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A list of all pages that have property "Extended model description" with value "Biogenic mixing of marine sediments". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.


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  • Model:BOM  + (A three-dimensional hydrodynamic multi-purA three-dimensional hydrodynamic multi-purpose model for coastal and shelf seas, which can be coupled to biological, re-suspension and contaminant models. Has been used in a variety of configurations from resolving grain-scale up to seasonal scale processes. Can be run with optional MPI parallelization or run-time visualization via PGPLOT. Programmed with the goal that the same executable can be used for all cases, by using allocatable arrays and cases defined via a single configuration file pointing to input data in files typically in the same directory. in files typically in the same directory.)
  • Model:SedFoam-2.0  + (A three-dimensional two-phase flow solver,A three-dimensional two-phase flow solver, SedFoam-2.0, is presented for sediment transport applications. The solver is extended upon twoPhaseEulerSedFoam ( In this approach the sediment phase is modeled as a continuum, and constitutive laws have to be prescribed for the sediment stresses. In the proposed solver, two different inter-granular stress models are implemented: the kinetic theory of granular flows and the dense granular flow rheology μ(I). For the fluid stress, laminar or turbulent flow regimes can be simulated and three different turbulence models are available for sediment transport: a simple mixing length model (one-dimensional configuration only), a k-ϵ and a k-ω model. The numerical implementation is first demonstrated by two validation test cases, sedimentation of suspended particles and laminar bed-load. Two applications are then investigated to illustrate the capabilities of SedFoam-2.0 to deal with complex turbulent sediment transport problems, such as sheet flow and scouring, with different combinations of inter-granular stress and turbulence models.ter-granular stress and turbulence models.)
  • Model:Coastal Landscape Transect Model (CoLT)  + (A transect spanning three coastal ecosysteA transect spanning three coastal ecosystems (bay-marsh-forest) evolves in yearly timesteps to show the evolution of the system. Geomorphic and carbon cycling processes allow for the exchange of material between the adjacent ecosystems. Each landscape unit is on the order of kilometers. Main geomorphic processes are featured in Kirwan et al. 2016 in GRL, and carbon processes track allochthonous and autocthonous carbon with time and depth.d autocthonous carbon with time and depth.)
  • Model:FineSed3D  + (A turbulence-resolving numerical model forA turbulence-resolving numerical model for fine sediment transport in the bottom boundary layer is developed. A simplified Eulerian two-phase flow formulation for the fine sediment transport is adopted. By applying the equilibrium Eulerian approximation, the particle phase velocity is expressed as a vectorial sum of fluid velocity, sediment settling velocity and Stokes number dependent inertia terms. The Boussinesq approximation is applied to simplify the governing equation for the fluid phase. This model utilizes a high accuracy hybrid compact finite difference scheme in the wall-normal direction, and uses the pseudo-spectral scheme in the streamwise and spanwise directions. The model allows a prescribed sediment availability as well as an erosional/depositional bottom boundary condition for sediment concentration. Meanwhile, the model also has the capability to include the particle inertia effect and hindered settling effect for the particle velocity.settling effect for the particle velocity.)
  • Model:WAVEREF  + (A wave refraction program)
  • Model:ADCIRC  + (ADCIRC is a system of computer programs foADCIRC is a system of computer programs for solving time dependent, free surface circulation and transport problems in two and three dimensions. These programs utilize the finite element method in space allowing the use of highly flexible, unstructured grids. Typical ADCIRC applications have included:</br># modeling tides and wind driven circulation,</br># analysis of hurricane storm surge and flooding,</br># dredging feasibility and material disposal studies,</br># larval transport studies,</br># near shore marine operations.t studies, # near shore marine operations.)
