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A list of all pages that have property "Additional comments model" with value "This model is actively under development as of the spring of 2009.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.


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List of results

  • Model:Dakotathon  + (Please send any questions or comments to or
  • Model:QUAL2K  + (Questionnaire is filled out by Albert Kettner)
  • Model:1D Particle-Based Hillslope Evolution Model  + (Questions which arise about the module, the model it implements, and the associated theory, may be addressed by the preprint available at
  • Model:RCPWAVE  + (RCPWAVE is distributed as a component of the Coastal Engineering Design and Analysis System (CEDAS).
  • Model:DeltaClassification  + (Requirements To run these codes, you will Requirements</br>To run these codes, you will need the following software:</br></br>• Python 2.7 or earlier (not compatible with Python 3)</br></br>The following Python packages are also required:</br>• matplotlib</br>• scipy</br>• numpy</br>• cPickle</br>• osgeo</br>• fiona</br>• shapely</br>• utilities</br>• sklearn</br>• seaborn</br>• clusterpy</br>• itertools</br>• pandas</br>• pysal</br>• collections</br></br>What input is required?</br></br>To run this code, the following shape files are required:</br></br>• network shapefile, containing the river network extracted from satellite imagery</br>• island shapefile, containing the land masses or islands of the delta</br>• patch shapefile, containing the outline of channels</br></br>What does the code do?</br></br>The file all.ipynb contains codes run the analysis. From start to finish, the Jupyter Notebook contains code blocks that:</br></br>• loads in the shapefiles</br>• calculate the parameters for the network that both surround and drain the islands</br>• calculate the base metrics (e.g. perimeter, area, solidity, aspect ratio...)</br>• calculates maximum distance from the island center to the nearest water body</br>• estimates minimum, average and maximum widths of all network channels</br>• evaluates the fractal dimension of each delta island</br>• creates shapefiles based on the metrics calculated earlier in the code</br>• saves all metrics to an output file</br>• generates PCA and GeoSOM results from the island and channel metrics</br>• plots the U-matrix and dendrogram based on the GeoSOM resultsand dendrogram based on the GeoSOM results)
  • Model:Area-Slope Equation Calculator  + (Run this model via MATLAB)
  • Model:SBEACH  + (SBEACH is distributed as a component of the Coastal Engineering Design and Analysis System (CEDAS).)
  • Model:LuSS  + (See at for more details.)
  • Model:GLUDM  + (See model description, validation and analSee model description, validation and analysis in:</br>Haney, N., Cohen, S. (2015), Predicting 21st century global agricultural land use with a spatially and temporally explicit regression-based model. Applied Geography, 62: 366-376. </br></br>
  • Model:RiverSynth  + (See users manual and publication: Brown, See users manual and publication:</br></br>Brown, RA, Pasternack, GB, Wallender, WW. 2013. Synthetic River Valleys: Creating Prescribed Topography for Form-Process Inquiry and River Rehabilitation Design. Geomorphology 214: 40–55.
  • Model:FwDET  + (See: Version 2.0: Cohen et al. (2019), TheSee:</br>Version 2.0: Cohen et al. (2019), The Floodwater Depth Estimation Tool (FwDET v2.0) for Improved Remote Sensing Analysis of Coastal Flooding. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS)</br> </br>Version 1.0: Cohen, S., G. R. Brakenridge, A. Kettner, B. Bates, J. Nelson, R. McDonald, Y. Huang, D. Munasinghe, and J. Zhang (2017), Estimating Floodwater Depths from Flood Inundation Maps and Topography. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA):1–12. Water Resources Association (JAWRA):1–12.)
  • Model:DR3M  + (TRAINING Watershed Systems Modeling I (SW2008TC), offered annually at the USGS National Training Center. Watershed Systems Modeling II (SW3018TC), offered upon request at the USGS National Training Center.)
  • Model:CoastMorpho2D  + (The CoastMorpho2D model encompasses the MarshMorpho2D v2.0 ( but includes many other coastal processes)
  • Model:WACCM-EE  + (The Early earth haze microphysical code isThe Early earth haze microphysical code is working, incorporating fractal particle structures. Development is needed on linking microphysics to RT.</br></br>NOTICE: REGISTRATION IS NEEDED TO RECEIVE THE SOURCE CODE.</br>SEND THE OWNER A LETTER THAT YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THE SOURCE CODE.</br></br>
  • Model:Meander Centerline Migration Model  + (The code is freely available and can be applied or modified as preferred. People are asked to cite the following paper: Bogoni et al., WRR 2017. DOI: 10.1002/2017WR020726. or, alternatively, the model DOI)
  • Model:Sedtrans05  + (The computation routines can be accessed fThe computation routines can be accessed from different interfaces: a console program for batch-processing data from The computation routines can be accessed from different interfaces: a console program for batch-processing data from file or for interactively entering data, a graphic user interface for Microsoft Windows (especially useful for teaching or exploring the model), a Matlab MEX function to call Sedtrans05 directly from Matlab. The FORTRAN77 routines can also easily called from other also easily called from other programs.)
