Topography data
Topography data descriptions
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There are 23 datasets described below.
Dataset info | Type | Origin | Description | Data example |
ASTER | Topography | Measured | Global topography from NASA's and METI's (Japan) Terra satellite | |
Aerial images Fraser GST | Topography | Measured | Aerial images of Fraser GST zone | |
CGIAR-CSI SRTM | Topography | Modeled | Improved and void-filled global topographic model of the SRTM data; 3 arc-second (~90 m) cell size | |
Clara Orru - measured data of a degradational sand-gravel laboratory experiment | Topography | Measured | measured data from a degradational sand-gravel laboratory experiment | |
Coastal DEMs | Topography | Modeled | High-resolution, integrated bathymetric-topographic relief models of U.S. coastal communities; 1/3 arc-second (~10 m) cell size and coarser | |
ETOPO1 | Topography | Modeled | Global integrated bathymetric-topographic relief model; 1 arc-minute (~2 km) cell size | |
GEBCO | Topography | Modeled | Global integrated bathymetric-topographic relief model; 1 arc-minute (~2 km) and 30 arc-second (~1 km) cell sizes | |
GLOBE | Topography | Modeled | Global topographic relief model; 30 arc-second (~1 km) cell size | |
GSHHG | Topography | Measured | Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Geography Database |
GTOPO30 | Topography | Modeled | GTOPO30 is a global digital elevation model with a horizontal resolution of 30 arc seconds. | |
Global Multibeam Bathymetry | Topography | Measured | NGDC's global database of multibeam swath sonar bathymetric surveys | |
Global Topography | Topography | Modeled | Global estimated bathymetric and integrated bathy-topo relief models; 1 minute (~2 km) and 30 arc-second (~1 km) cell sizes | |
Great Lakes Bathymetry | Topography | Modeled | Bathymetric models and contours of the Great Lakes; 3 arc-second (~90 m) cell size | |
IBCAO | Topography | Modeled | Integrated bathymetric-topographic relief model of the Arctic Ocean; 500-meter cell size | |
MERIT DEM | Topography | Measured | The MERIT DEM was developed by removing multiple error components from existing spaceborne DEMs (SRTM3 and AW3D) | |
Marine Geophysical Trackline Data | Topography | Measured | NGDC's global database of marine trackline surveys; contains bathymetry, magnetics, gravity and seismic navigation data | |
NED | Topography | Modeled | U.S. National Elevation Dataset (NED) topographic relief model; 1/9 arc-second (~3 m) cell size to 2 arc-second (~60 m) cell size | |
NGDC Coastal Relief Model | Topography | Modeled | Integrated bathymetric-topographic relief models of U.S. coasts; 3 arc-second (~90 m) cell size | |
NOSHDB | Topography | Measured | Database of U.S. hydrographic surveys conducted by NOAA's National Ocean Service | |
OpenTopography | Topography | Modeled | Community access to high-resolution, Earth science-oriented, topography data, and related tools and resources. | |
SRTM | Topography | Measured | Global topography from NASA's 2000 Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) | |
Southern Alaska Coastal Relief Model | Topography | Modeled | Integrated bathymetric-topographic relief model of Southern Alaska; 24 arc-second cell size | |
World Vector Shoreline | Topography | Measured | World Vector Shoreline |