  • Model:ALFRESCO  + (ALFRESCO was originally developed to simulALFRESCO was originally developed to simulate the response of subarctic vegetation to a changing climate and disturbance regime (Rupp et al. 2000a, 2000b). Previous research has highlighted both direct and indirect (through changes in fire regime) effects of climate on the expansion rate, species composition, and extent of treeline in Alaska (Rupp et al. 2000b, 2001, Lloyd et al. 2003). Additional research, focused on boreal forest vegetation dynamics, has emphasized that fire frequency changes – both direct (climate-driven or anthropogenic) and indirect (as a result of vegetation succession and species composition) – strongly influence landscape-level vegetation patterns and associated feedbacks to future fire regime (Rupp et al. 2002, Chapin et al. 2003, Turner et al. 2003). A detailed description of ALFRESCO can be obtained from the literature (Rupp et al. 2000a, 200b, 2001, 2002). The boreal forest version of ALFRESCO was developed to explore the interactions and feedbacks between fire, climate, and vegetation in interior Alaska (Rupp et al. 2002, 2007, Duffy et al. 2005, 2007) and associated impacts to natural resources (Rupp et al. 2006, Butler et al. 2007).es (Rupp et al. 2006, Butler et al. 2007).)
  • Model:AnugaSed  + (ANUGA is a hydrodynamic model for simulatiANUGA is a hydrodynamic model for simulating depth-averaged flows over 2D surfaces. This package adds two new modules (operators) to ANUGA. These are appropriate for reach-scale simulations of flows on mobile-bed streams with spatially extensive floodplain vegetation.</br></br>The mathematical framework for the sediment transport operator is described in Simpson and Castelltort (2006) and Davy and Lague (2009). This operator calculates an explicit sediment mass balance within the water column at every cell in order to handle the local disequilibria between entrainment and deposition that arise due to strong spatial variability in shear stress in complex flows.</br></br>The vegetation drag operator uses the mathematical approach of Nepf (1999) and Kean and Smith (2006), treating vegetation as arrays of objects (cylinders) that the flow must go around. Compared to methods that simulate the increased roughness of vegetation with a modified Manning's n, this method better accounts for the effects of drag on the body of the flow and the quantifiable differences between vegetation types and densities (as stem diameter and stem spacing). This operator can simulate uniform vegetation as well as spatially-varied vegetation across the domain. The vegetation drag module also accounts for the effects of vegetation on turbulent and mechanical diffusivity, following the equations in Nepf (1997, 1999).lowing the equations in Nepf (1997, 1999).)
  • Model:Anuga  + (ANUGA is a hydrodynamic modelling tool thaANUGA is a hydrodynamic modelling tool that allows users to model realistic flow problems in complex 2D geometries. Examples include dam breaks or the effects of natural hazards such as riverine flooding, storm surges and tsunami. The user must specify a study area represented by a mesh of triangular cells, the topography and bathymetry, frictional resistance, initial values for water level (called stage within ANUGA), boundary conditions and forces such as rainfall, stream flows, windstress or pressure gradients if applicable.</br>ANUGA tracks the evolution of water depth and horizontal momentum within each cell over time by solving the shallow water wave governing equation using a finite-volume method.</br></br>ANUGA also incorporates a mesh generator that allows the user to set up the geometry of the problem interactively as well as tools for interpolation and surface fitting, and a number of auxiliary tools for visualising and interrogating the model output.</br></br>Most ANUGA components are written in the object-oriented programming language Python and most users will interact with ANUGA by writing small Python scripts based on the ANUGA library functions. Computationally intensive components are written for efficiency in C routines working directly with Python numpy directly with Python numpy structures.)
  • Model:Acronym1D  + (Acronym1D is an add on to Acronym1R in thaAcronym1D is an add on to Acronym1R in that it adds a flow duration curve to Acronym1R, which computes the volume bedload transport rate per unit width and bedload grain size distribution from a specified surface grain size distribution (with sand removed).ain size distribution (with sand removed).)
  • Model:Acronym1R  + (Acronym1R computes the volume bedload transport rate per unit width and bedload grain size distribution from a specified surface grain size distribution (with sand removed).)
  • Model:AeoLiS  + (AeoLiS is a process-based model for simulaAeoLiS is a process-based model for simulating aeolian sediment transport in situations where supply-limiting factors are important, like in coastal environments. Supply-limitations currently supported are soil moisture contents, sediment sorting and armouring, bed slope effects, air humidity and roughness elements.ects, air humidity and roughness elements.)
