

Jaia Syvitski, website username login: Syvitski

University of Colorado, INSTAAR
4001 Discovery Drive
Boulder, Colorado
United States

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Member of the following CSDMS groups

  • Marine Working Group
  • Terrestrial Working Group
  • Coastal Working Group
  • Human Dimensions Focus Research Group

Signed up for the mailing list: yes

Professor Jai P.M. Syvitski

Active Positions

Executive Director, of CSDMS — Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System

Fellow, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (U. Colorado)

Director, Environmental Computation and Imaging Facility (U. Colorado)

Professor of Geological Sciences (U. Colorado)

Professor of Geophysics (U. Colorado)

Professor of Hydrological Sciences (U. Colorado)

Professor of Oceanography (U. Colorado)

Research Mission Advance and couple algorithms that describe the earth’s evolving landscape and seascape, and the sedimentary deposits that they create, using advanced computational tools to:

characterize climate-ocean-landscape interactions, across highly dynamic and deforming boundaries,

characterize emergent large-scale behavior of erosion-sedimentation processes operating at small scales,

verify and apply these integrated earth system models to societal issues facing our nation.

CV as of 2023