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A list of all pages that have property "Describe input parameters model" with value "Precipitation". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • Model:FluidMud  + (Measured or artificially generated wave and current forcing. Floc diameter, density. Downslope gravity. Vertical grid mesh. Erodibility. Parameters for Bingham rheology.)
  • Model:Manningseq-bouldersforpaleohydrology  + (Microsoft Excel tables)
  • Model:River Network Bed-Material Sediment  + (Minimum requirements include a river network with link id, downstream link id, upstream drainage area, link length, and link slope. All of these are attributes are included as part of the National Hydrography Dataset Version 2 Plus (NHDV2Plus).)
  • Model:Nitrate Network Model  + (Minimum requirements include a river network with link id, downstream link id, upstream drainage area, link length, and link slope. All of these are attributes are included as part of the National Hydrography Dataset Version 2 Plus (NHDV2Plus).)
  • Model:TOPMODEL  + (Model Inputs: * Project file: Text descripModel Inputs:</br>* Project file: Text description of application and input file names and paths. </br>* Catchment (watershed) data file: Watershed and subwatershed topographic index—ln(a/tan B) distributions and the following parameters: </br>** The mean soil surface transmissivity </br>** A transmissivity profile decay coefficient </br>** A root zone storage capacity </br>** An unsaturated zone time delay </br>** A main channel routing velocity and internal subwatershed routing velocity </br>To use the infiltration excess mechanism, a hydraulic conductivity (or distribution), a wetting front suction and the initial near surface water content should be added. </br></br>The initialization of each run requires an initial stream discharge and the root zone deficit. </br>* Hydrological input data file: rainfall, potential evapotranspiration, and observed discharge time series in m/h </br>* Topographic index map data file: the topographic index map may be prepared from a raster digital elevation file using the DTM-ANALYSIS program. This file includes number of pixels in X direction, number of pixels in Y direction, grid size, and topographic index values for each pair of X and Y.hic index values for each pair of X and Y.)
  • Model:SRH-1D  + (Model parameters, cross section geometry, bed material, flow and sediment input)
  • Model:CarboLOT  + (Model setup: grid extent and resolution, tModel setup: grid extent and resolution, time stepping and duration.</br>Environmental inputs (from global datasets, automated methods): bathymetry, seawater bottom temperatures, benthic irradiance, seafloor hardness, ocean wave climate</br>Organism characteristics (automated from Knowledge Base): dimensions, construction, reproduction and survivorshiponstruction, reproduction and survivorship)
  • Model:Bifurcation  + (Modify input parameters directly in Matlab script Inputs include initial conditions, upstream flow conditions, bifurcation geometry, bypass fraction, sea level (optional), differential subsidence rate (optional))
  • Model:DeltaRCM  + (Modify parameter values in Matlab code directly: Water/Sediment discharge; Grid size and grid parameters; Basin geometry; Input sand/mud ratio.)
  • Model:PyDeltaRCM  + (Modify parameters in example input file deltaRCM.yaml included in repository. Run with example script Modify water/sediment discharge (as number of parcels), grid size and spacing, basin geometry, mud/sand ratio, etc)
  • Model:MARSSIM V4  + (Multiple parameter files, initial conditions matrices)
  • Model:DeltaRCM Vegetation  + (No files required. Sediment composition, vegetation parameters, SLRR, run time, grid size, water and sediment discharge and other similar parameters can be modified directly within the code.)
  • Model:GEOMBEST++  + (Note: See also the GEOMBEST++ Users Guide,Note: See also the GEOMBEST++ Users Guide, section 6</br></br>A minimum of four excel files are required to run a GEOMBEST-Plus simulation: an “erosionresponse” file, an “accretionresponse” file, a “run#” file, and a “tract#” file. If the simulation involves a single coastal tract then the files must be titled “erosionresponse”, “accretionreponse”, “run1” file and “tract1.” Caution: Note that the run# and tract# files will have the same name (tract1, run1, etc., see below) for all simulations and so attention to organization is critical. so attention to organization is critical.)
