CSDMS meeting 2017

Presentations and more of the joined CSDMS - SEN - CoMSES 2017 annual meeting

Modeling Coupled Earth and Human Systems - The Dynamic Duo

May 23-25th 2017 in Boulder Colorado, USA

Thank You

On behalf of CSDMS, we thank the Keynote Speakers, Clinic Leaders, Session Chairs, Poster Session Presenters, members of the Executive and Steering Committees, and every participant who helped to make this a productive and successful meeting.


Click here to view the final agenda


Keynote talks

Barton, Michael CoMSES Net
Flamig, Zachary EF5: A hydrologic model for prediction, reanalysis and capacity building
Gilligan, Jonathan Connecting Human and Natural Systems: The Role of Agent-Based Simulations
Gochis, David Process linkages in the WRF-Hydro/NOAA National Water Model: Different processes operating on different scales
Gray, Harrison Traveling at the speed of light: luminescence as a means to quantify fluvial sediment transport rates
Hagen, Scott Pathways at the coastal land margin to assess climate change impacts with transdisciplinary research outcomes
Janssen, Marco Two Modeling Cultures
Moriarty, Julia Coupling Sediment Transport and Biogeochemical Processes: The Role of Resuspension on Oxygen & Nutrient Dynamics
Nicholls, Robert Deltas as Coupled Socio-Ecological Systems
Syvitski, Jaia CSDMS - Looking back and forward
Tucker, Greg PyMT Demonstration
Walsh, Brian Integrated Assessment Models for decision making under uncertainty
Young, Michael Improving soil models by connecting scientific disciplines
Zellner, Moira Participatory Complex Systems Modeling for Environmental Planning: Opportunities and Barriers to Learning and Policy Innovation
de Mutsert, Kim Modeling a coastal environment with human elements


Barnhart, Katy Model sensitivity analysis and optimization with Dakota and Landlab
Filatova, Tatiana Spatial agent-based models: introducing individual interacting actors in environmental models
Gasparini, Nicole Modeling Earth-Surface Dynamics with Landlab 1.0
Lee, Allen Good enough practices for reproducible scientific computation
Martin, Raleigh The Sediment Experimentalist Network (SEN) Knowledge Base
Maxwell, Reed Beyond Groundwater Modeling: Integrated Simulation of Watershed Systems using ParFlow
Olive, Jean-Arthur Introduction to coupled geodynamics-surface process modeling with SiStER
Overeem, Irina Bringing CSDMS Models into the Classroom
Overeem, Irina Modeling Permafrost; a new software toolbox to explore frozen grounds
Perignon, Mariela ANUGA - An open-source model of river flood morphodynamics (and other hydrological disasters)
Piper, Mark BMI: Live!
de Mutsert, Kim Introduction to EcoPath with Ecosim


