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A list of all pages that have property "Extended model description" with value "SYMPHONIE is a three-dimensional primitive equations coastal ocean model". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.


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  • Model:Rabpro  + (Rabpro is a Python package to delineate watersheds, extract river flowlines and elevation profiles, and compute watershed statistics for any location on the Earth’s surface.)
  • Model:Landslides  + (Relative wetness and factor-of-safety are Relative wetness and factor-of-safety are based on the infinite slope stability model driven by topographic and soils inputs and recharge provided by user as inputs to the component. For each node, component simulates mean relative wetness as well as the probability of saturation based on Monte Carlo simulation of relative wetness where the probability is the number of iterations with relative wetness >= 1.0 divided by the number of iterations. Probability of failure for each node is also simulated in the Monte Carlo simulation as the number of iterations with factor-of-safety <= 1.0 divided by the number of iterations.y <= 1.0 divided by the number of iterations.)
  • Model:RivGraph  + (RivGraph is a Python package that automates the extraction and characterization of river channel networks from a user-provided binary image, or mask, of a channel network.)
  • Model:RouseVanoniEquilibrium  + (Rouse-Vanoni Equilibrium Suspended Sediment Profile Calculator)
  • Model:SLEPIAN Delta  + (Routines pertaining to the paper published as: doi: 10.1073/pnas.1206785109)
  • Model:SLEPIAN Alpha  + (Routines pertaining to the paper published as: doi: 10.1137/S0036144504445765)
  • Model:SLEPIAN Charlie  + (Routines pertaining to the paper published as: doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03854.x)
  • Model:SLEPIAN Echo  + (Routines pertaining to the paper published as: doi: 10.1016/j.acha.2012.12.001)
  • Model:SLEPIAN Bravo  + (Routines pertaining to the paper published as: doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03065.x)
  • Model:Plume  + (Run a hypopycnal sediment plume)
  • Model:Bing  + (Run a submarine debris flow)
  • Model:SBEACH  + (SBEACH is a numerical simulation model forSBEACH is a numerical simulation model for predicting beach, berm, and dune erosion due to storm waves and water levels. It has potential for many applications in the coastal environment, and has been used to determine the fate of proposed beach fill alternatives under storm conditions and to compare the performance of different beach fill cross-sectional designs.ferent beach fill cross-sectional designs.)
  • Model:SEDPAK  + (SEDPAK provides a conceptual framework forSEDPAK provides a conceptual framework for modeling the sedimentary fill of basins by visualizing stratal geometries as they are produced between sequence boundaries. The simulation is used to substantiate inferences drawn about the potential for hydrocarbon entrapment and accumulation within a basin. It is designed to model and reconstruct clastic and carbonate sediment geometries which are produced as a response to changing rates of tectonic movement, eustasy, and sedimentation The simulation enables the evolution of the sedimentary fill of a basin to be tracked, defines the chronostratigraphic framework for the deposition of these sediments, and illustrates the relationship between sequences and systems tracts seen in cores, outcrop, and well and seismic data.cores, outcrop, and well and seismic data.)
  • Model:SELFE  + (SELFE is a new unstructured-grid model desSELFE is a new unstructured-grid model designed for the effective simulation of 3D baroclinic circulation across river-to-ocean scales. It uses a semi-implicit finite-element Eulerian-Lagrangian algorithm to solve the shallow water equations, written to realistically address a wide range of physical processes and of atmospheric, ocean and river forcings. of atmospheric, ocean and river forcings.)
  • Model:SIBERIA  + (SIBERIA simulates the evolution of landscapes under the action of runoff and erosion over long times scales.)
  • Model:SICOPOLIS  + (SICOPOLIS (SImulation COde for POLythermalSICOPOLIS (SImulation COde for POLythermal Ice Sheets) is a 3-d dynamic/thermodynamic model that simulates the evolution of large ice sheets and ice caps. It was originally created by Greve (1997a,b) in a version for the Greenland ice sheet. Since then, SICOPOLIS has been developed continuously and applied to problems of past, present and future glaciation of Greenland, Antarctica, the entire northern hemisphere, the polar ice caps of the planet Mars and ice caps of the planet Mars and others.)
