bioturbation Hutton, Eric redirect download
Dorado A Python package for simulating passive particle transport in shallow-water flows Hariharan, Jayaram redirect download
Drainage Density Component for calculating drainage density in Landlab given a channel network Shobe, Charles redirect download
ECSimpleSnow A simple snow model Wang, Kang redirect download
EF5 Ensemble Framework For Flash Flood Forecasting Flamig, Zac redirect download
ELCIRC Eulerian-Lagrangian CIRCulation Zhang, Yinglong redirect download
ESCAPE parallel global-scale landscape evolution model Salles, Tristan redirect download
Ecopath with Ecosim Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) is an ecological modeling software suite for personal computers Christensen, Villy redirect download
Equilibrium Calculator Equilibrium solver of Self-formed, Single-thread, Sand-bed Rivers Viparelli, Enrica redirect download
ErosionDeposition Landlab component for fluvial erosion/deposition. Shobe, Charles redirect download
EstuarineMorphologyEstimator Empirical Assessment Tool for Bathymetry, Flow Velocity and Salinity in Estuaries Based on Tidal Amplitude and Remotely-Sensed Imagery Leuven, Jasper redirect download
ExponentialWeatherer Exponential soil production function in the style of Ahnert (1976) Glade, Rachel redirect download
FACET Floodplain and Channel Evaluation Tool (FACET) Lamont, Samuel redirect download
FUNDY a 3-D diagnostic model for continental shelf circulation studies Naimie, Christopher redirect download
FUNWAVE Fully Nonlinear Boussinesq Wave Model Kirby, Jim redirect download
FVCOM The Unstructured Grid Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model Chen, Changsheng redirect download
FastscapeEroder Compute fluvial erosion using stream power theory (“fastscape” algorithm) Hobley, Daniel redirect download
FireGenerator This component generates a random fire event or fire time series from the Weibull statistical distribution. Adams, Jordan redirect download
Flexure Deform the lithosphere with 1D or 2D flexure. Hutton, Eric redirect download
FlowAccumulator Component to accumulate flow and calculate drainage area. Barnhart, Katy redirect download
FlowDirectorD8 Single-path (steepest direction) flow direction with diagonals on rasters. Barnhart, Katy redirect download
FlowDirectorDinf Flow direction on a raster grid by the D infinity method. Barnhart, Katy redirect download
FlowDirectorMFD Multiple-path flow direction with or without out diagonals. Barnhart, Katy redirect download
FlowDirectorSteepest Single-path (steepest direction) flow direction without diagonals. Barnhart, Katy redirect download
FractureGridGenerator Create a 2D grid with randomly generated fractures. Tucker, Greg redirect download
Frost Model Frost model predicts the likelihood of occurrence of permafrost in the land surface based on the monthly temperature distribution Overeem, Irina redirect download
GEOtop Distributed hydrological model, water and energy budgets Rigon, Riccardo redirect download
GIPL GIPL(Geophysical Institute Permafrost Laboratory) is an implicit finite difference one-dimensional heat flow numerical model. Jafarov, Elchin redirect download
GISS AOM GISS Atmosphere-Ocean Model Rind, David redirect download
GISS GCM ModelE GISS GCM ModelE Schmidt, Gavin redirect download
GNE Set of biogeochemical sub-models that predicts river export Seitzinger, Sybil redirect download
GRLP Evolves gravel-bed river long profiles Wickert, Andrew redirect download
GSFLOW Ground-water and Surface-water FLOW model Markstrom, Steve redirect download
GSFLOW-GRASS Quickly generates input files for and runs GSFLOW, and visualizes the output Wickert, Andrew redirect download
GeoClaw Depth-averaged fluid dynamics for modeling geophysical flows and wave propagation LeVeque, Randall redirect download
GeoTiff Data Component A CSDMS data component for accessing data and metadata from a GeoTIFF file, through either a local filepath or a remote URL.. Piper, Mark redirect download
Glimmer-CISM Dynamic thermo-mechanical ice sheet model Hagdorn, Magnus redirect download
Gospl Global Scalable Paleo Landscape Evolution Salles, Tristan redirect download
GrainHill Cellular automaton model of hillslope evolution Tucker, Gregory redirect download
GridMET Data Component A CSDMS data component for fetching and caching gridMET meteorological data. McDonald, Rich redirect download
GroundwaterDupuitPercolator The GroundwaterDupuitPercolator solves the Boussinesq equation for flow in an unconfined aquifer over an impermeable aquifer base and calculates groundwater return flow to the surface. Litwin, David redirect download
HBV HBV model is a rainfall-runoff model Craven, John redirect download
HIM Hallberg Isopycnal Model Hallberg, Robert redirect download
HYPE Hydrological model for simulation of water and water quality over time SMHI, -- redirect download
HackCalculator Calculate Hack parameters. Barnhart, Katy redirect download
