CSDMS 2014 annual meeting poster Salik Anders Rosing

Presentation provided during CSDMS annual meeting 2014

Modeling the circulation of the NW European shelf seas – present and deep past.

Salik Anders Rosing, University of Copenhagen Copenhagen , Denmark. salik@ign.ku.dk
Christian J. Bjerrum, University of Copenhagen Copenhagen , Denmark. cjb@ign.ku.dk
Muchamad Al Azhar, University of Copenhagen Copenhagen , Denmark. azhar.al@gmail.com


The present day North Sea is here explored through the basic modelling capacities of the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) coupled with the biogeochemical sub module of Azhar et al., 2014. This new module is capable of investigating low oxygenanoxic bottom water conditions such as under upwelling or eutrophic systems.

The prospect of the study is to provide a ground truth case for the model toward reproducing known circulation, productivity, oxygenation and bottom sediment distribution patterns in the basin, and if successful, to study the effect of predicted sea level change under a changing future climate. These investigations will be used as a back drop for modelling the Cretaceous of Northwest Europe, in order to investigate the effect of climate and bathymetry on productivity, bottom water conditions and carbonate ooze deposition in the region.

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