CSDMS meeting 2014: Difference between revisions

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{| style="border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0; border:1px solid #E6782E; frame:void; rules:rows" width="95%"
|- style="background:#E6782E; color:white; border:1px solid #E6782E"
|style="width: 10%"|Time
|style="width: 15%"|location
|style="width: 20%"|What
|style="width: 15%"|Presenter/Facilitator
|style="width: 40%"|Topic
|- style="font-style: italic; color: grey; background:#CCCCCC"
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines}}| 8:00
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines}} colspan=4|Bus 1 Departs from hotel
|- style="font-style: italic; color: grey; background:#CCCCCC"
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines}}| 8:15
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines}} colspan=4|Bus 2 Departs from hotel
|- style="font-style: italic; color: grey; background:#CCCCCC"
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 8:30
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=4|Registration in lobby
|- style = "border:1px solid #E6782E;"
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Welcome
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=2| Patricia Wiberg (UVA)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 9:05
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| CSDMS Updates
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=2| James Syvitski (CSDMS)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 9:35
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Guest Talk
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Jef Caers (Stanford)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| CSDMS: Special Issue in Computers & Geosciences Journal
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 9:45
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Keynote 1
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Peter Koons (UMaine)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Unifying Tectonics & Surface Processes in Geodynamics
|- style="font-style: italic; color: grey; background:#CCCCCC;"
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 10:15
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=4| Break
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 10:30
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Keynote 2
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| David Pyles (CSM)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Testing the efficacy & uncertainty of outcrop-and-model-based studies through collaboration: A field geologist's perspective
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 11:00
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Breakout 1.1
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Terrestrial, Hydro, CZO & Geodynamics Groups
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Discussion on group activities & identifying a model to wrap w/ a BMI
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| S. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Breakout 1.2
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Coastal, Marine, Carbonate, & Chesapeake Groups
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Discussion on group activities & identifying a model to wrap w/ a BMI
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 2126
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Breakout 1.3
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Anthropocene, EKT, & Cyber Groups
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Discussion on group activities  & identifying a model to wrap w/ a BMI
|- style="font-style: italic; color: grey; background:#CCCCCC;"
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 12:00
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=4| Lunch
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 1:00
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Clinic 1.1
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Ali Khosronejad (UMN)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| The SAFL Virtual StreamLab (VSL3D): High Resolution Simulation of Turbulent Flow, Sediment Transport, and Morphodynamics in Waterways
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| S. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Clinic 1.2
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Mark Piper, Irina Overeem, & Eric Hutton (CSDMS)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| WMT-The CSDMS Web Modeling Tool
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 2126
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Clinic 1.3
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Chris Jenkins (INSTAAR)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Carbonate Models clinic-carbo* suite
|- style="font-style: italic; color: grey; background:#CCCCCC;"
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 3:00
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=4| Break
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 3:15
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Keynote 3
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Jim McElwaine (Durham U)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| The Dynamics of Granular Flows
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 3:45
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Keynote 4
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Alexey Voinov (UTwente)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Exploring climate mitigation and low-carbon transition: new challenges for model integration
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 4:15
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Student Talk 1
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Ajay Limaye (CalTech)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| A vector-based method for bank-material tracking in coupled models of meandering and landscape evolution
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 4:30
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Lobby
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=3| Poster Session 1
|- style="font-style: italic; color: grey; background:#CCCCCC;"
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 6:30
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=4| Buses Depart to hotel
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=5| '''Wednesday, May 21'''
|- style="font-style: italic; color: grey; background:#CCCCCC;"
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines}}| 8:30
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=4| Buses Depart from hotel
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 9:00
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Keynote 5
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Andrew Nicholas (Exeter)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Modeling the Evolution of Large Floodplains
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 9:30
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Student Talk 2
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Rebecca Caldwell (IU)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| A numerical modeling study of the effects of sediment properties on deltaic processes and morphology
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 9:45
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Keynote 6
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Rudy Slingerland (Penn State)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| The FESD Delta Dynamics Modeling Collaboratory: A Progress Report
|- style="font-style: italic; color: grey; background:#CCCCCC;"
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 10:15
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=4| Break
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 10:30
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Clinic 2.1
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Monte Lunacek (CU)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Interactive Data Analysis with Python
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| South Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Clinic 2.2
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Scott Peckham (CSDMS)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Introduction to the Basic Model Interface & Standard Names
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 2126
