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A list of all pages that have property "One-line model description" with value "Submarine debris flows". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.


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List of results

  • Model:SUSP  + (Suspended load transport subroutine)
  • Model:TISC  + (TISC integrates quantitative models of lithospheric flexure, fault deformation, and surface mass transport (erosion/transport/sedimentation) along drainage networks.)
  • Model:TOPOG  + (TOPOG is a terrain analysis-based hydrologic modelling package)
  • Model:LakeMapperBarnes  + (Temporarily fills depressions and reroutes flow across them)
  • Model:ATS (The Advanced Terrestrial Simulator)  + (The Advanced Terrestrial Simulator (formerly sometimes known as the Arctic Terrestrial Simulator) is a code for solving ecosystem-based, integrated, distributed hydrology.)
  • Model:ApsimX  + (The Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM))
  • Model:CLUMondo  + (The CLUMondo model is a spatially explicit and dynamics land system change model)
  • Model:TopoFlow-Data-HIS  + (The CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System)
  • Model:ChannelProfiler  + (The ChannelProfiler extracts and plots channel networks from a landlab grid.)
  • Model:CREST  + (The Coupled Routing and Excess STorage (CREST) model is a distributed hydrologic model developed to simulate the spatial and temporal variation of atmospheric, land surface, and subsurface water fluxes and storages by cell-to-cell simulation.)
  • Model:GreenAmptInfiltrationModel  + (The Green-Ampt method of infiltration estimation.)
  • Model:GroundwaterDupuitPercolator  + (The GroundwaterDupuitPercolator solves the Boussinesq equation for flow in an unconfined aquifer over an impermeable aquifer base and calculates groundwater return flow to the surface.)
  • Model:HyLands  + (The HyLands model simulates the impact of bedrock landslides on topographic evolution and sediment dynamics.)
  • Model:Instructed Glacier Model  + (The Instructed Glacier Model (IGM) simulates the ice dynamics, surface mass balance, and its coupling through mass conservation to predict the evolution of glaciers, icefields, or ice sheets)
  • Model:ILAMB  + (The International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) toolkit)
  • Model:LTRANS  + (The Larval TRANSport Lagrangian model (LTRANS) is an off-line particle-tracking model that runs with the stored predictions of a 3D hydrodynamic model, specifically the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS).)
  • Model:MITgcm  + (The MITgcm (MIT General Circulation Model) is a numerical model designed for study of the atmosphere, ocean, and climate.)
  • Model:Permafrost Benchmark System  + (The PBS is a web-based tool for conducting benchmarking studies of permafrost models.)
  • Model:SPARROW  + (The SPARROW Surface Water-Quality Model)
  • Model:SLAMM 6.7  + (The Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM))
  • Model:CBOFS2  + (The Second Generation Chesapeake Bay Operational Forecast System (CBOFS2): A ROMS‐Based Modeling System)
  • Model:FVCOM  + (The Unstructured Grid Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model)
  • Model:UEB  + (The Utah Energy Balance (UEB) Grid snowmelt model)
  • Model:WRF-Hydro  + (The WRF-Hydro® Modeling System, an open-soThe WRF-Hydro® Modeling System, an open-source community model, is used for a range of projects, including flash flood prediction, regional hydroclimate impacts assessment, seasonal forecasting of water resources, and land-atmosphere coupling studies. It produces forecasts and analyses for all major terrestrial water-cycle components: Precipitation, Streamflow, Soil moisture, Snowpack, Flooding, Groundwater.moisture, Snowpack, Flooding, Groundwater.)
  • Model:WWTM  + (The WWTM (Wind Wave Tidal Model) has been developed to describe hydrodynamic and wind-wave generation and propagation within shallow tidal environments)