Hydrology FRG Discussion/Prioritizing a Hydrological model to make coupling-ready (refactoring the code with a Basic Model Interface).


Prioritizing a model to make coupling-ready (refactoring the code with a Basic Model Interface). This task will start with nominations of models that would be advantageous scientifically to couple to other models (of other Earth subsystems, hydrology or otherwise, or of other processes), and which have enough enthusiasm from people close to the code to do the coding work (and/or find funding to support this work; CSDMS Integration Facility personnel will be there to help with the final stages, but limited Integration Facility resources require us to do the bulk of it--or find funding to support Integration Facility personnel). Question: what Hydrological models best fit these criteria?

Current coastal models in repository (107)

A.k.a. Disturbed periodic model for river meanders
Generates planforms for single-thread channel using a second-order autoregressive model Limaye, Ajay
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ATS (The Advanced Terrestrial Simulator)
A.k.a. Arctic Terrestrial Simulator
The Advanced Terrestrial Simulator (formerly sometimes known as the Arctic Terrestrial Simulator) is a code for solving ecosystem-based, integrated, distributed hydrology. Coon, Ethan
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Anuga ANUGA is a hydrodynamic modelling tool that allows users to model realistic flow problems in complex 2D geometries. Habili, Nariman
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AnugaSed Add-on package to ANUGA with modules for sediment transport and vegetation drag Perignon, Mariela
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A.k.a. Debouche
Stream avulsion model Hutton, Eric In CMT
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Badlands Basin and landscape dynamics Salles, Tristan
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CAESAR Lisflood
A.k.a. CAESAR-Lisflood
Caesar Lisflood is a morphodynamic / Landscape evolution model that simulates erosion and deposition in river catchments and reaches over time scales from hours to 1000's of years. Coulthard, Tom
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CREST The Coupled Routing and Excess STorage (CREST) model is a distributed hydrologic model developed to simulate the spatial and temporal variation of atmospheric, land surface, and subsurface water fluxes and storages by cell-to-cell simulation. Wang, Jiahu
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CVFEM Rift2D multi-physics numerical model that simulates rock deformation, fluid flow, solute transport and heat transfer in response to ice sheet loading of multiple cycles Zhang, Yipeng
DHSVM DHSVM is a distributed hydrologic model that explicitly represents the effects of topography and vegetation on water fluxes through the landscape. DHSVM, Administrator
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DLBRM Distributed Large Basin Runoff Model Croley, Thomas
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DR3M Distributed Routing Rainfall-Runoff Model--version II U.S., Geological Survey
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Delft3D 3D hydrodynamic and sediment transport model Delft3D, Support
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Dorado A Python package for simulating passive particle transport in shallow-water flows Hariharan, Jayaram
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ECSimpleSnow A simple snow model Wang, Kang In process to add to CMT
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EF5 Ensemble Framework For Flash Flood Forecasting Flamig, Zac
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ESCAPE parallel global-scale landscape evolution model Salles, Tristan
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FLDTA Simulates flow characteristics based on gradually varied flow equation Slingerland, Rudy
GEOtop Distributed hydrological model, water and energy budgets Rigon, Riccardo
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GISS GCM ModelE GISS GCM ModelE Schmidt, Gavin
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GSFLOW Ground-water and Surface-water FLOW model Markstrom, Steve
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Glimmer-CISM Dynamic thermo-mechanical ice sheet model Hagdorn, Magnus
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GreenAmptInfiltrationModel The Green-Ampt method of infiltration estimation. Jiang, Peishi
GroundwaterDupuitPercolator The GroundwaterDupuitPercolator solves the Boussinesq equation for flow in an unconfined aquifer over an impermeable aquifer base and calculates groundwater return flow to the surface. Litwin, David
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GullyErosionProfiler1D This model is designed to simulate longitudinal profiles with headward advancing headcuts. Rengers, Francis
HBV HBV model is a rainfall-runoff model Craven, John
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HYPE Hydrological model for simulation of water and water quality over time SMHI, --
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HexWatershed A mesh independent flow direction model for hydrologic models Liao, Chang
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HydroCNHS HydroCNHS, a Python Package of Hydrological Model for Coupled Natural–Human Systems Lin, Chung-Yi
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HydroRaVENS Linear-reservoir hydrological model with snowpack and evapotranspiration Wickert, Andrew
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HydroTrend Climate driven hydrological transport model Kettner, Albert In CMT
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IceFlow 2D semi-implicit shallow ice approximation glacier model Wickert, Andy
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KWAVE A model representing infiltration, interception, and runoff using the kinematic wave approximation McGuire, Luke Can not be incorporated in CMT
Kudryavtsev Model
A.k.a. Ku Model
