Property:Describe input parameters model


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%ocean climate parameters Wave Height (m) Wave Period (s) Wave Climate Asymmetry (-) Wave Climate High-Angle Proportion (-) Tidal Amplitude (m) Tidal Angular Frequency (rad/s) %barrier model parameters Sea-level Rise Rate (m/yr) Coastal Plain Slope (-) Critical Barrier Width (m) Critical Barrier Height (m) Maximum Overwash Flux (m3/m/yr) %inlet parameters Minimum Inlet Spacing (m) Inlet Aspect Ratio (-) Inlet Equilibrium Velocity (m/s) Grain size (m) %back-barrier parameters Back-barrier depth (m) Manning Roughness (sm^-(1/3)) Fraction Marsh Cover (-)  +
'''Input Data needed''': required and optional (based on project needs and data availability): Spatial data (GIS maps) - to be brought into GRASS GIS ''Basic requirements'': * DEM (Digital Elevation Model) ''Optional'': * Stream network, stream gage locations * Meteorological station locations * Vegetation and soil type, LAI * Road network, landcover/landuse (eg. residential, agricultural, open space, etc...) * Snow redistribution Timeseries data - natural and human induced inputs as text files: ''Basic requirements'': * Daily Precipitation (Meters) * Daily Maximum Temperature (°C) * Daily Minimum Temperature (°C) ''Optional'': * Day length (seconds) * Duration of rainfall (hours) * Zone and seasonal scaling of LAI (unitless) * Incoming longwave radiation (KJ/(meters2)/day) * Incoming direct shortwave radiation (KJ/(meters2)/day) * Incoming diffuse shortwave radiation (KJ/(meters2)/day) * Nitrogen deposition as NO3 (kg/(meters2)/day) * Nitrogen deposition as NH4 (kg/(meters2)/day) * Incoming direct PAR radiation (KJ/(meters2)/day) * Incoming diffuse PAR radiation (KJ/(meters2)/day) * Relative humidity (Range (0-1)) * Mean daytime temperature (°C) * Night time temperature at sundown (°C) * Soil temperature (°C) * Vapour pressure deficit (Pa) * Wind speed (meters/sec) * Carbon dioxide (CO2) (parts per million/year)  +
(1) Daily climate data including precipitation, temperature, and (optional) potential evapotranspiration (python dictionary object), (2) A model configuration file (.yaml; settings for the HydroCNHS and ABM models), and (3) ABM modules (.py; customized human models).  +
(1) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) & Bed Elevation (2) Soil texture or hydrologic properties (3) Geology texture or hydrologic properties (4) Land cover and vegetation parameters  +
(1) the length along a square cell face (dx), (2) 2 of the following 3 arrays describing the domain: (a) the water depth (depth); (b) the water stage (stage); (c) the topography (topography), (3) either the x and y components of water velocity (u and v) or the x and y components of the water discharge (qx and qy), (4) and some optional parameters that include values related to the random walk weighting scheme, travel time calculations, and even the distance and direction assumptions related to the grid.  +
(See: * Grid and Boundary Information File (fort.14) - required * Model Parameter and Periodic Boundary Condition File (fort.15) - required * Passive Scalar Transport Input File (fort.10) - conditional * Density Initial Condition Input File (fort.11) – conditional * Nodal Attributes File (fort.13) – conditional * Non-periodic Elevation Boundary Condition File (fort.19) - conditional * Non-periodic, Normal Flux Boundary Condition File (fort.20) - conditional * Single File Meteorological Forcing Input (fort.22) - conditional * Multiple File Meterological Forcing Input (fort.200,…..) - conditional * Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File (fort.23) - conditional * Self Attraction/Earth Load Tide Forcing File (fort.24) - conditional * 2DDI Hot Start Files (fort.67 or fort.68) – conditional  +
* A digital elevation model (DEM) as an Arc/Info ASCII Grid (.asc) file in a projected coordinate reference system, with the same spatial resolution in which the model should be run * and time series of the meteorological variables air temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, global radiation and wind speed in NetCDF or CSV format.   +
* deltat {Number of seconds per time step, e.g. 315360000 for a 10-year time step} * southern_edge {Southern-most latitude of your domain in decimal degrees, e.g. 5} * maxiter 500 {How many times GW should run before FSM runs} * total_cycles 1000 {how many times FSM should run before completion} * infiltration_on 0 {true is 1, false is 0. Only recommend true for high-resolution input data.} * fdepth_a 200 {e-folding depth coefficients} * fdepth_b 150 {e-folding depth coefficients} * fdepth_fmin 2 {e-folding depth coefficients}   +
*Elastic thickness map (ASCII) *Load map (ASCII) *dx, dy *Material properties **Young's modulus **Poisson's ratio **density of load **density of infilling material (optional; this can also be done via iteration for more complicated situations Only the elastic thickness and load need to be actual input files. The rest (scalars) can be specified at the command line interface.   +
*Input topography OR initial relative coverage of high-resistance vegetation community *Annual duration of high-flow events *Initial surface-water level *Water surface slope during high-flow events *Bed sediment diffusion coefficient (for erosion by gravity) *Critical shear stress for entrainment of bed sediment (model uses a flocculent sediment transport relation) and corresponding entrainment function * Scaling factor affecting maximum peat accretion rate of high-flow-resistance community * Scaling factor affecting equilibrium elevation of high-flow-resistance community * Scaling factor for vegetative propagation/below-ground biomass expansion rates * Scaling factor for lateral velocities * Effected suspended sediment settling velocity * Soil bulk density * Optional: Mean annual evapotranspiration in each vegetation community * Optional: Vertical profiles of vegetation stem architecture and diameter and drag coefficient relationships for vegetation communities (otherwise model will use default high-flow-resistance and low-flow-resistance communities = ridge and slough vegetation communities in the Everglades)   +
- las_file or raster_path: file paths for change detection data, depending on the desired change detection (Las2Ras can be used to convert las_file for use as raster_path) - cell_size: raster resolution for Las2Ras (m) -method: method of interpolation for Las2Ras - grid and dem: file path for pre-event DEM - debris_flow_path: file path for debris flow path shapefile (polyline) - spacing: reach spacing/resolution of query points and investigation polygons (meters) - buffer_width: width of buffer within which volumes will be estimated (meters) - LoD: limit of detection of change detection data (meters) -polygon_ids: IDs of polygons with tributaries for plotting  +
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