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This is one of many features that sets TopoFlow apart from most other spatial hydrologic models.
This is one of many features that sets TopoFlow apart from most other spatial hydrologic models.

The IDL (Interactive Data Language) source code for TopoFlow is open, but subject to a license agreement [ license agreement]. By any standard, TopoFlow represents a substantial programming effort. Version 1.5 consists of about 40,500 lines of IDL code (including internal comments). Assuming 60 lines per page, printing out the source code would therefore require about 675 pages. [If written in a lower-level language like C, it would require at least 5 to 10 times more code.] TopoFlow is a work in progress by multiple programmer-hydrologists and we welcome feedback and bug reports from users.
The IDL (Interactive Data Language) source code for TopoFlow is open, but subject to a license agreement [ license agreement]. By any standard, TopoFlow represents a substantial programming effort. Version 1.5 consists of about 40,500 lines of IDL code (including internal comments). Assuming 60 lines per page, printing out the source code would therefore require about 675 pages. [If written in a lower-level language like C, it would require at least 5 to 10 times more code.] TopoFlow is a work in progress by multiple programmer-hydrologists and we welcome feedback and bug reports from users.

Before starting to work with TopoFlow, you may find it helpful to review the concepts behind spatially-distributed hydrologic modeling. One paper that you might find helpful is a draft book chapter on spatial hydrologic modeling written by Peckham (2007a) , for an Elsevier book called Geomorphometry. Another paper that contains a great deal of useful background information is the one by Zhang et al. (2000) that describes the ARHYTHM model. If you would like to learn more about the point-and-click, hydrologic GIS program called RiverTools, you may also be interested in this draft book chapter written by Peckham (2007b) , also for the Geomorphometry book.
Before starting to work with TopoFlow, you may find it helpful to review the concepts behind spatially-distributed hydrologic modeling. One paper that you might find helpful is a draft book chapter on spatial hydrologic modeling written by Peckham (2007a) , for an Elsevier book called Geomorphometry. Another paper that contains a great deal of useful background information is the one by Zhang et al. (2000) that describes the ARHYTHM model. If you would like to learn more about the point-and-click, hydrologic GIS program called RiverTools, you may also be interested in this draft book chapter written by Peckham (2007b) , also for the Geomorphometry book.
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<span class="remove_this_tag">Follow the next steps to include images / movies of simulations:</span>
<span class="remove_this_tag">Follow the next steps to include images / movies of simulations:</span>
* <span class="remove_this_tag">Upload file:</span>
* <span class="remove_this_tag">Upload file:</span>
* <span class="remove_this_tag">Create link to the file on your page: <nowiki>[[Image:<file name>]]</nowiki>.</span>
* <span class="remove_this_tag">Create link to the file on your page: <nowiki>[[Image:<file name>]]</nowiki>.</span>

Latest revision as of 17:31, 19 February 2018

The CSDMS Help System
The CSDMS Help System


TopoFlow is a free, spatially-distributed hydrologic model with a user-friendly, wizard-style interface.

Model introduction

TopoFlow evolved from the merger of a previous rainfall-runoff model based on DEM-derived D8 flow grids and a model called ARHYTHM that was designed and tested for modeling Arctic watersheds. For this reason, it offers sophisticated methods for modeling temperature-dependent processes such as snowmelt, evaporation, infiltration (frozen ground) and shallow subsurface flow. TopoFlow is highly modular and was designed to be user-extensible. In virtually every input dialog, users also have the flexibility of entering any input parameter in any of the following forms:

1. a scalar (to be used for every pixel and all times)

2. a time series (to be used for every pixel)

3. a single grid (to be used for all times) or

4. a grid sequence (corresponding to the timestep for that process).

This is one of many features that sets TopoFlow apart from most other spatial hydrologic models.

