HPCCprojects:Niger Delta Project


Niger Delta Project

Project description

  1. Acquire and analyze precipitation, evapotranspiration and discharge data from available sources, for the Niger Delta.
  2. Determine the runoff entering the delta system from upstream sources, versus local-derived rainfall.
  3. Analyze Shuttle Radar (SRTM) topography along with other satellite data (e.g. LANDSAT) to assess the dimensions of the Niger distributary channels.
  4. Develop a hydrological model for the Niger Delta area to handle distributary channels efflux. Using satellite imagery, ascertain the local drainage basins for each of the major Niger Delta estuaries.
  5. Couple the hydrological model with a simplified semi-diurnal tidal model and develop a time-dependent flow routing model of the Niger Delta.
  6. Model the time dependent sediment load to the Niger Delta, and distribute the load through the various distributary channels.
  7. Qualitatively verify sediment flux predictions using satellite imagery of both channel turbidity, and plume turbidity.
  8. Apply the PSI model (Syvitski et al., 2005a; Kettner and Syvitski, 2008) to the hydrological flow routing model of the Niger Delta and predict the flux of sediment through the various distributary channels.


Determine the dispersal mechanisms of the terrestrial flux of sediment and the coastal trapping of sediment of deltaic distributary channels with focus on the Niger Delta. Conduct a hydrological assessment of the fluxes of water and sediment to the shorelines of Niger Delta, Nigeria. Assess the timing of discharge events, suspended load and bed load.


Start date: 2008
End date: 2010

Models used

The CMT tool was used to operate the following models:


Niger Delta drainage basins and outlets. Blue values
present the 6year average water discharge (%) and the
brown values present the 6year average suspended
sediment load at the river outlet.


Publications and Presentations

  • Kettner, A.J., Hannon, M.T., and Syvitski, J.M.P., 2010. Simulating hourly discharge fluxes through the Niger delta. Eos Trans. AGU, 91(26), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet., Abstract H31B-05.
  • Hannon, M.T., Syvitski, J.P.M., Kettner, A.J., December 2008. Hydrologic modeling of a tropical river delta by applying remote sensing data: The Niger Delta and its distributaries. fall meeting, San Francisco, USA.