HexWatershed A mesh independent flow direction model for hydrologic models Liao, Chang redirect download
Hogback Evolution of a hogback Glade, Rachel redirect download
HydroCNHS HydroCNHS, a Python Package of Hydrological Model for Coupled Natural–Human Systems Lin, Chung-Yi redirect download
HydroRaVENS Linear-reservoir hydrological model with snowpack and evapotranspiration Wickert, Andrew redirect download
HydroTrend Climate driven hydrological transport model Kettner, Albert redirect download
Hydromad Hydrological Model Assessment and Development Guillaume, Joseph redirect download
ILAMB The International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) toolkit Collier, Nathan redirect download
ISSM Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM) Larour, Eric redirect download
IceFlow 2D semi-implicit shallow ice approximation glacier model Wickert, Andy redirect download
Icepack Icepack is a Python package for simulating the flow of glaciers and ice sheets, as well as for solving glaciological data assimilation problems. Shapero, Daniel redirect download
Inflow Steady-state hyperpycnal flow model Hutton, Eric redirect download
KnickZone-Picker Matlab-based scripts to extract topometrics for catchments and identify river knickpoints. Bookhagen, Bodo redirect download
Kudryavtsev Model Permafrost Active Layer Thickness Model based on Kudryavtsev's parametrization Overeem, Irina redirect download
LEMming2 2D model that simulates the retreat of hard-capped cliffs Ward, Dylan redirect download
LISFLOOD LISFLOOD - a distributed hydrological rainfall-runoff model de Roo, Ad redirect download
LOADEST Software for estimating constituent loads in streams and rivers Runkel, Rob redirect download
LTRANS The Larval TRANSport Lagrangian model (LTRANS) is an off-line particle-tracking model that runs with the stored predictions of a 3D hydrodynamic model, specifically the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). North, Elizabeth redirect download
LakeMapperBarnes Temporarily fills depressions and reroutes flow across them Hobley, Daniel redirect download
Landlab Python software framework for writing, assembling, and running 2D numerical models Tucker, Greg redirect download
Landslides Landlab component that simulates landslide probability of failure as well as mean relative wetness and probability of saturation. Strauch, Ronda redirect download
LateralEroder Laterally erode neighbor node through fluvial erosion. Langston, Abigail redirect download
LinearDiffuser Landlab component that models soil creep as a linear diffusion process Tucker, Greg redirect download
Lithology Create a Lithology object with different properties Barnhart, Katy redirect download
LossyFlowAccumulator Component to calculate drainage area and accumulate flow, while permitting dynamic loss or gain of flow downstream. Hobley, Dan redirect download
LuSS A set of MATLAB functions to model how luminescence evolves in different geomorphic scenarios. Brown, Nathan redirect download
MCPM A stand alone model for the morphological evolution of an idealized transect across a marsh channel-and-platform. Mariotti, Giulio redirect download
MICOM Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model Bleck, Rainer redirect download
MODFLOW MODFLOW is a three-dimensional finite-difference ground-water model Barlow, Paul redirect download
MODFLOW 6 MODFLOW 6 is an object-oriented program and framework developed to provide a platform for supporting multiple models and multiple types of models within the same simulation Hughes, Joseph redirect download
MOM6 MOM6 is the latest generation of the Modular Ocean Model which is a numerical model code for simulating the ocean general circulation. User community, MOM6 redirect download
Meander Centerline Migration Model Simulation of the long-term migration of meandering rivers flowing above heterogeneous floodplains Bogoni, Manuel redirect download
Meanderpy A simple kinematic model of meandering Sylvester, Zoltan redirect download
Mocsy Routines to model the ocean carbonate system Orr, James redirect download
Mosartwmpy Model for Scale Adaptive River Transport with Water Management in Python Thurber, Travis redirect download
NEXRAD-extract Extract data from NEXRAD Doppler Radar NetCDFs Wickert, Andy redirect download
NUBBLE A turbulent boundary layer model for the linearized shallow water equations Naimie, Christopher redirect download
NWIS Data Component A CSDMS data component used to download the National Water Information System (Nwis) time series datasets. Gan, Tian redirect download
NWM Data Component A CSDMS data component used to download the National Water Model datasets. Gan, Tian redirect download
NearCoM Nearshore Community Model Kirby, James redirect download
NormalFault NormalFault implements relative rock motion due to a normal fault. Barnhart, Katy redirect download
OTEQ One-Dimensional Transport with Equilibrium Chemistry (OTEQ): A Reactive Transport Model for Streams and Rivers Runkel, Rob redirect download
