Available model questionnaire conditions
Available Model metadata conditions
The table below contain all possible Model metadata query conditions that can be using within the SMW query style. See more at Web APIs on how to include these conditions in an API query.
Condition | Definition |
Model:+ | Notice: Always use this condition to ensure you are querying the model metadata database. Within the Model repo, select all records (+); or replace + by a model name to select data of a specific model. CSDMS has grouped all model in a separate Namepace, named "Model". |
Model also known as | Additional field to hold an alternative name for a model, for if the model is also known under an other name. |
Model type | Describe if a model is more like a tool, build out of multiple modules or is just a single model. |
ModelFramework | Describe the model framework, if the model is part of a larger framework. |
Incorporated modules | Include names of module or components, if the model incorporates one or more of these. |
ModelDomain | The various domains (marine, terrestrial, hydrological, etc) a model simulates |
Spatial dimensions | Range or specific spatial dimensions a model operates under (1D, 2D, etc). |
Spatialscale | Spatial extent of simulated domain |
One-line model description | Short description of the model |
Extended model description | Extended description of the model |
Model keywords | Keywords describing the model. |
First name | Given name of contact person |
Last name | Family name of contact person |
Type of contact | Type of contact |
Institute | Affiliated institute of contact person |
Postal address1 | Address of contact person |
Postal address2 | Additional field for address of contact person |
City | City or name of town where institute contact person is located |
Postal code | Postal code of institute |
State | State where contact person is located |
Country | Country where contact person is located |
Email address | Email address of contact person |
Phone | Phone number of contact person |
Fax | Fax number of contact person |
Supported platforms | Supported computer platforms by the model (Mac, Windows, etc) |
Supported platforms other | Define other then the platform options indicated under 'Supported platforms' the model can run on. |
Programming language | Identify the used program language |
Program language other | Define other then the program languages indicated under 'Programming language' used |
Code optimized | Indicate if the model uses single or multiple processors |
Multiple processors implemented | Indicate how the use of multiple processors is implemented |
Nr of distributed processors | Maximum number of distributed processors the model can use |
Nr of shared processors | Maximum of shared processors the model can use |
Start year development | The first year the model was developed |
Development still active | Indicates if model development is still ongoing |
End year development | The year model development ended |
Model availability | How the model is made available to the community |
Source code availability | Pointer towards repository where source code can be found |
Source web address | URL to source code from which it can be downloaded |
Source csdms web address | URL to CSDMS repo from which source code can be downloaded |
Program license type | Source code license |
Program license type other | Alternative source code license |
Memory requirements | Memory requirements to run model |
Run time model | Typical run time for model |
Describe input parameters model | Describe input parameters |
Input format model | Describe input format |
Input format model other | Describe alternative input formats |
Describe output parameters model | Describe output parameters |
Output format model | Describe output format |
Output format model other | Describe alternative output formats |
Pre processing software | Indicate if pre-processing software is needed |
Describe pre-processing software | If pre-processing software is needed, indicate which packages could be used |
Post processing software | Indicate if post-processing software is needed |
Describe post-processing software | If post-processing software is needed, indicate which packages could be used |
Visualization software needed | Indicate if visualization software is needed |
Visualization software | If visualization software is needed, indicate which packages |
Visualization software other | Indicate alternative visualization packages that can be used |
Describe processes | Describe processes represented by the module |
Describe key physical parameters and equations | Describe key physical parameters and equations |
Describe length scale and resolution | Describe length scale and resolution constraints |
Describe time scale and resolution | Describe time scale and resolution constraints |
Describe numerical limitations | Describe any numerical limitations and issues |
Describe available calibration data | Describe available calibration data sets |
Model calibration data | Upload calibration data sets if available |
Describe available test data | Describe available test data sets |
Model test data | Upload test data sets if available |
Describe ideal data | Describe ideal data for testing |
Current future collaborators | Indicate current or future plans for collaborating with other researchers |
Current future collaborators | Indicate additional current or future plans for collaborating with other researchers |
Manual model available | Indicate if a manual is available |
Model manual | Option to upload a model manual |
Model website | URL of external model website |
Model forum | URL to module forum / discussion board |
Additional comments model | Field to include additional comments |
Code openmi compliant or not | If module is openmi compliant |
Code_IRF_or_not | If module is BMI compliant |
Code_CMT_compliant_or_not | If module is WMT compliant |
DOI model | DOI information of source code |
DOI assigned to model version | Version of model to which a DOI is assigned |
End year development | Year of release of the version that has a DOI |
DOI-filelink | DOI link to the released version |
Animation model name | If model can be coupled, indicate to which module(s) it can be coupled |