Name | Abstract title | Poster |
Adams, Jordan |
The competition between frequent and rare flood events: the impact on erosion rates and landscape form. | |
Angelopoulos, Michael |
The effects of changing boundary conditions on modelled heat and salt diffusion in subaquatic permafrost offshore of Muostakh Island, Siberia. | |
Ashton, Andrew |
Modeling Reef Island Profile Morphodynamics | |
Baral, Prashant |
Understanding the current state and predictable future changes in the state of permafrost distribution in North-Western Himalayas, India |  |
Barnhart, Katherine |
Landlab components for surface hydrology: the FlowAccumulator and the FlowDirectors | |
Bastianon, Elena |
Numerical investigation of the role of slope and flow dynamic characteristics on the “fill-and-spill” process and deposit in linked submarine intraslope minibasins. |  |
Beaulieu, Olivia |
Understanding River Terrace Formation and Destruction, Channel Lateral Mobility, and River Valley Widening from Base Level Fall Experiments | |
Borhani, Sanaz |
Probabilistic Sediment Continuity Equation with No Active Layer |  |
Bradham, Jennifer |
Using individual-based models and animal movement to evaluate habitat-use intensity in fragmented landscapes: a case study using an ecosystem engineer in central Brazil |  |
Callaghan, Kerry |
Groundwater storage contributions to sea level at and since the Last Glacial Maximum | |
Cao, Bin |
Very Fine Scale of Permafrost Distribution and Controlling Factors | |
Daniller-Varghese, Max |
Intermittency, Sediment Advection Length Distribution, and Delta Island Development. | |
Doane, Tyler |
Rapid algorithm for convolution integral-like flux formulations | |
Dunn, Frances |
(Un)sustainability of Deltas Under Potential Future Changes in Sediment Delivery |  |
Esposito, Christopher |
Sustainability and Operational Design of Sediment Delivering River Diversions |  |
Glaubius, Jennifer |
The Agricultural Terraces Model (AgrTerrModel): Exploring Human-Environment Interactions in Terraced Landscapes |  |
Gray, Harrison |
Evaluating Luminescence as a Sediment Transport Metric | |
Hale, Richard |
Connecting tidal channels and platforms in a mesotidal mangrove stand |  |
Harris, Courtney |
Flocculation and bed consolidation in a partially mixed estuary: an idealized numerical sediment transport model | |
Hawker, Laurence |
How significant is irrigation for flood inundation modelling in deltas? |  |
Houssais, Morgane |
Experimental investigation of soil creep under porous flow condition |  |
Islam, Md Tazmul |
Testing a New Global Bedload Flux Model |  |
Istanbulluoglu, Erkan |
Evolving patterns of glaciers and summer streamflow in the Pacific Northwest US: 1960-2100 | |
Jafarov, Elchin |
Modeling hydrothermal interaction within 2D hillslope | |
Jenkins, Chris |
Modeling the Physical States of Intensely Biological Seabeds | |
Jiang, Peishi |
A Service-Oriented Architecture for Coupling Web Service Models Using the Basic Model Interfaces (BMI) | |
Kerr, Jeremy |
An algorithm for optically-deriving water depth in coral reef landscapes in the absence of ground-truth data | |
Khanam, Mariam |
The effect of river bathymetry on flood simulations |  |
Lacy, Jessie |
Spatial gradients in SSC at the interface of an estuary and a salt marsh: Implications for sediment supply to the marsh | |
Langston, Abigail |
Downstream sweep erosion as a mechanism for bedrock valley widening: comparison between model simulations and field examples |  |
Lazar, Attila |
Modelling household adaptation choices using a dynamic Bayesian Network model |  |
Li, Qi |
Sea-level responses to sediment erosion and deposition in the eastern United States since the mid-Pliocene climate optimum | |
Lorenzo Trueba, Jorge |
Using coupled geo-economic models to explore the interplay between coastal protection, natural processes, and economic values along developed shorelines |  |
