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Also known as
Model type Single
Model part of larger framework
Note on status model
Date note status model
Spatial dimensions 1.5D
Spatial extent
Model domain Coastal
One-line model description Coastal evolution model
Extended model description Shoreline is a "line model" for modeling the evolution of a coastline as the result of wind/wave-driven longshore sediment transport. It is based on conservation of mass and a semi-empirical sediment transport formula known as the CERC formula. This model was specifically adapted for modeling the evolution of the coastline near Barrow, Alaska.

coast line evolution, longshore sediment transport,

Name Scott Peckham
Type of contact Model developer
Institute / Organization CSDMS, INSTAAR, University of Colorado
Postal address 1 1560 30th street
Postal address 2
Town / City Boulder
Postal code 80309
State Colorado
Country United States
Email address
Phone 303-492-6752

Supported platforms
Unix, Linux, Mac OS, Windows
Other platform
Programming language


Other program language
Code optimized Single Processor
Multiple processors implemented
Nr of distributed processors
Nr of shared processors
Start year development 2002
Does model development still take place? Yes
If above answer is no, provide end year model development
Code development status
When did you indicate the 'code development status'?
Model availability As code, As teaching tool
Source code availability
(Or provide future intension)
Source web address
Source csdms web address
Program license type Apache public license
Program license type other
Memory requirements Standard
Typical run time Minutes to hours

Describe input parameters Initial coastline curve (array of xy pairs), depth of closure, a time series of wind speeds and angles, sediment grainsize, coastal bluff heights, a variety of configuration flags
Input format ASCII
Other input format
Describe output parameters The new coastline at the end of the simulation is plotted. Results are not currently saved to files.
Output format
Other output format Graphical
Pre-processing software needed? No
Describe pre-processing software
Post-processing software needed? No
Describe post-processing software
Visualization software needed? Yes
If above answer is yes IDL
Other visualization software

Describe processes represented by the model Processes:
  1. Wave properties derived from wind speed, wind angle and equations that describe a "fully-developed" sea state.
  2. Longshore sediment transport as modeled by the CERC or Kamphuis formulas.
  3. Conservation of mass for sediment.
  4. Simple methods to model cross-shore sediment transport.
Describe key physical parameters and equations CERC formula for sediment transport rate (see Komar)

Kamphuis formula for sediment transport rate. Conservation of sediment mass.

Describe length scale and resolution constraints Spatial resolution of coastline is typically 1 to 50 meters.
Describe time scale and resolution constraints The model is typically driven by hourly wind data (speed and angle) and models coastal change over a period of 10 to 100 years.
Describe any numerical limitations and issues The model cannot yet fully handle complex coastline geometries, such as those that cannot be represented (after rotation) by a single-valued function.

Describe available calibration data sets This model is not calibrated, but uses physically-based (measurable) parameters and measured data for validation. See next box.
Upload calibration data sets if available:
Describe available test data sets Model was only used for modeling coastline change in the vicinity of Barrow, Alaska. Hourly wind data from a met station at the Barrow Airport was used to drive the model. High-resolution coastline data digitized from aerial photos by Manley et al. (2006) was used for initial and final coastlines. The latter was used for validation purposes. High-resolution DEMs were also used.
Upload test data sets if available:
Describe ideal data for testing High-resolution coastal change data, for example, digitized from aerial photography or measured with GPS.

Do you have current or future plans for collaborating with other researchers? Have collaborated somewhat with Brad Murray and Andrew Ashton.
Is there a manual available? No
Upload manual if available:
Model website if any
Model forum / discussion board

This part will be filled out by CSDMS staff

OpenMI compliant No but possible
BMI compliant No but possible
WMT component No but possible
PyMT component
Is this a data component
Can be coupled with:
Model info
Nr. of publications: --
Total citations: 0
h-index: --"--" is not a number.
m-quotient: 0

Link to this page

Template:Shoreline autokeywords




Nr. of publications: --
Total citations: 0
h-index: --"--" is not a number.
m-quotient: 0

See more publications of Shoreline



Input Files

Output Files