Terrestrial Mo

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Terrestrial model descriptions


Program Description Developer Source code
ADI-2D Subroutine: Advection Diffusion Implicit (ADI) method for solving 2D diffusion equation Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=ADI-2D Download

tooltip=Download ADI-2D img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

Alpine3D Model: 3D model of alpine surface processes Bavay, Mathias Red1.png
AquaTellUs Model: Fluvial-dominated delta sedimentation model Overeem, Irina Red1.png
Avulsion Model: Stream avulsion model Hutton, Eric <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:Avulsion

tooltip=Download Avulsion img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

BEDLOAD Subroutine: Bedload transport model Slingerland, Rudy <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:MIDAS

tooltip=Download Midas img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

Bedrock Erosion Model Subroutine: Knickpoint propagation in the 2D sediment-flux-driven bedrock erosion model Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:Bedrock Erosion Model

tooltip=Download Bedrock Erosion Model Download img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

Caesar Model: Cellular landscape evolution model Coulthard, Tom Red1.png
Cascade Model: Large scale SPM based on irregular spatial discretization Braun, Jean Red1.png
ChannelOscillation Subroutine: Simulates Oscillations in arid alluvial channels Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:ChannelOscillation

tooltip=Download Channel-Oscillation img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

CHILD Model: Landscape Evolution Model Tucker, Greg <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:CHILD

tooltip=Download CHILD img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

CosmoLand Model: 2-D model tracking cosmogenic nuclides and mixing in landslide terrain Yanites, Brian Red1.png
Coupled1D Subroutine: Coupled 1D bedrock-alluvial channel evolution Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:Coupled1D

tooltip=Download Coupled1D img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

DECAL Model: Aeolian dune landscape model Baas, Andreas Red1.png
Delft3D Model: 3D hydrodynamic and sediment transport model Delft3D support Red1.png
DHSVM Model: Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model DHSVM Administrator Red1.png
Dionisos Model: 3D basin-scale stratigraphic model Granjeon, Didier Red1.png
DR3M Model: Distributed Routing Rainfall-Runoff Model U.S. Geological Survey <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:DR3M

tooltip=Download DR3M img_src=Yellow1.png</linkedimage>

DRAINAL Model: Surface process model Beaumont, Chris Red1.png
ENTRAIN Subroutine: Simulates critical shear stress of median grain sizes Slingerland, Rudy <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:MIDAS

tooltip=Download Midas img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

ENTRAINH Subroutine: Simulates critical shields theta for median grain sizes Slingerland, Rudy <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:MIDAS

tooltip=Download Midas img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

EPANET model: Models the Hydraulic and Water Quality Behavior of Water Distribution Piping Systems Rossman, Lewis <linkedimage>wikipage=EPANET_Information

tooltip=Download EPANET img_src=Yellow1.png</linkedimage>

Erode Model: Fluvial landscape evolution model Peckham, Scott Red1.png
FillinPitsFlatsDEM Subroutine: Filling in pits and flats in a DEM Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:FillinPitsFlatsDEM

tooltip=Download FillinPitsFlatsDEM img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

FLDTA Subroutine: Simulates flow characteristics based on gradually varied flow equation Slingerland, Rudy <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:MIDAS

tooltip=Download Midas img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

Flex1D Subroutine: Fourier filtering in 1D while solving the flexure equation Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:Flex1D

tooltip=Download Flex1D img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

Flex2D Subroutine: Fourier filtering in 2D while solving the flexure equation Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:Flex2D

tooltip=Download Flex2D img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

Flex2D-ADI Subroutine: Solving the flexure equation applying Advection Diffusion Implicit (ADI) method Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:Flex2D-ADI

tooltip=Download Flex2D-ADI img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

Fourier-Bessel integration Subroutine: Numerical integration of Fourier-Bessel terms Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:Fourier-Bessel integration

tooltip=Download Fourier-Bessel integration img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

FractionalNoises1D Subroutine: 1D fractional-noise generation with Fourier-filtering method Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:FractionalNoises1D

tooltip=Download FractionalNoises1D img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

FractionalNoises2D Subroutine: 2D Gaussian fractional-noise generation with Fourier-filtering method Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:FractionalNoises2D

tooltip=Download FractionalNoises2D img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

