Climate data
Nr. of datasets: 7
Type: Tropical cyclones, Tropical rainfall, Global station data.
Cryosphere data
Nr. of datasets: 5
Type: Paleo ice sheet thickness, sea ice concentrations, world glaciers.
Human dimensions data
Nr. of datasets: 4
Type: Population of the world.
Hydrography data
Nr. of datasets: 8
Type: Global drainage direction map, Hydro1k, HydroSHEDs, SWBD.
Land cover data
Nr. of datasets: 10
Type: Land cover dataset of America.
Ecosystem dynamics data
Nr. of datasets: 0
Type: Datasets that describe ecosystems
Nr. of datasets: 12
Type: Ocean layers, surface currents, coral reefs, sediment thickness, tides, waves.
River discharge data
Nr. of datasets: 11
Type: Global runoff, historical water levels, streamflow, sediment data,
Surface properties data
Nr. of datasets: 9
Type: World soil database.
Sea level data
Nr. of datasets: 1
Type: Mean sea level over time.
Substrates data
Nr. of datasets: 5
Type: Material and features of the global seafloor, geological map.
Topography data
Nr. of datasets: 23
Type: Land and ocean relief data at various scales, and world vector shoreline
All data
Nr. of datasets: 95
Type: All of the data described above.