2023 CSDMS meeting-023
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What can I do with the USGS Model Catalog?
Leslie Hsu,
(she/her),U.S. Geological Survey Denver Colorado, United States. lhsu@usgs.gov
The USGS Model Catalog compiles and connects data, software, and publications about scientific models developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) or developed by external organizations and used in USGS investigations. The primary audience for the USGS Model Catalog is researchers who want to learn more about USGS modeling, such as researchers who want to explore existing models and documentation on a specific topic; early career researchers who want to see what models exist in their discipline; or members of large, integrative projects who want to discover opportunities for linking different process models. The catalog is composed of modular features that we hope other projects can build upon. The data model and repository component are published at https://doi.org/10.5066/P9WU0F71 and https://doi.org/10.5066/P9IVG9VZ.
The catalog is never complete! Come take a look at what's there now, learn what we're planning, and give input about what content and features would help you and your communities. Visit the catalog at https://data.usgs.gov/modelcatalog.