HPCC account requirements


HPCC Account Requirements

To gain access to the CSDMS HPCC, first and foremost you must become a member of CSDMS. You can apply for membership by filling out our online form. The only other requirement is that the work you do on the machine falls into one of the following catagories:

  • Develop a model that will become part of the CSDMS model repository. In this case, before being given an account you must provide a description of your model, and provide the model's source code to the community under an open source license.
  • Apply compliant CSDMS models developed by others within the CSDMS framework to help them advance their science.
  • Experiment with new data systems in support of CSDMS models, or to develop visualizations of model runs.

Your HPCC guest account will be valid for one year. Your data (model, source code, simulations, etc) will be removed from the HPCC if you don't extend your account (by sending email to CSDMS@colorado.edu). Unfortunately, we have to charge a fee if data need to be recovered after an account expires.