  • Model:FwDET  + (Allow for quick estimation of water depthsAllow for quick estimation of water depths within a flooded domain using only the flood extent layer (polygon) and a DEM of the area. Useful for near-real-time flood analysis, especially from remote sensing mapping.</br>Version 2.0 offers improved capabilities in coastal improved capabilities in coastal areas.)
  • Model:Alpine3D  + (Alpine3D is a model for high resolution siAlpine3D is a model for high resolution simulation of alpine surface processes, in particular snow processes. The model can be forced by measurements from automatic weather stations or by meteorological model outputs (this is handled by the MeteoIO pre-processing library). The core three-dimensional Alpine3D modules consist of a radiation balance model (which uses a view factor approach and includes shortwave scattering and longwave emission from terrain and tall vegetation) and a drifting snow model solving a diffusion equation for suspended snow and a saltation transport equation. The processes in the atmosphere are thus treated in three dimensions and coupled to a distributed one dimensional model of vegetation, snow and soil model (Snowpack) using the assumption that lateral exchange is small in these media. The model can be used to force a distributed catchment hydrology model (AlpineFlow). The model modules can be run in a parallel mode, using either OpenMP and/or MPI. Finally, the Inishell tool provides a GUI for configuring and running Alpine3D.</br></br>Alpine3D is a valuable tool to investigate surface dynamics in mountains and is currently used to investigate snow cover dynamics for avalanche warning and permafrost development and vegetation changes under climate change scenarios. It could also be used to create accurate soil moisture assessments for meteorological and flood forecasting. for meteorological and flood forecasting.)
  • Model:WBMsed  + (An extension of the WBMplus (WBM/WTM) model. Introduce a riverine sediment flux component based on the BQART and Psi models.)
  • Model:GPM  + (Another derivative of the original SEDSIM,Another derivative of the original SEDSIM, completely rewritten from scratch. It uses finite differences (in addition to the original particle-cell method) to speed up steady flow calculations. It also incorporates compaction algorithms. A general description has been published. A general description has been published.)
  • Model:AquaTellUs  + (AquaTellUs models fluvial-dominated delta AquaTellUs models fluvial-dominated delta sedimentation. AquaTellUS uses a nested model approach; a 2D longitudinal profiles, embedded as a dynamical flowpath in a 3D grid-based space. A main channel belt is modeled as a 2D longitudinal profile that responds dynamically to changes in discharge, sediment load and sea level. Sediment flux is described by separate erosion and sedimentation components. Multiple grain-size classes are independently tracked. Erosion flux depends on discharge and slope, similar to process descriptions used in hill-slope models and is independent of grain-size. Offshore, where we assume unconfined flow, the erosion capacity decreases with increasing water depth. The erosion flux is a proxy for gravity flows in submarine channels close to the coast and for down-slope diffusion over the entire slope due to waves, tides and creep. Erosion is restricted to the main flowpath. This appears to be valid for the river-channel belt, but underestimates the spatial extent and variability of marine erosion processes.</br>Deposition flux depends on the stream velocity and on a travel-distance factor, which depends on grain size (i.e. settling velocity). The travel-distance factor is different in the fluvial and marine domains, which results in a sharp increase of the settling rate at the river mouth, mimicking bedload dumping.</br></br>Dynamic boundary conditions such as climatic changes over time are incorporated by increasing or decreasing discharge and sediment load for each time step.arge and sediment load for each time step.)
  • Model:BatTri  + (BATTRI does the mesh editing, bathymetry incorporation and interpolation, provides the grid generation and refinement properties, prepares the input file to Triangle and visualizes and saves the created grid.)
  • Model:BITM  + (BIT Model aims to simulate the dynamics ofBIT Model aims to simulate the dynamics of the principal processes that govern the formation and evolution of a barrier island. The model includes sea-level oscillations and sediment distribution operated by waves and currents. Each process determines the deposition of a distinct sediment facies, separately schematized in the spatial domain. Therefore, at any temporal step, it is possible to recognize six different stratigraphic units: bedrock, transitional, overwash, shoreface aeolian and lagoonal. overwash, shoreface aeolian and lagoonal.)
