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A list of all pages that have property "Additional comments model" with value "Form filled out by Albert Kettner from information available on the web.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.


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List of results

  • Model:AlluvStrat  + (Barely started; using this as a testbed for the new CSDMS BMI interface.)
  • Model:Terrainbento  + (Barnhart, K. R., Glade, R. C., Shobe, C. M., and Tucker, G. E.: Terrainbento 1.0: a Python package for multi-model analysis in long-term drainage basin evolution, Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 1267-1297,, 2019.)
  • Model:REF-DIF  + (Both codes are undergoing extensive revisions needed to incorporate them into the framework of the NearCoM Nearshore Community Model.)
  • Model:AquaTellUs  + (Code is research grade.)
  • Model:GSSHA  + (Current version is 5.0)
  • Model:MODFLOW  + (Disclaimer Although every effort is made Disclaimer</br></br>Although every effort is made to provide timely and accurate information, the authors, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and the U.S. Government make no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the timeliness or accuracy of the contents of this web site, which may be updated and revised at any time. Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Any links to non-Government web sites are provided for convenience only and do not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.)
  • Model:BarrierBMFT  + (Documentation available at:
  • Model:CarboLOT  + (Email to for further details, manual, code, collaboration)
  • Model:FVCOM  + (FVCOM is an open source code ocean communiFVCOM is an open source code ocean community model that always welcomes new users. This program is only permitted for use in non-commercial academic research and education. Users are required to register in orde to receive the source codes, demo examples, and user manuals as well as some recommended postprocessing tools. as some recommended postprocessing tools.)
  • Model:ILAMB  + (For details on the methodology and underlyFor details on the methodology and underlying benchmarking philosophy, see the following paper:</br></br>Nathan Collier, Forrest M. Hoffman, David M. Lawrence, Gretchen Keppel‐Aleks, Charles D. Koven, William J. Riley, Mingquan Mu, and James T. Randerson, "The International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) System: Design, Theory, and Implementation", JAMES, 10 (11), 2018,,
  • Model:SEOM  + (Form filled out by Albert Kettner from information available on the web.)
  • Model:SWAT  + (Form was filled out by Albert Kettner, based on information available on the web)
  • Model:GOLEM  + (GOLEM was written in the 1990s by one of the creators of CHILD. Although it lacks many of the special capabilities of CHILD, it has a simpler, more compact code base (just a single C source file) and uses a raster grid data structure.)
  • Model:Erode  + (I currently have an NSF-CMG grant to work with Greg Tucker, Tom Manteuffel and Steve McCormick to find faster algorithms for this type of model.)
  • Model:Delft3D  + (Information provided by Bert Jagers)
  • Model:GEOMBEST  + (Laura Moore updated this questionaire and uploaded sample simulations and a user's guide on 10/29/2012.)
  • Model:FACET  + (Limitations of FACET. The accuracy of FACELimitations of FACET. The accuracy of FACET output depends on the quality and resolution of the DEM used. The user should not interpret FACET stream and floodplain geomorphic measurements as a replacement for on-the-ground measurements of geomorphic characteristic. Rather, FACET provides a tool to rapidly assess patterns in geomorphic characteristics at a regional scale. Any FACET output should be screened for outliers and abnormalities.e screened for outliers and abnormalities.)
  • Model:TOPMODEL  + (Linkages Supported: Links to GLUE (Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation) program for sensitivity/uncertainty/calibration analyses.)
  • Model:CAESAR Lisflood  + (Manual/videos/walkthroughs available through the wiki on the sourceforge site above.)
  • Model:MarshPondModel  + (Mariotti, G., AC Spivak, SY Luk, G Ceccherini, M Tyrrell, ME Gonneea, (2020), Modeling the spatial dynamics of marsh ponds in New England salt marshes, Geomorphology, 107262
  • Model:MCPM  + (Mariotti, G., W.S. Kearney, S. Fagherazzi, (2016), Soil creep in salt marshes, Geology, 44 (6), 459-462.)