  • Model:GEOMBEST++Seagrass  + (Note: See the GEOMBEST++Seagrass Users GuiNote: See the GEOMBEST++Seagrass Users Guide, section 6</br></br>A minimum of four Microsoft Excel files are required to run a simulation: an “erosionresponse” file, an “accretionresponse” file, a “run#” file, and a “tract#” file. If the simulation involves a single coastal tract then the files must be titled “erosionresponse”, “accretionreponse”, “run1” file and “tract1.” Caution: Note that the run# and tract# files will have the same name (tract1, run1, etc.) for all simulations, so attention to organization is critical. so attention to organization is critical.)
  • Model:STVENANT  + (Number of cross sections, Time (s) and spaNumber of cross sections, Time (s) and space (m) descretisation steps, Chezy friction coefficient (m**1/2 s**-1), Period (s) and amplitude (m) of incoming waves, Number of time steps desired, Channel width at the Ith cross section (m), Still water depth (m)h cross section (m), Still water depth (m))
  • Model:1D Hillslope MCMC  + (Number of iterations (or links in the chaiNumber of iterations (or links in the chain)</br>Initial parameters from which to start the Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations</br>Hillslope morphology measured from topograph for comparison (in dimensionless E* R* format; see Roering et al. 2007 or Hurst et al. 2012).Roering et al. 2007 or Hurst et al. 2012).)
  • Model:FLDTA  + (Open channel geometry, discharge at its head, flow elevation at its terminus)
  • Model:OpenFOAM  + (OpenFOAM needs to read a range of data strOpenFOAM needs to read a range of data structures such as strings, scalars, vectors, tensors, lists and fields. The input/output (I/O) format of files is designed to be extremely flexible to enable the user to modify the I/O in OpenFOAM applications as easily as possible.</br></br>See also user manual easily as possible. See also user manual)
  • Model:PIHM  + (PIHM is an integrated finite volume hydrolPIHM is an integrated finite volume hydrologic model. It simulates channel routing, overland flow and groundwater flow in fully coupled scheme. It uses semi-discrete Finite Volume approach to discretize PDE (equations governing physical processes) into ODE to form a system of ODEs and solved with SUNDIALS solver (LBL).<br>PIHM incorporates an object-oriented model data structure which provides extensibility and efficient storage of data at the same time. PIHM v2.0 requires the following input files:</br>* projectName.txt : This file will have the project name as its content.</br>* .mesh File : Spatial information of Nodes and Irregular Meshes (TINs)</br>* .att File : Attribute defining different classes an element belongs to</br>* .soil File : Soil properties</br>* .geol : Geologic properties</br>* .lc file : Vegetation parameters of different land cover types</br>* .riv file : Spatial, geometry and material information of river segments</br>* .forc file : All the forcing variables (forcing time-series)</br>* .ibc file : Boundary condition information for elements</br>* .para file : Control parameters (solver options; model modes; error control)</br>* .init : If initial condition input is through a file</br>* .calib : Calibration parameters and process controlsib : Calibration parameters and process controls)
  • Model:Drainage Density  + (Parameters ---------- grid : ModelParameters</br> ----------</br> grid : ModelGrid</br> channel__mask : Array that holds 1's where</br> channels exist and 0's elsewhere</br> area_coefficient : coefficient to multiply drainage area by,</br> for calculating channelization threshold</br> slope_coefficient : coefficient to multiply slope by,</br> for calculating channelization threshold</br> area_exponent : exponent to raise drainage area to,</br> for calculating channelization threshold</br> slope_exponent : exponent to raise slope to,</br> for calculating channelization threshold</br> channelization_threshold : threshold value above</br> which channels existd value above which channels exist)
  • Model:FuzzyReef  + (Parameters: # Spatial # Temporal # Initial 'basement' topography # Relative sea level curve # Climate (arid, temperate, humid) # Latitude)
