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A list of all pages that have property "Extended model description" with value "physical property, velocity modeling and synthetic seismic modeling". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.


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  • Model:ROMSBuilder  + (Why ROMSBuilder? ROMS extensively uses theWhy ROMSBuilder?</br>ROMS extensively uses the C preprocessor (cpp) during compilation to replace code statements, insert files into the code, and select relevant parts of the code depending on its directives. There are numerous cpp options that can be activated in header files for your specific application. The preprocessor reads the source file (*.F) and builds a target file (*.f90) according to activated cpp options.</br>CPP options can be set through the CMT config tab dialogs. ROMSBuilder generates the header file for compiling the new ROMS component from the tab dialog inputs.ROMS component from the tab dialog inputs.)
  • Model:XBeach  + (Xbeach is a two-dimensional model for waveXbeach is a two-dimensional model for wave propagation, long waves and mean flow, sediment transport and morphological changes of the nearshore area, beaches, dunes and backbarrier during storms. It is a public-domain model that has been developed with funding and support by the US Army Corps of Engineers, by a consortium of UNESCO-IHE, Deltares, Delft University of Technology and the University of Miami.of Technology and the University of Miami.)
  • Model:DbSEABED Data Component  + (bmi_dbseabed package ( package ( provides a set of functions that allows downloading of the dataset from dbSEABED (, a system for marine substrates datasets across the globe. bmi_dbseabed package also includes a Basic Model Interface (BMI), which converts the dbSEABED datasets into a reusable, plug-and-play data component for the PyMT modeling framework developed by Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS). Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS).)
  • Model:ESCAPE  + (eSCAPE is a parallel landscape evolution meSCAPE is a parallel landscape evolution model, built to simulate Earth surface dynamics at global scale and over geological times. The model is primarily designed to address problems related to geomorphology, hydrology, and stratigraphy, but it can also be used in related fields.</br></br>eSCAPE accounts for both hillslope processes (soil creep using linear diffusion) and fluvial incision (stream power law). It can be forced using spatially and temporally varying tectonics (vertical displacements) and climatic conditions (precipitation changes and/or sea-level fluctuations).on changes and/or sea-level fluctuations).)
  • Model:Gospl  + (gospl is able to simulate global-scale forgospl is able to simulate global-scale forward models of landscape evolution, dual-lithology (coarse and fine) sediment routing and stratigraphic history forced with deforming plate tectonics, paleotopographies and paleoclimate reconstructions. It relates the complexity of the triggers and responses of sedimentary processes from the complete sediment routing perspective accounting for different scenarii of plate motion, tectonic uplift/subsidence, climate, geodynamic and sedimentary conditions.te, geodynamic and sedimentary conditions.)
  • Model:IHydroSlide3D  + (iHydroSlide3D v1.0 is a physically based miHydroSlide3D v1.0 is a physically based modeling framework that accounts for both hydrological and geotechnical processes. The model mainly includes the following modules: (i) a distributed hydrological model based on the Coupled Routing and Excess STorage (CREST) model, (ii) a newly developed 3D landslide model, and (iii) a soil moisture downscaling method. (iii) a soil moisture downscaling method.)
  • Model:NWIS Data Component  + (nwis package provides a set of functions tnwis package provides a set of functions that allows downloading of the National Water Information System (NWIS) for data analysis and visualization. nwis package includes a Basic Model Interface (BMI), which converts the NWIS dataset into a reusable, plug-and-play data component for Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) modeling framework.odeling System (CSDMS) modeling framework.)
  • Model:NWM Data Component  + (nwm package provides a set of functions thnwm package provides a set of functions that allows downloading of the National Water Model (NWM) time series datasets for a river reach or a model grid. nwm package also includes a Basic Model Interface (BMI), which converts the dataset into a reusable, plug-and-play data component for the CSDMS modeling framework.omponent for the CSDMS modeling framework.)
  • Model:OlaFlow  + (olaFlow (formerly known as olaFoam) is a nolaFlow (formerly known as olaFoam) is a numerical model conceived as a continuation of the work in IHFOAM. Its development has been continuous from ihFoam (Jul 8, 2014 - Feb 11, 2016) and olaFoam (Mar 2, 2016 - Nov 25, 2017).</br></br>This free and open source project is committed to bringing the latest advances in the simulation of wave dynamics to the OpenFOAM® and FOAM-extend communities.</br></br>olaFlow includes a set of solvers and boundary conditions to generate and absorb water waves actively at the boundaries and to simulate their interaction with porous coastal structures.nteraction with porous coastal structures.)
