Property:Describe post-processing software


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'''Converting RHESSys Output to Spatial Output Using rh''' rh is a command line program developed to convert RHESSys model output to spatial output. The spatial output can be formatted for viewing in either GRASS or ArcView. ''Requirements'' rh must be run from inside the GRASS GIS system. To run rh the user must first output the patch map layer into either an ascii text file for GRASS or an ascii text file for Arc/INFO or ArcView.  +
A 3D visualization software package.  +
A Excel-VBA workbook is available to extract the output files into various Excel worksheets.  +
A simple C program that converts binary outputs into ascii data file in the VTK format.  +
A simple C++ code is called to convert raw binary data to "*.vtr" (see VTK format) that can be read by a software called Paraview.  +
All I/O is done with flat ASCII files; Output files are first processed by a utility (posteq) -- resultant files can then be plotted with the user's own software.  +
All output is written to flat ASCII files. OTIS output files are usually read into a spreadsheet or graphics program for plotting and analysis.  +
An extensive library of Matlab scripts provides visualization and post-processing capabilities. A few scripts also exist for IDL, and it is possible to process the output to generate lists of points for input to ArcGIS. In addition, a post-processing program called CHILD2VTK is available to convert output into VTK format for use in visualization programs such as ParaView.  +
Another program must be used to create the input grids. This includes a D8 flow grid derived from a DEM for the region to be modeled. The earlier, IDL version of TopoFlow can be used to create some of these.  +
Any package for imaging DEMs and vegetation maps  +
ArcGIS or other GIS package to convert the ASCII files to maps.  +
ArcGIS or other to convert ASCII output to map.  +
ArcGIS or similar  +
As needed to process data. Some data in "Photoshop Raw" format  +
Centerline data, floodplain elevations, and hydraulic data are output as tables which can be analyzed by the user as needed.  +
Excel  +
Excel may be used (output may be plotted with other user preferred language/software)  +
Fortran code that translates output data in PS-files for visualisation with Ghostview etc.  +
GIS  +
GIS capable of reading ASCII output rasters  +
GIS software  +
GMS, Tecplot  +
GMT routines or Matlab  +
GUI Post-process tools  +
Grid plotting software, Postscript plotting software  +
IDL igeov viewer (IDL procedure)  +
In cases where the standard required the use of a non-typical format (as in the use of the machine-independent binary HDF formats for large arrays), then the data transfer to and from LRSS is handled using a pre- and post-processing layer.  +
Included in software package  +
It is helpful to utilize post-processing software considering the volume of output files, however, we do not recommend anything specific.  +
JGrass ( for visualizing inputs/outputs. Interface with IDL, matlab and R are also being developed.  +
Matlab  +
Matlab and other possible but not necessary  +
Matlab functions to read binary data from file.  +
Matlab package and other Fortran routines  +
None, except visualization software. Grid sequences saved in netCDF files can be viewed as animations and saved as movies using VisIt.  +
None, except visualization software. Grid sequences saved in netCDF files can be viewed as animations and saved as movies using VisIt.  +
None, except visualization software. Grid sequences saved in netCDF files can be viewed as animations and saved as movies using VisIt.  +
None, except visualization software. Grid sequences saved in netCDF files can be viewed as animations and saved as movies using VisIt.  +
None, except visualization software. Grid sequences saved in netCDF files can be viewed as animations and saved as movies using VisIt.  +
None, except visualization software. Grid sequences saved in netCDF files can be viewed as animations and saved as movies using VisIt.  +
None, except visualization software. Grid sequences saved in netCDF files can be viewed as animations and saved as movies using VisIt.  +
None, except visualization software. Grid sequences saved in netCDF files can be viewed as animations and saved as movies using VisIt.  +
None, except visualization software. Grid sequences saved in netCDF files can be viewed as animations and saved as movies using VisIt.  +
None, except visualization software. Grid sequences saved in netCDF files can be viewed as animations and saved as movies using VisIt.  +
None, except visualization software. Grid sequences saved in netCDF files can be viewed as animations and saved as movies using VisIt.  +
None, except visualization software. Grid sequences saved in netCDF files can be viewed as animations and saved as movies using VisIt.  +
None, except visualization software. Grid sequences saved in netCDF files can be viewed as animations and saved as movies using VisIt.  +
