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A list of all pages that have property "Describe available calibration data" with value "See github repo: directory ./demo/". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.


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  • Model:TreeThrow  + (Requires calibration for relationship betwRequires calibration for relationship between:</br># soil plate volume and tree diameter;</br>#soil plate width and tree diameter;</br>#soil plate depth and tree diameter.</br>These relationships have been calibrated based on field data in the Southern Blue Ridge (Appalachian Mountains).uthern Blue Ridge (Appalachian Mountains).)
  • Model:SBEACH  + (SBEACH was "validated" using a large suite of laboratory and field data sets. See SBEACH Report 4: Cross-Shore Transport Under Random Waves and Model Validation with SUPERTANK and Field Data.;31)
  • Model:HSPF  + (SPF and the earlier models from which it wSPF and the earlier models from which it was developed have been extensively</br>applied in a wide variety of hydrologic and water quality studies (3,4),</br>including pesticide runoff model testing (5), aquatic fate and transport</br>model testing (6,7), and analyses of agricultural best management practices</br>(8,9). An application of HSPF in a screening methodology for pesticide</br>review is described by Donigian et al. (10). In addition, HSPF has been</br>validated with both field data and model experiments, and has been reviewed</br>by independent experts (11-20).</br></br>The Stream Transport and Agricultural Runoff for Exposure Assessment</br>Methodology (STREAM) applies the HSPF program to various test watersheds for</br>five major crops in four agricultural regions in the United States,</br>defines a "representative" watershed based on regional conditions and an</br>extrapolation of the calibration for the test watershed, and performs a</br>sensitivity analysis on key pesticide parameters to generate cumulative</br>frequency distributions of pesticide loads and concentrations in each</br>regions. The resulting methodology requires the user to evaluate only the</br>crops and regions of interest, the pesticide application rate, and three</br>pesticide parameters -- the partition coefficient, the soil/sediment decay</br>rate, and the solution decay rate.</br></br>The EPA Chesapeake Bay Program has been using the HSPF model as the framework</br>for modeling total watershed contributions of flow, sediment, and nutrients</br>(and associated constituents such as water temperature, DO, BOD, etc.) to the</br>tidal region of the Chesapeake Bay (21,22). The watershed modeling</br>represents pollutant contributions from an area of more than 68,000 sq. mi.,</br>and provides the input to drive a fully dynamic three-dimensional,</br>hydrodynamic/water quality model of the Bay. The watershed drainage area is</br>divided into land segments and stream channel segments. The land areas</br>modeled include forest, agricultural cropland (conventional and conservation</br>tillage systems), pasture, urban (pervious and impervious areas), and</br>uncontrolled animal waste contributions. The stream channel simulation</br>includes flow routing and oxygen and nutrient biochemical modeling (through</br>phytoplankton) in order to account for instream processes affecting nutrient</br>delivery to the Bay.</br></br>Currently, buildup/washoff type algorithms are being used for urban</br>impervious areas, potency factors for all pervious areas, and constant (or</br>seasonally variable) concentrations for all subsurface contributions and</br>animal waste components. Enhancements are underway to utilize the detailed</br>process (i.e. Agrichemical modules) simulation for cropland areas to better</br>represent the impacts of agricultural BMPs and to include nitrogen cycling in</br>forested systems to evaluate the impacts of atmospheric deposition of</br>nitrogen on Chesapeake Bay. The watershed modeling is being used to evaluate</br>nutrient management alternatives for attaining a 40% reduction in nutrient</br>loads delivered to the Bay, as defined in a joint agreement among the</br>governors of the member states. among the governors of the member states.)
  • Model:Rescal-snow  + (See 'test' folder)
  • Model:BEDLOAD  + (See Slingerland et al. (1994))
  • Model:ENTRAIN  + (See Slingerland et al. (1994))
  • Model:ENTRAINH  + (See Slingerland et al. (1994))
  • Model:FLDTA  + (See Slingerland et al. (1994))
  • Model:LONGPRO  + (See Slingerland et al. (1994))
  • Model:MIDAS  + (See Slingerland et al. (1994))
  • Model:SETTLE  + (See Slingerland et al. (1994))
  • Model:SUSP  + (See Slingerland et al. (1994))
  • Model:TURB  + (See Slingerland et al. (1994))
  • Model:STORM  + (See Slingerland et al. (1994))
  • Model:STVENANT  + (See Slingerland et al. (1994))
  • Model:2DFLOWVEL  + (See Slingerland et al. (1994))
  • Model:DELTA  + (See Slingerland et al. (1994))
  • Model:WINDSEA  + (See Slingerland et al. (1994))
  • Model:WAVEREF  + (See Slingerland et al. (1994))
  • Model:YANGs  + (See Slingerland et al. (1994))
  • Model:LITHFLEX1  + (See Slingerland et al. (1994))
  • Model:LOGDIST  + (See Slingerland et al. (1994))
  • Model:SVELA  + (See Slingerland et al. (1994))
  • Model:LITHFLEX2  + (See Slingerland et al. (1994))
  • Model:GeoFlood  + (See github repo)
  • Model:TAo  + (See github repo: directory ./demo/)
  • Model:ArcDelRCM  + (See
  • Model:HydroCNHS  + (See paper that describes the simulation of Tualatin River Basin as a case study. Lin et al., 2022.)