  • Model:BRaKE  + (BRaKE is a 1-D bedrock channel profile evoBRaKE is a 1-D bedrock channel profile evolution model. It calculates bedrock erosion in addition to treating the delivery, transport, degradation, and erosion-inhibiting effects of large, hillslope-derived blocks of rock. It uses a shear-stress bedrock erosion formulation with additional complexity related to flow resistance, block transport and erosion, and delivery of blocks from the hillslopes.nd delivery of blocks from the hillslopes.)
  • Model:Barrier3D  + (Barrier3D is an exploratory model that resBarrier3D is an exploratory model that resolves cross-shore and alongshore topographic variations to simulate the morphological evolution of a barrier segment over time scales of years to centuries. Barrier3D tackles the scale separation between event-based and long-term models by explicitly yet efficiently simulating dune evolution, storm overwash, and a dynamically evolving shoreface in response to individual storm events and sea-level rise. Ecological-geomorphological couplings of the barrier interior can be simulated with a shrub expansion and mortality a shrub expansion and mortality module.)
  • Model:BarrierBMFT  + (BarrierBMFT is a coupled model framework fBarrierBMFT is a coupled model framework for exploring morphodynamic interactions across components of the entire coastal barrier system, from the ocean shoreface to the mainland forest. The model framework couples Barrier3D (Reeves et al., 2021), a spatially explicit model of barrier evolution, with the Python version of the Coastal Landscape Transect model (CoLT; Valentine et al., 2023), known as PyBMFT-C (Bay-Marsh-Forest Transect Model with Carbon). In the BarrierBMFT coupled model framework, two PyBMFT-C simulations drive evolution of back-barrier marsh, bay, mainland marsh, and forest ecosystems, and a Barrier3D simulation drives evolution of barrier and back-barrier marsh ecosystems. As these model components simultaneously advance, they dynamically evolve together by sharing information annually to capture the effects of key cross-landscape couplings. BarrierBMFT contains no new governing equations or parameterizations itself, but rather is a framework for trading information between Barrier3D and PyBMFT-C.</br></br>The use of this coupled model framework requires Barrier3D v2.0 (</br> and PyBMFT-C v1.0 ( (
  • Model:RiverSynth  + (Based on the publication: Brown, RA, PastBased on the publication:</br></br>Brown, RA, Pasternack, GB, Wallender, WW. 2013. Synthetic River Valleys: Creating Prescribed Topography for Form-Process Inquiry and River Rehabilitation Design. Geomorphology 214: 40–55.
  • Model:Badlands  + (Basin and Landscape Dynamics (Badlands) isBasin and Landscape Dynamics (Badlands) is a parallel TIN-based landscape evolution model, built to simulate topography development at various space and time scales. The model is presently capable of simulating hillslope processes (linear diffusion), fluvial incision ('modified' SPL: erosion/transport/deposition), spatially and temporally varying geodynamic (horizontal + vertical displacements) and climatic forces which can be used to simulate changes in base level, as well as effects of climate changes or sea-level fluctuations.climate changes or sea-level fluctuations.)
  • Model:Bifurcation  + (Bifurcation is a morphodynamic model of a Bifurcation is a morphodynamic model of a river delta bifurcation. Model outputs include flux partitioning and 1D bed elevation profiles, all of which can evolve through time. Interaction between the two branches occurs in the reach just upstream of the bifurcation, due to the development of a transverse bed slope. Aside from this interaction, the individual branches are modeled in 1D. </br></br>The model generates ongoing avulsion dynamics automatically, arising from the interaction between an upstream positive feedback and the negative feedback from branch progradation and/or aggradation. Depending on the choice of parameters, the model generates symmetry, soft avulsion, or full avulsion. Additionally, the model can include differential subsidence. It can also be run under bypass conditions, simulating the effect of an offshore sink, in which case ongoing avulsion dynamics do not occur.</br></br>Possible uses of the model include the study of avulsion, bifurcation stability, and the morphodynamic response of bifurcations to external changes.ponse of bifurcations to external changes.)
