CSDMS meeting 2023

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Presentations and more of the CSDMS 2023 annual meeting

CSDMS 2023: Patterns and Processes Across Scales

May 16-18th 2023 in Boulder Colorado, USA

Thank You

On behalf of CSDMS, we thank the Keynote Speakers, Clinic Leaders, Session Chairs, Poster Session Presenters, members of the Executive and Steering Committees, and every participant who helped to make this a productive and successful meeting.


Click here to view the final agenda.

Keynote presentations and panel discussion

PresenterTitle and links to additional material and recordings
Becker, Thorsten Subduction dynamics and surface-deep mantle interactions
DiBenedetto, Michelle Buoyant particles in environmental flows: challenges in modelling microplastic transport
Discussion, Panel AI in Earth Surface Research - Challenges and Opportunities
Ehlers, Todd How Plants Shape Mountains
Hegermiller, Christie How industry develops and manages scientific code
Hughes, Joe Extension of the Basic Model Interface for tight coupling of MODFLOW to other model components.
Larsen, Laurel Mending the broken heart: How opening and stitching together social and ecological models of California’s Delta region can transform the trajectory of the state’s water management
Lorenzo-Trueba, Jorge Modeling barrier islands and fluvial-deltas across time scales: Insights from a moving-boundary approach
Martin, Raleigh NSF Program Updates
Passalacqua, Paola Opening of the CSMDS 2023 annual meeting
Robel, Alexander Predictability of future sea level rise assessed with a novel stochastic ice sheet model
Ruiz-Villanueva, Virginia Modelling instream large wood dynamics in rivers
Student presentations, ESPIn 2023 ESPIn 2023 summer student presentations
Tas, Silke Modelling chenier dynamics in the context of mangrove-mud coasts: A challenge across spatial and temporal scales
Tasich, Chris Equilibrium elevation of the lower Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta
Wright, Kyle Apples to apples: Comparing the transport patterns of a wide variety of materials within a unified reduced-complexity modeling framework


PresenterTitle and links to additional material and recordings
Barnes, Richard Using GPUs to Solve Science Problems Faster
Brown, Jed Building solvers for sustainable performance
LeVeque, Randall Finite Volume Methods for Surface Dynamics Modeling
Lenard, Sebastien How to Route Flow in a Landscape with Landlab?
Mudd, Simon LSDtopotools
Naliboff, John Coupling models of lithospheric deformation and surface processes with the Advanced Solver for Problems in Earth's Convection and Tectonics (ASPECT)
Pierce, Ethan Introduction to Landlab
Piper, Mark What can CSDMS do for you? A clinic on CSDMS Products and Services
Rossi, Matthew Integrating Agent-Based Models into Landlab via pyNetLogo
Signell, Rich Emerging open-source Python-based infrastructure for scalable, data-proximate analysis and visualization of model output
Zellner, Moira Fora.ai: A participatory modeling platform to reshape how we collaborate for climate and social impact.