ParFlow comes with a robust, integrated toolkit (pftools) that provides a wide range of postprocessing options.  +
Photoshop to produce movies. Conversions to a variety of data formats.  +
Post processors are used for displaying and analyzing the results  +
Post-processing and (pre-processing) is through Matlab scripts.  +
Post-processing software is sometimes necessary: In some instances (if not just using the JPEGs generated by the model code), some post-processing of the results is desired, e.g. to compare the position of the shoreline between two different times. The model code comes with simple tools to perform simple post-processing. The model also outputs the shoreline in an ASCII format and further post-processing may be achieved using tools such as MATLAB.  +
Python tools, see  +
Python workflows. Outputs are generated as compressed hdf5 files (The HDF Group, 2000-2010) that can be simply visualise as a temporal series in ParaView (Ahrens et al., 2005). In addition, post-processing scripts are also provided to build the output as VTK (Schroeder et al., 2006) or netCDF files (Brown et al., 1993) and to extract some specific information from the results such as erosion deposition thicknesses, stratigraphic records or river sediment load over time.  +
Python-based codes  +
RiverTools or a similar program can be used to create animations of the grid sequence.  +
RiverTools, VisIt or IDL can be used for visualization.  +
See:  +
Simply need to load the data into matlb using fread, data loading files and provided  +
Some visualization software is required to compare model outputs from different times to understand the temporal evolution of sorted bedforms within the domain  +
TOPMODEL is integrated in GRASS GIS version 5. TOPSIMPL, another Windows version of the model written by Georges-Marie Saulnier can be downloaded directly from the main TOPMODEL site  +
The data is written out to binary files. I have a file called dataconv that converts the binary files to a format readable by the visualization software paraview. I also often use MATLAB to do post-processing on the data in the binary files.  +
The model is integrated into the in-house developed Global Hydrological Archive and Analysis System (GHAAS), which has a rich set of GIS tools.  +
The model outputs a series of .mat files that contain the full output of the state fields of the model (e.g., elevation, water discharge). These files are convertible to netCDF file with coordinates for use with DeltaMetrics (  +
To generate netcdf or GIS outputs one can write its own converter for that.  +
Typical Matlab or Excell plotting  +
Visualization of NetCDF files  +
WRF post-processing utilities: NCL, Vis5D, GrADS, RIP4, ARWpost, WPP, VAPOR (See:  +
Yes, Matlab routines  +
Yes, ROMS I/O is via NetCDF and follows CF-standard conventions. Therefore, any visualization software for NetCDF files can be used for pre- and post-processing.  +
Yes, ROMS I/O is via NetCDF and follows CF-standard conventions. Therefore, any visualization software for NetCDF files can be used for pre- and post-processing.  +
Yes, ROMS I/O is via NetCDF and follows CF-standard conventions. Therefore, any visualization software for NetCDF files can be used for pre- and post-processing.  +
Yes, ROMS I/O is via NetCDF and follows CF-standard conventions. Therefore, any visualization software for NetCDF files can be used for pre- and post-processing.  +
Yes, a C code is developed for this gvg3Dp in order to convert the raw binary data into the xml-vtr format which can be read using paraview software.  +
Yes, pre- and post-processing, and visualiztion tools provided in software package  +
V  +
model supports a variety of output to ascii or binary files that relatively easy can be read into e.g. matlab or python plotting packages. Gnuplot as also been used.  +
post process : Enable (True) or disable (False). The default is enabled. Post process as True will aggregate floodplain and channel metrics from individual cross sections to the reach-scale. Post process as False will skip this step. stream buffer : Define stream width needed for post processing steps. The input is in Meters. The default is set to 60 meters. r exe path : Complete path to RScript.exe. The user will need to update the default which is set to C:\Program Files\R\...\bin\RScript.exe. To quickly find the correct file path run the function R.home() in R. clean : Enable (True) or disable (False). The default is disabled. Clean as True will delete all intermediate files. Clean as False will save all intermediate files within the folder structure. archive : Enable (True) or disable (False). The default is disabled. Archive as True will archive the entire HUC folder as a .zip file.  +
software that handles sgy files  +
very limited X11 based graphic output  +
yes, The US Dept. of Defense Watershed Modeling system can produce animations of model outputs. Run summary file includes detailed mass balance information. Output time series can be analyzed using spreadsheet or other software.  +