  • Model:SIGNUM  + (SIGNUM (Simple Integrated GeomorphologicalSIGNUM (Simple Integrated Geomorphological Numerical Model) is a TIN-based landscape evolution model: it is capable of simulating sediment transport and erosion by river flow at different space and time scales. It is a multi-process numerical model written in the Matlab high level programming environment, providing a simple and integrated numerical framework for the simulation of some important processes that shape real landscapes.</br></br>Particularly, at the present development stage, SIGNUM is capable of simulating geomorphological processes such as hillslope diffusion, fluvial incision, tectonic uplift or changes in base-level and climate effects in terms of precipitation. A full technical description is reported in Refice et al. 2011 . </br>The software runs under Matlab (it is tested on releases from R2010a to R2011b). It is released under the GPL3 license.b). It is released under the GPL3 license.)
  • Model:SNAC  + (SNAC can solve momentum and heat energy baSNAC can solve momentum and heat energy balance equations in 3D solid with complicated rheology. Lagrangian description of motion adopted in SNAC makes it easy to monitor surface deformation during a crustal or continental scale tectonic event as well as introduce surface processes into a model. introduce surface processes into a model.)
  • Model:SNOWPACK  + (SNOWPACK solves numerically the partial diSNOWPACK solves numerically the partial differential equations governing the mass, energy and momentum conservation within the snowpack using the finite-element method. The numerical model has been constructed to handle the special problems of avalanche warning.the special problems of avalanche warning.)
  • Model:SPARROW  + (SPARROW (SPAtially Referenced Regressions SPARROW (SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes) is a watershed modeling technique for relating water-quality measurements made at a network of monitoring stations to attributes of the watersheds containing the stations. The core of the model consists of a nonlinear regression equation describing the non-conservative transport of contaminants from point and diffuse sources on land to rivers and through the stream and river network. The model predicts contaminant flux, concentration, and yield in streams and has been used to evaluate alternative hypotheses about the important contaminant sources and watershed properties that control transport over large spatial scales.ntrol transport over large spatial scales.)
  • Model:SPHYSICS  + (SPHysics is a Smoothed Particle HydrodynamSPHysics is a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) code written in fortran for the simulation of potentially violent free-surface hydrodynamics. For release version 1.0, the SPHysics code can simulate various phenomena including wave breaking, dam breaks, sloshing, sliding objects, wave impact on a structure, etc. objects, wave impact on a structure, etc.)
  • Model:SRH-1D  + (SRH-1D (Sedimentation and River HydraulicsSRH-1D (Sedimentation and River Hydraulics - One Dimension) is a one-dimensional mobile boundary hydraulic and sediment transport computer model for rivers and manmade canals. Simulation capabilities include steady or unsteady flows, river control structures, looped river networks, cohesive and non-cohesive sediment transport, and lateral inflows. The model uses cross section based river information. The model simulates changes to rivers and canals caused by sediment transport. It can estimate sediment concentrations throughout a waterway given the sediment inflows, bed material, hydrology, and hydraulics of that waterway.ydrology, and hydraulics of that waterway.)
  • Model:STWAVE  + (STWAVE (STeady State spectral WAVE) is an STWAVE (STeady State spectral WAVE) is an easy-to-apply, flexible, robust, half-plane model for nearshore wind-wave growth and propagation. STWAVE simulates depth-induced wave refraction and shoaling, current-induced refraction and shoaling, depth- and steepness-induced wave breaking, diffraction, parametric wave growth because of wind input, and wave-wave interaction and white capping that redistribute and dissipate energy in a growing wave field. dissipate energy in a growing wave field.)
  • Model:SWAN  + (SWAN is a third-generation wave model that computes random, short-crested wind-generated waves in coastal regions and inland waters.)
  • Model:SWAT  + (SWAT is the acronym for Soil and Water AssSWAT is the acronym for Soil and Water Assessment Tool, a river basin, or watershed, scale model developed by Dr. Jeff Arnold for the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS). SWAT was developed to predict the impact of land management practices on water, sediment and agricultural chemical yields in large complex watersheds with varying soils, land use and management coditions over long periods of time.ement coditions over long periods of time.)