The IDL (Interactive Data Language) source code for TopoFlow is open, but subject to a license agreement license agreement. By any standard, TopoFlow represents a substantial programming effort. Version 1.5 consists of about 40,500 lines of IDL code (including internal comments). Assuming 60 lines per page, printing out the source code would therefore require about 675 pages. [If written in a lower-level language like C, it would require at least 5 to 10 times more code.] TopoFlow is a work in progress by multiple programmer-hydrologists and we welcome feedback and bug reports from users.

Before starting to work with TopoFlow, you may find it helpful to review the concepts behind spatially-distributed hydrologic modeling. One paper that you might find helpful is a draft book chapter on spatial hydrologic modeling written by Peckham (2007a) , for an Elsevier book called Geomorphometry. Another paper that contains a great deal of useful background information is the one by Zhang et al. (2000) that describes the ARHYTHM model. If you would like to learn more about the point-and-click, hydrologic GIS program called RiverTools, you may also be interested in this draft book chapter written by Peckham (2007b) , also for the Geomorphometry book.


How to Set Up a Model Run

Step 1. Obtain a DEM (digital elevation model) for the basin that you wish to model. If the DEM has dimensions greater than about 500 columns and 500 rows, then it is usually best to subsample the DEM (by averaging) to have dimensions in this range. Using larger DEMs will result in longer model runs and may result in RTS files (RiverTools Sequence) for which you do not have enough space on your hard drive. It is good to start with smaller DEMs and then to increase the size/resolution of your DEM for subsequent model runs if you determine that higher resolution is necessary and you have sufficient time and disk space. Tools for mosaicking, subsetting and subsampling DEMs are available in hydrologic GIS software such as RiverTools 3.0.

Step 2. Create a D8 flow grid, area grid, slope grid and Horton-Strahler order grid for your DEM using RiverTools 3.0 or a similar program. The flow grid should be converted, if necessary, to have the RiverTools flow codes (the standard ones introduced by Jensen, 1984) and a data type of "byte" (1 byte per pixel). The area and slope grids should have a data type of "float" (4 bytes per pixel) and the units in the area grid should be square kilometers. The Horton-Strahler order grid should also have a data type of "byte".

Step 3. TopoFlow requires the column and row of the pixel or pixels in your basin for which you wish to monitor the modeled values. It also requires the area (in sq. km) and relief (in meters) for this pixel or pixels. One way to obtain these values is to simultaneously use the Vector Zoom and Value Zoom tools (which are linked) that are available in RiverTools 3.0. The Vector Zoom tool allows you to make sure that you are selecting a pixel that lies on the main water course and not, for example, on a nearby hillslope. The Value Zoom tool has a Select Grid option in its Options menu that lets you determine the contributing area and relief for the selected pixel.

Step 4. Collect hydrologic parameters for the basin of interest. Frictional losses must be parameterized for every channel in the river network and the parameters usually vary in the downstream direction. The Create → Channel Geometry Grids dialogs in TopoFlow 1.5 allow you to create grids of "Manning's N", bed width and bank angle (for a trapezoidal cross-section) by parameterizing them in terms of contributing area or Horton-Strahler order (given as grids). In these parameterizations, free parameters should be chosen so as to reproduce "Manning's N" or channel width values at locations for which these are known, such as the basin outlet.

The variables mentioned in the last paragraph are needed to model the "channel process" but you will also need parameters for every other type of hydrologic process that you wish to model. This includes snow melt, evapotranspiration, infiltration and shallow subsurface flow. You will need estimates for soil properties such as hydraulic conductivity and porosity in order to model the infiltration and subsurface flow processes. There is usually considerable uncertainty associated with these soil properties, since they typically vary spatially and can also depend on various aspects of the local geology.

Step 5. Start TopoFlow and click on the New Model Run button. The first panel in the wizard-style interface asks you for general information regarding the run, such as the working directory, data set prefix and model run prefix. The model run prefix allows you to make multiple model runs, with different parameter settings, for the same DEM data set. You can also enter comments into the "Run comments" text box to describe the run and these will be saved in the specified "Comment file" in the working directory. A log file is also created that contains a summary of most parameter settings and model output. This log file contains plain text and can be viewed with any text editor.