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Clinic 2.3
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Joshua Watts (ASU)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Agent-Based Modeling Research: Topics, Tools, and Methods
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 2503
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Clinic 2.4
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Eunseo Choi (CERI, UM)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| SNAC: A 3D parallel explicit finite element code for long-term lithospheric deformation modeling
|- style="font-style: italic; color: grey; background:#CCCCCC;"
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 12:30
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=4| Lunch
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 1:30
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Breakout 2.1
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Terrestrial, Hydro, CZO & Geodynamics
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Discussion: Model Intercomparison Experiments Design
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| S. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Breakout 2.2
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Coastal, Marine, Carbonate, & Chesapeake Groups
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Discussion: Model Intercomparison Experiments Design
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 2126
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Breakout 2.3
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Anthropocene, EKT, & Cyber Groups
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Discussion: Model Intercomparison Experiments Design
|- style="font-style: italic; color: grey; background:#CCCCCC;"
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 3:00
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=4| Break
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 3:15
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Keynote 7
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Eric Larour (JPL)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Towards better quantifications of the uncertainty in polar ice-sheet projections using the open source framework ISSM
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 3:45
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Keynote 8
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Mick van der Wegen (UNESCO-IHE & Deltares)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Estuarine morphodynamics: better be certain about uncertainty
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 4:15
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Lobby
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=3| Poster Session #2
|- style="font-style: italic; color: grey; background:#CCCCCC;"
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 6:15
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=4| Buses Depart to hotel
|- style="font-style: italic; color: grey;"
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 7:00
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Banquet at Marriott
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=3| Participants will walk from hotel to banquet
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=5| '''Thursday, May 22'''
|- style="font-style: italic; color: grey; background:#CCCCCC;"
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines}} | 8:30
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=4| Buses Depart from hotel
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 9:00
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Keynote 9
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Attila Lazar (Soton)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Coupling terrestrial and marine biophysical processes with livelihood dynamics for analysis of poverty alleviation in Bangladesh
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 9:30
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Keynote 10
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Tian-Jian (Tom) Hsu (UDEL)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}|Understanding wave-driven fine sediment transport through 3D turbulence resolving simulations-implications to offshore delivery of fine sediment
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 10:00
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Student Talk 3
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Mariela Perignon (CU)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Predicting the influence of floodplain vegetation on the geomorphic effects of large floods
|- style="font-style: italic; color: grey; background:#CCCCCC;"
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 10:15
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=4| Break
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 10:30
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Breakout 3.1
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Mary Hill (USGS)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Discussion on Uncertainty
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| S. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Breakout 3.2
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Venkat Lakshmi (USC)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Discussion on Uncertainty
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 2126
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Breakout 3.3
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Xuan Yu (Penn State)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Discussion on Uncertainty
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 2503
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Breakout 3.4
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Bert Jagers (Deltares)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Discussion on Uncertainty
|- style="font-style: italic; color: grey; background:#CCCCCC;"
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 12:00
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=4| Lunch
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 1:00
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Keynote 11
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Elowyn Yager (UI)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Predictions of bedload transport in vegetated channels: uncertainties and steps forward
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 1:30
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Clinic 3.1
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Courtney Harris (VIMS)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Sediment transport in an idealize domain using ROMS
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| S. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Clinic 3.2
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Gregory Tucker & Daniel Hobley (CIRES-CU)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Creative Computing with Landlab:A flexible Python package for rapidly building and exploring 2D surface-dynamics models
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 2126
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Clinic 3.3
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Laura Swiler & J. Adam Stephens (Sandia NL)
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Dakota:A Toolkit for Sensitivity Analysis, Uncertainty Quantification, and Calibration
|- style="font-style: italic; color: grey; background:#CCCCCC;"
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 3:00
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=4| Break
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 3:15
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=4| Clinics Continued
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 4:30
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| Report From Working Groups
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=2| Discussion group reporters
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 5:30
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| N. Bay
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=4| Final Remarks & Departure
|- style="font-style: italic; color: grey; background:#CCCCCC;"
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}}| 5:30
|{{CSDMSmeeting2014tablelines_1}} colspan=4| Buses Depart to hotel

