CSDMS meeting 2024

Presentations and more of the CSDMS 2024 annual meeting

CSDMS 2024: Coastlines, Critical Zones and Cascading Hazards: Modeling Dynamic Interfaces from Deep Time to Human Time

At Montclair State University, May 14 -16th 2024

Thank You

On behalf of CSDMS, we thank the Keynote Speakers, Clinic Leaders, Session Chairs, Poster Session Presenters, members of the Executive and Steering Committees, and every participant who helped to make this a productive and successful meeting.


Click here to view the final agenda.

Keynote presentations and panel discussion

PresenterTitle and links to additional material and recordings
Arora, Bhavna Modeling approaches for providing water and energy solutions to the world
Beselly, Sebrian Simulating mangrove-mudflat dynamics with a hybrid eco-hydro-morphodynamic model
Ganju, Neil Getting meaning from models: lessons from salt marsh geomorphic modeling
Hopkins, Julia Adapting Urban Coastlines to Climate Change: using models to understand the potential and pitfalls of nature-based solutions
Kopp, Robert Co-producing advances in natural/human coastal climate systems research and coastal climate adaptation services: the Megalopolitan Coastal Transformation Hub (MACH)
Mandli, Kyle Measuring the Change in Coastal Flooding Risk from a Multi-Hazard Perspective
Passalacqua, Paola Opening of the CSDMS meeting
Pico, Tamara Rivers and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment
Porporato, Amilcare On the Practical Importance of Theory in Landscape Evolution Models
Reed, Miles Designing and applying a landscape evolution model infused with cosmogenic nuclides for geomorphic insights
Ross, Matthew Tidy and... tedious: empowering large-scale watershed science through inclusive, welcoming data harmonization
Shen, Chaopeng Differentiable modeling to unify neural networks and process-based modeling for global geosciences under global change
Tucker, Greg State of CSDMS


PresenterTitle and links to additional material and recordings
Anarde, Katherine Parameterizing human dynamics in geomorphic models: learning from coastal barrier evolution models
Austermann, Jacky Solving the sea level equation: Earth’s response to ice and ocean load changes
Barnes, Richard A Hands-On Workshop on GPU-Based Landscape Evolution Modeling
Best, Kelsea Introduction to agent-based modeling for socio-environmental systems
Callaghan, Kerry Using Fill-Spill-Merge to understand and analyze landscape depressions
Haedrich, Caitlin Coastal evolution analysis and inundation modeling with GRASS GIS
LeVeque, Randy New features and basic usage of the GeoClaw software for depth-averaged flow
Lee, Allen The Last FAIR Clinic You'll Ever Need*
Liao, Chang Mesh independent flow direction modeling using HexWatershed 3.0
Marder, Eyal Coupling biological and surface processes in landscape evolution models
Roy, Samapriya Introduction & Building with Google Earth Engine: Batteries Included
Swannack, Todd Vegetation as ecogeomorphic features: incorporating vegetation into Earth Surface Models
Zellner, Moira Fora.ai: A participatory modeling platform to reshape how we collaborate for climate and social impact

