Land cover data
Land cover data descriptions
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There are 10 datasets described below.
Dataset info | Type | Origin | Description | Data example |
3D Land Mapping | Land Cover | Measured | Combining Lidar and Radar for Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces | |
GIMMS | Land Cover | Measured | Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS) | |
GLC-SHARE | Land Cover | Measured | Global Land Cover-SHARE (GLC-SHARE) provides access to an assembled product of global land cover. | |
Geomorpho90m | Land Cover | Measured | A global dataset comprising of different geomorphometric features derived from the MERIT-Digital Elevation Model (DEM) - the best global, high-resolution DEM available. | |
GlobCover | Land Cover | Measured | Global Land Cover Map | |
Global Cropland Area (1960-2100) | Land Cover | Modeled | Global Cropland Area predictions by the GLUDM model | |
Global Forest Heights | Land Cover | Measured | Forest canopy height globally with spaceborne lidar | |
LUSoils v.1 | Land Cover | Modeled | Linking global land use and land cover to hydrologic soil groups from 850 to 2015. | |
NLCD 1992 | Land Cover | Modeled | National Land Cover Dataset 1992 | |
NLCD 2001 | Land Cover | Modeled | National Land Cover Database of 2001 |