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A list of all pages that have property "One-line model description" with value "Aeolian dune landscape model". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.


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List of results

  • Model:TwoPhaseEulerSedFoam  + (A four-way coupled two-phase Eulerian model for sediment transport)
  • Model:MPeat2D  + (A fully coupled mechanical–ecohydrological model of peatland development in two dimensions)
  • Model:HydroPy  + (A global hydrological model useful for assessment of the land surface water balance.)
  • Model:BatTri  + (A graphical Matlab interface to the C language 2-D quality finite element grid generator Triangle.)
  • Model:HexWatershed  + (A mesh independent flow direction model for hydrologic models)
  • Model:OrderID  + (A method to test for order in a vertical succession of strata)
  • Model:Rescal-snow  + (A model of dunes and snow-waves)
  • Model:KWAVE  + (A model representing infiltration, interception, and runoff using the kinematic wave approximation)
  • Model:SedFoam-2.0  + (A multi-dimensional Eulerian two-phase model for sediment transport (version 2.0))
  • Model:OptimalCycleID  + (A numerical method to analyse a vertical succession of strata and identify the most cyclical arrangement of constituent facies)
  • Model:SedCas  + (A probabilistic sediment cascade model for sediment production, storage and transfer)
  • Model:LuSS  + (A set of MATLAB functions to model how luminescence evolves in different geomorphic scenarios.)
  • Model:TopoToolbox  + (A set of Matlab functions for topographic analysis)
  • Model:Meanderpy  + (A simple kinematic model of meandering)
  • Model:Zscape  + (A simple parallel code to demonstrate diffusion)
  • Model:ECSimpleSnow  + (A simple snow model)
  • Model:Barrier3D  + (A spatially explicit model of coastal barrier evolution)
  • Model:QUODDY  + (A state-of-the-art finite-element computer simulation program for coastal ocean circulation modeling)
  • Model:TauDEM  + (A suite of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) tools for the extraction and analysis of hydrologic information from topography as represented by a DEM. TauDEM 5 is a new version implemented to take advantage of parallel processing)
  • Model:FineSed3D  + (A turbulence-resolving numerical model for fine sediment transport in bottom boundary layer)
  • Model:NUBBLE  + (A turbulent boundary layer model for the linearized shallow water equations)
  • Model:ZoneTaxon  + (A zone-based taxon)
  • Model:Anuga  + (ANUGA is a hydrodynamic modelling tool that allows users to model realistic flow problems in complex 2D geometries.)
  • Model:AnugaSed  + (Add-on package to ANUGA with modules for sediment transport and vegetation drag)
  • Model:AeoLiS  + (AeoLiS is a process-based model for simulating aeolian sediment transport in situations where supply-limiting factors are important, like in coastal environments.)
  • Model:CSt ASMITA  + (Aggregate scale morphodynamic model of integrated coastal systems)
  • Model:ALFRESCO  + (Alaskan Frame‐based Ecosystem Code)
  • Model:Hilltop flow routing  + (Algorithm for directly measuring hillslope length from high resolution topographic data)
  • Model:DrEICH algorithm  + (Algorithm for extracting channel networks from high resolution topographic data)
  • Model:Mixed bedrock-alluvial morphodynamic  + (Alluvial morphodynamics of bedrock reaches)
  • Model:SiStER  + (An easy-to-use MATLAB code to simulate long-term lithosphere and mantle deformation.)
  • Model:SedBerg  + (An iceberg drift and melt model, developed to simulate sedimentation in high-latitude glaciated fjords.)
  • Model:TURBINS  + (An immersed boundary, Navier–Stokes code for the simulation of gravity and turbidity currents interacting with complex topographies.)
  • Model:IDA  + (An implementation of the Implicit Drainage Area method (regular and hybrid versions) for calculating drainage area from flow directions using parallel iterative solvers.)
  • Model:River Erosion Model  + (An intermediate complexity model for simulating stream channel evolution (years to decades) at the watershed scale.)
  • Model:SNAC  + (An updated Lagrangian explicit finite difference code for modeling a finitely deforming elasto-visco-plastic solid in 3D.)
  • Model:SLEPIAN Delta  + (Analysis of time-variable gravity from the GRACE satellite mission using spherical harmonics and spherical Slepian functions)
  • Model:BITM  + (Barrier Island Translation model)
  • Model:BarrierBMFT  + (Barrier-Bay-Marsh-Forest Transect Coupled Model Framework)
  • Model:Badlands  + (Basin and landscape dynamics)
  • Model:River Network Bed-Material Sediment  + (Bed-material sediment transport and storage dynamics on river networks.)
  • Model:BEDLOAD  + (Bedload transport model)
  • Model:BOM  + (Bergen Ocean Model)
  • Model:Bio  + (Biogenic mixing of marine sediments)
  • Model:BlockLab  + (BlockLab computes landscape evolution in the presence of large blocks of rock on hillslopes and in channels.)
  • Model:Terrapin  + (Build and destroy strath and fill terraces)
  • Model:COAWST  + (COAWST: A Coupled-Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport Modeling System)
  • Model:CAESAR Lisflood  + (Caesar Lisflood is a morphodynamic / Landscape evolution model that simulates erosion and deposition in river catchments and reaches over time scales from hours to 1000's of years.)
  • Model:ChiFinder  + (Calculate Chi Indices)
  • Model:HackCalculator  + (Calculate Hack parameters.)