 (SYMPHONIE is a three-dimensional primitive equations coastal ocean model)
  • Model:SedCas  + (SedCas was developed for a debris-flow proSedCas was developed for a debris-flow prone catchment in the Swiss Alps (Illgraben). It consists of two connected sediment reservoirs on the hillslope and in the channel, where sediment transfer is driven by (lumped) hydrological processes at the basin scale. Sediment is stochastically produced by shallow landslides and rock avalanches and delivered to the hillslope and channel reservoirs. From there, it is evacuated out of the basin in the form of debris flows and sediment-laden floods.of debris flows and sediment-laden floods.)
  • Model:SedPlume  + (SedPlume is an integral model, solving theSedPlume is an integral model, solving the conservation equations of volume, momentum, buoyancy and sediment flux along the path of a turbulent plume injected into stably stratified ambient fluid. Sedimentation occurs from the plume when the radial component of the sediment fall velocity exceeds the entrainment velocity. When the plume reaches the surface, it is treated as a radially spreading surface gravity current, for which exact solutions exist for the sediment deposition rate. Flocculation of silt and clay particles is modeled using empirical measurements of particle settling velocities in fjords to adjust the settling velocity of fine-grained sediments.ttling velocity of fine-grained sediments.)
  • Model:Sedtrans05  + (Sedtrans05 is a sediment transport model fSedtrans05 is a sediment transport model for continental shelf and estuaries. It predicts the sediment transport at one location as function water depth, sediment type, current and waves (single point model). It can be used as sediment transport module for larger 2D models.</br></br>Five different transport equations are available for non-cohesive sediments (sand) and one algorithm for cohesive sediment.) and one algorithm for cohesive sediment.)
  • Model:Shoreline  + (Shoreline is a "line model" for modeling tShoreline is a "line model" for modeling the evolution of a coastline as the result of wind/wave-driven longshore sediment transport. It is based on conservation of mass and a semi-empirical sediment transport formula known as the CERC formula. This model was specifically adapted for modeling the evolution of the coastline near Barrow, Alaska.tion of the coastline near Barrow, Alaska.)
  • Model:SiStER  + (SiStER (Simple Stokes solver with Exotic Rheologies) simulates lithosphere and mantle deformation with continuum mechanics: Stokes flow with large strains, strain localization, non-linear rheologies, sharp contrasts in material properties, complex BCs.)
  • Model:SimClast  + (SimClast is a basin-scale 3D stratigraphicSimClast is a basin-scale 3D stratigraphic model, which allows several interacting sedimentary environments. Processes included are; fluvial channel dynamics and overbank deposition, river plume deposition, open marine currents, wave resuspension, nearshore wave induced longshore and crosshore transport. This combined modelling approach allows insight into the processes influencing the flux of energy and clastic material and the effect of external perturbations in all environments. Many governing processes work on relatively small scales, e.g. in fluvial settings an avulsion is a relatively localised phenomenon. Yet, they have a profound effect on fluvial architecture. This means that the model must mimic these processes, but at the same time maintain computational efficiency. Additionally, long-term models use relatively large grid-sizing (km scale), as the area to be modelled is on the scale of continental margins. We solve this problem by implementing the governing processes as sub-grid scale routines into the large-scale basin-filling model. This parameterization greatly refines morphodynamic behaviour and the resulting stratigraphy. This modelling effort recreates realistic geomorphological and stratigraphic delta behaviour in river and wave-dominated settings.iour in river and wave-dominated settings.)
  • Model:OverlandFlowBates  + (Simulate overland flow using Bates et al. Simulate overland flow using Bates et al. (2010).</br></br>Landlab component that simulates overland flow using the Bates et al., (2010) approximations of the 1D shallow water equations to be used for 2D flood inundation modeling.</br></br>This component calculates discharge, depth and shear stress after some precipitation event across any raster grid. Default input file is named “overland_flow_input.txt’ and is contained in the landlab.components.overland_flow folder.e landlab.components.overland_flow folder.)
  • Model:DELTA  + (Simulates circulation and sedimentation in a 2D turbulent plane jet and resulting delta growth)
  • Model:MARM5D  + (Simulates soil evolution on three spatial Simulates soil evolution on three spatial dimensions, explicit particle size distribution and temporal dimension (hence 5D prefix) as a function of:</br>1. Bedrock and soil physical weathering;</br>2. Sediment transport by overland flow;</br>3. Soil Creep (diffusion);</br>4. Aeolian deposition. Creep (diffusion); 4. Aeolian deposition.)