NameAbstract titlePoster
Adams, Jordan The competition between frequent and rare flood events: the impact on erosion rates and landscape form.
Angelopoulos, Michael The effects of changing boundary conditions on modelled heat and salt diffusion in subaquatic permafrost offshore of Muostakh Island, Siberia.
Ashton, Andrew Modeling Reef Island Profile Morphodynamics
Baral, Prashant Understanding the current state and predictable future changes in the state of permafrost distribution in North-Western Himalayas, India
Barnhart, Katherine Landlab components for surface hydrology: the FlowAccumulator and the FlowDirectors
Bastianon, Elena Numerical investigation of the role of slope and flow dynamic characteristics on the “fill-and-spill” process and deposit in linked submarine intraslope minibasins.
Beaulieu, Olivia Understanding River Terrace Formation and Destruction, Channel Lateral Mobility, and River Valley Widening from Base Level Fall Experiments
Borhani, Sanaz Probabilistic Sediment Continuity Equation with No Active Layer
Bradham, Jennifer Using individual-based models and animal movement to evaluate habitat-use intensity in fragmented landscapes: a case study using an ecosystem engineer in central Brazil
Callaghan, Kerry Groundwater storage contributions to sea level at and since the Last Glacial Maximum
Cao, Bin Very Fine Scale of Permafrost Distribution and Controlling Factors
Daniller-Varghese, Max Intermittency, Sediment Advection Length Distribution, and Delta Island Development.
Doane, Tyler Rapid algorithm for convolution integral-like flux formulations
Dunn, Frances (Un)sustainability of Deltas Under Potential Future Changes in Sediment Delivery
Esposito, Christopher Sustainability and Operational Design of Sediment Delivering River Diversions
Glaubius, Jennifer The Agricultural Terraces Model (AgrTerrModel): Exploring Human-Environment Interactions in Terraced Landscapes
Gray, Harrison Evaluating Luminescence as a Sediment Transport Metric
Hale, Richard Connecting tidal channels and platforms in a mesotidal mangrove stand
Harris, Courtney Flocculation and bed consolidation in a partially mixed estuary: an idealized numerical sediment transport model
Hawker, Laurence How significant is irrigation for flood inundation modelling in deltas?
Houssais, Morgane Experimental investigation of soil creep under porous flow condition
Islam, Md Tazmul Testing a New Global Bedload Flux Model
Istanbulluoglu, Erkan Evolving patterns of glaciers and summer streamflow in the Pacific Northwest US: 1960-2100
Jafarov, Elchin Modeling hydrothermal interaction within 2D hillslope
Jenkins, Chris Modeling the Physical States of Intensely Biological Seabeds
Jiang, Peishi A Service-Oriented Architecture for Coupling Web Service Models Using the Basic Model Interfaces (BMI)
Kerr, Jeremy An algorithm for optically-deriving water depth in coral reef landscapes in the absence of ground-truth data
Khanam, Mariam The effect of river bathymetry on flood simulations
Lacy, Jessie Spatial gradients in SSC at the interface of an estuary and a salt marsh: Implications for sediment supply to the marsh
Langston, Abigail Downstream sweep erosion as a mechanism for bedrock valley widening: comparison between model simulations and field examples
Lazar, Attila Modelling household adaptation choices using a dynamic Bayesian Network model
Li, Qi Sea-level responses to sediment erosion and deposition in the eastern United States since the mid-Pliocene climate optimum
Lorenzo Trueba, Jorge Using coupled geo-economic models to explore the interplay between coastal protection, natural processes, and economic values along developed shorelines
Lyons, Nathan Numerical simulations of transient landscape adjustment along the Mendocino Triple Junction
Mariotti, Giulio Long-term morphodynamics of muddy backbarrier basins: Fill in or Empty out?
Morgan, Jacob Two-dimensional modeling of variable-width gravel bed morphodynamics
Moriarty, Julia Coupling Sediment Transport and Biogeochemical Processes: The Role of Resuspension on Oxygen & Nutrient Dynamics
Morris, Chloe Modelling the Morphodynamic Interactions and Co-Evolution of Coupled Coast-Estuarine Environments
Mouchene, Margaux Autogenic versus allogenic controls on a fluvial megafan/mountainous catchment coupled system: numerical modelling and comparison with the Lannemezan megafan (Northern Pyrenees, France)
Murphy, Brendan Fish & Fire
Murray, Brad Coupled Modeling of River and Coastal Processes: New Insights about Delta Morphodynamics, Avulsions, and Autogenic Sediment Flux Variability
Nitzbon, Jan Towards representing thermokarst processes in land surface models
Nudurupati, Sai Siddhartha Studying the Role of Disturbances on Woody Plant Encroachment in Southwestern US using a Coupled Landlab Ecohydrology Model
Ortiz, Alejandra Atoll Morphometrics: Why do atolls and reef islands look the way they do?
Ozdemir, Celalettin Turbulence-resolving Two-Phase Flow Simulations of Wave- and Current Supported Turbidity Flows
Palermo, Rose Coupling coastal processes and human interactions within a littoral cell
Paniagua-Arroyave, Juan Felipe Temporal variability in bed elevation near Shoal E, Cape Canaveral shoals
Perkins, Jonathan Stratigraphic and hydrologic controls on large-volume landslides in NW Washington State
Peters, Chelsea Multicriteria Decision Analysis of Freshwater Resource Management in Southwestern Bangladesh
Rengers, Francis Estimating model parameters necessary for simulating post-wildfire debris-flow timing
Richmond, Nick 3D Bedrock Channel Evolution with Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics Coupled to a Finite Element Earth
Rogers, Kimberly Sociocultural Dynamics in Global Human-Environmental Systems Models: Adding Local Depth to Decision Making Algorithms
Schumann, Guy Global-Scale Event-Continuous Flood Event Simulation: When WBM Meets LISFLOOD-FP
Sherwood, Chris Cohesive and mixed sediment in the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)
Shobe, Charles Hillslope-derived blocks, erosion thresholds, and topographic scaling in mountain rivers
Sincavage, Ryan Evaluating order vs. disorder in fluvial system deposits: A statistical analysis of grain size and thickness trends within vertical successions of sediment packages in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta, Bangladesh
Singh, Arvind Landscape reorganization under changing external forcing: implications to climate-driven knickpoints
Tanaka, Katsumasa A top-down modeling approach to the global climate stabilization
Tang, Hui Observable tsunami deposit layers and tsunami inundation
Tasich, Chris Modeling Elevation Equilibrium and Human Adaptation in Southwest Bangladesh
Torres, Raymond Channel geomorphology along the fluvial-tidal transition, Santee River, USA
Ullah, Isaac Coupled Human-Earth Systems Models and the “Digital Proxy Record:” Connecting the Human and Natural
Upton, Phaedra Links between the human dimension and long term tectonics
Whitman, Mackenzie Resilience Analysis of Bangladesh Inland Waterway Network Using Landsat Data
Wright, Nesha Predicted changes in high temperature events over North America within CORDEX simulations
qin, yanhui Modeling permafrost thermal state and active layer thickness on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China

Meeting photos