Step 6. Click on the Next button at the bottom of the panel. The next panel lets you choose the method that will be used to parameterize each physical process that you will be modeling. You can turn off a process entirely by selecting "None" from the droplist of methods. The droplist usually contains a simple method that requires just a few parameters, as well as a more complex and physically-correct method that necessarily requires more input data. As an example, the Snowmelt process has the simple "Degree-Day" method as well as the more rigorous "Energy-Balance" method. TopoFlow uses the hierarchy of Process, Method, Functions and Variables as a unifying model framework. Each method may be concisely defined in terms of a set of functions that relate input variables to output variables. TopoFlow is designed so that it is relatively simple for users to add their own methods. However, adding a new method does require some programming in IDL and is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

Once you have selected a method from the droplist of choices for a given physical process, clicking on the "In..." button opens a dialog for entering the parameters that the selected method requires. You can learn more about any selected method, its input variables and equations by clicking on the Help button at the bottom of the dialog. TopoFlow 1.5 uses an HTML help system which requires that the help files be installed in a standard place, namely "C:/Program Files/TopoFlow/help" on a PC running Windows, "/Applications/TopoFlow/help" on a Mac running Mac OS X, and "/usr/local/topoflow/help" for Linux/Unix computers. Clicking on the "Out..." button opens a dialog for choosing which of the modeled hydrologic variables will be saved and how they are to be saved. The two main output options are: (1) Save the variable as a sequence of spatial grids (as a RiverTools Sequence or RTS file), at a specified sampling rate and (2) Save the values of the variable as a time series (in a multi-column text file) for each of the pixels that will be monitored, at a specified sampling rate. The pixels to be monitored are specified in a subsequent wizard panel.

Step 7. For this tutorial we will select the default, "Uniform in space, given durations" for the "Precipitation" process. Click on the "In..." button to open the dialog for entering the input parameters that this method requires. If you have rain gauge data (and a sufficiently small watershed) you may enter that data into this table, taking note of the units for Rate and Duration. You may want to do a test run with the default parameters to get a sense of how long it will take for the model to run with your data. Note that increasing the duration can result in a much larger peak discharge and a longer model run. It is unrealistic for large rainrates to occur in a spatially uniform manner over basins larger than a relatively moderate size. It is also uncommon for them to have long durations. It may also be unrealistic to neglect some processes such as infiltration.

Once Rate and Duration values have been entered into this dialog's table, you will generally want to save them in a text file by clicking on the Save table to file button. One convention for the name of this text file is "00_Rain_Data#.txt", where "#" is a number used to distinguish between multiple rainfall tables that you may want to experiment with. The "00_" prefix ensures that all of your saved tables will sort to the beginning of your working directory so that they are grouped together and easily located. In a future model run, you can quickly reload this table of values by clicking on the Read table from file button and selecting the file you just saved. We will see later in this tutorial that other parameter tables in TopoFlow can also be saved in this way. Several sample data sets are available for learning to use TopoFlow (e.g. Treynor, Small and Plane) and you can reload sample parameter tables for them in this manner.

Step 8. For this tutorial we will select the default, "Kinematic Wave, Manning" method for the important "Channel flow" process. Click on the "In..." button to open the dialog for entering the input parameters that this method requires. This method parameterizes the downstream variation in channel parameters in terms of Horton-Strahler order. Since the flow grid effectively "channelizes" the entire DEM, including the hillslopes, orders 1 and 2 will most likely correspond to the hillslope pixels while the higher orders will correspond to channel pixels. However, if the pixel sizes for your subsampled DEM are larger than the hillslope scale, then it is possible that hillslopes are not resolved at all by your DEM and flow grid. How you set these parameters will depend on this distinction. If hillslope pixels are resolved by your DEM's pixel size (or grid spacing), then you should generally treat the order 1 and order 2 pixels as hillslope pixels and set their "Manning's N" and "Bed width" values accordingly. Overland flow on hillslopes tends to follow a Manning-like friction law, but with a "Manning's N" value that is around "0.30" instead of the typical value for open channels of about "0.03". The "Bed width" for a hillslope pixel should be set to the entire width of the pixel, since frictional loss of momentum will then occur over the entire surface of the pixel. Bank angles have no meaning for hillslope pixels, but for channel pixels can be set to a value that defines an appropriate trapezoidal channel cross-section.