{{TOC right}}
{{TOC right}}
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=Thank You=
=Thank You=
On behalf of CSDMS, we thank the Keynote Speakers, Clinic Leaders, Session Chairs, Poster Session Presenters, members of the Executive and Steering Committees, and every participant who helped to make this a productive and successful meeting.<br>
On behalf of CSDMS, we thank the Keynote Speakers, Clinic Leaders, Session Chairs, Poster Session Presenters, members of the Executive and Steering Committees, and every participant who helped to make this a productive and successful meeting.<br>

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==Keynote talks==
==Keynote talks==
{| {{Prettytable}} class = "sortable" width=75%
!class="top_presentations_col1" {{H13}}| Presented by
{{#ask: [[Category:Presentations_DB]][[CSDMS meeting presentation type::Invited oral presentation]][[CSDMS meeting event title::CSDMS 2014 annual meeting - Uncertainty and Sensitivity in Surface Dynamics Modeling]]
!class="top_presentations_col2" {{H13}}| Title
| ?CSDMS meeting first name
| ?CSDMS meeting last name
| Tom Hsu
| ?CSDMS meeting title presentation
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Tom Hsu | Understanding wave-driven fine sediment transport through 3D turbulence resolving simulations – implications to offshore delivery of fine sediment ]]
| limit=5000
| sort=CSDMS meeting last name
| Jim McElwaine
| order=ASC
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Jim McElwaine | The Dynamics of Granular Flows]]
| template=Presenters_clinics
| format=template
| Alexey Voinov
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Alexey Voinov | Exploring climate mitigation and low-carbon transitions: new challenges for model integration]]
| Peter Koons
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Peter Koons | Unifying Tectonics and Surface Processes in Geodynamics]]
| Elowyn Yager
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Elowyn Yager | Predictions of bedload transport in vegetated channels: uncertainties and steps forward]]
| David Pyles
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting David Pyles | Testing the efficacy and uncertainty of outcrop- and model-based studies through collaboration: A field geologist’s perspective]]
| Eric Larour
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Eric Larour | Towards better quantifications of the uncertainty in polar ice-sheet projections using the open source framework ISSM]]
| Mick van der Wegen
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Mick van der Wegen | Estuarine morphodynamics : better be certain about uncertainty]]
| Rebecca Caldwell
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Rebecca Caldwell | A numerical modeling study of the effects of sediment properties on deltaic processes and morphology]]
| Mariela Perignon
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Mariela Perignon | Predicting the influence of floodplain vegetation on the geomorphic effects of large floods]]
| Attila Lazar
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Attila Lazar | Coupling terrestrial and marine biophysical processes with livelihood dynamics for analysis of poverty alleviation in Bangladesh]]
| Rudy Slingerland
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Rudy Slingerland | The FESD Delta Dynamics Modeling Collaboratory: A Progress Report]]
| Andrew Nicholas
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Andrew Nicholas | Modelling the evolution of large river floodplains]]
| Ajay Limaye
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Ajay Limaye | A vector-based method for bank-material tracking in coupled models of meandering and landscape evolution]]