  • Model:RASCAL  + (Simulates the evolution of landscapes consSimulates the evolution of landscapes consisting of patches of high-flow-resistance vegetation and low-flow-resistance vegetation as a result of surface-water flow, peat accretion, gravitationally driven erosion, and sediment transport by flow. Was developed for the freshwater Everglades but could also apply to coastal marshes or floodplains. Described in Larsen and Harvey, Geomorphology, 2010 and Larsen and Harvey, American Naturalist, 2010 in press.arvey, American Naturalist, 2010 in press.)
  • Model:WSGFAM  + (Simulates wave and current supported sediment gravity flows along the seabed offshore of high discharge, fine sediment riverine sources. See Friedrichs & Scully, 2007. Continental Shelf Research, 27: 322-337, for example.)
  • Model:FlowDirectorD8  + (Single-path (steepest direction) flow direction finding on raster grids by the D8 method. This method considers flow on all eight links such that flow is possible on orthogonal and on diagonal links.)
  • Model:Non Local Means Filtering  + (Smoothes noise in a DEM by finding the mean value of neighbouring cells and assigning it to the central cell. This approach deals well with non-gaussian distributed noise.)
  • Model:Kirwan marsh model  + (Spatially explicit model of the development and evolution of salt marshes, including vegetation influenced accretion and hydrodynamic determined channel erosion.)
  • Model:Inflow  + (Steady-state hyperpycnal flow model.)
  • Model:STORM  + (Storm computes windfield for a cyclone)
  • Model:TISC  + (TISC is a computer program that simulates TISC is a computer program that simulates the evolution of 3D large-scale sediment transport together with tectonic deformation and lithospheric vertical movements on geological time scales. Particular attention is given to foreland sedimentary basin settings. TISC (formerly called tao3D) stands for Tectonics, Isostasy, Surface Transport, and Climate.</br></br>*hydrology/climate</br>The drainage river network is calculated following the maximum slope along the evolving topography. Based on the runoff distribution, the water discharge at any cell of the network is calculated as the water collected from tributary cells plus the precipitation at that cell. Lake evaporation is accounted for, enabling the model to study close endorheic basins. Both topography and the network evolves as a result of erosion, sedimentation and tectonic processes. </br></br>*river sediment transport</br>Sediment carrying capacity is a function of water discharge and slope and determines whether a river is eroding or depositing. Suspended sediments resulting from erosion are transported through the fluvial network until they are deposited or they leave the model domain (explicit mass conservation).</br></br>*lithospheric flexure</br>A elastic and/or viscoelastic plate approach is used to calculate the vertical movements of the lithosphere caused by the mass redistribution. In the classical lithospheric flexural model, the lithosphere is assumed to rest on a fluid asthenosphere and behave as a thin plate when submitted to external forces.</br></br>*tectonic deformation</br>Tectonic modification of the relieve and the correspondent loading of the lithosphere are calculated using a cinematic vertical shear approach (preserving the vertical thickness of the moving units during displacement). of the moving units during displacement). )
  • Model:TOPMODEL  + (TOPMODEL is a physically based, distributeTOPMODEL is a physically based, distributed watershed model that simulates hydrologic fluxes of water (infiltration-excess overland flow, saturation overland flow, infiltration, exfiltration, subsurface flow, evapotranspiration, and channel routing) through a watershed. The model simulates explicit groundwater/surface water interactions by predicting the movement of the water table, which determines where saturated land-surface areas develop and have the potential to produce saturation overland flow.ntial to produce saturation overland flow.)
  • Model:TOPOG  + (TOPOG describes how water moves through laTOPOG describes how water moves through landscapes; over the land surface, into the soil, through the soil and groundwater and back to the atmosphere via evaporation. Conservative solute movement and sediment transport are also simulated.</br></br>The primary strength of TOPOG is that it is based on a sophisticated digital terrain analysis model, which accurately describes the topographic attributes of three-dimensional landscapes. It is intended for application to small catchments (up to 10 km2, and generally smaller than 1 km2).</br></br>We refer to TOPOG as a "deterministic", "distributed-parameter" hydrologic modelling package. The term "deterministic" is used to emphasise the fact that the various water balance models within TOPOG use physical reasoning to explain how the hydrologic system behaves. The term "distributed-parameter" means that the model can account for spatial variability inherent in input parameters such as soil type, vegetation and climate.such as soil type, vegetation and climate.)
