CSDMS meeting 2015

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Presentations and more of the CSDMS 2015 annual meeting

Models meet Data, Data meet Models

May 26-28th 2015 in Boulder Colorado, USA

Thank You

On behalf of CSDMS, we thank the Keynote Speakers, Clinic Leaders, Session Chairs, Poster Session Presenters, members of the Executive and Steering Committees, and every participant who helped to make this a productive and successful meeting.


Click here to view the final agenda


Keynote talks

Presented by Title
Patricia Wiberg Welcome
James Syvitski CSDMS updates
Chris Sherwood CSDMS Interagency Working Group
Brian Fath Quo Vadis Ecosystem? Insights from Ecological Modelling and Systems Ecology
Raleigh Hood Modeling the Chesapeake Bay
Jean-Arthur Olive Modes of extensional faulting controlled by surface processes
Ehab Meselhe Coastal Eco-System Integrated Compartment Model (ICM)
Kyle Straub Signals of Relative Sea Level perturbations: Defining the divide between autogenic signal shredding vs. preservation in the stratigraphic record
Phaedra Upton Models meet Data, Earth Surface meet Geodynamics
Nick Cohn Towards assessing the coastal zone as an integrated system: the development of a coupled nearshore and aeolian dune model
Jennifer Glaubius Coupled Human and Natural Systems: Testing the Impact of Agricultural Terraces on Landscape Evolution
Randy LeVeque The GeoClaw Software
Stefano Nativi GEOSS and its Common Infrastructure
Mary Hill Testing model analysis frameworks
Forrest Hoffman International Land Model Benchmarking Project
Lejo Flores Critical Zone Observratory


Presented by Title
Mark Piper & Eric Hutton WMT and the Dakota iterative systems analysis toolkit
Chris Duffy Accessing National Data and Distributed Models for Catchment Simulation
Zhen Cheng (Charlie) & Tian-Jian Hsu (Tom) Modeling Coastal Sediment Transport Using OpenFOAM®
Sam Roy & Phaedra Upton Exploring the influence of fault damage and fault slip on the patterns and rates of fluvial incision using CHILD and Matlab
Brad Murray & Andrew Ashton Coastline Evolution Model (CEM)
Eric Hutton & Mark Piper Wrapping Existing Models with the Basic Modeling Interface
Jon Goodall Integrated Modeling Concepts
Irina Overeem & Mark Piper Bringing CSDMS Models into the Classroom
Greg Tucker Landlab: A Python library for building, exploring, and coupling 2D surface-process models
Jon Pollak & Jon Goodall Data Access and Publication with the CUAHSI Water Data Center


Is your poster not displayed below? Please email your poster to:CSDMSweb@colorado.edu. We can open a FTP site for you if the poster is to large to email. Thank you!