Permafrost Active Layer Thickness Model based on Kudryavtsev's parametrization Overeem, Irina In CMT
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LISFLOOD LISFLOOD - a distributed hydrological rainfall-runoff model de Roo, Ad
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LOADEST Software for estimating constituent loads in streams and rivers Runkel, Rob
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Landlab Python software framework for writing, assembling, and running 2D numerical models Tucker, Greg
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MARSSIM Landform evolution model Howard, Alan
MARSSIM terrestrial and planetary Landform Evolution Model Howard, Alan
MIDAS Coupled flow- heterogeneous sediment routing model Slingerland, Rudy
MODFLOW MODFLOW is a three-dimensional finite-difference ground-water model Barlow, Paul
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MODFLOW 6 is an object-oriented program and framework developed to provide a platform for supporting multiple models and multiple types of models within the same simulation Hughes, Joseph
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Manningseq-bouldersforpaleohydrology Matlab® code for paleo-hydrological flood flow reconstruction in a fluvial channel Huber, Marius Can not be incorporated in CMT
Meander Centerline Migration Model
A.k.a. MCMM
Simulation of the long-term migration of meandering rivers flowing above heterogeneous floodplains Bogoni, Manuel
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Mixed bedrock-alluvial morphodynamic Alluvial morphodynamics of bedrock reaches Jafarinik, Sadegh
Mosartwmpy Model for Scale Adaptive River Transport with Water Management in Python Thurber, Travis
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Mrip Mrip is a self-organization type model for the formation and dynamics of megaripples in the nearshore. Gallagher, Edith
Nitrate Network Model Nitrate and organic carbon dynamics on a wetland-river network Czuba, Jonathan In CMT
OTEQ One-Dimensional Transport with Equilibrium Chemistry (OTEQ): A Reactive Transport Model for Streams and Rivers Runkel, Rob
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OTIS One-Dimensional Transport with Inflow and Storage (OTIS): A Solute Transport Model for Streams and Rivers Runkel, Rob
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OTTAR Ode To Transient (Ancho de los) Rivers: Transient evolution of river-channel width in response to river discharge and bank and sediment properties. Wickert, Andrew
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A.k.a. olaFoam
Wave generation and active absorption interaction with porous structures framework Higuera, Pablo Can not be incorporated in CMT
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A.k.a. Landlab OverlandFlow component
Component simulating overland flow using a 2-D numerical approximation of the shallow-water equations following the de Almeida et al., 2012 algorithm for storage-cell inundation modeling. Adams, Jordan In CMT
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OverlandFlowBates This component simulates overland flow using the 2-D numerical model of shallow-water flow over topography using the Bates et al. (2010) algorithm for storage-cell inundation modeling. Adams, Jordan
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PHREEQC PHREEQC version 3 is a computer program written in the C and C++ programming languages that is designed to perform a wide variety of aqueous geochemical calculations Parkhurst, David
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PIHM PIHM is a multiprocess, multi-scale hydrologic model. Duffy, Christopher
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PRMS Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System Leavesley, George
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ParFlow Parallel, high-performance, integrated watershed model Maxwell, Reed
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Pllcart3d 3D numerical simulation of confined miscible flows Oliveira, Rafael
PotentialEvapotranspiration Calculates potential evapotranspiration Nudurupati, Sai
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PyDeltaRCM Reduced complexity river delta formation and evolution model with channel dynamics Perignon, Mariela
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RHESSys Regional Hydro-Ecologic Simulation System Tague, christina
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Rescal-snow A model of dunes and snow-waves Kochanski, Kelly
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Reservoir Reservoir: Tools for Analysis, Design, and Operation of Water Supply Storages Turner, Sean
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River Erosion Model
A.k.a. REM
An intermediate complexity model for simulating stream channel evolution (years to decades) at the watershed scale. Lammers, Roderick
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River Network Bed-Material Sediment Bed-material sediment transport and storage dynamics on river networks. Czuba, Jonathan
River Temperature Model
A.k.a. River Temperature
River Temperature Model based on heat balance approach Overeem, Irina Can not be incorporated in CMT
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A.k.a. River Mussel-Sediment Interaction Model
Simulates freshwater mussel populations' response to changes in suspended sediment Schwenk, Jon
A.k.a. Meander Evolution Model
SINUOUS - Meander Evolution Model Howard, Alan Can not be incorporated in CMT
A.k.a. Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model
The Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM) Clough, Jonathan
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SPARROW The SPARROW Surface Water-Quality Model Alexander, Richard
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STVENANT 1D gradually varied flow routine Slingerland, Rudy
SWAT SWAT is a river basin scale model developed to quantify the impact of land management practices in large, complex watersheds. Arnold, Jeff
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SWEHR A coupled model for infiltration, fluid flow, and sediment transport. McGuire, Luke
