Property:Describe output parameters model
This is a property of type Text.
See paper +
See results of related publication by J. A. Czuba. +
See results of related publications by J. A. Czuba. +
See: (
*Screen Output (fort.6)
* General Diagnostic Output (fort.16)
* Iterative Solver ITPACKV 2D Diagnostic Output (fort.33)
* 3D Density, Temperature and/or Salinity at Specified Recording Stations (fort.41)
* 3D Velocity at Specified Recording Stations (fort.42)
* 3D Turbulence at Specified Recording Stations (fort.43)
* 3D Density, Temperature and/or Salinity at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.44)
* 3D Velocity at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.45)
* 3D Turbulence at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.46)
* Elevation Harmonic Constituents at Specified Elevation Recording Stations (fort.51)
* Depth-averaged Velocity Harmonic Constituents at Specified Velocity Recording Stations (fort.52)
* Elevation Harmonic Constituents at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.53)
* Depth-averaged Velocity Harmonic Constituents at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.54)
* Harmonic Constituent Diagnostic Output (fort.55)
* Elevation Time Series at Specified Elevation Recording Stations (fort.61)
* Depth-averaged Velocity Time Series at Specified Velocity Recording Stations (fort.62)
* Elevation Time Series at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.63)
* Depth-averaged Velocity Time Series at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.64)
* Hot Start Output (fort.67, fort.68)
* Atmospheric Pressure Time Series at Specified Meteorological Recording Stations (fort.71)
* Wind Velocity Time Series at Specified Meteorological Recording Stations (fort.72)
* Atmospheric Pressure Time Series at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.73)
* Wind Stress or Velocity Time Series at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.74)
* Depth-averaged Scalar Concentration Time Series at Specified Concentration Recording Stations (fort.81)
* Depth-averaged Scalar Concentration Time Series at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.83)
* Depth-averaged Density Fields at Specified Recording Stations (fort.91)
* Depth-averaged Density Fields at All Nodes in the Model Grid (fort.93) +
Selected Wave Spectra
Selected Wave Parameters
Wave Parameter Fields
Breaker Index Fields
Radiation Stress Gradient Fields +
Several state variables (soil moisture, groundwater table, stream head, interception, surface state and snow depth) and fluxes (3 components of evapotranspiration) 10 stream component fluxes for each reach, infiltration, recharge, lateral flux) +
Shoreline and alluvial-bedrock transition trajectories over time.
Future versions of the model will include the profile evolution. +
Simple ascii files containing x and z coordinates of points at end of run. Optional output of figure in .eps format. +
Snowpack creates various output files:
* the current state of its soil and snow layers in ".sno" files;
* the current state of its hazard relevant data in ".haz" files;
* a time serie of snow profiles;
* a time serie of the meteorological data and fluxes as used in the model. +
Storm, monthly, yearly, or average annual runoff, soil loss, and sediment yield from a hillslope profile. Spatial distribution of soil erosion and deposition on slope profiles. Graphical output available of 92 parameters from continuous model simulations (including precip, temperatures, runoff, soil loss, sediment yield, biomass production, residue cover, etc.). Soil output text file, water balance output text file, plant output text file, storm event output file, overland flow element summary line output file. +
The Landlab OverlandFlow component outputs data as Landlab fields - numpy arrays containing data with the associated CSDMS standard name, listed below:
'surface_water__depth' : NumPy array of length nnodes. Water depths at a given time step.
'surface_water__discharge' : NumPy array of length nlinks. Water discharge values at a given time step.
'water_surface__gradient' : NumPy array of length nlinks. Water surface gradient at a given time step. +