Project description
Most challenges in coastal science and management demand an integrative approach. The project “Modular System for Shelves and Coasts” (MOSSCO, 2013-2019) thus developed an infrastructure that facilitates integration of existing model and data components; this modular infrastructure will be brought to a number of coastal applications, which are centered around the benthic-pelagic interface.
The Objectives of this computing resource proposal are
1. to explore coupleability of the current system to other models in the CSDMS library 2. to develop better integration capability with other models in the CSDMS library 3. to testdrive new coupled applications
Start date April 2017, continuing to end of funded project (March 2019)
Models in use
* MOSSCO modeling framework * FABM modeling framework * GETM/GOTM hydrodynamic models * Delft3D Erosion model
Expected results are documented new coupling configuration that have been proven to run on the CSDMS HPC infrastructure
* platipodium
MOSSCO is funded under the Küstenforschung Nord- und Ostsee (KüNO) umbrella program sponsored by the German Ministry for Education and Research 03VO1246
This is a joint project of Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht HZG, Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde IOW, and the German Waterways Agency BAW; it is coordinated by HZG.
* MOSSCO web page [1] * GETM web page [2] * GOTM web page [3] * FABM web page [4]