  • Model:CSt ASMITA  + (Parameters: *A(I,J) - Angle between flow aParameters:</br>*A(I,J) - Angle between flow and grid coordinates {SG}</br>*Ab(I) - Breaker angle {2}</br>*ACENT - Angle of wave climate central tendency (0 is for crests parallel to the lower boundary)</br>*ASTORM - Angle of dominant waves</br>*Aw(I,J) - Angle between wave propagation & onshore direction {2}</br>*Beta - Scales the exponent in the wave-drift</br>*CK - Coef.scales rate of gravity-driven upper shoreface sed flux (3)</br>*DELTAX - Longshore grid cell dimension (SG)</br>*DELTAY - Cross-shore grid cell dimension (SG)</br>*DC(I,J) - Cross-shore diff. flow coords.{1}</br>*DCyyy - Controls the slope of the cross-shore diffusion coef. when it is *computed from a linear eqn.</br>*DCzero - The offset in the above relationship</br>*DCmax - Max. Limit for the cross-shore diff. coef.</br>*DL(I,J) - Longshore diff. flow coords. {1}</br>*DLyyy - Slope of the longshore diff. coef.</br>*DLzero - Offset of the above.</br>*DLmax - Max. Limit for the long-shore diff. coef.</br>*DT - Time step in years</br>*EDFACT - Controls relative converge/divergence of waves due to refraction (should mimic RFACT)</br>*GFACT - Factor for the K(Cn)/(delrho)ga in the ls transp.eqn.</br>*H(I,J,iTime) - Depths in grid, fill index in surf-zone cells {SG}</br>*Hmax - Max.(ie. most negative) depth in the surf zone cell (SG)</br>*Hmin - Min. depth in the surf zone cell (SG)</br>*IMAX - Number of grid cells in the shore parallel direction(SG)</br>*JMAX - Number of grid cells in the cross-shore direction(SG)</br>*JSHORE(I) - Most landward ocean cell - surf-zone cell(SG)</br>*K1 - Scales the diff. sed. transport</br>*MFACT - Scales the wave-energy density of general wave climate</br>*NFACT - Scales the wave-energy density of the dominant waves</br>*PORE - Sediment porosity</br>*SANGLE(I) - - Tangent angle along the shoreline {SG}</br>*Scr - The critical slope of the upper shoreface cell (JSHORE-1)</br>*SHOAL(I) - Relative convergence/div of wave-energy density due to refraction</br>*RFACT - Contols the relative ray-bending due to refraction</br>*Wo - Scales the wave-drift sed. trans.</br>*XSHORE(I) - X-coord. of the continuous shoreline {SG}</br>*YSHORE(I) - Y-coord. of the continuous shoreline {SG}</br>*YOFF(I,iTime) - offset between the surf-zone cell center and the continuous shoreline (can be positive or negative){SG}us shoreline (can be positive or negative){SG})
  • Model:SimClast  + (Parameters: *Sealevel curve *subsidence *rParameters:</br>*Sealevel curve</br>*subsidence</br>*rainfall (variable through time)</br>*multiple rivers with variable discharge and sediment load through time</br>*initial topography</br>*wind velocity and direction/or wave height and propagation direction</br>*marine current velocity and location</br>*sediment transport parameters</br>*number of grainsizes, grainsize dimensions and density</br>*fluvial channel dimensionsns and density *fluvial channel dimensions)
  • Model:GEOtop  + (Please see:
  • Model:HYPE  + (Precipitation, temperature, and geographical data)
  • Model:Avulsion  + (Probability density function of stream-avulsion angles)
  • Model:CarboCAT  + (Production and subsidence rates, cellular automata rules (number of seed neighbours etc), sea-level history)
  • Model:BEDLOAD  + (Proportion by mass of each size-density fraction in the bed, instantaneous turbulent grain shear velocities, critical shear stresses of each size-density fraction)
  • Model:MARM5D  + (Raster at ArcGIS ASCII format 1. contributRaster at ArcGIS ASCII format</br>1. contributing area (m2)</br>2. topographic slope (%)</br>3. flow direction (ArcGIS coding)</br></br>Tables:</br>4. initial surface particle size distribution (PSD)</br>5. aeolian PSD (optional)</br>6. climate fluctuations (optional)</br></br>Text:</br>7. input parametersions (optional) Text: 7. input parameters)
  • Model:GLUDM  + (Rasters containing the relative area of a specific land use (e.g. cropland) in the past (e.g. 1960, 1980, 1990, 2005). A table of historic and predicted global population.)