  • Model:TUGS  + (TUGS is a 1D model that simulates the tranTUGS is a 1D model that simulates the transport of gravel and sand in rivers. The model predicts the responses of a channel to changes made to the environment (e.g., sediment supply, hydrology, and certain artifical changes made to the river). Output of the model include longitudinal profile, sediment flux, and grain size distributions in bedload, channel surface and subsurface.n bedload, channel surface and subsurface.)
  • Model:TURBINS  + (TURBINS, a highly parallel modular code wrTURBINS, a highly parallel modular code written in C, is capable of modeling gravity and turbidity currents interacting with complex topographies in two and three dimensions. Accurate treatment of the complex geometry, implementation of an efficient and scalable parallel solver, i.e. multigrid solver via PETSc and HYPRE to solve the pressure Poisson equation, and parallel IO are some of the features of TURBINS. </br>TURBINS enables us to tackle problems involving the interaction of turbidity currents with complex topographies. It provides us with a numerical tool for quantifying the flow field properties and sedimentation processes, e.g. energy transfer, dissipation, and wall shear stress, which are difficult to obtain even at laboratory scales. By benefiting from massively parallel simulations, we hope to understand the underlying physics and processes related to the formation and deposition of particles due to the occurrence of turbidity currents.e to the occurrence of turbidity currents.)
  • Model:TauDEM  + (TauDEM provides the following capability: TauDEM provides the following capability: </br></br>•Development of hydrologically correct (pit removed) DEMs using the flooding approach</br></br>•Calculates flow paths (directions) and slopes</br></br>•Calculates contributing area using single and multiple flow direction methods</br></br>•Multiple methods for the delineation of stream networks including topographic form-based methods sensitive to spatially variable drainage density</br></br>•Objective methods for determination of the channel network delineation threshold based on stream drops</br></br>•Delineation of watersheds and subwatersheds draining to each stream segment and association between watershed and segment attributes for setting up hydrologic models</br></br>•Specialized functions for terrain analysis</br></br>Details of new parallel Version 5.0 of TauDEM</br></br>•Restructured into a parallel processing implementation of the TauDEM suite of tools</br></br>•Works on Windows PCs, laptops and UNIX clusters</br></br>•Multiple processes are not required, the parallel approach can run as multiple processes within a single processor</br></br>•Restructured into a set of standalone command line executable programs and an ArcGIS toolbox Graphical User Interface (GUI)</br></br>•Command line executables are:</br> </br>-Written in C++ using Argonne National Laboratory's MPICH2 library to implement message passing between multiple processes</br></br>-Based on single set of source code for the command line execuables that is platform independent and can be compiled for both Window's PC's and UNIX clustersd for both Window's PC's and UNIX clusters)
  • Model:Terrainbento  + (Terrainbento is a Python package for modelTerrainbento is a Python package for modeling the evolution of the surface of the Earth over geologic time (e.g., thousands to millions of years). Despite many decades of effort by the geomorphology community, there is no one established governing equation for the evolution of topography. Terrainbento thus provides 28 alternative models that support hypothesis testing and multi-model analysis in landscape evolution.lti-model analysis in landscape evolution.)
  • Model:Terrapin  + (Terrapin (or TerraPIN) stands for "Terraces put into Numerics". It is a module that generates the expected terraces, both strath and fill, from prescribed river aggradation and degradation.)
  • Model:ATS (The Advanced Terrestrial Simulator)  + (The Advanced Terrestrial Simulator (formerThe Advanced Terrestrial Simulator (formerly sometimes known as the Arctic Terrestrial Simulator) is a code for solving ecosystem-based, integrated, distributed hydrology.</br></br>Capabilities are largely based on solving various forms of Richards equation coupled to a surface flow equation, along with the needed sources and sinks for ecosystem and climate models. This can (but need not) include thermal processes (especially ice for frozen soils), evapo-transpiration, albedo-driven surface energy balances, snow, biogeochemistry, plant dynamics, deformation, transport, and much more. In addition, we solve problems of reactive transport in both the subsurface and surface, leveraging external geochemical engines through the Alquimia engines through the Alquimia interface.)