{| {{Prettytable}} class = "sortable" width=75%
!class="top_presentations_col1" {{H13}}| Presented by
{{#ask: [[Category:Presentations_DB]][[CSDMS meeting presentation type::Clinic]][[CSDMS meeting event title::CSDMS 2014 annual meeting - Uncertainty and Sensitivity in Surface Dynamics Modeling]]
!class="top_presentations_col2" {{H13}}| Title
| ?CSDMS meeting first name
| ?CSDMS meeting last name
| Ali Khosronejad
| ?CSDMS meeting title presentation
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Fotis Sotiropoulos | The SAFL Virtual StreamLab (VSL3D): High Resolution Simulation of Turbulent Flow, Sediment Transport, and Morphodynamics in Waterways]]
| limit=5000
| sort=CSDMS meeting last name
|  Greg Tucker & Daniel Hobley
| order=ASC
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Greg Tucker | Creative computing with Landlab: A flexible Python package for rapidly building and exploring 2D surface-dynamics models]]
| template=Presenters_clinics
| format=template
|  Eunseo Choi
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Eunseo Choi | SNAC: A 3D parallel explicit finite element code for long-term lithospheric deformation modeling]]
|  Courtney Harris
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Courtney Harris | Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)]]
|  Chris Jenkins
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Chris Jenkins | Carbonate Models Clinic - carbo* suite]]
|  Laura Swiler & Adam Stephens
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Laura Swiler | Dakota: A Toolkit for Sensitivity Analysis, Uncertainty Quantification, and Calibration]]
| Mark Piper & Irina Overeem
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Mark Piper | WMT: The CSDMS Web Modeling Tool]]
|  Scott Peckham
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Scott Peckham | Introduction to the Basic Model Interface and CSDMS Standard Names]]
| Monte Lunacek
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Monte Lunacek | Interactive Data Analysis with Python]]
| Joshua Watts
| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting Joshua Watts | Agent-Based Modeling Research: Topics, Tools, and Methods]]

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| class="presentations_col2"| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting poster Elchin Jafarov | Using ground-penetrating radar to measure an ice-wedge depth]]
| class="presentations_col2"| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting poster Elchin Jafarov | Using ground-penetrating radar to measure an ice-wedge depth]]
| class="presentations_col3"| [[image:CSDMS2014_poster_ElchinJafarov.png|100px|link=File:CSDMS2014_poster_ElchinJafarov.pdf]]
| class="presentations_col3"| [[image:CSDMS2014_poster_ElchinJafarov.png|100px|link=File:CSDMS2014_poster_ElchinJafarov.pdf]]
| class="presentations_col1"| Albert '''Kettner'''
| class="presentations_col2"| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting poster Albert Kettner | TBD ]]
| class="presentations_col3"| [[image:CSDMS2014_poster_AlbertKettner.png|100px|link=File:CSDMS2014_poster_AlbertKettner.pdf]]
| class="presentations_col1"| Tara '''Kniskern'''
| class="presentations_col1"| Tara '''Kniskern'''
Line 506: Line 136:
| class="presentations_col2"| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting poster Angel Monsalve | Including sediment patches in sediment transport predictions in steep mountain channels]]
| class="presentations_col2"| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting poster Angel Monsalve | Including sediment patches in sediment transport predictions in steep mountain channels]]
| class="presentations_col3"| [[image:CSDMS2014_poster_AngelMonsalve.png|100px|link=File:CSDMS2014_poster_AngelMonsalve.pdf]]
| class="presentations_col3"| [[image:CSDMS2014_poster_AngelMonsalve.png|100px|link=File:CSDMS2014_poster_AngelMonsalve.pdf]]
| class="presentations_col1"| Phil '''Moore'''
| class="presentations_col2"| [[CSDMS 2014 annual meeting poster Phil Moore | TBD]]
| class="presentations_col3"| [[image:CSDMS2014_poster_PhilMoore.png|100px|link=File:CSDMS2014_poster_PhilMoore.pdf]]
| class="presentations_col1"| Julia '''Moriarty'''
| class="presentations_col1"| Julia '''Moriarty'''
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| class="presentations_col3"| [[image:CSDMS2014_poster_YuZhang.png|100px|link=File:CSDMS2014_poster_YuZhang.pdf]]
| class="presentations_col3"| [[image:CSDMS2014_poster_YuZhang.png|100px|link=File:CSDMS2014_poster_YuZhang.pdf]]
=pictures of the meeting=
<gallery mode="packed-hover">

Latest revision as of 08:51, 9 August 2018

Presentations and more of the CSDMS 2014 annual meeting

Uncertainty and Sensitivity in Surface Dynamics Modeling

May 20-22th 2014 in Boulder Colorado, USA

Thank You

On behalf of CSDMS, we thank the Keynote Speakers, Clinic Leaders, Session Chairs, Poster Session Presenters, members of the Executive and Steering Committees, and every participant who helped to make this a productive and successful meeting.

