HPCCprojects:Glacier Modeling
Glacier Modeling
Project description
We are using a newly developed debris-covered glacier model to determine the effect of debris cover on glacier length. The model allows for fully transient advection of debris through and on top of the glacier. We are currently exploring the basic feedbacks between debris input location, erosion rate, mass balance parameterization, and glacier length.
1) Determine how debris-cover effects glacier length using numerical models 2) determine how debris input location on a glacier effects glacier length
Start: Oct 2014 - Dec 2015
Models in use
We are using 1 and 2D Matlab-based numerical glacier models. The models are used in both idealized and geographical settings with a variety of parameterizations for glacier mass balance. We are primarily using a 2D debris-covered glacier code to determine the importance of debris-cover on glacier length. Beach allows us to explore a wide parameter range efficiently and is therefore imperative for the success of this project. We will also be using gc2D.
Results are in preliminary stages, though we include some model output for your perusal.
Leif Anderson, University of Colorado and INSTAAR
National Science Foundation (NSF) grant DGE- 1144083 (GRFP)
Publications and presentations
Two manuscripts are in prep. One on the effect of debris-cover on glaciers in steady state and another on the effect of debris-cover on glaciers' transient response to climate change.
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