Poster Abstracts

NameAbstract title postersPoster
Afolabi, Matthew A first look at the dynamic interaction between waves and flow discharge through twin-deltaic channels with a coupled model
Ahrendt, Shelby River morphodynamics and flooding on the Nooksack River, Washington State: an investigation of drivers and feedbacks
Aranguiz, Tamara Comparing numerical simulations and field studies of strike-slip faults from the hyper-arid Atacama Desert to Tararua Mountains, New Zealand.
Bodine, Cameron PING-Mapper: An open-source framework to transform recreation-grade sonar systems into scientific mapping instruments
Callaghan, Kerry Topographic depressions and hydrologic connectivity in the United States
Carchipulla-Morales, David A Simplified Model of the Water Exchanges in Epiphytes in Tropical Montane Cloud Forest Canopies
Corak, Nicholas Phenology, Function, and Flash Drought: Investigating plant life stage and water use strategies during water stress events
Ding, Xuesong Impacts of changing subduction morphology on orogenic growth and foreland basin sedimentation
Du, Zhiyun Representing fluxes within upper Galveston Bay using ROMS (Regional Ocean Modeling System): Initial efforts toward a coupled hydrological / oceanic / sediment transport model
Foxfoot, Iris Using Landlab and Mesa to Simulate Oyster Ecohydraulic Feedbacks
Geller, Tina Variability of residence time and estuarine-ocean fluxes in a chain of Arctic estuaries
Guryan, Grace Testing the Influence of Sediment Cover on Channel Steepness and Erosion Rates in Layered Rocks with the SPACE Model
Hariharan, Jayaram Programmatic Retrieval of USGS Water Data: The Data Retrievals
Hsu, Leslie What can I do with the USGS Model Catalog?
Hucke, Nicole The Impact of Streambed Mobilization on Fine Sediment and Organic Carbon Hysteresis in Mountain Rivers
Idowu, Dorcas Hydrological Characterization of the Nigeria’s 2012 and 2022 Floods using the Floodwater Depth Estimation Tool (FwDETv2.0).
Iscen, Nilay Long-Profile Evolution of Transport-Limited Sand-Bed Rivers
Istanbulluoglu, Erkan Transient ecosystem response to climatic variability since the late Pleistocene in central New Mexico modeled with Landlab
Jean Louis, Madoche Effects of urbanization, deforestation, and climate change on flooding in Cap-Haitien, Haiti
Kwang, Jeffrey Drainage network reorganization in landscapes buried by glacial deposits
Langston, Abigail Modeling the development of wide bedrock valleys as a function of collapsed bedrock block size, bed sediment, and discharge variability
Lester, Conner Impact Ripple Emergence and Scaling Across Planetary Environments
Long-Reid, Ashanie K.J. Simulated river channel response to a coarse sediment pulse with and without bed material abrasion
Madoff, Risa Computational and data management considerations integrate theory and social value of Earth’s critical surface in new science frontierslink=https://csdms.colorado.edu/csdms_wiki/images/Madoff Poster.pdf
May, Sera The Impact of Tropical Cyclones on Streamflow and Sediment Dynamics in Large United States Rivers
Monsalve, Angel The role of streambed hydraulic conductivity on near-bed surface velocity
Moodie, Andrew Fluvial reworking eliminates small craters, but does not meaningfully bias the Mars interbedded-crater record
Morgan, Paul Do earthquake induced landslides influence landscape forms?
Moriarty, Julia Quantifying Oxygen Exposure Time Due to Sediment Resuspension
Moulton, Melissa From the beach to the sea and back: how pollutants, nutrients, and organisms move in the coastal ocean
Ndlovu, Wayne Global Sensitivity Analysis of the AquaCrop-OSPy Model for Corn Yield and Irrigation Under Different Water Treatments (Sheridan, KS)
Neuharth, Derek Evolution of rift systems and their fault networks in response to surface processes
Nowatzki, Maike A deep learning framework for linear dune mapping and pattern classification
Ortiz, Alejandra Modeling the impact of boat wakes and wind waves on lake bed morphology: a case study of East Pond
Pascual, Mikayla Topographic and surface mass balance controls on Greenland glacier dynamics in a coupled ice-sediment model
Reeves, Ian Towards a spatially explicit, probabilistic, multidecadal model of coastal barrier change
Roberts, Gareth Power, noise and scaling of Earth's surface: Disentangling causes of landscape evolution
Robertson, Clay Evaluating the Impact of Talus Piles on the Evolution of Wide Bedrock River Valleys
Roldan Nicolau, Estefania Investigating the importance of rock-fracture water storage for cliff trees using stable isotopes and a stock-flow model
Rothman, Sophie Stepped bedrock channels: morphologies, and their influence on erosion rates
Ruiz-Villanueva, Virginia Modelling instream large wood dynamics in rivers
Russ, Emily GenVeg: development of an individual-based plant population dynamics model for Landlab
Setegn, Shimelis A Linked Hydrologic, Hydraulic, and Water Quality Model for Simulation of Freshwater Inflow to Estuaries in Coastal Watersheds
Sherwood, Chris Recovery of a barrier island
Simpson, Alex Controls on the drainage of 3 High Cascades lakes: Where does it come from, where does it go?
Tasich, Chris Equilibrium elevation of the lower Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta
Townsend, Dominique Identifying sediment transport pathways on a heavily managed and chronically eroding, mixed sediment beach
Undzis, Brianna Variability in Bed Shear Stresses and Sediment Fluxes on the Alaskan Beaufort Sea Shelf: A Numerical Modeling Study
Upton, Phaedra Tectonic geomorphololgy of a plate boundary transfer zone though central Aotearoa New Zealand
Xie, Danghan Missing the forest for the trees: how focusing on local bio-morphodynamic feedbacks compromises estuary-scale coastal management
Yin, Dongxiao A coupled benthic-pelagic biogeochemical model for estimating sediment-water exchange of particulates and solutes: sensitivity tests and application to the northern Gulf of Mexico

Meeting photos