Poster Abstracts

NameAbstract title postersPoster
Apoznanski, Diana Analysis of the geographic variations of storm tide joint probability exceedance curves in the Northeast United States
Arora, Bhavna Modeling approaches for providing water and energy solutions to the world
Blanco, Daniel Time of Emergence Analysis for Extreme Temperature-Related Mortality
Chadwick, Austin A predictive model for delta subsidence
Cheng, Jun The Effect of Beach Width in shore protection – A case study at Ortley Beach, New Jersey
Chester, Sam On the Origin of Holocene Sea Level Transgressions in Formerly Glaciated Regions
Cortes, Isamar The Interplay Between Salt Concentration, Mangrove Vegetation, and Die-Back: A case study of islands with complex geometries in Southern Puerto Rico
Dammann, Eric Quantifying Methane Emissions in a Tidal Marsh System: Insights from a Morphodynamic Model
Davis, Julianne Remote sensing constrains model inputs in a real-world delta
Du, Rongqing Coupled Hydrodynamic-Sediment Transport Model in Galveston Bay during Hurricane Harvey
Dwivedi, Dipankar Assessing Coastal Defense Vulnerabilities: Rising Sea Levels and DoD Site Risks
Esposito, Christopher Advancing Capacity for Marsh Modeling Retrospective Analysis: Synthetic Historical DEMs for Model Initialization and Validation
Fathi Said, Mohamed A Deep-Learning Model for Continuous Flood Extent and Water Depth Mapping
Gallen, Sean Climate modulation of spatial and temporal fault slip in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Colorado
George, David Modeling the effects of bed-sediment entrainment on the dynamics and runout of outburst floods and emergent debris flows with the granular-fluid model D-Claw.
Grom, Vivian Exploring Bias in Detrital Zircon Provenance Records Imparted by Landscape Evolution
Houssais, Morgane Using a new fundamental equation of sediment creep to model coastal breaching and landsliding
Huff, Thomas Comprehensive marsh model development through integration of Landlab and MarshMorpho2D
Iscen, Nilay Evolution of Long-Profiles of a Sand-bed Alluvial River Network
Joshi, Ayush Identifying active uplift across fault strands in the southern San Bernardino mountains: a TL thermochronology based Approach
Kadir, Md Nurul Complex Patterns of Sediment Erosion and Deposition under Sea-Level Variations Change: Insights from a Coupled Stratigraphic Experiment and Moving Boundary Modelling Approach for Fluvio-Deltaic Evolution.
Khalifa, Ahmed The Great Flood of 1927: Comparative Analysis of Historical and Current Sediment Trends
Kodama, Samuel Glacial isostatic adjustment drives spatiotemporal trends of meander migration rate in a former glacial lake basin
LeVeque, Randall Visualizing Ship Motion in Tsunami Currents
Lin, Yucheng PaleoSTeHM - A modern, scalable Spatio-Temporal Hierarchical Modeling framework for paleo-environmental data
Long-Reid, Ashanie How does abrasion impact the fluvial morphodynamics of a volcanic sediment pulse, Suiattle River, WA?
Lopez, Cesar Evaluating Morphologic Controls on Wave Energy Delivery on the West Coast of the United States
Lyttek, Erik The Spatial Impact of Fraxinus Snag Fall on Electric Distribution Infrastructure under Emerald Ash Borer Infestation
Manuel, Laura Systemic analysis of the tradeoffs associated with management strategies for natural and built Mississippi River outlets
Martin, Jo Fractal Dimensions of River Networks and Hack's Law
Morey, Susannah The lasting legacy of megaflood boulder deposition in mountain rivers
Morgan, Paul Shallow landslides and landscape evolution
Murray, Brad Modeling the coupled evolution of barrier landscapes and communities
Naher, Taznin Quantifying the role of estuarine geometric changes on tidal range variations: Insights from the Delaware River
Nash, Sebastian On the impact of coastline anthropogenic geomorphological alterations on flood hazards and upscaling potential for coupled systems.
Overeem, Irina Icy Landscapes: modeling sediment transport in permafrost regions
Panthi, Jeeban Groundwater dynamics in barrier islands: Geophysics-informed numerical modeling
Phogat, Aman Kumar A Comprehensive Machine Learning and GIS Approach for Dune Vegetation Mapping Using UAV-Based Imagery at an Undeveloped Dune System in Long Branch, New Jersey
Poudel, Sandeep Flood Risk and Housing Market Dynamics Across US Coastal Communities
Reed, Miles Designing and applying a landscape evolution model infused with cosmogenic nuclides for geomorphic insights
Rossi, Matthew Emergent dynamics of soil production and sediment transport revealed using Agent-Based Models of biological agents
Rothman, Sophie Landscape effects of self-formed waterfalls
Russ, Emily A coupled ecogeomorphic modeling approach for understanding dune building on an Oregon coast dune
Schanta, Ryan Prediction of Nearshore Nonlinear Wave Properties Using Machine Learning Models Trained on Wave-Resolving Hydrodynamics Models
Sharma, Abhinav Enhancing Numerical Modeling of River Dynamics: Remote Sensing Solutions for Data-Scarce Environments
Sheehan, Christopher Strange Knickpoints: A Case Study in Using Landscape Evolution Models to Understand Site-Specific Landscape Complexities
Sherwood, Chris Conceptual Model for Revegetation of Barrier Islands after Outwash and Overwash Events
Shmilovitz, Yuval Gully development and soil erosion in headwater catchments: An event-based approach using Landlab

Meeting photos