  • Model:RiverMUSE  + (See readme file and the associated publishSee readme file and the associated published paper:</br>Calibration must be performed on a site-by-site basis; the provided data do not permit calibration for our sites, but we do include the calibrated parameters and explain our methods.brated parameters and explain our methods.)
  • Model:CoAStal Community-lAnDscape Evolution (CASCADE) model  + (See testing description on github.)
  • Model:STWAVE  + (See the following studies:;276&g=46;277&g=46;278&g=46)
  • Model:TUGS  + (See two papers: Cui (2007a) Cui (2007b) A manuscript with regard to its application to the Waipaoa River, NZ is currently underway by Basil Gomez and others.)
  • Model:OTIS  + (See user documentation available at website)
  • Model:DLBRM  + (See: Croley, T. E., II, C. He, and D. H. LSee:</br>Croley, T. E., II, C. He, and D. H. Lee, 2005. Distributed-parameter large basin runoff model II: application. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 10(3):182-191.</br>C.He, and Croley, T.E., 2007. Application of a distributed large basin runoff model in the Great Lakes basin. Control Engineering Practice, 15(8): 1001-1011.ol Engineering Practice, 15(8): 1001-1011.)
  • Model:CREST  + (See:
  • Model:WAVEWATCH III ^TM  + (Separate publications.)
  • Model:TOPMODEL  + (TOPMODEL calibration procedures are relatiTOPMODEL calibration procedures are relatively simple because it uses very few parameters in the model formulas. The model is very sensitive to changes of the soil hydraulic conductivity decay parameter, the soil transmissivity at saturation, the root zone storage capacity, and the channel routing velocity in larger watersheds. The calibrated values of parameters are also related to the grid size used in the digital terrain analysis. The timestep and the grid size also have been shown to influence TOPMODEL simulations.n shown to influence TOPMODEL simulations.)
  • Model:River Temperature Model  + (Tested against river temperature observations of the Kuparuk river on the North Slope of Alaska (described in Zheng et al., 2019).)
  • Model:Caesar  + (Tested on several catchments in UK over long and short time scales.)
  • Model:Princeton Ocean Model (POM)  + (Testing described in various papers (see web page))
  • Model:1DBreachingTurbidityCurrent  + (The codes have been validated against laboratory experiments which are described in Eke's MS thesis. The results are summarized in her thesis and in a conference paper that she presented in Vancouver.)
  • Model:SoilInfiltrationGreenAmpt  + (The component is unit tested against known analytical solutions as part of Landlab.)
  • Model:Tracer dispersion calculator  + (The experiments by Wong et al. (2007) wereThe experiments by Wong et al. (2007) were used to determine a relation to express the elevation of the maximum probability of particle entrainment in bedload transport to the characteristics of the flow and of the sediment. </br>The Wong et al. (2007) dataset is available in the github repository with the comparison between model results and experimental data.tween model results and experimental data.)
  • Model:HEBEM  + (The hydrologic model was calibrated using hydrologic measurements of WE-38 watershed in PA)
  • Model:CHILD  + (The model has been benchmarked against anaThe model has been benchmarked against analytical solutions for simple cases, such as fluvial slope-area scaling and parabolic to parabolic-planar hillslope form under uniform erosion, materials, and climate. Testing and calibration of some of the individual components (e.g., linear and nonlinear soil creep, stream-power fluvial erosion law, etc.) have been reported in the literature (for a review, see Tucker and Hancock, 2010). Testing of the full coupled model using natural experiments (Tucker, 2009) is ongoing.ral experiments (Tucker, 2009) is ongoing.)
  • Model:Mrip  + (The model has been compared qualitatively with Clarke and Werner (2004), Gallagher et al 1998, 2003 and 2005 and various Hay papers.)
  • Model:OverlandFlow  + (The model is tested against the known analytical solution (see Adams et al., 2017 for more details). It is unit-tested against this analytical solution every time Landlab is updated.)
  • Model:SPACE  + (The model is tested against three known analytical solutions (see Shobe et al., 2017 for details).)
  • Model:Mixed bedrock-alluvial morphodynamic  + (The model is validated against a set of laboratory experiments that have been performed in a unidirectional flume.)
  • Model:CarboLOT  + (The model produces virtual core-logs which can be compared with Ocean Drilling Program and other descriptive core logs and with outcrops.)
  • Model:Equilibrium Calculator  + (The model was zeroed on the pre-1930 Minnesota River between Mankato and Jordan, Minnesota, using data available in the literature and on the USGS website.)