OTIS One-Dimensional Transport with Inflow and Storage (OTIS): A Solute Transport Model for Streams and Rivers Runkel, Rob redirect download
OTTAR Ode To Transient (Ancho de los) Rivers: Transient evolution of river-channel width in response to river discharge and bank and sediment properties. Wickert, Andrew redirect download
Oceananigans.jl Oceananigans.jl is a fast and friendly ocean-flavored Julia software for simulating incompressible fluid dynamics in Cartesian and spherical shell domains on CPUs and GPUs. Ramadhan, Ali redirect download
OlaFlow Wave generation and active absorption interaction with porous structures framework Higuera, Pablo redirect download
OpenFOAM Open Field Operation and Manipulation is a toolbox for the development of customized numerical solvers. Weller, Henry redirect download
OverlandFlow Component simulating overland flow using a 2-D numerical approximation of the shallow-water equations following the de Almeida et al., 2012 algorithm for storage-cell inundation modeling. Adams, Jordan redirect download
OverlandFlowBates This component simulates overland flow using the 2-D numerical model of shallow-water flow over topography using the Bates et al. (2010) algorithm for storage-cell inundation modeling. Adams, Jordan redirect download
PHREEQC PHREEQC version 3 is a computer program written in the C and C++ programming languages that is designed to perform a wide variety of aqueous geochemical calculations Parkhurst, David redirect download
PIHM PIHM is a multiprocess, multi-scale hydrologic model. Duffy, Christopher redirect download
PIHMgis Tightly coupled GIS interface for the Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Model Duffy, Christopher redirect download
PISM Parallel Ice Sheet Model, PISM Group, Glacier redirect download
PRMS Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System Leavesley, George redirect download
ParFlow Parallel, high-performance, integrated watershed model Maxwell, Reed redirect download
Permafrost Benchmark System The PBS is a web-based tool for conducting benchmarking studies of permafrost models. Piper, Mark redirect download
PerronNLDiffuse Nonlinear diffusion, following Perron (2011). Hobley, Daniel redirect download
Plume Hypopycnal sediment plume Hutton, Eric redirect download
PotentialEvapotranspiration Calculates potential evapotranspiration Nudurupati, Sai redirect download
PotentialityFlowRouter Multidirectional flow routing using a novel method. Hobley, Daniel redirect download
PrecipitationDistribution Generate random sequence of precipitation events Adams, Jordan redirect download
Princeton Ocean Model (POM) POM: Sigma coordinate coastal & basin circulation model Ezer, Tal redirect download
PyDeCe Python model for Dense Current forming eruptions (PyDeCe) is a tool for modeling the dense endmember of pyroclastic density currents generated either by impulsive column collapse or sustained fountaining eruptions. Ganesh, Indujaa redirect download
PyDeltaRCM Reduced complexity river delta formation and evolution model with channel dynamics Perignon, Mariela redirect download
PyRiverBed A Python framework to generate synthetic riverbed topography of constant-width meandering rivers Li, Zhi redirect download
QUAL2K A Modeling Framework for Simulating River and Stream Water Quality Chapra, Steve redirect download
QUODDY A state-of-the-art finite-element computer simulation program for coastal ocean circulation modeling Lynch, Kristina redirect download
RAFEM River Avulsion and Floodplain Evolution Module Ratliff, Katherine redirect download
REF-DIF Phase-resolving parabolic refraction-diffraction model for ocean surface wave propagation. Kirby, James redirect download
RHESSys Regional Hydro-Ecologic Simulation System Tague, christina redirect download
ROMS Regional Ocean Modeling System Arango, Hernan G. redirect download
ROMS Data Component A CSDMS data component used to access the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) datasets Gan, Tian redirect download
Radiation Compute 1D and 2D total incident shortwave radiation. Nudurupati, Sai redirect download
Rescal-snow A model of dunes and snow-waves Kochanski, Kelly redirect download
Reservoir Reservoir: Tools for Analysis, Design, and Operation of Water Supply Storages Turner, Sean redirect download
RivMAP Matlab toolbox for mapping and measuring river planform changes Schwenk, Jon redirect download
River Erosion Model An intermediate complexity model for simulating stream channel evolution (years to decades) at the watershed scale. Lammers, Roderick redirect download
River Temperature Model River Temperature Model based on heat balance approach Overeem, Irina redirect download
SEA Southamption--East Anglia Stevens, David redirect download
SELFE Semi-implicit Eulerian–Lagrangian Finite Element Zhang, Yinglong redirect download
SICOPOLIS Ice sheet model Greve, Ralf redirect download
SIGNUM SIGNUM (Simple Integrated Geomorphological Numerical Model) is a MAtlab TIN-based landscape evolution model Capolongo, Domenico redirect download
