2023 CSDMS meeting-029


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Do earthquake induced landslides influence landscape forms?

Paul Morgan, (he/him),University of Washington Seattle Washington, United States. pmmorgan@uw.edu

Earthquakes can trigger the failure of thousands or even tens of thousands of landslides throughout tectonically active landscapes. Short (<10 years) term studies of these events reveal their important place in a hillslope and fluvial hazard cascade. However, it remains unclear if these widespread catastrophic landslide events leave a long lasting impact on landscape forms, and what that impact would look like. We present landscape evolution model experimental design and some preliminary results exploring the impact of earthquakes or other widespread simultaneous landsliding events on landscapes at timescales much longer than the event return intervals. We use the Hylands Landlab component to test landslide, hillslope, and river sediment interactions, and probe landscape metrics like hilltop concavity, drainage density, slope-area relationships, and possibly valley width to test and validate our models.