Name | Abstract title posters | Poster |
Adams, Jordan |
Sediment dynamics along the fluvial-tidal transition: a case study from the Ganges delta |  |
Ahrendt, Shelby |
A mountain-to-coast hydrogeomorphic modeling framework for flood risk prediction | |
Anderson, Samuel |
Lithologic and Climatic Controls on Rock Properties in the Guadalupe Mountains | |
Anderson, Aspen |
Coupled morphodynamic and hydrogeologic modeling for evaluating the salinization of groundwater resources in coastal deltas resources in coastal deltas |  |
Auad, Guillermo |
Coupling Conceptual Models to Define a Dynamic Management Framework for Efficient Socio-ecological System Stewardship |  |
Barnhart, Katherine |
terrainbento 1.0: a multi-model package for long term drainage basin evolution | |
Best, Kelsea |
Environmental Migration and Land Inundation: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach |  |
Burton, Jonathan |
Analysis of Glacial Lake Outburst Flood terrain and sedimentary deposits in Valle Soler, Northern Patagonia Icefield | |
Cai, Nicole |
Impact of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation on Water Quality in Cache Slough Complex, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: A Numerical Modeling Study | |
Callaghan, Kerry |
Computing more realistic flow-routing surfaces using FlowFill |  |
Chang, Ching |
Investigating Mechanisms of the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway and its Impacts on Surface Processes using Landscape Evolution Simulations | |
Cohen, Sagy |
Recent advances in global-scale hydro-geomorphic riverine modeling |  |
Covington, Matt |
A conduit evolution model built in Landlab: Coupling surface and subsurface processes |  |
Cui, Linlin |
Estimating the Impact of Oil on Flocculation Processes with a New Parameterized Sediment Model | |
Culler, Elsa |
Modeling the hydrology of a post-fire landslide: Case study of the Thomas Fire, CA | |
Czekirda, Justyna |
The CryoGrid permafrost models: examples of applications | |
DeLisle, Clarke |
Landslides Buffer Climate-Tectonic Interaction |  |
Del Vecchio, Joanmarie |
Constraining hydroclimate control on permafrost slope stability with sediment records, modern landscapes and coupled models | |
Fleming, Jason |
Real Time ADCIRC Model Guidance For Decision Support | |
Glade, Rachel |
Canyon evolution governed by channel-hillslope feedbacks | |
Harris, Courtney |
Seasonal variation in wave-driven sediment resuspension in the northern Andaman Sea: Results from a numerical model | |
Istanbulluoglu, Erkan |
A new approach to mapping landslide hazards: a probabilistic integration of empirical and process-based models | |
Jacobs, Peter |
Species Distribution Models (SDMs) for characterizing the ecology of modern foraminifera and how this can inform reconstructions of past oceanographic states from Earth’s climatic history | |
Jafarov, Elchin |
Estimation of soil properties by coupled inversion of geophysical and hydrothermal data | |
Janoff, Arye |
Suboptimal beach nourishment decisions: When self-interested actions enhance a neighbor's welfare | |
Jenkins, Chris |
‘Seamless over the Strandline’ Marine and Terrestrial Substrates Data to support Morphodynamic Modelling | |
Kochanski, Kelly |
Machine learning for climate prediction |  |
Lai, Jingtao |
The impact of geothermal flux on patterns and rates of glacial erosion | |
Litwin, David |
Implicit-spectral solution for a simple landscape evolution model | |
Lynch, Brigid |
Quantifying variability in streamflow distributions to understand the relationships between climate, topography and erosion |  |
Mariotti, Giulio |
CoastMorpho2D: Simulating coastal evolution from decades to millennia | |
Meinen, Benjamin |
Mapping Erosion and Deposition in an Agricultural Landscape: A Spatial Validation of Erosion Models |  |
Mohamadi Moghadam, Hanieh |
An investigation of the impact of Marine Hydrokinetic devices on sediment transport | |
Moragoda, Nishani |
Response of Fluvial Suspended Sediment Fluxes and River Discharge to Future Climate Change on a Global Scale | |
Morgan, Jacob |
The efficacy of using a morphological acceleration factor to simulate large-scale and long-term fluvial morphodynamics |  |
Munasinghe, Dinuke |
Murshid, Shamim |
Cross-Sectional Geometry of Natural and Engineered Tidal Inlets | |
Obelcz, Jeffrey |
Geospatial prediction of subsurface wood-bearing sediments, Northern Gulf of Mexico | |
Ortiz, Alejandra |
Potential impacts of excavation pits on atoll reef islands | |
Overeem, Irina |
Changing River Dynamics Cause Permafrost Thaw: exploration from the coupling of a river temperature and a permafrost model |  |
Phetheet, Jirapat |
A Coupled Simulation of the Food-Energy-Water Nexus for Farm Income Analysis: An Agent-Based Approach Applied to Western Kansas | |
Reeves, Ian |
Impacts of Seagrass Dynamics on the Coupled Long-Term Evolution of Barrier-Marsh-Bay Systems | |
Sherwood, Christopher |
Dune erosion hotspot caused by offshore wave refraction and dissipation | |
Shobe, Charles |
Assessing basin-scale lithologic controls on river and landscape evolution | |
Sosa, Jeison |
No abstract submitted yet | |
Steckler, Michael |
Sequence Stratigraphic Modeling in Landlab |  |
Swartz, John |
From Distributary to Tributary: Formation and Morphometry of Coastal Stream Networks Governed by Depositional Processes | |
Tang, Hui |
No abstract submitted yet | |
Tasich, Chris |
Predicting arsenic contamination in groundwater wells in the Bengal Basin |  |
Trunz, Celia |
Building a distributed and physically based supraglacial meltwater routing model with Landlab to explore lag between peak meltwater production and discharge | |
WANG, Ya Ping |
The influence of bio-physical processes on sediment motion over tidal flat | |
Wild, Amanda |
Patterns and Rates of Sedimentation in a Bedrock Confined Estuary: The Skeena River Estuary and Marine Approaches | |
Xue, Z. George |
Introducing a sediment module to the National Water Model (WRF-Hydro) | |
Yuen, David |
Efforts in Machine Learning and Deep Learning to Data-Intensive Problems in Earthquakes and non-linear Geophysical Problems | |
Zang, Zhengchen |
Introducing a wave-supported gravity flow module to Community Sediment Transport Model System | |
Zhang, Yu |
Bridging boundaries: a preliminary review of the multi-scale and multi-process models in CSDMS model repositories | |