Cryosphere models

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ALFRESCO Alaskan Frame‐based Ecosystem Code Bennett, Alec
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ATS (The Advanced Terrestrial Simulator)
A.k.a. Arctic Terrestrial Simulator
The Advanced Terrestrial Simulator (formerly sometimes known as the Arctic Terrestrial Simulator) is a code for solving ecosystem-based, integrated, distributed hydrology. Coon, Ethan
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Alpine3D 3D model of alpine surface processes Bavay, Mathias
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ArcDelRCM an Arctic-delta reduced-complexity model that can reproduce the 2-m ramp feature ubiquitous to Arctic deltas Chan, Ngai-Ham (Erik)
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CICE Los Alamos sea ice model Hunke, Elizabeth
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A.k.a. Control Volume Permafrost Model
Multidimensional heat-transfer modeling system for permafrost with advanced unfrozen water physics Clow, Gary
CryoGrid3 CryoGrid 3 is a simple land-surface scheme dedicated to modeling of ground temperatures in permafrost environments. Westermann, Sebastian
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Frost Model
A.k.a. FrostNumber
Frost model predicts the likelihood of occurrence of permafrost in the land surface based on the monthly temperature distribution Overeem, Irina
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GIPL GIPL(Geophysical Institute Permafrost Laboratory) is an implicit finite difference one-dimensional heat flow numerical model. Jafarov, Elchin
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Gc2d Glacier / ice sheet evolution model Kessler, Mark
Glimmer-CISM Dynamic thermo-mechanical ice sheet model Hagdorn, Magnus
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HexWatershed A mesh independent flow direction model for hydrologic models Liao, Chang
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ISSM Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM) Larour, Eric
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IceFlow 2D semi-implicit shallow ice approximation glacier model Wickert, Andy
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Instructed Glacier Model
A.k.a. IGM
The Instructed Glacier Model (IGM) simulates the ice dynamics, surface mass balance, and its coupling through mass conservation to predict the evolution of glaciers, icefields, or ice sheets Jouvet, Guillaume
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Kudryavtsev Model
A.k.a. Ku Model
Permafrost Active Layer Thickness Model based on Kudryavtsev's parametrization Overeem, Irina
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OGGM OGGM is a modular open source model for glacier dynamics Maussion, Fabien
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OpenAMUNDSEN openAMUNDSEN is a modular snow and hydroclimatological modeling framework written in Python. Strasser, Ulrich
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PISM Parallel Ice Sheet Model, PISM Group, Glacier
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Rescal-snow A model of dunes and snow-waves Kochanski, Kelly
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SICOPOLIS Ice sheet model Greve, Ralf
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SNOWPACK SNOWPACK is a multi-purpose snow and land-surface model, which focuses on a detailed description of the mass and energy exchange between the snow, the atmosphere and optionally with the vegetation cover and the soil. It also includes a detailed treatment of mass and energy fluxes within these media. Bartelt, Perry
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SedBerg An iceberg drift and melt model, developed to simulate sedimentation in high-latitude glaciated fjords. Mugford, Ruth
ThawLake1D 1-D numerical model of permafrost and subsidence processes. Matell, Nora
WAVI.jl Ice Sheet Modelling in Julia Bradley, Alexander
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A.k.a. WRF-Hydro Modeling System
The WRF-Hydro® Modeling System, an open-source community model, is used for a range of projects, including flash flood prediction, regional hydroclimate impacts assessment, seasonal forecasting of water resources, and land-atmosphere coupling studies. It produces forecasts and analyses for all major terrestrial water-cycle components: Precipitation, Streamflow, Soil moisture, Snowpack, Flooding, Groundwater. McAllister, Molly
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A.k.a. CMIP-temp
Data component provides monthly mean temperature for Permafrost Region 1902-2100 Overeem, Irina
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ERA5 Data Component A CSDMS data component used to download the ECMWF Reanalysis v5 (ERA5) datasets Gan, Tian
GeoTiff Data Component
A.k.a. GeoTiff, bmi-geotiff
A CSDMS data component for accessing data and metadata from a GeoTIFF file, through either a local filepath or a remote URL.. Piper, Mark
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ILAMB The International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) toolkit Collier, Nathan
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Ice-sheet-Glacier-reconstruction Read note in extended description. Sandpile method for ice-sheet and glacier reconstruction Pelletier, Jon
Icepack Icepack is a Python package for simulating the flow of glaciers and ice sheets, as well as for solving glaciological data assimilation problems. Shapero, Daniel
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Permafrost Benchmark System
A.k.a. PBS
The PBS is a web-based tool for conducting benchmarking studies of permafrost models. Piper, Mark
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TopoPyScale A Python Package for Hillslope Climate Downscaling Filhol, Simon
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Topography Data Component
A.k.a. Topography, bmi-topography
A CSDMS data component used to fetch and cache NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and JAXA Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) land elevation data using the OpenTopography REST API. Piper, Mark
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indicates open source code models that are available through another community modeling portal. The portals offer much information. To download the code(s) you may be asked to register as a user at their portal. By registering you will receive updates on new releases and other community information. Your registration will help the developers demonstrate to funders the size of their model's community. If you have problems getting access to this open source code, please let us know CSDMS has a version of the code in its library and considers the code part of the open-source CSDMS initiative.