Meeting logistics



Keynote talks

Caers, Jeff CSDMS: Special Issue in Computers & Geosciences Journal
Caldwell, Rebecca A numerical modeling study of the effects of sediment properties on deltaic processes and morphology
Hsu, Tom Understanding wave-driven fine sediment transport through 3D turbulence resolving simulations – implications to offshore delivery of fine sediment
Koons, Peter Unifying Tectonics and Surface Processes in Geodynamics
Larour, Eric Towards better quantifications of the uncertainty in polar ice-sheet projections using the open source framework ISSM
Lazar, Attila Coupling terrestrial and marine biophysical processes with livelihood dynamics for analysis of poverty alleviation in Bangladesh
Limaye, Ajay A vector-based method for bank-material tracking in coupled models of meandering and landscape evolution
McElwaine, Jim The Dynamics of Granular Flows
Nicholas, Andrew Modelling the evolution of large river floodplains
Perignon, Mariela Predicting the influence of floodplain vegetation on the geomorphic effects of large floods
Pyles, David Testing the efficacy and uncertainty of outcrop- and model-based studies through collaboration: A field geologist’s perspective
Slingerland, Rudy The FESD Delta Dynamics Modeling Collaboratory: A Progress Report
Syvitski, James The Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System develops, integrates, archives & disseminates software to define the earth's surface dynamics
Voinov, Alexey Exploring climate mitigation and low-carbon transitions: new challenges for model integration
Wiberg, Patricia Opening of the meeting
Yager, Elowyn Predictions of bedload transport in vegetated channels: uncertainties and steps forward
van der Wegen, Mick Estuarine morphodynamics: better be certain about uncertainty


Choi, Eunseo SNAC: A 3D parallel explicit finite element code for long-term lithospheric deformation modeling
Harris, Courtney Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)
Jenkins, Chris Carbonate Models Clinic - carbo* suite
Lunacek, Monte Interactive Data Analysis with Python
Peckham, Scott Introduction to the Basic Model Interface and CSDMS Standard Names
Piper, Mark WMT: The CSDMS Web Modeling Tool
Sotiropoulos, Fotis The SAFL Virtual StreamLab (VSL3D): High Resolution Simulation of Turbulent Flow, Sediment Transport, and Morphodynamics in Waterways
Swiler, Laura Dakota: A Toolkit for Sensitivity Analysis, Uncertainty Quantification, and Calibration
Tucker, Greg Creative computing with Landlab: A flexible Python package for rapidly building and exploring 2D surface-dynamics models
Watts, Joshua Agent-Based Modeling Research: Topics, Tools, and Methods


Is your poster not displayed below? Please email your poster to:CSDMSweb@colorado.edu. We can open a FTP site for you if the poster is to large to email. Thank you!

