Real event movies


Real event movies

An Alpine Glacier's Drainage System: Gornergletscher drainage system Werder, Mauro
Arctic Coastal Erosion Discussion permafrost, sea ice, warming ocean Overeem/Daily Camera, Irina
Arctic Coastal Erosion- Melting Block 2010 Arctic Alaska, Permafrost Melt, Waves, Thermal erosion, Sea Ice free season Overeem and EIS-Extreme Ice Survey, Irina
ArcticCoastalErosion2010 Overeem, Irina
ArcticErosion Coastal Bluff Erosion Overeem, Irina
ArcticErosion2009 coastal bluff erosion Jones, Ben
Braided plain Arctic River Braided River, Arctic River Storms, Joep
Coastal Bluff Erosion TV, BFM
Debris Flow Nepal upstream rockfall, lake dam burst, river surge with sediment and debris unknown, unknown
Debris flow California Debris flows Devore, -
DebrisFlowChile Debris flow Keller, Werner
Dust storm Dust storm Unknown, Unknown
Fetch in Arctic Ocean Beaufort Sea, fetch, sea ice Overeem, Irina
FlashFloodUT Flash flood Jerolmack, Doug
Glacial erosion Glacial erosion Anderson, Bob
Glacier Calving tidewater glacier Unknown, Unknown
Glacier Surge glacial, surge Raymond, Charles
Hurricane Ike, Prelandfall Hurricane, storm swell, -
Jacobshavn Calving tide water glacier, calving, sea level rise Amundson, Jason
Jökulhlaup Iceland jökulhlaup, sandur, glacial outburst flood Icelandic TV, RUV
Jökulhlaup over Sandur Iceland Jökulhlaup, glacial outburst flow, volcanic eruption Iceland National TV, RUV
LOICZ Mission Kremer, Hartwig
Landslide Italy 2010 landslide, heavy rainfall Overeem, Irina
Landslide Swiss Alps landslide, instability, rockfall, tension cracks TV news, Swiss Broadcasting
LandslideJapan Landslide Unknown, Unknown
Levee Blasting river, levee, flood control Heartlandfloods, Heartlandfloods
Levee breach artificial levee breach, flood control HeartlandFlood, -
Modelling subglacial drainage coupled to ice flow in Greenland Werder, Mauro
Overview tsunami Japan tsunami, earthquake SKY NEWS, SKY NEWS
Pushing Sea Ice sea ice Overeem, Irina
Rio Puerco Flood 2013 arroyo systems, flood, floodplain, arid regions, American west, invasive species Overeem, Irina
Rio Puerco Flood damage in San Francisco dryland rivers, arroyo systems, levee break Overeem, Irina
Rio Puerco Flood over HW66 in 2013 arroyo system, dryland rivers, flood Overeem, Irina
River Ice Breakup River ice break up, River ice Grosshuesch, Tyler
Sand Boil behind Levee levee, groundwater, seepage, flood risk Lee fish, Chris
Sinking Deltas subsidence, human impacts Overeem, Irina
Thaw Lake Erosion Thaw lake erosion Overeem, Irina
TidalBoreAK Tidal Bore, Alaska L'Archeveque, Lynn
TidalBoreChina Tidal bore Unknown, Unknown
Tidewater glacier calving Tidewater glacier calving Pfeffer, Tad
Tree fall uprooting soil hurricane winds, tree roots, ecosystem-soil interactions TV, CNN
Tsunami Japan Tsunami, Earthquake NHK/Overeem, Irina
Vulcanic Ash Cloud Iceland vulcanic eruption, ash cloud Miller, Giff