Property:Describe output parameters model


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Showing 20 pages using this property.
The data component provides monthly temperature as a NetCDF file for the region of Alaska  +
The following output files are available to the user, depending on their run configuration: 1. Land surface model output 2. Land surface diagnostic output 3. Streamflow output at all channel reaches/cells 4. Streamflow output at forecast points or gage reaches/cells 5. Streamflow on the 2D high resolution routing grid (gridded channel routing only) 6. Terrain routing variables on the 2D high resolution routing grid 7. Lake output variables 8. Ground water output variables 9. A text file of streamflow output at either forecast points or gage locations For a detailed table of each variable contained within each output file, see the WRF-Hydro Output Variable Matrix V5 located on our website  +
The model can be customized to produce many different kinds of output but, typically, the output consists of (i) h, a final hillslope profile; (ii) h_diffs, a vector which summarizes how the profile changed over the duration of the simulation; and (iii) a vector expressing the fluxes of particles through a site along the hillslope. However, the same code can be used to produce a video of the hillslope evolution, a vector containing the absolute difference between the hillslope profile and a reference profile, and many other observables of interest.  +
The model can output any variables used for the water balance and transport calculations. The most frequently requested ones are: potential and actual evapotranspiration, soil moisture, groundwater storage, river discharge, irrigational water uptake.  +
The model generates several georeferenced tiff files upon completion. These geotiff files can be viewed using any GIS software. Each file is a 2D map of a modeled flow property such as thickness, velocity etc. Additionally, multiband geotiff files containing similar 2D maps at multiple user-defined time intervals during the simulation. Depth – Map of the final 2D flow thickness (in meters). Depthbin – Binary map where cells with thickness > user-defined threshold thickness have a value of 1 and the rest of the cells have a value of 0. MaxDepth – Map of the maximum flow depth obtained at each cell during the entire simulation (in meters). MaxVelocity – Map of the maximum velocity obtained at each cell during the entire simulation (in m/s). MomentumX – Map of final 2D flow momentum along the X direction (in sq. m/s). MomentumY – Map of final 2D flow momentum along the Y direction (in sq. m/s). Velocity – Map of the final 2D flow velocity (in m/s). VelocityX – Map of the final 2D flow velocity along the X direction (in m/s). VelocityY – Map of the final 2D flow velocity along the Y direction (in m/s). The multiband (movie) files output by the model are DepthMovie, MomentumXMovie, MomentumYMovie, VelocityMovie, VelocityXMovie, VelocityYMovie.  +
The new coastline at the end of the simulation is plotted. Results are not currently saved to files.  +
The no-fail storage capacity and corresponding storage behaviour time series.  +
The output are elevation values that represent the gully channel profile.  +
The output can ultimately be used to plot and view the particles and compare the outcomes of different model runs. There are two types of comma-delimited output files: para and endfile. The para files are created periodically at set intervals throughout the running of the program and contain the particle locations at the current time. The endfile file is created only at the end of the program and contains information regarding each particles’ start location, end location, and ending status.  +
The output data is both plain text data files and .flt raster files containing the spatial location of the computed results.  +
The output of the model consists of snapshots of the coastline during its evolution. The model can be configured to write the resulting coastline at any point during the simulation. The output format of the coastline file is a custom binary formatted-file (the same format as the initial model input). Also, for convenience using with other software tools such as MATLAB, an ASCII-based file of the coastline shape can be written too. The model can also directly generate JPEG-formatted pictures of the coastline shape at any time during the simulation.  +
The outputs are i) For chi_m_over_n_analysis.exe, a *.movern file that contains information about the goodness of fit of channel profiles to a series of linear segments as a function of the m/n ratio: this file is used to determine the best fit m/n ratio of a channel network. ii) For chi_get_profiles.exe, a series of *.tree files which contain information about the best fit channel segments in chi-elevation space. This data can be used to infer erosion rates, tectonics, or variations in erodibility.  +
The outputs of HydroCNHS are stored in a data collector object, an attribute of HydroCNHS (e.g., model.dc). The main output is the daily streamflow at routing outlets. However, this data collector object will also contain other user-specified agent outputs as long as users use this data collector object in their ABM modules.  +
The state of the system is periodically output to a binary file that can be read by the post-processing and visualization routines (see the CVPM modeling system user's guide).  +
The windfield for a cyclone based on pressure distribution and radius to maximum winds (SI units).  +
There are a number of different types of output that the model can produce. In short, the following possibilities are available: DHSVM hydrologic output * Default output (these files are always produced) * Model state files * Network flow files * Travel time based hydrograph file * Optional output files Sediment Module output * Default output (these files are always produced) * Network flow files * Optional output files  +
There are hundreds of output parameters and fields that are written to several NetCDF files.  +
There are hundreds of output parameters and fields that are written to several NetCDF files.  +
There are hundreds of output parameters and fields that are written to several NetCDF files.  +
There are hundreds of output parameters and fields that are written to several NetCDF files.  +