Once values have been entered into this dialog's table, you will generally want to save them in a text file by clicking on the "Save table to file" button. One convention for the filename of this text file is "00_Channel_Data#.txt", where "#" is a number used to distinguish between multiple tables that you may want to experiment with. Recall from Step 7 that precipitation parameters were previously saved in file called "00_Rain_Data.txt".

"Manning's N" parameters definitely have an effect on the resulting hydrograph, and can cause multiple peaks in a small basin's hydrograph to be either distinct or merged together. Tables of "Manning's N" values for typical channel types may be found in books on open channel flow. A typical, middle-range value for channels is 0.03. Note that the logarithmic law of the wall and Manning's formula are two different methods for parameterizing frictional loss of momentum but they agree quite closely as long as the relative roughness (water depth over typically roughness length scale) is in the range of 100 to 10,000.

When you are finished entering values into this dialog, click on the OK button at the bottom of the dialog to accept and save the new settings. Note that if any of the required grid files (indicated toward the bottom of the dialog) are missing, a warning message will be issued. The "Timestep" at the bottom of the channel process method dialog is the timestep that controls the entire model, even though some of the other hydrologic processes may only be computed/updated according to their own, larger timestep. A Courant condition can be used to choose a timestep that matches your DEM's pixel size so as to ensure numerical stability. This condition dictates that the maximum distance travelled by water anywhere in the basin in one timestep (v_max * dt) must be less than one pixel width (dx). If all pixels have the same fixed width, dx, then we require dt < (dx / v_max) for stability. The timestep, dt, is typically reduced by an additional "factor of safety" of 2 or more. For DEMs with fixed-angle pixels the pixel size varies with latitude but the same principle applies. In the current version, TopoFlow automatically estimates an optimal timestep and uses it as the default in the "Timestep" text box. It is still possible, however, that the model run will require an even smaller timestep for numerical stability.

Step 9. Now click on the "Out..." button for the "Channel flow" process. This opens a dialog that lets you choose which of the modeled variables are to be saved and how they are to be saved. You will usually want to at least save the Discharge grid and the Discharge values at your monitored pixels. It is a good idea to use the default filenames as a convention. Both the "Grids to save" and "Values to save" subsections of this dialog have their own sampling timestep. You may need to experiment with different timesteps to strike a balance between (1) ensuring that important details are resolved and (2) keeping the output file sizes from being larger than necessary. Note, however, that both of these sampling timesteps must be greater than the channel process timestep, and they should usually be many times larger (e.g. 60 times larger). Note that the units of the sampling timesteps in this dialog are minutes, while the units of the channel process timestep is specified in seconds.

Step 10. You will need to repeat the basic procedure described in Steps 7, 8 and 9 to set the parameters for all of the other physical processes that you wish to model. Note that there must be a runoff-generating process like "Precipitation", "Snowmelt", etc. in order for the model to operate.

Step 11. Once you have finished setting the parameters for all of the physical processes you wish to model, including both input and output variables, you can save them all in a special text file with the File → Save Input Vars option. The next time you start TopoFlow you can then reload all of these settings by selecting this same text file with the File → Load Input Vars option.

Step 12. Click on the Next button at the bottom of the Physical Process wizard panel to advance to the panel labeled "Info for monitored basins". This is where you enter the values that you collected in Step 3. Once you have entered these values, you will generally want to save them for later use with the "Save table to file" button. One convention is to save them to a file called "00_Basin_Data.txt". Recall from Steps 7 and 8 that precipitation parameters and channel flow parameters were previously saved in files called "00_Rain_Data.txt" and "00_Channel_Data.txt". At the bottom of this wizard panel, there is a check box labeled "Check mass balance for basin 1?". If this option is checked, then you must specifiy an RTM (RiverTools mask) file that defines the set of grid cells that lie in the basin upstream of the first monitored grid cell in the list above. This option allows TopoFlow to compute a detailed mass-balance check which will be printed in the Output Log Window at the end of the model run. If you have RiverTools, you can create an RTM file for a basin with the Extract → Mask → Subbasin Mask tool.