FTCS1D-NonLinear Subroutine: Forward Time Centered Space (FTCS) method for 1D nonlinear diffusion equation Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:FTCS1D-NonLinear

tooltip=Download FTCS1D-NonLinear img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

FTCS2D Subroutine: Forward Time Centered Space (FTCS) method for 2D diffusion equation Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:FTCS2D

tooltip=Download FTCS2D img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

FTCS2D-TerraceDiffusion Subroutine: Forward Time Centered Space (FTCS) method for 2D Terrace diffusion Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:FTCS2D-TerraceDiffusion

tooltip=Download FTCS2D-TerraceDiffusion img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

gc2d Model: Glacier / ice sheet evolution model Kessler, Mark <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:Gc2d

tooltip=Download gc2d img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

GEOTOP Model: A Distributed Hydrological Model with Coupled Water and Energy Budgets Rigon, Riccardo Red1.png
GNE Model: Set of biogeochemical sub-models that predicts river export Seitzinger, Sybil Red1.png
GOLEM Model: Landscape evolution model Tucker, Greg <linkedimage>wikipage=GOLEM Download

tooltip=Download GOLEM img_src=Yellow1.png</linkedimage>

GPM Model: Sedimentary process modeling software Tetzlaff, Daniel Red1.png
GSSHA Model: Coupled distributed engineering hydrology, sediment, contaminant fate/transport Ogden, Fred Red1.png
HEBEM Model: Hydrologically Enhanced Basin Evolution Model Niemann, Jeffrey Red1.png
HSPF Model: Hydrological Simulation Program - FORTRAN is a comprehensive package for simulation of watershed hydrology and water quality for both conventional and toxic organic pollutants Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM) Red1.png
HydroCAD Model: Computer Aided Design tool used for modeling stormwater runoff HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Red1.png
HydroTrend Model: Climate driven hydrological transport model Kettner, Albert <linkedimage>wikipage=HT_Download

tooltip=Download HydroTrend img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

Hydrus 2D/3D Model: Water Flow and Solute Transport model in Two- and Three-Dimensional Variably Saturated Media GroundwaterSoftware Red1.png
Iceages Subroutine: Stochastic-resonance subroutine of Pleistocene ice ages Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:Iceages

tooltip=Download Iceages img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

Ice-sheet / Glacier reconstruction Subroutine: Sandpile method for ice-sheet and glacier reconstruction Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:Ice-sheet / Glacier reconstruction

tooltip=Download Ice-sheet / Glacier reconstruction img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

LavaFlow2D Subroutine: 2D radially symmetric lava flow model Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:LavaFlow2D

tooltip=Download LavaFlow2D img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

LITHFLEX1 Subroutine: Lithospheric flexure solution Furlong, Kevin <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:LITHFLEX1

tooltip=Download Lithflex1 img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

LITHFLEX2 Subroutine: Lithospheric flexure solution for a broken plate Furlong, Kevin <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:LITHFLEX2

tooltip=Download Lithflex2 img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

LOADEST Model: Software for estimating constituent loads in streams and rivers Runkel, Robert <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:LOADEST

tooltip=Download LOADEST img_src=Yellow1.png</linkedimage>

LOGDIST Subroutine: Logrithmic velocity distribution solution Slingerland, Rudy <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:MIDAS

tooltip=Download Midas img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

LONGPRO Subroutine: Dynamic evolution of longitudinal profiles Slingerland, Rudy <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:LONGPRO

tooltip=Download LongPro img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

MARSSIM Model: Landform evolution model Howard, Alan Red1.png
MFDrouting Subroutine: Multiple Flow Direction (MFD) flow routing method Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:MFDrouting

tooltip=Download MFDrouting img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

MFDrouting-Successive Subroutine: Successive flow routing with Multiple Flow Direction (MFD) method Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:MFDrouting-Successive

tooltip=Download MFDrouting-Successive img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