  • Model:ChesROMS  + (The documentation about ROMS can be found The documentation about ROMS can be found in WikiROMS:</br></br>There is a very active ROMS user's forum:</br></br>NOTICE: REGISTRATION IS NEEDED TO RECEIVE THE SOURCE CODE:
  • Model:CBOFS2  + (The documentation about ROMS can be found The documentation about ROMS can be found in WikiROMS:</br></br>There is a very active ROMS user's forum:</br></br>NOTICE: REGISTRATION IS NEEDED TO RECEIVE THE SOURCE CODE:
  • Model:ROMS  + (The documentation about ROMS can be found The documentation about ROMS can be found in WikiROMS:</br></br>There is a very active ROMS user's forum:</br></br>NOTICE: REGISTRATION IS NEEDED TO RECEIVE THE SOURCE CODE:</br>
  • Model:UMCESroms  + (The documentation about ROMS can be found The documentation about ROMS can be found in WikiROMS:</br></br>There is a very active ROMS user's forum:</br></br>NOTICE: REGISTRATION IS NEEDED TO RECEIVE THE SOURCE CODE:</br>
  • Model:SedFoam-2.0  + (The model description paper is submitted to Geoscientific Model Development, which can be downloaded from the link:
  • Model:CEM  + (This entry, with the name 'Coastline Evolution Model' should replace the 'Murray model' currently listed. Thanks Albert!)
  • Model:CREST  + (This form is fill out by Albert Kettner)
  • Model:SPARROW  + (This form is filled out by Albert Kettner, based on the SPARROW website)
  • Model:UEB  + (This information is captured from the web and incorporated here by Albert Kettner)
  • Model:CSt ASMITA  + (This model is actively under development as of the spring of 2009.)
  • Model:WASH123D  + (This model is not users' friendly. I woulThis model is not users' friendly. I would welcome anyone to collaborate with me to develop interface to make this model users's friendly. The unique of this model is</br># every module was developed based physics-based conservation principles of fluid, momentum, enery, and mass;</br># rigious coupling processes between media to internalize fluxes across media boundaries,</br># general paradigm to model water quality based on reactive biogeochemistry,</br># many numerical options were implemented.</br></br>I have already posted the technical report. For those who are interested in "true" physics-based watershed models, please read the report and I hope you like read the report and I hope you like it.)
  • Model:GPM  + (This model is unlikely to become available in any form other than snapshots of output. It is provided for reference.)
  • Model:LateralVerticalIncision  + (This model supports the article Malatesta,This model supports the article</br>Malatesta, L. C., J. P. Prancevic, and J.-P. Avouac (2017), Autogenic entrenchment patterns and terraces due to coupling with lateral erosion in incising alluvial channels, J. Geophys. Res. Earth Surf., 122, 335–355, doi:10.1002/2015JF003797.., 122, 335–355, doi:10.1002/2015JF003797.)
  • Model:BRaKE  + (This model was initially published as Shobe et al in Geophysical Research Letters, May 2016: Other publications are in preparation.)
  • Model:STWAVE  + (This module is interfaced via the Coastal Engineering Design and Analysis System (CEDAS) interface.)
  • Model:WILSIM  + (This project was funded by NSF-CCLI program. The purpose was primarily for education.)
  • Model:TOPOG  + (This questionnaire is filled out by Albert Kettner, based on the TOPOG website)
  • Model:NWM Data Component  + (To learn how to use the NWM data component, please try with the Jupyter Notebook tutorial at
  • Model:SoilGrids Data Component  + (To learn how to use the SoilGrids data component, please try with the CSDMS EKT Lab (including the Jupyter Notebook tutorial) at
  • Model:DbSEABED Data Component  + (To learn how to use the dbSEABED data component, please try with the CSDMS EKT Lab (including the Jupyter Notebook tutorial) at
  • Model:RHESSys  + (To run RHESSys successfully, the user willTo run RHESSys successfully, the user will need to invest quite a bit of time gathering both spatial and observed data, which may require additional work to format the data correctly. A sample dataset can be downloaded with tutorials to familiarize users with the data and formats required in order to run RHESSys. formats required in order to run RHESSys.)
  • Model:IDA  + (View the included README file for additional notes on compiling and running)
  • Model:WRF  + (WRF has a rapidly growing community of useWRF has a rapidly growing community of users, and workshops and tutorials are held each year at NCAR. WRF is currently in operational use at NCEP, AFWA and other centers.</br></br>Notice: WRF source code is freely available on the following site:</br></br>So no registration is needed._source.html So no registration is needed.)
  • Model:WAVEWATCH III ^TM  + (We have moved to an open development paradigm using GitHub, which means users and developers are no longer required to submit requests for usernames and passwords to access our software package.
  • Model:Princeton Ocean Model (POM)  + (Web page includes additional information on code development, annual meetings, applications and searchable data base of over 1000 POM related journal publications.
  • Model:KnickZone-Picker  + (Well documented Matlab Parameter file, HOWWell documented Matlab Parameter file, HOWTO file for example catchment and detailed algorithm description with application in:</br></br>Neely, A., Bookhagen, B., Burbank, D.W. (in review): Connecting Stream Transience and Hillslope Evolution: Insights from a Knickpoints Selection Algorithm applied to Santa Cruz Island, California, JGR-Earth SurfaceCruz Island, California, JGR-Earth Surface)
  • Model:River Temperature Model  + (Zheng, L., Overeem, I., Wang, K., Clow, G., (2019). Changing Arctic River Dynamics Cause Localized Permafrost Thaw, Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface.
  • Model:CMFT  + (a routine is needed to solve a sparse linear system of equations. I have used nspcg)
  • Model:SIMSAFADIM  + (code not yet finished, further processes need to be incorporated (erosion, terrestrial conditions), manual needs still to be written)
  • Model:Zscape  + (code should be used for class exercises, demonstration and the like)
  • Model:LOADEST  + (
  • Model:HyLands  + (
  • Model:VIC  + (unsure what type of license)