Lyons, Nathan |
Numerical simulations of transient landscape adjustment along the Mendocino Triple Junction | |
Mariotti, Giulio |
Long-term morphodynamics of muddy backbarrier basins: Fill in or Empty out? |  |
Morgan, Jacob |
Two-dimensional modeling of variable-width gravel bed morphodynamics |  |
Moriarty, Julia |
Coupling Sediment Transport and Biogeochemical Processes: The Role of Resuspension on Oxygen & Nutrient Dynamics | |
Morris, Chloe |
Modelling the Morphodynamic Interactions and Co-Evolution of Coupled Coast-Estuarine Environments | |
Mouchene, Margaux |
Autogenic versus allogenic controls on a fluvial megafan/mountainous catchment coupled system: numerical modelling and comparison with the Lannemezan megafan (Northern Pyrenees, France) |  |
Murphy, Brendan |
Fish & Fire | |
Murray, Brad |
Coupled Modeling of River and Coastal Processes:
New Insights about Delta Morphodynamics, Avulsions, and Autogenic Sediment Flux Variability |  |
Nicholls, Robert |
Nitzbon, Jan |
Towards representing thermokarst processes in land surface models |  |
Nudurupati, Sai Siddhartha |
Studying the Role of Disturbances on Woody Plant Encroachment in Southwestern US using a Coupled Landlab Ecohydrology Model |  |
Ortiz, Alejandra |
Atoll Morphometrics: Why do atolls and reef islands look the way they do? | |
Ozdemir, Celalettin |
Turbulence-resolving Two-Phase Flow Simulations of Wave- and Current Supported Turbidity Flows | |
Palermo, Rose |
Coupling coastal processes and human interactions within a littoral cell | |
Paniagua-Arroyave, Juan Felipe |
Temporal variability in bed elevation near Shoal E, Cape Canaveral shoals |  |
Perkins, Jonathan |
Stratigraphic and hydrologic controls on large-volume landslides in NW Washington State |  |
Peters, Chelsea |
Multicriteria Decision Analysis of Freshwater Resource Management in Southwestern Bangladesh | |
Rengers, Francis |
Estimating model parameters necessary for simulating post-wildfire debris-flow timing | |
Richmond, Nick |
3D Bedrock Channel Evolution with Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics Coupled to a Finite Element Earth |  |
Rogers, Kimberly |
Sociocultural Dynamics in Global Human-Environmental Systems Models: Adding Local Depth to Decision Making Algorithms |  |
Schumann, Guy |
Global-Scale Event-Continuous Flood Event Simulation: When WBM Meets LISFLOOD-FP |  |
Sherwood, Chris |
Cohesive and mixed sediment in the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) | |
Shobe, Charles |
Hillslope-derived blocks, erosion thresholds, and topographic scaling in mountain rivers | |
Sincavage, Ryan |
Evaluating order vs. disorder in fluvial system deposits: A statistical analysis of grain size and thickness trends within vertical successions of sediment packages in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta, Bangladesh | |
Singh, Arvind |
Landscape reorganization under changing external forcing: implications to climate-driven knickpoints | |
Tanaka, Katsumasa |
A top-down modeling approach to the global climate stabilization | |
Tang, Hui |
Observable tsunami deposit layers and tsunami inundation | |
Tasich, Chris |
Modeling Elevation Equilibrium and Human Adaptation in Southwest Bangladesh |  |
Torres, Raymond |
Channel geomorphology along the fluvial-tidal transition, Santee River, USA | |
Ullah, Isaac |
Coupled Human-Earth Systems Models and the “Digital Proxy Record:” Connecting the Human and Natural |  |
Upton, Phaedra |
Links between the human dimension and long term tectonics |  |
Whitman, Mackenzie |
Resilience Analysis of Bangladesh Inland Waterway Network Using Landsat Data | |
Wright, Nesha |
Predicted changes in high temperature events over North America within CORDEX simulations |  |
qin, yanhui |
Modeling permafrost thermal state and active layer thickness on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China | |