Category:Research project
This Category, Research project, provides an overview of all the research projects that make or made use of the CSDMS HPCC. If you are using the HPCC and you haven't created yet a research project page, please do. It only takes ~20minutes and will give us insight in how CSDMS can accelerate science. Thank you!
Pages in category "Research project"
The following 64 pages are in this category, out of 64 total.
- HPCCprojects:Chesapeake Bay FVCOM-ICM
- HPCCprojects:Coastal Processes and Shoreline Mapping
- HPCCprojects:Combining a MODIS-based snow water equivalent product and statistical interpolation methods to estimate snowpack and streamflow conditions in the Colorado headwaters
- HPCCprojects:Coupled modelling of surface, subsurface hydrology and atmosphere in Jordan
- HPCCprojects:Coupling CEM and SWAN
- HPCCprojects:Coupling fluvial discharge and coastal evolution models
- HPCCprojects:Ebro Delta : A study of coastal dynamic
- HPCCprojects:Effect of Terrain and Vegetation structure on Snowmelt
- HPCCprojects:Estimation of sediment discharge in mexiacan coastal basins larger than 500 km2, at high resolution
- HPCCprojects:Examining the landscape of the lower Chanduy Valley, Ecuador
- HPCCprojects:HAMSOM to South Atlantic
- HPCCprojects:High-Resolution Regional Climate Modeling
- HPCCproject:LakeTexomaRedRiverDelta
- HPCCproject:Modeling Stream Capture in Strike-Slip Settings
- HPCCprojects:Hydraulic Bore into Shear
- HPCCprojects:Hydrodynamics and Sediment-Transport in the Poverty Bay Portion of the Waipaoa Sedimentary System
- HPCCprojects:Improving Representations of Snow-Vegetation Interactions
- HPCCprojects:Interannual variability and glacier length
- HPCCprojects:Investigating controls on bedrock erosion by granular flows using an open source discrete element model
- HPCCprojects:Investigating valley spacing regularity on evolving mountain fronts
- HPCCprojects:Landscape Evolution for Southern Africa
- HPCCprojects:Landscape Evolution Modeling of Terrain Modified by Agricultural Terracing
- HPCCprojects:Large River Floodplains
- HPCCprojects:Latest Holocene Glacier Modeling
- HPCCprojects:Leaf-level to Canopy NOx and Ozone Exchanges at UMBS during PROPHET 2016
- HPCCprojects:LEM NWZagros
- HPCCprojects:Linking climate model output with landscape evolution models
- HPCCprojects:Lithology Image Strips Extraction for the Ocean Drilling Program
- HPCCprojects:NCEP data read
- HPCCprojects:New approaches to address scaling issues for lateral flow of water in a layered snowpack
- HPCCprojects:Niger Delta Project
- HPCCprojects:Numerical modeling of 2D turbidity currents to investigate sediment wave generation
- HPCCprojects:Numerical Modeling of Permafrost Dynamics in Alaska using a High Spatial Resolution Dataset
- HPCCprojects:Numerical simulations of turbidity and gravity currents interacting with complex topographies
- HPCCprojects:Sediment Plumes and Changing Climates
- HPCCprojects:Sediment Transport on the Inner Continental Shelf Amid Artificial Reef Structures
- HPCCprojects:Simulation of Granular Flows
- HPCCprojects:Spatial distribution of solar radiation as a driver of hillslope asymmetry across latitudes
- HPCCprojects:Terrestrial Hydrology
- HPCCprojects:The BQARTwbm distributed sediment flux model
- HPCCprojects:The impact of thermocline induction on decadal variability of the North Atlantic carbon sink
- HPCCprojects:The impacts of vegetation on hydrodynamics and morphology of coastal wetlands, Wax Lake Delta during extreme events
- HPCCprojects:Three-dimensional miscible displacements in porous media or Hele-Shaw cells
- HPCCprojects:Towards a Tiered Permafrost Modeling Cyberinfrastructure