SLAMM 6.7 The Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM) Clough, Jonathan redirect download
SNAC An updated Lagrangian explicit finite difference code for modeling a finitely deforming elasto-visco-plastic solid in 3D. Choi, Eunseo redirect download
SPACE Landlab component for 2-D calculation of fluvial sediment transport and bedrock erosion Shobe, Charles redirect download
SPARROW The SPARROW Surface Water-Quality Model Alexander, Richard redirect download
SPHYSICS Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics code Dalrymple, Robert redirect download
STSWM NCAR Spectral Transform Shallow Water Model Hack, James redirect download
STWAVE Steady-State Spectral Wave Model Smith, Jane redirect download
SWAN SWAN is a third-generation wave model SWAN, Team redirect download
SWAT SWAT is a river basin scale model developed to quantify the impact of land management practices in large, complex watersheds. Arnold, Jeff redirect download
SWMM Storm Water Management Model Rossman, Lewis redirect download
Sakura 3 Equation hyperpycnal flow model Kubo, Yusuke redirect download
SedCas A probabilistic sediment cascade model for sediment production, storage and transfer Hirschberg, Jacob redirect download
SedDepEroder Compute fluvial erosion using using “tools and cover” theory Hobley, Daniel redirect download
Sedflux Basin filling stratigraphic model Hutton, Eric redirect download
Sedtrans05 Sediment transport model for continental shelf and estuaries Neumeier, Urs redirect download
SinkFiller Fill sinks in a landscape to the brim, following the Barnes et al. (2014) algorithms. Hobley, Daniel redirect download
SoilGrids Data Component A CSDMS data component used to download the soil property datasets from the SoilGrids system. Gan, Tian redirect download
SoilInfiltrationGreenAmpt Landlab component that calculates soil infiltration based on the Green-Ampt solution. Rengers, Francis redirect download
SoilMoisture Compute the decay of soil moisture saturation at storm-interstorm time period Nudurupati, Sai redirect download
SpatialPrecipitationDistribution Generate random sequence of spatially-resolved precipitation events Hobley, Daniel redirect download
SpeciesEvolver Evolve life in a landscape. Lyons, Nathan redirect download
SteepnessFinder Calculate steepness and concavity indices from gridded topography Hobley, Daniel redirect download
StreamPowerSmoothThresholdEroder Compute fluvial erosion using stream power theory with a numerically smoothed threshold Tucker, Greg redirect download
StreamProfilerApp Global stream profiler web-app Ruetenik, Gregory redirect download
Sun fan-delta model Fan-delta and alluvial fan landscape evolution model Limaye, Ajay redirect download
Symphonie 3D primitive equation ocean model Marsaleix, Patrick redirect download
TAo tAo is a software designed to model the interplay between lithosphere flexure and surface transport (erosion/sedimentation), particularly during the formation of orogens and foreland sedimentary basins (see details). Garcia Castellanos, Daniel redirect download
TISC TISC integrates quantitative models of lithospheric flexure, fault deformation, and surface mass transport (erosion/transport/sedimentation) along drainage networks. Garcia Castellanos, Daniel redirect download
TOPMODEL Physically based, distributed watershed model that simulates hydrologic fluxes of water through a watershed Beven, Keith redirect download
TOPOG TOPOG is a terrain analysis-based hydrologic modelling package Silberstein, Richard redirect download
TauDEM A suite of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) tools for the extraction and analysis of hydrologic information from topography as represented by a DEM. TauDEM 5 is a new version implemented to take advantage of parallel processing Tarboton, David redirect download
TaylorNonLinearDiffuser Model non-linear soil creep after Ganti et al. (2012) Glade, Rachel redirect download
Terrainbento A Python package for multi-model analysis in long-term drainage basin evolution Barnhart, Katy redirect download
Terrapin Build and destroy strath and fill terraces Wickert, Andy redirect download
The TELEMAC system a powerful integrated modeling tool for use in the field of free-surface flows. TELEMAC support team, - redirect download
TopoFlow Spatially-distributed, D8-based hydrologic model Peckham, Scott redirect download
TopoFlow-Channels-Diffusive Wave Diffusive Wave process component for flow routing in a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott redirect download
TopoFlow-Channels-Dynamic Wave Dynamic Wave process component for flow routing in a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott redirect download
TopoFlow-Channels-Kinematic Wave Kinematic Wave process component for flow routing in a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model. Peckham, Scott redirect download
TopoFlow-Data-HIS The CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System Peckham, Scott redirect download