SWMM Storm Water Management Model Rossman, Lewis
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SedCas A probabilistic sediment cascade model for sediment production, storage and transfer Hirschberg, Jacob
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SedFoam-2.0 A multi-dimensional Eulerian two-phase model for sediment transport (version 2.0) Chauchat, Julien In CMT
A.k.a. The Landlab SoilInfiltrationGreenAmpt component
Landlab component that calculates soil infiltration based on the Green-Ampt solution. Rengers, Francis
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SoilMoisture Compute the decay of soil moisture saturation at storm-interstorm time period Nudurupati, Sai
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A.k.a. tAo3D
TISC integrates quantitative models of lithospheric flexure, fault deformation, and surface mass transport (erosion/transport/sedimentation) along drainage networks. Garcia Castellanos, Daniel
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TOPMODEL Physically based, distributed watershed model that simulates hydrologic fluxes of water through a watershed Beven, Keith
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TaylorNonLinearDiffuser Model non-linear soil creep after Ganti et al. (2012) Glade, Rachel
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ThawLake1D 1-D numerical model of permafrost and subsidence processes. Matell, Nora Can not be incorporated in CMT
The TELEMAC system
a powerful integrated modeling tool for use in the field of free-surface flows. TELEMAC support team, -
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TopoFlow Spatially-distributed, D8-based hydrologic model Peckham, Scott In CMT
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TopoFlow-Channels-Diffusive Wave Diffusive Wave process component for flow routing in a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott In CMT
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TopoFlow-Channels-Dynamic Wave Dynamic Wave process component for flow routing in a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott In CMT
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TopoFlow-Channels-Kinematic Wave Kinematic Wave process component for flow routing in a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model. Peckham, Scott In CMT
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TopoFlow-Diversions Diversions component for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model. Peckham, Scott In CMT
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TopoFlow-Evaporation-Energy Balance Evaporation process component (Energy Balance method) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott In CMT
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TopoFlow-Evaporation-Priestley Taylor Evaporation process component (Priestley-Taylor method) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott In CMT
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TopoFlow-Evaporation-Read File Evaporation process component (read from file method) for a spatially-distributed hydrologic model. Peckham, Scott In CMT
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TopoFlow-Infiltration-Green-Ampt Infiltration process component (Green-Ampt method) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott In CMT
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TopoFlow-Infiltration-Richards 1D Infiltration process component (Richards 1D method) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott In CMT
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TopoFlow-Infiltration-Smith-Parlange Infiltration process component (Smith-Parlange method) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott In CMT
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TopoFlow-Meteorology Meteorology process component for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott In CMT
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TopoFlow-Saturated Zone-Darcy Layers Saturated Zone process component (Darcy's law, multiple soil layers) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott In CMT
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TopoFlow-Snowmelt-Degree-Day Snowmelt process component (Degree-Day method) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott In CMT
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TopoFlow-Snowmelt-Energy Balance Snowmelt process component (Energy Balance method) for a D8-based, spatial hydrologic model Peckham, Scott In CMT
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TransportLengthHillslopeDiffuser Transport length hillslope diffusion. Mouchene, Margaux
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A.k.a. SedFoam
A four-way coupled two-phase Eulerian model for sediment transport Cheng, Zhen
UEB The Utah Energy Balance (UEB) Grid snowmelt model Tarboton, David
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VIC VIC (Variable Infiltration Capacity) is a macroscale hydrologic model that solves full water and energy balances, originally developed by Xu Liang at the University of Washington. Lettenmaier, Dennis
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Vegetation Model plant dynamics using multiple representative plant species Nudurupati, Sai
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A.k.a. WBMplus
Water Balance/Transport Model Fekete, Balazs
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WBMsed Global sediment flux and water discharge model. Cohen, Sagy Can not be incorporated in CMT
A.k.a. WRF-Hydro Modeling System
The WRF-Hydro® Modeling System, an open-source community model, is used for a range of projects, including flash flood prediction, regional hydroclimate impacts assessment, seasonal forecasting of water resources, and land-atmosphere coupling studies. It produces forecasts and analyses for all major terrestrial water-cycle components: Precipitation, Streamflow, Soil moisture, Snowpack, Flooding, Groundwater. McAllister, Molly
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