Form:CSDMS 2011 meeting

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The CSDMS 2011 meeting

Impact of time and process scales

October 28-30th 2011 in Boulder Colorado, USA

Thank You

On behalf of CSDMS, we thank our Sponsors for their generosity as well as the valuable contributions of all of the Keynote Speakers, Clinic Leaders, Session Chairs, Poster Session Presenters, members of the Executive and Steering Committees, and every participant who helped to make this a productive and successful meeting.


The conference organizers acknowledge the generous support of the following organizations:

National Science Foundation Shell Dureau of Ocean Energy Management Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System


Interested to see who registered for the meeting?

Meeting objectives

The CSDMS Meeting 2011 will bring together CSDMS members to present new scientific insights in the modeling of surface dynamics and the impact of time and process scales, new advances in cyber-infrastructure, development and use of CSDMS models in education, and to allow the CSDMS Working and Focus Research Groups to engage in cross-domain discussions. Our Impact of time and process scales theme will address state-of-the art hydrological, ice, earth and ocean modeling; advances in the use of the CSDMS Model-coupling Tool (CMT); high performance computing projects; and will offer various hands-on clinics on specific community models as well as on model tools and protocols.

Plenary Keynote Addresses

Note: While the exact titles may change, the list below offers the nature of the keynote address.

  • Eunseo Choi (LDEO, Columbia University) Bridging Surface Dynamics to Tectonic Modeling with SNAC
  • Malcolm Scully (Old Dominion University) A simple model for oxygen dynamics in Chesapeake Bay
  • James Syvitski (CSDMS, University of Colorado) CSDMS Overview & update
  • Eckart Meiburg (University of California-Santa Barbara) DNS Modeling & Upscaling
  • Robert Anderson (University of Colorado) Glacier Hydrological Modeling
  • Man Liang (University of Minnesota) A Reduced-Complexity Channel-Resolving Model for Sedimentary Delta Formation
  • Balazs Fekete (City University of New York) Global Hydrology
  • Sybil Seitzinger (IGBP) GlobalNEWS - C&Nutrient Transport Modeling
  • Michael Barton (Arizona State University) High Resolution Surface Process Modeling in a GRASS GIS Environment
  • Elchin Jafarov (University of Alaska) Modeling Permafrost: a CMT component
  • Andrew Wickert (University of Colorado) Feedbacks between surface processes and flexural isostasy: a motivation for coupling models
  • Reed Maxwell (Colorado School of Mines) Towards a complete description of the hydrologic cycle: Large scale simulations with the open-source, parallel, ParFlow hydrologic model
  • Patricia Wiberg (University of Virginia) Scaling Marine Sediment Transport
  • Dylan Ward (University of New Mexico) Modeling the glacial-interglacial impact of the Pacific trade wind inversion on the geomorphology and hydrology of the Big Island of Hawai`i
  • Michael Pyrcz (Chevron) Applications of Rule-based Models and Geostatistics
  • Catherine Villaret (Électricité de France; EDF) The Telemac system, from small scale processes to large scale applications
  • Alberto Canestrelli (Boston University) Tidal Channels and Estuarine Dynamics Modeling
  • Ad Reniers (Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science; RSMAS) XBeach modeling at a range of temporal and spatial scales
  • Jorge Abad (University of Pittsburgh) Morphodynamics and river modeling
  • Cathy Manduca (Carleton College) Quantitative modeling and education
  • Jonathan Goodall (University of South Carolina) Overview of CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System for publishing, sharing, and accessing hydrologic data

Concurrent Clinics

The deadline (Oct. 8th) to choose your clinic to attend has passed. During the meeting you have another option to choose your clinic of interest if there is still space available. Pre-registered clinic participants have a guaranteed clinic seat.

Note: While the exact titles may change, the list below offers the nature of each clinic. Each will be approximately 3 hours in length

  • CEM, Brad Murray, Duke University & Andrew Ashton, WHOI
  • CHILD, Gregory Tucker, CIRES, University of Colorado; Nicole Gasparini, Tulane University; & Stephen Lancaster, Oregon State University
  • CMT, Irina Overeem &/or Scott Peckham, CSDMS, University of Colorado
  • Cyclopath & CarboCAT, Peter Burgess, Royal Holloway University of London
  • Delft3D, Bert Jagers, Deltares, & Doug Edmonds, Boston College
  • HPCC, Thomas Hauser, University of Colorado
  • Math Modeling, Rudy Slingerland, Pennsylvania State University
  • ROMS CSTMS, Christopher Sherwood, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
  • Sedflux, Eric Hutton & Irina Overeem, CSDMS, University of Colorado
  • TauDEM, David Tarboton, Utah State University
  • Topoflow, Scott Peckham, CSDMS, University of Colorado
  • VisIt, David Pugmire, ORNL

Meeting Schedule

For the latest schedule: CSDMS Meeting 2011 Schedule (drafted October 25, 2011)

The 3 day conference (October 28-30th) is being held partly over the weekend so as to have a minimal impact on peoples courses and teaching schedules. The program includes keynote speakers, hands-on clinics about models as well as on model protocols and standards, and poster sessions (note: poster boards are sized 4' wide x 6' high). There will also be time for each of the Working Groups and Focus Research Groups to meet. We have asked for a registration fee this year to cover workshop materials; refreshments, lunches and the dinner banquet; plus local transportation from the hotel to the meeting/dinner venues.