  • Model:Bio  + (Biogenic mixing of marine sediments)
  • Model:BlockLab  + (Blocklab treats landscape evolution in lanBlocklab treats landscape evolution in landscapes where surface rock may be released as large blocks of rock. The motion, degradation, and effects of large blocks do not play nicely with standard continuum sediment transport theory. BlockLab is intended to incorporate the effects of these large grains in a realistic way. of these large grains in a realistic way.)
  • Model:Caesar  + (CAESAR is a cellular landscape evolution model, with an emphasis on fluvial processes, including flow routing, multi grainsize sediment transport. It models morphological change in river catchments.)
  • Model:CoAStal Community-lAnDscape Evolution (CASCADE) model  + (CASCADE combines elements of two exploratoCASCADE combines elements of two exploratory morphodynamic models of barrier evolution -- barrier3d (Reeves et al., 2021) and the BarrierR Inlet Environment (brie) model (Nienhuis & Lorenzo-Trueba, 2019) -- into a single model framework. Barrier3d, a spatially-explicit cellular exploratory model, is the core of CASCADE. It is used within the CASCADE framework to simulate the effects of individual storm events and SLR on shoreface evolution; dune dynamics, including dune growth, erosion, and migration; and overwash deposition by individual storms. BRIE is used to simulate large-scale coastline evolution arising from alongshore sediment transport processes; this is accomplished by connecting individual Barrier3d models through diffusive alongshore sediment transport. Human dynamics are incorporated in cascade in two separate modules. The first module simulates strategies for preventing roadway pavement damage during overwashing events, including rebuilding roadways at sufficiently low elevations to allow for burial by overwash, constructing large dunes, and relocating the road into the barrier interior. The second module incorporates management strategies for maintaining a coastal community, including beach nourishment, dune construction, and overwash removal.ment, dune construction, and overwash removal.)
  • Model:CHILD  + (CHILD computes the time evolution of a topographic surface z(x,y,t) by fluvial and hillslope erosion and sediment transport.)
  • Model:CICE  + (CICE is a computationally efficient model CICE is a computationally efficient model for simulating the growth, melting, and movement of polar sea ice. Designed as one component of coupled atmosphere-ocean-land-ice global climate models, today’s CICE model is the outcome of more than two decades of community collaboration in building a sea ice model suitable for multiple uses including process studies, operational forecasting, and climate simulation.ional forecasting, and climate simulation.)
  • Model:CLUMondo  + (CLUMondo is based on the land systems apprCLUMondo is based on the land systems approach. Land systems are socio-ecological systems that reflect land use in a spatial unit in terms of land cover composition, spatial configuration, and the management activities employed. The precise definition of land systems depends on the scale of analysis, the purpose of modelling, and the case study region. In contrast to land cover classifications the role of land use intensity and livestock systems are explicitly addressed. Each land system can be characterized in terms of the fractional land covers.<br>Land systems are characterized based on the amount of forest in the landscape mosaic and the management type ranging from swidden cultivation to permanent cultivation and plantations.vation to permanent cultivation and plantations.)
  • Model:CAESAR Lisflood  + (Caesar Lisflood is a geomorphological / LaCaesar Lisflood is a geomorphological / Landscape evolution model that combines the Lisflood-FP 2d hydrodynamic flow model (Bates et al, 2010) with the CAESAR geomorphic model to simulate erosion and deposition in river catchments and reaches over time scales from hours to 1000's of years.</br></br>Featuring:</br>Landscape evolution model simulating erosion and deposition across river reaches and catchments</br></br>A hydrodynamic 2D flow model (based on the Lisflood FP code) that conserves mass and partial momentum. (model can be run as flow model alone)</br></br>designed to operate on multiple core processors (parallel processing of core functions)</br></br>Operates over a wide range to spatial and time scales (1km2 to 1000km2, <1year to 1000+ years)</br></br>Easy to use GUI2, <1year to 1000+ years) Easy to use GUI)
  • Model:PsHIC  + (Calculate the hypsometric integral for each pixel at the catchment. Each pixel is considered a local outlet and the hypsometric integral is calculated according to the characteristics of its contributing area.)
  • Model:OceanWaves  + (Calculate wave-generated bottom orbital velocities from measured surface wave parameters. Also permits calculation of surface wave spectra from wind conditions, from which bottom orbital velocities can be determined.)
