HPCCprojects:Leaf-level to Canopy NOx and Ozone Exchanges at UMBS during PROPHET 2016
Leaf-level to Canopy NOx and Ozone Exchanges at UMBS during PROPHET 2016
Project description
In summer 2016 we participated in a one-month long intensive field study on atmospheric oxidation chemistry in a forest at the University of Michigan Biological Station. We measured the vertical gradients of ozone, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, and water vapor, as well as meteorological properties from ground level to above the canopy. We also conducted leaf-level trace gas exchange experiments to gain information that may help to understand possible stomatal uptake or emission of ozone and nitrogen oxides. With the resources at HPCC, we will use a Multi-Layer Canopy Chemistry Exchange Model (MLC-CHEM) to evaluate the observations and assess the roles of meteorological drivers, leaf-level exchange processes, and chemical reactions on trace gas budgets in a rural forest.
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Models in use
Multi-Layer Canopy Chemistry Exchange Model
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NSF 1561755
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