The Meeting Hotel: Millennium Harvest House
The Meeting Venue: UCAR Center Green Campus (CG1)
Transportation to/from the Hotel and Meeting:
University of Colorado (CU) buses will transport meeting delegates from the Millennium Harvest House Hotel in Boulder to the meeting venue (UCAR Center Green Campus, CG1). IMPORTANT NOTE: The buses will load at 7:30am and depart at 7:45am from outside the hotel lobby. The buses will return participants to the hotel after the meeting ends each day. Buses will load from UCAR CG1 at 6:00pm and depart at 6:15pm (departure will be from 5:45pm to 6:00pm on Oct 29 to accommodate the evening banquet). The drive to/from the hotel and UCAR will take about 15-20 minutes.

It is highly recommended that you use the CU buses. However, if you need to arrive/depart at other times on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the next best option would be to contact the Millennium Hotel to see if their shuttle is available (The cost would be USD $8.00 each way from the hotel/UCAR). Alternatively, you could use the local RTD bus system: RTD ride. To find the right bus route, in the directional fields, input the hotel as ‘Arapahoe & 28th Street (choose Boulder) and input UCAR as ‘Valmont & Center Green Drive’. Another option (on Friday only) is to catch a UCAR shuttle. The nearest pick-up/drop-off point from the hotel is the 29th Street Mall point located by the California Pizza Kitchen by the intersection of 28th street and Canyon Street. It is a couple blocks walk from the hotel. Visit this link for exact information on where to catch the UCAR shuttle: UCAR Shuttle. Note that service to UCAR/Center Green, is only provided during peak hours on Friday (6:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.) The Millennium Harvest House Hotel will assist you with taxi service.

Directions to/from: Denver Airport - Boulder

Hotel Reservations

From October 8th forward, participants are responsible to verify their hotel reservations and make any changes directly with the hotel. Thank you for understanding that this is the most efficient way to insure your accurate reservations.

Regarding single versus shared rooms, very few people indicated a roommate name when registering. Therefore, we opted to provide single rooms if no roommate was indicated. The cost differential of $52.00/night will be deducted from your overall reimbursement calculated after the meeting. (To reiterate, unless previously arranged with CSDMS, your hotel room and tax will be automatically deducted from a CSDMS account and you will not be presented with a bill.)

Should you still wish to change your hotel room from a single to double (shared room) please find a roommate from the participant list (above) or during the meeting, and make the arrangements directly with the hotel.

The CSDMS Meeting 2011 hotel contact:

Laurie Signore
Catering and Convention Services Manager
Millennium Harvest House, Boulder
1345 28th Street; Boulder, CO 80302
P: 303.998.3809 l F: 303.442.3821 l M: 720.237.1009

Reimbursement Process

Confirmed and qualified participants will receive partial reimbursement of their travel expenses. (If you are unsure of your arrangement, please contact CSDMS at: Please note that we are constrained to only provide reimbursement after the meeting (a process that may take 4-5 weeks), and we require original receipts. Email proof is fine -- but proof of payment must be evident. Thank you.

Airfare Reimbursement: We hope to be able to cover, at least partially, all participant airfare costs. The extent of reimbursement will depend upon the total meeting costs. We appreciate your effort to purchase the least expensive airfare rate. Please email your air ticket that shows proof of payment to (You may also send this via post to address below.)

Lodging Reimbursement: Most participants will have their hotel bill (room and tax) automatically deducted from the CSDMS Master Account and thus owed nothing at check-out except for any charges incurred beyond room and tax (those would be your responsibility). As per earlier arrangements, a few participants were responsible to cover their lodging. If your hotel bill was automatically charged to CSDMS, your reimbursement will not include that amount. It may also be reduced by $52.00/night (the cost differential between single versus shared room), depending upon your room arrangement.

Registration Fee Reimbursement: Most participants will have their registration fee reimbursed (unless other arrangements were made with CSDMS).

Other Reimbursements: Currently, CSDMS does not anticipate reimbursing other travel expenses such as perdiem, shuttle, parking, mileage, etc. However, if there are funds left in the budget following the meeting and regular reimbursements of participant expenses, we will be able to include such items to the extent possible. If you wish to send in these types of expense receipts for possible consideration at that later date, you may do so. Any original receipts that cannot be reimbursed will be sent back to you. Again, please be aware that this will add time to your regular reimbursement. The process for qualifying such expenses follow the same guidelines as stated above. Additionally, meal reimbursements must include an itemized meal ticket along with the payment receipt, and we are only able to reimburse meal amounts according to the federal regulations regarding limits for breakfast, lunch, and dinner per U.S. city. We are unable to reimburse alcohol expenses.

Following the meeting, you will receive an email with a reminder about the reimbursement process stated here. If you did not receive this email, please contact Marlene Lofton ( We will be requesting identification information and asking that you please mail your original receipts that demonstrate proof of payment to CSDMS to this address:

University of Colorado at Boulder
1560 30th Street
UCB 545
Boulder, Colorado 80309


Please direct all inquiries to with subject title: CSDMS Meeting 2011