  • Model:SUSP  + (Calculates non-equilibrium suspended load transport rates of various size-density fractions in the bed)
  • Model:SVELA  + (Calculates shear velocity associated with grain roughness)
  • Model:BEDLOAD  + (Calculates the bedload transport rates and weights per unit area for each size-density. NB. Bedload transport of different size-densities is proportioned according to the volumes in the bed.)
  • Model:SETTLE  + (Calculates the constant terminal settling velocity of each size-density fraction's median size from Dietrich's equation.)
  • Model:ENTRAINH  + (Calculates the critical Shields Theta for the median size of a distribution and then calculates the critical shear stress of the ith, jth fraction using a hiding function)
  • Model:ENTRAIN  + (Calculates the critical shear stress for entrainment of the median size of each size-density fraction of a bed using Yalin and Karahan formulation, assuming no hiding)
  • Model:FLDTA  + (Calculates the flow velocity and depth based on the gradually varied flow equation of an open channel.)
  • Model:TURB  + (Calculates the gaussian or log-gaussian distribution of instantaneous shear stresses on the bed, given a mean and coefficient of variation.)
  • Model:LOGDIST  + (Calculates the logrithmic velocity distribution called from TRCALC)
  • Model:YANGs  + (Calculates the total sediment transport rate in an open channel assuming a median bed grain size)
  • Model:SuspSedDensityStrat  + (Calculation of Density Stratification EffeCalculation of Density Stratification Effects Associated with Suspended Sediment in Open Channels.</br></br>This program calculates the effect of sediment self-stratification on the streamwise velocity and suspended sediment concentration profiles in open-channel flow.</br></br>Two options are given. Either the near-bed reference concentration Cr can be specified by the user, or the user can specify a shear velocity due to skin friction u*s and compute Cr from the Garcia-Parker sediment entrainment relation.rcia-Parker sediment entrainment relation.)
  • Model:SubsidingFan  + (Calculation of Sediment Deposition in a Fan-Shaped Basin, undergoing Piston-Style Subsidence)
  • Model:DeltaBW  + (Calculator for 1D Subaerial Fluvial Fan-DeCalculator for 1D Subaerial Fluvial Fan-Delta with Channel of Constant Width. This model assumes a narrowly channelized 1D fan-delta prograding into standing water. The model uses a single grain size D, a generic total bed material load relation and a constant bed resistance coefficient. The channel is assumed to have a constant width. Water and sediment discharge are specified per unit width. The fan builds outward by forming a prograding delta front with an assigned foreset slope. The code employs a full backwater calculation.code employs a full backwater calculation.)
  • Model:DeltaNorm  + (Calculator for 1D Subaerial Fluvial Fan-DeCalculator for 1D Subaerial Fluvial Fan-Delta with Channel of Constant Width. This model assumes a narrowly channelized 1D fan-delta prograding into standing water. The model uses a single grain size D, a generic total bed material load relation and a constant bed resistance coefficient. The channel is assumed to have a constant width. Water and sediment discharge are specified per unit width. The fan builds outward by forming a prograding delta front with an assigned foreset slope. The code employs the normal flow approximation rather than a full backwater calculation. rather than a full backwater calculation.)
  • Model:CarboCAT  + (CarboCAT uses a cellular automata to model horizontal and vertical distributions of carbonate lithofacies)
  • Model:ChesROMS  + (ChesROMS is a community ocean modeling sysChesROMS is a community ocean modeling system for the Chesapeake Bay region being developed by scientists in NOAA, University of Maryland, CRC (Chesapeake Research Consortium) and MD DNR (Maryland Department of Natural Resources) supported by the NOAA MERHAB program. The model is built based on the Rutgers Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS, with significant adaptations for the Chesapeake Bay.</br></br>The model is developed to provide a community modeling system for nowcast and forecast of 3D hydrodynamic circulation, temperature and salinity, sediment transport, biogeochemical and ecosystem states with applications to ecosystem and human health in the bay. Model validation is based on bay wide satellite remote sensing, real-time in situ measurements and historical data provided by Chesapeake Bay Program.</br></br>