Property:Extended model description


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Showing 20 pages using this property.
A length-, and time-averaged representation of coastal system elements including the inner shelf, shoreface, surfzone, inlet, inlet shoals, and estuary channels and tidal flats. The multi-line nature of the morphodynamic model allows it to represent large-scale sediment transport processes with a combination time-average physics empirical relationships. A major use is to represent the interactions between system components to develop with changes in large scale forcing such as accelerated sea level rise, changes in river sediment input (ie. dams), changes in estuary tide prisms (ie. dikes) and the like.  +
A marsh column model designed to (ultimately) be inserted beneath spatially distributed marsh sedimentation models. Tracks surface biomass, subsurface root mass, carbon accumulation and decay (includes both labile and refractory carbon), inorganic sediments, and sediment compaction.  +
A model to explore how increasingly tall valley walls constrain the river lateral erosion and promote vertical incision. Each run is unique as a random walk controls the lateral migration of the channel. To store and compare repeated runs with identical parameters, there is a built in system to save the results of each run. This model is used to illustrate the wall feedback concept proposed by Malatesta, Prancevic, Avouac; 2017; JGR Eath-Surface; doi:10.1002/2015JF003797  +
A module that calculates the evolution of a gravel bed river under an imposed cycled hydrograph.  +
A multi-dimensional numerical model for sediment transport based on the two-phase flow formulation is developed. With closures of particle stresses and fluid-particle interaction, the model is able to resolve processes in the concentrated region of sediment transport and hence does not require conventional bedload/suspended load assumptions. The numerical model is developed in three spatial dimensions. However, in this version, the model is only validated for Reynolds-averaged two-dimensional vertical (2DV) formulation (with the k − epsilon closure for carrier flow turbulence) for sheet flow in steady and oscillatory flows. This numerical model is developed via the open-source CFD library of solvers, OpenFOAM and the new solver is called twoPhaseEulerSedFoam.  +
A multi-element (N, P, Si, C), multi-form (particulate, dissolved, organic, inorganic) set of biogeochemical sub-models that predicts annual river exports to the coast as a function of basin-aggregated natural and human impact characteristics; GNE is a generic framework used to run the basin models.  +
A numerical method to analyse a vertical succession of strata and identify the most cyclical arrangement of constituent facies using an optimised transition probability matrix approach  +
A parallel 3D numerical code that can be used to model various thermomechanical geodynamical processes such as mantle-lithosphere interaction for rocks that have visco-elasto-plastic rheologies. The code is build on top of PETSc and the current version of the code uses a marker-in-cell approach with a staggered finite difference discretization.  +
A primitive equation ocean general circulation model based on the Bryan--Semtner--Cox formulation and designed to give good performance on clusters of workstations and massively parallel machines using the PVM message passing library.  +
A process-response model simulating the evolution and stratigraphy of fluvial dominated deltaic systems in two dimensions, based on simple approximations of erosion and deposition. The model is called DELTASIM, and was initially presented by Overeem et al. (2003) as AQUATELLUS. DELTASIM has several improvements, the main algorithm has been revised and the output can be presented as probabilistic output.  +
A program to calculate the dynamical evolution of a stream's longitudinal profile  +
A python code for modeling the dense endmember of pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) generated either by impulsive column collapse or sustained fountaining eruptions. Dense, particle rich PDC is modeled as solid-fluid mixture driven by gravity analogous to the granular flow models of Iverson and Denlinger (2001). Flow movement over real topography is realized by using a digital elevation model (DEM) file as one of the model inputs. Other model inputs include simulation time, flow density and viscosity, x and y coordinates (or longitude and latitude) of the source, among others, which are input to the model either using a config file or via command line arguments.  +
A series of tools for extracting a network of hilltops from a landscape, computing curvature, slope and aspect over variable length scales from high resolution topography and performing hillslope traces from hilltops to valley bottoms to sample hilltop curvature, mean hillslope gradient and hillslope length. See Hurst et al. (2012) for full description.  +
A stand alone model for an idealized transect across a marsh channel-and-platform. The model simulates morphological evolution from sub-tidal to millennial time scales. In particular, the model explores the effect that soil creep (of both vegetated and unvegetated mud) has on channel bank dynamics, e.g., bank slumping. The model is written in Matlab.  +
A stochastic point model for tidal flat evolution to study the influence of tidal currents and wind waves on tidal flat equilibrium.  +
A three-dimensional hydrodynamic multi-purpose model for coastal and shelf seas, which can be coupled to biological, re-suspension and contaminant models. Has been used in a variety of configurations from resolving grain-scale up to seasonal scale processes. Can be run with optional MPI parallelization or run-time visualization via PGPLOT. Programmed with the goal that the same executable can be used for all cases, by using allocatable arrays and cases defined via a single configuration file pointing to input data in files typically in the same directory.  +
A three-dimensional two-phase flow solver, SedFoam-2.0, is presented for sediment transport applications. The solver is extended upon twoPhaseEulerSedFoam ( In this approach the sediment phase is modeled as a continuum, and constitutive laws have to be prescribed for the sediment stresses. In the proposed solver, two different inter-granular stress models are implemented: the kinetic theory of granular flows and the dense granular flow rheology μ(I). For the fluid stress, laminar or turbulent flow regimes can be simulated and three different turbulence models are available for sediment transport: a simple mixing length model (one-dimensional configuration only), a k-ϵ and a k-ω model. The numerical implementation is first demonstrated by two validation test cases, sedimentation of suspended particles and laminar bed-load. Two applications are then investigated to illustrate the capabilities of SedFoam-2.0 to deal with complex turbulent sediment transport problems, such as sheet flow and scouring, with different combinations of inter-granular stress and turbulence models.  +
A transect spanning three coastal ecosystems (bay-marsh-forest) evolves in yearly timesteps to show the evolution of the system. Geomorphic and carbon cycling processes allow for the exchange of material between the adjacent ecosystems. Each landscape unit is on the order of kilometers. Main geomorphic processes are featured in Kirwan et al. 2016 in GRL, and carbon processes track allochthonous and autocthonous carbon with time and depth.  +
A turbulence-resolving numerical model for fine sediment transport in the bottom boundary layer is developed. A simplified Eulerian two-phase flow formulation for the fine sediment transport is adopted. By applying the equilibrium Eulerian approximation, the particle phase velocity is expressed as a vectorial sum of fluid velocity, sediment settling velocity and Stokes number dependent inertia terms. The Boussinesq approximation is applied to simplify the governing equation for the fluid phase. This model utilizes a high accuracy hybrid compact finite difference scheme in the wall-normal direction, and uses the pseudo-spectral scheme in the streamwise and spanwise directions. The model allows a prescribed sediment availability as well as an erosional/depositional bottom boundary condition for sediment concentration. Meanwhile, the model also has the capability to include the particle inertia effect and hindered settling effect for the particle velocity.  +
A wave refraction program  +