  • Model:MRSAA  + (Reach hydraulic parameters (e.g. slope, sediment grain size, critical shear stresses, Chezy coefficient, bed macro-roughness, sediment supply rate, length, channel width, flood intermittency factor, etc.))
  • Model:ThawLake1D  + (Requires an input file called: radin_dailyavg.mat This specifies the daily average incoming radiation.)
  • Model:Equilibrium Calculator  + (River hydrology is described with a flow dRiver hydrology is described with a flow duration curve, the mean annual sand load is specified, the mean annual mud load is computed with a user-specified rating curve, characteristic sand and mud grain size, friction coefficients for the channel and for the floodplain and other model parameters described in the excel caclulatorrameters described in the excel caclulator)
  • Model:Sedflux  + (River mouth characteristics (velocity, width, depth, concentration) averaged daily, or longer. Initial bathymetry. Input sediment distribution and properties of each grain type. Optionally, any of: tectonics, sea level, wave climate, and currents)
  • Model:Plume  + (River velocity, width, depth; Sediment concentrations)
  • Model:SPARROW  + (SPARROW modeling requires the integration SPARROW modeling requires the integration of many types of geospatial data for use as explanatory variables which are considered as either constituent sources or delivery factors. Sources might include certain land types such as urban area, or known contaminant sources such as sewage treatment plants. Delivery terms can include any basin characteristic that may be associated with natural attenuation. For example, denitrification is often associated with certain soil characteristics and the spatial pattern of those soil characteristics is often related to that of constituent loads. In some cases delivery terms might also be associated with enhanced delivery. For example, high basin slope might cause more rapid flows which could increase the delivery of constituents. Delivery is also influenced by the water time of travel in streams, which can be estimated from published USGS time-of-travel studies (e.g., Reed and Stuckey, 2001).el studies (e.g., Reed and Stuckey, 2001).)
  • Model:CASCADE  + (SPM parameters (Kf, Kd, lf, etc) geomtrical and other parameters imposed by modifying the code)
  • Model:Coastal Landscape Transect Model (CoLT)  + (Sea Level Rise rate (mm/yr), upland slope (unitless), suspended sediment concentration (external supply) (mg/L), length of simulation (years))
  • Model:BITM  + (Sea level curve; rate of lagoonal depositiSea level curve; rate of lagoonal deposition; rate of overwash; initial shelf profile. The stratigraphic data are organized in a matrix of integers. Every matrix entry corresponds to a stratigraphic unit (bedrock, overwash, transitional, shoreface, aeolian and lagoonal).itional, shoreface, aeolian and lagoonal).)
  • Model:SEDPAK  + (Sealevel, Subsidence, Start Time, End Time, Sedimentation Rates, Initial basin surface)
  • Model:D'Alpaos model  + (Sediment availability, vegetation characteristics, tidal forcing, rate of relative sea level rise, tidal network configuration and marsh topography if an actual domain is considered.)
  • Model:Compact  + (Sediment porosity, closest-packed porosity, compaction coefficient)
  • Model:Rescal-snow  + (See 'rescal_snow_inputs' in docs)
  • Model:NearCoM  + (See documentation.)
  • Model:GeoTiff Data Component  + (See documentation:
  • Model:Topography Data Component  + (See documentation:
  • Model:GridMET Data Component  + (See documentation:
  • Model:Hilltop and hillslope morphology extraction  + (See included readme)
  • Model:SPHYSICS  + (See manual)