TopoFlow-Diversions Diversions component for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model. Peckham, Scott redirect download
TopoFlow-Evaporation-Energy Balance Evaporation process component (Energy Balance method) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott redirect download
TopoFlow-Evaporation-Priestley Taylor Evaporation process component (Priestley-Taylor method) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott redirect download
TopoFlow-Evaporation-Read File Evaporation process component (read from file method) for a spatially-distributed hydrologic model. Peckham, Scott redirect download
TopoFlow-Infiltration-Green-Ampt Infiltration process component (Green-Ampt method) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott redirect download
TopoFlow-Infiltration-Richards 1D Infiltration process component (Richards 1D method) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott redirect download
TopoFlow-Infiltration-Smith-Parlange Infiltration process component (Smith-Parlange method) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott redirect download
TopoFlow-Meteorology Meteorology process component for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott redirect download
TopoFlow-Saturated Zone-Darcy Layers Saturated Zone process component (Darcy's law, multiple soil layers) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott redirect download
TopoFlow-Snowmelt-Degree-Day Snowmelt process component (Degree-Day method) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott redirect download
TopoFlow-Snowmelt-Energy Balance Snowmelt process component (Energy Balance method) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott redirect download
Topography Data Component A CSDMS data component used to fetch and cache NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and JAXA Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) land elevation data using the OpenTopography REST API. Piper, Mark redirect download
Tracer dispersion calculator The model computes the streamwise and vertical dispersal of a patch of tracers in a gravel bed river Viparelli, Enrica redirect download
TransportLengthHillslopeDiffuser Transport length hillslope diffusion. Mouchene, Margaux redirect download
UEB The Utah Energy Balance (UEB) Grid snowmelt model Tarboton, David redirect download
UMCESroms Chesapeake Bay Application, special case of Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) Li, Yun redirect download
VIC VIC (Variable Infiltration Capacity) is a macroscale hydrologic model that solves full water and energy balances, originally developed by Xu Liang at the University of Washington. Lettenmaier, Dennis redirect download
VegCA Landlab component that simulates inter-species plant competition using a 2D cellular automata model. Nudurupati, Sai redirect download
Vegetation Model plant dynamics using multiple representative plant species Nudurupati, Sai redirect download
WAVEWATCH III Data Component A CSDMS data component used to fetch and cache WAVEWATCH III datasets. Hutton, Eric redirect download
WAVEWATCH III ^TM Spectral wind wave model Tolman, Hendrik redirect download
WBM-WTM Water Balance/Transport Model Fekete, Balazs redirect download
WDUNE GUI implementation of the Werner (1995) cellular automata aeolian dune model Barchyn, Tom redirect download
WOFOST WOFOST (WOrld FOod STudies) is a simulation model for the quantitative analysis of the growth and production of annual field crops. Boogaard, Hendrik redirect download
WRF-Hydro The WRF-Hydro® Modeling System, an open-source community model, is used for a range of projects, including flash flood prediction, regional hydroclimate impacts assessment, seasonal forecasting of water resources, and land-atmosphere coupling studies. It produces forecasts and analyses for all major terrestrial water-cycle components: Precipitation, Streamflow, Soil moisture, Snowpack, Flooding, Groundwater. McAllister, Molly redirect download
XBeach Morphological changes, nearshore currents, wave propagation and sediment transport model Roelvink, Dano redirect download
ZoneController Controls zones and populates them with taxa. Lyons, Nathan redirect download
ZoneTaxon A zone-based taxon Lyons, Nathan redirect download
Zscape A simple parallel code to demonstrate diffusion Connor, Chuck redirect download

indicates open source code models that are available through another community modeling portal. The portals offer much information. To download the code(s) you may be asked to register as a user at their portal. By registering you will receive updates on new releases and other community information. Your registration will help the developers demonstrate to funders the size of their model's community. If you have problems getting access to this open source code, please let us know CSDMSsupport@Colorado.edu. CSDMS has a version of the code in its library and considers the code part of the open-source CSDMS initiative.