  • Model:OpenAMUNDSEN  + (openAMUNDSEN is a fully distributed model,openAMUNDSEN is a fully distributed model, designed primarily for resolving the mass and energy balance of snow and ice covered surfaces in mountain regions. Typically, it is applied in areas ranging from the point scale to the regional scale (i.e., up to some hundreds to thousands of square kilometers), using a spatial resolution of 10–100 m and a temporal resolution of 1–3 h, however its potential applications are very versatile.potential applications are very versatile.)
  • Model:Physprop  + (physical property, velocity modeling and synthetic seismic modeling)
  • Model:PyRiverBed  + (placeholder)
  • Model:PyDeltaRCM  + (pyDeltaRCM is the Python version of DeltaRpyDeltaRCM is the Python version of DeltaRCM ( by Man Liang (also available from the CSDMS model repository). This version is a WMT component but can also be run as a stand-alone model (see</br>DeltaRCM is a parcel-based cellular flux routing and sediment transport model for the formation of river deltas, which belongs to the broad category of rule-based exploratory models. It has the ability to resolve emergent channel behaviors including channel bifurcation, avulsion and migration. Sediment transport distinguishes two types of sediment: sand and mud, which have different transport and deposition/erosion rules. Stratigraphy is recorded as the sand fraction in layers.</br>Best usage of DeltaRCM is the investigation of autogenic processes in response to external forcings.rocesses in response to external forcings.)
  • Model:PySBeLT  + (pySBELT simulates the kinematics of rarefied particle transport (low rates) as a stochastic process along a riverbed profile. pySBeLT is short for Stochastic Bed Load Transport.)
  • Model:ERA5 Data Component  + (pymt_era5 is a package that converts ERA5 pymt_era5 is a package that converts ERA5 datasets ( into a reusable, plug-and-play data component for PyMT modeling framework developed by Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS). This allows ERA5 datasets (currently support 3 dimensional data) to be easily coupled with other datasets or models that expose a Basic Model Interface.odels that expose a Basic Model Interface.)
  • Model:ROMS Data Component  + (pymt_roms is a package that converts the Rpymt_roms is a package that converts the ROMS model ( datasets into a reusable, plug-and-play data component for PyMT modeling framework developed by Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS). This allows ROMS model datasets to be easily coupled with other datasets or models that expose a Basic Model Interface.odels that expose a Basic Model Interface.)
  • Model:SoilGrids Data Component  + (soilgrids package provides a set of functisoilgrids package provides a set of functions that allow downloading of the global gridded soil information from SoilGrids, a system for global digital soil mapping to map the spatial distribution of soil properties across the globe. soilgrids package includes a Basic Model Interface (BMI), which converts the SoilGrids dataset into a reusable, plug-and-play data component for Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) modeling framework.odeling System (CSDMS) modeling framework.)
  • Model:StreamPowerSmoothThresholdEroder  + ( Defines the StreamPowerSmoothThresholdEroder, which is derived from FastscapeEroder. StreamPowerSmoothThresholdEroder uses a mathematically smooth threshold formulation, rather than one with a singularity.)
  • Model:Delft3D  + (wave-current interaction, (non) hydrostatiwave-current interaction, (non) hydrostatic flow (2D/3D), salinity, temperature, (non) cohesive sediment transport, morphology, bed stratigraphy, water quality, ecology, structures & control, particle tracking, curvilinear multi-domain mesh in cartesian or spheric coord., online visualization, GUI. or spheric coord., online visualization, GUI.)
  • Model:GEOMBEST-Plus  + (“GEOMBEST-Plus” (Geomorphic Model of Barri“GEOMBEST-Plus” (Geomorphic Model of Barrier, Estuarine, and Shoreface Translations) is a new morphological-behaviour model that simulates the evolution of coastal morphology and stratigraphy, resulting from changes in sea level, and sediment volume within the shoreface, barrier and estuary. GEOMBEST-Plus differs from other large-scale behaviour models (e.g. Bruun, 1962; Dean and Maumeyer, 1983; Cowell et al., 1995; Niedoroda et al., 1995, Stive & de Vriend, 1995 and Storms et al., 2002) by relaxing the assumption that the initial substrate (i.e stratigraphy) is comprised of an unlimited supply of unconsolidated material (typically sand). The substrate is instead defined by distinct stratigraphic units characterized by their erodibility and sediment composition. Additionally, GEOMBEST-Plus differs from its predecessor (GEOMBEST) by adding in a dynamic stratigraphic unit for a backbarrier marsh. Accordingly, the effects of geological framework on morphological evolution and shoreline translation can be simulated.on and shoreline translation can be simulated.)