Author(s) Title Download (pdf)
Chen Bao RT-Flux-PIHM: A Coupled Hydrological, Land Surface, and Reactive Transport Model for Hydrogeochemical Processes at the Watershed Scale
Getachew Belete Real-time integration of models
Georgie Bennett Landslide and denudational response to transient tectonic uplift in northern California: Lag times and a landslide buzz-saw
Megan Caldwell Changes in Southern Rocky Mountain Forests: Using Ecosystem Process Modelling to Project Critical Transitions
Shawn Carter Quantifying the Effects of Land Use Dynamics on Global Scale Fluvial Suspended Sediment Flux
Yunxiang Chen Shallow Coherent Structures Generated By Jets
Zhen Cheng A Turbulence-resolving Eulerain Two-Phase Model for Sediment Transport Applications
Blake Clark Three-dimensional modeling of a Chesapeake Bay tidal marsh ecosystem
Sagy Cohen Spatially explicit modeling of particulate nutrient flux in global rivers
Hamid Dashti Improving ecosystem dynamic models in a semi-arid ecosystem by integrating different sources of remotely sensed data
Zhuochen Han Modeling gravity-driven deposition on the East China Sea continental shelf
Sarah Harbert Modeling Stream Capture in Strike-Slip Systems
Courtney Harris Storm-driven delivery of sediment to the continental slope: Numerical modeling for the northern Gulf of Mexico
Stephanie Higgins Potential impacts of Indian Rivers Inter-links on sediment transport to the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta
Shelley Jeltema Creating Educational Materials for Python and GIS
Peishi Jiang Semantics-Enabled Paradigm for Model Integration
Margaret Jones Considering holistic coastline response to climate-change induced shifts in natural processes and anthropogenic modifications
Albert Kettner CSDMS Tools to Promote Visibility of Open-source Model Code
Anthony Longjas Vulnerability maps of deltas: quantifying how network connectivity modulates upstream change to the shoreline
Li Li RT-Flux-PIHM: A Coupled Hydrological, Land Surface, and Reactive Transport Model for Hydrogeochemical Processes at the Watershed Scale
Qi Li Exploring the imprint of tectonics on sediment output from a small mountain watershed
Man Liang Reduced-Complexity Model (RCM) for River Delta Formation – Model Assessment and Application
Laurence Lin Modeling water and solute fluxes from terrestrial to aquatic ecosystems
Wei Luo Web-based Interactive Landform Simulation Model - Grand Canyon (WILSIM-GC) and Its Advantages in Enhancing Students’ Learning
Luke McGuire High resolution modeling of overland flow and sediment transport following wildfire
Angel Monsalve Formation and establishment of forced sediment patches in high gradient channels
Crystal Ng Integrating data and models with an ensemble Kalman filter to examine Mojave Desert ecohydrology
Jaap Nienhuis Wavelength selection of tidally reversing mega-ripples, field observations and comparison with numerical flow modeling
Daniel O'Hara Landscape Evolution in Response to Laccolith Inflation: Insights from Numerical Modeling with Application to the Colorado Plateau
Irina Overeem Bringing earth surface processes simulations to large audiences
Mariela Perignon Extreme Floods as Agents of Landscape Evolution: Modeling the 2013 Front Range Flood, Colorado, USA
Katherine Ratliff River-ocean interactions: Building a new morphodynamic delta model
Salik Anders Rosing Sediment Deposition in the Cretaceous North Sea – a Modelling Approach
Samuel Roy Quantifying topographic anisotropy at multiple scales
Shimelis Setegn Development of hydrologic and water quality models for sustainable Integrated Water Resources Management
Harutyun Shahumyan Challenges and a solution in coupling dissimilar models for complex planning policy analysis
Ryan Sincavage Comparing morphologic and stratigraphic field data from a tectonic basin on the Ganges-Brahmaputra River delta with results from a reduced-complexity model for river delta formation
Monica Stone Quantifying the influence of land use/land cover change on inland flooding occurrence and severity following hurricane events using a physically-based hydrology/hydraulics model
Mahdad Talebpour Secondary current simulations in open channels with different bed roughness configurations
Danielle Tarpley Including fine-grained sediment processes within numerical representations of a partially-mixed estuary, the York River, Virginia
Alejandro Tejedor A graph-theoretic approach to Studying Deltaic Systems: Quantifying Complexity and Self-Organization
Reggie Walters Soil carbon in the Critical Zone: spinning up an ecohydrologic model using spatiotemporally distributed data records
Tong Wan Bedload sediment modeling at a global scale based on the WBMsed model
Katelyn Watson Assessing the water balance of Dry Creek Experimental Watershed via an integrated modeling system
Patricia Wiberg Quantifying the spatial distribution of bed properties in shallow coastal bays
Garry Willgoose Developing a soils-regolith evolution model for the design of covers for hazardous and nuclear waste containment facilities
Fei Xing The impacts of hurricanes and winter cold fronts on the morphological evolution of the Wax Lake Delta, LA
Yuncheng Xu Morphological impact of large woody debris: Numerical and Experimental Modeling
Yu Zhang The harmony of data-model interaction in landscape evolution modeling, an example from the Shale Hills CZO of central Pennsylvania

pictures of the meeting