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Embed movies into the wiki

This page explains the movie syntax when editing the wiki. Before using movies, you must upload a movie file (max 100Mb).

Table movie examples

Description You type You get
Embed movie
(in same wiki page)



Link to movie
(in new page)

<localVideo type="video/msvideo">Child_Fault_Basin_4m.avi</localVideo>

<localVideo type="video/msvideo">Child_Fault_Basin_4m.avi</localVideo>

Link to movie with display of first frame of movie with adjustable size
(in new page)

<localVideo width="200" height="150" image="Child_Fault_Basin_4m.png" type="video/msvideo">Child_Fault_Basin_4m.avi</localVideo>

<localVideo width="200" height="150" image="Child_Fault_Basin_4m.png" type="video/msvideo">Child_Fault_Basin_4m.avi</localVideo>

Link to movie with display of first frame of movie with adjustable size and a caption
(in new page)

<localVideo width="200" height="150" image="Child_Fault_Basin_4m.png" caption="Fault block uplift and subsidence" type="video/msvideo">Child_Fault_Basin_4m.avi</localVideo>

<localVideo width="200" height="150" image="Child_Fault_Basin_4m.png" caption="Fault block uplift and subsidence" type="video/msvideo">Child_Fault_Basin_4m.avi</localVideo>


The full syntax for displaying an movie is:

<localVideo {options}> name of movie file </localVideo>

Where options can be zero or more of the following, separated by space:

  • width: Controls the width (default 320) of the movie. (width="400")
  • height: Controls the height (default 240) of the movie. (height="200")
  • caption: Replaced the title of the movie. To exclude, set to none. The title of the file will be displayed if the caption is not used as option. (caption="change text here")
  • image: Adds an image inline with link to movie. Defaults to include vPIP image (see above) (image="name of image")
  • type: Mimetype, defaults to auto. vPIP will determine which movie controller to use when the movie type is not specified. The type option lets you also define if you want to display the movie in the same page or in a new page. For example: type="video/msvideo" displays a .avi movie in a new page; type="video/x-msvideo" displays a .avi movie embedded in the same page.
  • download: defaults to false. Set to true if you only want to give the option to download the movie. (download="true")
  • autostart: defaults to true.
  • controller: defaults to true.
  • thickbox: defaults to false.

The options can be given in any order.

Supported video (and audio) formats

  • Quicktime
    • .mov (video)
    • .mp4 (video)
    • .mp3 (audio)
    • .smi or .smil (dynamic video)
    • .3gp (video & audio)
  • Windows Media
    • .avi (video)
    • .wmv (video)
    • .asf (video)
    • .wma (audio)
  • Flash
    • .swf (video application)
    • .flv (video)
  • Ogg
    • .ogg (video)
    • .ogv (video)
    • .oga (audio)

Notice: most browsers support .gif movies; so those could be incorporated as well, using the same syntaxes as mentioned above.