Step 13. Click on the Next button at the botton of the wizard panel to advance to the final panel of the "New Model Run" wizard. At the top of this dialog you will see a droplist labeled "Stopping criterion". There are currently 3 different options in this droplist. The default is especially useful for modeling the hydrologic response due to a storm event and saves you from trying to guess how long it will take for the hydrograph to drop to a specified value. This method also works for hydrographs with multiple peaks. The model stops when a value equal to P% of the highest value encounted so far is reached. The default is 5 percent. You can change this value by clicking on the Options button. As with the "In..." and "Out..." buttons, you will get a different dialog when you click on this button depending on which "Stopping criterion" you have selected.

Step 14. You can use the Back button at the bottom of the wizard panels to go back and check or change any of the parameters that you entered previously. You can also get an estimate of the total space that will be required to save any output files you specified by clicking on the Get Outfile Size button at the bottom of the dialog. If there are messages in the Output Log Window from a previous run that you would like to delete, you can do this by clicking on the Clear Window button.

Step 15. When you are ready to start the model, click on the Start Model Run button at the bottom of the last wizard panel. Output messages will be displayed in the "Output log window" while the model is running. The hydrograph for the first pixel in your list of monitored pixels will be displayed dynamically in the small window on the left-hand side. You can stop a model run at any time by pressing any key on your keyboard during the run. In most cases, TopoFlow should stop within 2 seconds of pressing a key and all output files should be closed properly.

Step 16. When a model run is finished, you will most likely want to plot some of the results. The Plot → Function dialog can be used to create a simple plot of numbers in a multi-column text file such as the hydrograph for the monitored pixels, which has the filename extension "_OUTQ.txt". Similarly, the Plot → RTS File option can be used to display a grid sequence (stored as an RTS file) as an animation. The Plot → RTS to MPG option can be used to create an MPEG file from a selected RTS file if you have a valid IDL license with the MPEG option enabled.

If you have access to RiverTools 3.0, you can use the Display → Function and Display → Grid Sequence dialogs to display your hydrographs and grid sequences. Each of these dialogs draws on the functionality of RiverTools 3.0 to offer numerous additional features, some of which are located in the Options and Tools menus of the display windows. The Time Profile and Animated Profile tools are particularly useful and you also have the option to save animations to AVI (Windows Video) files. (These latter options are only available with Service Pack 3.)

Uses ports

This will be something that the CSDMS facility will add

Provides ports

This will be something that the CSDMS facility will add


An example run with input parameters, BLD files, as well as a figure / movie of the output

Follow the next steps to include images / movies of simulations:

See also: Help:Images or Help:Movies


Scott Peckham


Key papers


Model help:TopoFlow-Channels-Diffusive Wave
Model help:TopoFlow-Channels-Dynamic Wave
Model help:TopoFlow-Channels-Kinematic Wave
Model help:TopoFlow-DEM Smoother
Model help:TopoFlow-Data-HIS
Model help:TopoFlow-Diversions
Model help:TopoFlow-Evaporation-Energy Balance
Model help:TopoFlow-Evaporation-Priestley Taylor
Model help:TopoFlow-Evaporation-Read File
Model help:TopoFlow-Infiltration-Green-Ampt
Model help:TopoFlow-Infiltration-Richards 1D
Model help:TopoFlow-Infiltration-Smith-Parlange
Model help:TopoFlow-Meteorology
Model help:TopoFlow-Saturated Zone-Darcy Layers
Model help:TopoFlow-Snowmelt-Degree-Day
Model help:TopoFlow-Snowmelt-Energy Balance
Model help:TopoFlow-Soil Properties Page

Model help:Gc2d