River discharge data


River discharge data descriptions

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There are 11 datasets described below.

Dataset infoTypeOriginDescriptionData example
African Sediment Yield Dataset River discharge Measured Measured sediment yields of African rivers
Dartmouth Flood Observatory River discharge Measured Dartmouth Flood Observatory: Space-based Measurement of Surface Water
GRDC River discharge Measured Glocal Runoff Data Centre
Global River and Delta Systems River discharge Measured Global River and Delta Systems
HYDAT River discharge Measured HYDAT - Online access to historical water levels, streamflow and sediment data of Canada
Modeled Suspended Sediment in Global Rivers River discharge Modeled Modeled Global Suspended Sediment Flux
NRLP India River discharge Modeled Proposed canals and dams data for the Indian Rivers Interlinking project
NWIS River discharge Measured National Water Information System (NWIS)
R-ArcticNet River discharge Measured R-ArcticNet (v4.0) - A Regional, Electronic, Hydrographic Data Network For the Arctic Region
Sage River discharge Measured Global River Discharge Database
World River Sediment Yields Database River discharge Measured This database contains data on annual sediment yields in worldwide rivers and reservoirs, searchable by river, country and continent.