Author(s) Title Download (pdf)
Jordan Adams Modeling hydrologic and erosional responses of landscapes to fire using the Landlab modeling environment
Alberto Canestrelli An immersed boundary method in Delft3D File:CSDMS2014 poster AlbertoCanestrelli.png
Dan Cazanacli A Simple Rule-Based Model for Distributary Networks File:CSDMS2014 poster DanCazanacli.png
Eunseo Choi SNAC-CHILD Coupling: Preliminary Results Towards Interoperable Modeling Frameworks
Sagy Cohen On the sensitivity of global suspended sediment modeling to dams
Barry Eakins Challenges in building coastal digital elevation models File:CSDMS2014 poster BarryEakins.png
Zhixuan Feng Modeling sediment-related loading, transport, and inactivation of fecal indicator bacteria at a nonpoint source beach
Lian Feng Modeling the evolution of a thrust system: a geological application of DynEarthSol2D File:CSDMS2014 poster LianFeng.png
Jian Hua Gao Changes in water and sediment exchange between the Changjiang River and Poyang Lake under natural and anthropogenic conditions, China
Harrison Gray An iterative bleach-and-mix model for the change in luminescence signal with cumulative sediment transport. File:CSDMS2014 poster HarrisonGray.png
Jianwei Han Measuring the imprint of orographic rainfall gradients on the morphology of steady-state numerical landscapes File:CSDMS2014 poster JianweiHan.png
Kevin Hanegan Tidal Modulated Flow and Sediment Flux through Wax Lake Delta Distributary Channels: Implications for Delta Development
Adrian Harpold Interrogating the Sensitivity of Snow-Season Water and Energy Fluxes from a Land-Surface Model to High-Resolution Forest Canopy Information File:CSDMS2014 poster AdrianHarpold.png
Stephanie Higgins InSAR measurements of compaction and subsidence in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, Bangladesh
Mary Hill Exploring how parameter importance to prediction changes in parameter space File:CSDMS2014 poster MaryHill.png
Elchin Jafarov Using ground-penetrating radar to measure an ice-wedge depth File:CSDMS2014 poster ElchinJafarov.png
Tara Kniskern Advances in sediment transport modeling offshore of a fluvial source
John Kondziolka Spatial structure and evolution in emergent vegetated ecosystems
Abigail Langston Developing and evaluating algorithms for lateral erosion of bedrock channels in landscape evolution models
Ehab Meselhe Sediment Dynamics of the Lower Mississippi River: Understanding Sediment Availability and Delivery for Land Building File:CSDMS2014 poster EhabMeselhe.png
Angel Monsalve Including sediment patches in sediment transport predictions in steep mountain channels File:CSDMS2014 poster AngelMonsalve.png
Julia Moriarty Buoyant and Gravity-Driven Transport on the Waipaoa Shelf: Model Evaluation and Sensitivity Analyses File:CSDMS2014 poster JuliaMoriarty.png
Jaap Nienhuis Wave angle control on deltaic channel orientation
Sai Siddhartha Nudurupati Coupling Fluvial and Eco-hydrologic Components in the Landlab Modeling Framework
Jean-Arthur Olive The long-term evolution of normal faults controlled by lithospheric flexure and surface processes. File:CSDMS2014 poster Jean-ArthurOlive.png
Francis Rengers Parameter Optimization for a Headcut Erosion Model File:CSDMS2014 poster FrancisRengers.png
Kimberly Rogers Simplifying the Ganges-Brahmaputra sediment dispersal system using a coupled model-field approach
Salik Anders Rosing Modeling the circulation of the NW European shelf seas – present and deep past.
Shimelis Setegn Hydrological model application and prediction uncertainty analysis File:CSDMS2014 poster ShimelisSetegn.png
Kristin Sweeney Testing bedrock incision models in a mixed bedrock-alluvial system: High Cascades, Oregon File:CSDMS2014 poster KristinSweeney.png
Arnaud Temme A new soil-landscape model: focus on its subsurface architecture
Phaedra Upton How does topography control shallow geological processes?
Ya Ping Wang Water and sediment discharge into the sea from Yangtze River: an improving measurement File:CSDMS2014 poster YaPingWang.png
Andrew Wickert Integrating glaciers and isostatic deformation with Landlab, a computational framework for Earth-surface systems, and GRASS GIS
Fei Xing Hydrodynamics and morphological changes of the Wax Lake Delta (WLD) during hurricane Rita, 2005
Xuan Yu Parameter and model uncertainty analysis of a physics-based hydrologic model: a comparative study of GLUE and Gaussian process emulator
Yu Zhang Fully-Coupled Hydrologic-Morphologic Processes for Modeling Landscape Evolution

pictures of the meeting