MIDAS Model: Coupled flow- heterogeneous sediment routing model Slingerland, Rudy <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:MIDAS

tooltip=Download Midas img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

MIKE SHE Model: Advanced integrated hydrological modeling system DHI Red1.png
MODFLOW Model: A three-dimensional finite-difference groundwater flow model McDonald, Michael Red1.png
ParFlow Model: a parallel, three-dimensional, variably saturated groundwater flow model Maxwell, Reed Red1.png
PIHM Model: Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Model Duffy, Christopher Red1.png
PIHM GIS Model:Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Model incorporated into a GIS package Duffy, Christopher Red1.png
QUAL2K Model: A Modeling Framework for Simulating River and Stream Water Quality Chapra, Steve Red1.png
RASCAL Model: Ridge and Slough Cellular Automata Landscape Larsen, Laurel Red1.png
RHESSyS Model: Regional Hydro-Ecologic Simulation System Tague, Christina Red1.png
RIVMOD Model: One-dimensional hydrodynamic model Carroll, Rosemary Red1.png
SAC-SMA Model: Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting (SAC-SMA) model Burnash, R. Red1.png
SetNet Model: Sediment river Network model Wilkinson, Scott Red1.png
SETTLE Subroutine: Partical settling velocity solution Slingerland, Rudy <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:MIDAS

tooltip=Download Midas img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

SimClast Model: basin-scale 3D stratigraphic model Dalman, Rory Red1.png
SOBEK Model: 1D hydraulic numerical model SOBEK support Red1.png
Subside Model: Flexure model Hutton, Eric <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:Subside

tooltip=Download Subside img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

SVELA Subroutine: Shear velocity solution associated with grain roughness Slingerland, Rudy <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:MIDAS

tooltip=Download Midas img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

SIBERIA Model: Landscape evolution model Willgoose, Garry Red1.png
SPARROW Model: Modeling of Surface-Water Quality Alexander, Richard Red1.png
Spirals1D Subroutine: 1D model of spiral troughs on Mars Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Mode:Spirals1D

tooltip=Download Spirals1D img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

StreamPower Subroutine: Modeling the development of topographic steady state in the stream-power model Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:StreamPower

tooltip=Download StreamPower img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

SUSP Subroutine: Suspended load transport subroutine Slingerland, Rudy <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:MIDAS

tooltip=Download Midas img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

SWAT Model: SWAT is a river basin scale model developed to quantify the impact of land management practices in large, complex watersheds. SWAT Development Team Red1.png
SWMM Model: Storm Water Management Model Rossman, Lewis Red1.png
TreeThrow Subroutine: Sediment transport by tree throw on hillslopes Kirwan, Matthew Red1.png
tRibs Subroutine: Hydrological model Bras, Rafael Red1.png
TOPMODEL Model: Physically based, distributed watershed model that simulates hydrologic fluxes of water through a watershed Beven, Keith Red1.png
TOPOG Model: Terrain analysis-based hydrologic modelling package Butt, Tony Red1.png
TopoFlow Model: Hydrological model Peckham, Scott <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:TopoFlow

tooltip=Download TopoFlow Source img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

Tremp Model: Eocene Tremp foreland basin model Clevis, Quintijn Red1.png
TUGS Model: Fluvial gravel and sand transport model Cui, Yantao Red1.png
TURB Subroutine: Gausian distribution calculator of instantaneous shear stresses on the fluvial bed Slingerland, Rudy <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:MIDAS

tooltip=Download Midas img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

VIC Model: macroscale hydrologic model that solves full water and energy balances Liang, Xu Red1.png
WASH123D Model: Watershed Model, River Hydraulics, Overland Flow, Subsurface Flow, Sediment Transport, Water Quality Transport Yeh, Gour-Tsyh (George) Red1.png
WEPP Model: The Water Erosion Prediction Project model National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory Red1.png
Werner's Eolian Dune Model Model: Werner's model for eolian dune formation and evolution Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:Eolian Dune Model

tooltip=Download Werners Eolian Dune Model img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

Werner's Eolian Dune Model - Diagonals Model: Werner's model for eolian dune formation and evolution with variable bed topography Pelletier, Jon <linkedimage>wikipage=Model:Eolian Dune Model-Diagonals

tooltip=Download Werners Eolian Dune Model-Diagonals img_src=Green1.png</linkedimage>

WBM/WTM Model: Water Balance/Transport Model Fekete, Balazs Red1.png
WILSIM Model: Landscape evolution model Luo, Wei Red1.png
YANG's routine Subroutine: Fluvial sediment transport model Slingerland, Rudy Red1.png
ZScape Model: Landcape evolution model Densmore, A. & Connor, C. Red1.png