CSDMS 2023: Patterns and Processes Across Scales
Modelling chenier dynamics in the context of mangrove-mud coasts: A challenge across spatial and temporal scales
Cheniers are ridges consisting of coarse-grained sediments, resting on top of muddy sediment. Along these muddy coastlines, cheniers provide shelter against wave attack, mitigating erosion or even enhancing accretion. As such, cheniers play an important role in the dynamics of the entire coastal landscape. This research focused on cheniers along mangrove-mud coasts. Therefore, chenier dynamics needed to be understood at the temporal and spatial scales of the mangrove vegetation as well. We developed a hybrid modelling approach, combining the strengths of complex process-based modelling (Delft3D), which allowed us to model the mixed-sediment dynamics at small temporal and spatial scales, with the strengths of a highly idealized profile model, providing low computational efforts for larger temporal and spatial scales.
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